
By Davey R

Published on Jun 1, 2000


This a completely fictional story based on the characters in the Australian soap opera Home and Away. Home and Away is copyright of Network 7 productions, Australia. All comments welcome. Enjoy.

Mitch had been lifting weights one day in the Surf Club when Vinnie came in and told him "No, no, mate. Not like that. You're doing it all wrong, kid". In fact he wasn't doing anything wrong at all. But Vinnie showed him how it should be done nevertheless. "Do it like the V-Man" he bragged, taking the weight from him and demonstrating how to lift it up and down, proudly flexing his arm in the process of course. Mitch shook his head. Vinnie was a major narcissist and he saw him as a bit of a joke. He had a nice body all right, but always seemed way too dumb and childish. Nevertheless, he took up Vinnie's offer to join him in his daily workout and get some pointers. Will would appreciate the results. As often as possible.

In fact, Vinnie was nowhere near as dumb as he appeared before other people. His stupid macho straight guy act was his own private joke. No one suspected that someone like him would drive into the city every couple of weeks to pick up guys. But that was what he did. He loved going to all-male strip clubs, enjoyed seeing men sway their glistening, oiled bodies just for his pleasure.

The strippers loved the attention they got from the guys in the place, but Vinnie found that what worked even better with them was refusing to give it. Even when he wrapped his arm possessively around their necks and fucked them roughly, he didn't say a word, didn't give any indication with his face or his words that he was enjoying it. The proof that he was was in his ten-inch dick ramming up their assholes. And they loved the hard, hot cruelty of it, the man stepping out of nowhere to enter their bodies, and leaving them without so much as a smile or a kiss.

He always left them without saying a thing, smiling to himself as he heard them gasping in delight and exhaustion from the shafting they'd been given.

Vinnie had a collection of thongs and rubber briefs taken from the stripper guys he'd had. He didn't have to hide them from any of his transitory girlfriends either. He simply told them they belonged to him, that they were from his own stripping days.

Vinnie was a lot more intelligent than he seemed. A lot more perceptive too. He'd always recognised that Will shared his desires, his greed for guys. And he knew just from seeing Will and Mitch's looks at each other when they thought no one was watching what they were up to in secret.

Mitch. Vinnie generally preferred men. This was the first time he'd found himself preoccupied with so young a guy. But the idea of getting his hands on that body, getting his cock inside it and hearing that voice groan and gasp...

His lust increased each and every day as he coached the sexy boy through his exercises. What better situation to get a taster of what those groans and gasps sounded like? What better way to see what Mitch would look like, not only with a lot of clothing removed, but also tired and panting and sweating?

For three long weeks nothing happened. Just exercises. Will was damned lucky, Vinnie thought as he watched the boy. The longing, the ache in his abdomen, had never felt so sweet before. He'd never wanted any other guy like this. Not only sexy and hard, but fucking beautiful too.

Finally the day came when Vinnie's house was going to be free for the evening. He pretended to be too busy for the usual session during the day, and told Mitch that they could do their exercises in his house at about six. He'd move the furniture out of the way. It was handy, he said, to know how to be able to exercise without all the equipment. Just with your own body and nothing else.

"Sure" Mitch said.

"Of course", Vinnie said that night, "Your basic push-ups are still the best way to work out on your own. After all, you're never going to run out of floors to do them on. Ha!" "I guess not," said Mitch. "You'd better take your shirt off," said Vinnie, removing his own. "You'll get hot and sweaty quick with my routine" Mitch looked at him, slightly intimidated. And curious, of course, but he tried to hide that. Like Will, Vinnie had a very tanned and hairless body. He took off his shirt. Vinnie smiled. The smile of the real Vinnie, the one nobody in Summer Bay saw, was very different from the dumb smile he normally used. A lot more carnal and a lot more cunning.

Mitch stood there in just his shorts and shrugged. "Okay, mate. What are you waiting for? Start doing push-ups!" "I will. What about you? Aren't you going to do them too?" "Hey, how many people are lucky enough to have an expert like the V-Man for a personal trainer? And a free one too! I'm going to time you, check out your posture" Mitch nodded. "Well, okay" He began. Watching his whole body become long and stiff and start going up and down against the floor, it didn't take Vinnie long to become hard. He didn't bother to hide it. The muscles in Mitch's shoulders were great to watch as he went up and down. And his back and his legs. Oh yeah, his legs. Strong and hairless. You don't see guy legs in public the way you see women's. It was a big turn-on for Vinnie to see them exposed and flexing. "You're doing well there, Mitch. You're doing well. Keep going" Just one thing. The shorts. "Keep going, kid. Don't get distracted by anything" And he reached down, stroking his fingertips over the back of Mitch's thighs and gently putting his hands over each buttock. Very gently, he grasped the material of the shorts and started sliding them down. Mitch reacted with a shiver. "Don't stop, Mitch" Vinnie growled. "I know what you want, and I'm going to give it to you. Don't stop" Even as he said the words, he could feel the shorts shifting slightly, because of the dick that was hardening at the front. "Good boy, Mitch" Vinnie whispered, leaning down and kissing him just once, on the small of his back. He heard a sound from Mitch's throat. He loved to hear sounds like that. The shorts came down and Mitch's tight, pert buttocks were exposed. They were clenched because of the exercise. Vinnie tightened his hands around the waistband of the shorts and tore them apart, so that they simply fell onto the floor. He took them out from beneath Mitch and threw them aside. "Keep going. Do what you're told" he said again, standing up to take a good look. Mitch did. Now THIS was what Vinnie wanted to see. Every part of Mitch tightening and flexing, bulging out, and then relaxing again. Then tightening again. Mitch had a great ass. Vinnie took off his own shorts and underwear, freeing the raging boner from any restraint. He kept behind Mitch. "I bet you're dying to see what I've got for you, aren't you? This big, fat long cock I've got for you" "Y-yeah" Mitch gasped, out of breath, but going up and down much faster as he got more and more excited. "Well-" He put his foot against Mitch's back and pushed him flat against the floor. "Oh yes..." Mitch breathed as Vinnie pinned him down with just his leg.

