
By Davey R

Published on May 23, 2000


This is a fictional story about fictional characters in the Australian soap Home and Away. It doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of, er, characters who don't exist or the actors who play them. It's made up! "Home and Away" is copyright of Network 7 productions, Australia.


Will could barely control himself when Mitch was around. A boner would come up almost instantly and there was no way he could will it down. He'd always have to leave the room, or take a seat and cross his legs, pick something up and put it over his lap. He was sure that one of these days he was going to get caught out. He'd have a lot of explaining to do if he did.

Mitch was in his home often, very often, because he was going out with Will's sister. Mitch. Mitch was quite a short boy. That was a plus in Will's eyes, because it made it that bit easier for him to imagine lifting him off his feet and carrying him to his bed. Yeah, he was short, but he was broad and muscular, and obviously worked hard at building up his body. A boy trying to be a man, you might say. But Will wanted the boy. Christ, did he want him.

He had rich brown hair cut into a shape that was kind of infuriatingly neat. Will wanted to mess it up. No, he wanted to feel it. He wanted to reach out and run his hand's through Mitch's hair without Mitch resisting. He wanted to be able to touch each and every part of Mitch whenever he liked. Mitch's face was cute and vaguely feminine. He had a great mouth that would flex into little pouts when he spoke, without his even realising it. Will wanted to know what that mouth would feel like around his dick. And he wanted to be able to look at that mouth whenever he saw Mitch with Hayley and think, That's mine, That's My Own Private Pussy. He wanted to know what each of Mitch's muscles felt like pressed tight against the palm of his hand. And he wanted to hear Mitch's voice gasp wordlessly because of him.

Mitch lifting weights at the Surfclub. Mitch on the beach in just his shorts. Mitch in his school uniform, his physique almost entirely hidden by the formal black-and-white clothes, but still there, underneath, all the time. Mitch folding his arms over his chest. It was all Will could think about, day and night. Will had always loved other boys. He'd always wanted to have them, possess them, make his mark on them. He'd almost made a move on that pretty kid Aaron once, but had chickened out at the last moment. He'd settled for a relationship with Gypsy for a while, but the only thing that had really excited him when he was with her was the thought of porking her brother Tom. And that fantasy couldn't sustain him forever, so he was glad he wasn't with her anymore.

But Mitch. Mitch was driving him crazy. One sunny afternoon, sitting at home alone, Will thought of the spare key Irene owned to the Stewart's house. That was where Mitch lived. That was where he slept and showered and masturbated. The Stewarts were out of town. And Will knew that Mitch and Hayley had gone to Yabbey Creek this afternoon.

Soon enough, he was in their home. As he entered the room he found himself almost salivating with excitement. Mitch's bed was there, unmade. Following a sudden urge, Will took all his clothes off and climbed into it, rubbing the quilt against his body, inhaling the sweaty smell on the mattress and the pillow. Mitch lay right here, right here every night. He wanted Mitch to be here now. Here, beneath him. Mitch taking hard cock into his sexy young body. Will's cock head dribbled precum. He quickly caught it on the palm of his hand and wiped it on the front of the pillow, the pillow where Mitch's head would lay tonight. He was still erect, and in danger of coming, but he didn't leave the room yet. He went across to the closet to look at Mitch's clothes. All of them were familiar to him. He'd seen them all before, covering Mitch's body. Then he opened the underwear drawer, pulled out a couple of pairs of black briefs. He could just imagine them covering Mitch's genitals, stretched over his ass. He had to take a pair to put on later. He shoved them into the pocket of his trousers, which were still lying on the floor. It occured to him that whenever heI had something to hide, he kept it beneath the bottom drawer of the chest. That was where he kept his boy porno tape, for a start. So he looked to see if Mitch did the same. He imagined Mitch kneeling down here, in private, maybe naked at night. Down on his knees, secreting something away. There was something. A notebook. He wondered whether to pick it up. He expected to be disappointed. Maybe it would be full of stuff about what Mitch and Hayley got up to. He had to see anyway.