"I think you should just have a feel of it first, a bit of a taster. Believe me, you're going to be pretty familiar with the taste before the day's over. You want to feel it, Mitch?" Mitch nodded. He could see Vinnie only a little out the corner of his eye, but Vinnie wouldn't let him turn his head to see from the other side. Vinnie got down and straddled Mitch. He pressed the neck up against Mitch's spine. "Can you feel that heat? Right from the small of your back to the top? That's all me, Mitch. That's what's going to be coming into you. Feel those big balls resting against the top of your ass? Can you feel how big they are?" Mitch breathed affirmatively. "Yes... oh please, yes" Vinnie ran his fingers roughly through Mitch's hair. "Just think how packed with cum they must be. Fucking packed with cum, all for you. You are one hot boy, Mitch" Staying crouched down, he moved aside so that Mitch could turn over. Impatiently, he turned Mitch over himself, grabbing his arms and flipping him round. He grabbed the hair on either side of his head and went in to kiss him. Mitch, smaller than Vinnie, nevertheless had a bigger and more sensuous mouth. "Oh yeah!" Vinnie snarled, "I love this pussy mouth of yours. I bet that's what Will calls it, huh? Your gorgeous pussy mouth" Mitch was too giddy and expectant to be surprised or to answer. Their dicks were pressed together, squashed against Mitch's stomach. Vinnie tongued Mitch's entire face hungrily, running his hands down to his neck and then his shoulders and arms. He stood up and brought Mitch up with him, reaching down his arms and around the back to grope his buttocks, pulling them apart and rubbing his finger teasingly around the rim. He could feel the resulting excited saliva form in Mitch's mouth and splash against his own tongue. "Will does it from the front, huh? Wants to see your face?" Mitch nodded, groping back at Vinnie's hard chest and muscles. "I can see your face easy" he said, leading Mitch over to a chair in the corner. He pushed his face gently aside to show him the full-length mirror on the wall opposite. "And you can watch what I do to you. Turn around" Mitch did so obediently. Vinnie put his hands on Mitch's naked waist. The head of his cock was against Mitch's back. In the mirror, Vinnie saw himself with the boy he wanted in his hands. He moved his hands up around his torso until they were under his armpits. "Are you ready?" he asked Mitch understood. He was going to lift him up onto the cock. "Yes. Yes, fuck me" he said, his insides tensing up in readiness. He felt Vinnie's strong hands lift him off the ground. He saw it too, in the mirror, saw the satisfaction spreading all over Vinnie's face.

Then the head of the great cock was between his buttocks. Vinnie had never seen his own dick so big. With a combination of his own instinctive thrusting and a lowering of Mitch down onto him, the cock went in, and became half buried. Mitch exclaimed loudly, orgasmically. "Ahh, that's it" Vinnie breathed into his ear, "That's it. You want all my cock in you, don't you? Don't you, you sexy little bitch?" "Yes! Yes!" With both arms under Mitch's pits, he kept him tight against his chest, thrusting and thrusting almost involuntarily. Then he sat down on the arm of the chair and his dick went almost fully in. Mitch gasped again, his wet mouth wide open. He was sitting on Vinnie's lap. He was impaled by Vinnie's lap! Vinnie started to grunt rhythmically, coarsely, in sync with Mitch's gasps. "Uhhh, yeah, look at what I'm doing to you! You love it, don't you? You love having cock in you!" Mitch watched, watched himself be fucked by Vinnie. Words couldn't describe how much he loved it. Vinnie thrust harder and harder until there was no more room for him. He was all the way in. Mitch was filled, completely filled. His head was tipped back against Vinnie's shoulder in absolute ecstasy, almost in shock at how thoroughly fucked he was. His cum was spurting out, going all over the place. Vinnie didn't care. He only cared about his own cum. he could feel the great stirring sensation in his abdomen; he could feel how much was on its way. He crushed Mitch firmly against his chest and stood up. Then, letting go, he let Mitch balance on only the cock and roared as he exploded into him. The cum oozed out down the sides of his own dick almost straight away. The cock didn't soften, but Mitch slid off easily enough when Vinnie lifted him.

"There's more" Vinnie realised as a further burst welled up. "Get on your knees, take it in your mouth" Mitch collapsed obediently to the floor and put his mouth around Vinnie's slippery dick. He felt the spasms and the second squirt of cum shoot straight to the back of his throat. Vinnie forced his dick right in as he came. He left his cock in the warm wet mouth until it finally became limp, and then he pulled out.

"Fuck, yeah!" Vinnie smiled, turned on all over again by the sight of Mitch on his knees. He loved to see any sexy guy made subservient to him. "Don't go home yet. Take a shower or something and we'll go again". Mitch nodded, about to get up. "Hang on" said Vinnie. He started to let pee trickle onto Mitch's face. "Might as well have a good reason to take a shower" The flow of piss became heavier, and Mitch lay down, writhed in it like an animal on the floor. Vinnie grinned.

Next: Chapter 3

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