Will is a sexy guy.

As he read the words, he could have sworn his dick tripled in size.

I've thought about asking Hayley if he'd maybe like to do a three in a bed thing. But I guess I can't ask her to get in bed with her own brother. Who am I kidding. I'd like it to be just me and him. I think he looks at me sometimes. I'm sure I've seen him with an erection. I saw the look in his eye one time, I'm sure. Or maybe I just imagined it. I keep thinking about what it would be like if another guy wanted me. It turns me on. I don't even want it to, but it does. Especially if it was Will.

WIll put the little book back, put the drawer back, and got dressed. He strode home smiling broadly.

He made it happen the very next day. He called an old friend of Hayley's and got her to invite her out for the night. He was amazed how skillfully he did it, but it seemed that nothing was an obstacle anymore. He was being led by his passion, and he was so confident that everything crumbled in his path. Hayley went for a girl's night out with her friend, and Will suggested that Mitch call over to collect some school stuff he'd need if he was to catch up.

That night, Mitch was all dressed in black.Black pants and black T-shirt with short arms that showed off his developing biceps. Will answered the door to him with no shirt on, pretending he was doing a wash. "Where's Irene?" Mitch asked. "Out with her boyfriend", Will said, "It's just you and me here tonight" "Well", Mitch smiled, "Don't worry. I won't be here long. I'll just pick up those books and-" As he turned away, Will reached out and put his hands around Mitch's slim waist. Mitch stopped in his tracks and didn't turn around. Will moved forward, pressing his hard crotch against Mitch's butt and his chest against his shoulders. He looked down at the top of Mitch's head. That was how much shorter Mitch was. He craned his neck forward and put his lips against Mitch's ear. "Stay a while", he whispered heavily. "I think there's some other catching up you need to do".

He kissed Mitch's ear and face, loving the feel of this boy's body between his hands. Mitch turned round giddily and kissed him back. "Oh, yes", he gasped ecstatically, "I can't believe it". Will pulled the shirt up over Mitch's head, revealing his well-defined torso. It was more well-defined than Will's, in fact, but Will was taller and still bigger. "Oh...yes..." Will grunted as he saw Mitch's body exposed just for him. "Take off your pants, Mitch, quickly. I can't keep this back much longer". He cupped his hand around the back of Mitch's head. "You want to please me, don't you?" "Yes" Mitch gasped as he took off all his clothes. His cock, when erect, was still a little shorter than Will's, and it made will feel good. He was the man and Mitch was the boy. Mitch was naked now. His rippled stomach, his thighs, his calves, everything. He glanced playfully at the dining table. "Do it to me", he said. Will lifted him by his buttocks and, gritting his teeth, shoved him onto the table. Mitch lay back and opened his mouth as Will climbed on top of him. straddling him and rubbing the head of his cock all over the front of his body, all against his stomach and his chest, rubbing a nipple in his piss slit. Mitch groaned with joy. "Hold me tighter with your legs" he said, "Tighter" And so Will did, moving up the table until his legs were clamped around Mitch's chest and his cock was right over Mitch's pretty face. Mitch opened his mouth, rolling his tongue about in preparation. Will slammed his cock into Mitch's mouth, and bucketloads of cum burst out almost immediately, right into Mitch's throat. Mitch writhed in ecstasy and his own cum spurted against Will's back.

They took a bath together to clean up. Soon Will was ready again, and he fucked Mitch up the ass as he rubbed soap all over his slippery body. Then they let the water out, staying in the tub as it drained away. Will licked and kissed at every part of Mitch's body for an hour afterwards, and then, as he had often dreamed, carried him to his bed. A night of dazed groping followed, with more cum trickling steadily from Will's cock, until finally they both slept.

When they woke in the morning, there was just enough time before breakfast for Will to give Mitch one more damn good fucking. That would sate him until lunchtime, at least.

Next: Chapter 2

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