Mists of Fate

By Dan Kirk

Published on Oct 30, 2001


This story contains homoerotic situations and descriptions. It also contains violence. The violence, and the sex for that matter, are not gratuitous. They are part of the story. If this is illegal where you reside, or you are not of legal age, read no further! Otherwise, enjoy. All work remains the property of the owner, and is printed on this web site, and it's authorized mirrors/affiliates by permission of the author. Any other printing, distribution, etc. is prohibited.

Please note that these stories go on, I'm not going to recap much. If you don't remember what happened in the last story, or didn't read it, go back and read it. Otherwise enjoy it.

The Wreckers Chapter 2 - Changes

As the hum of the electric police cruiser faded into the distance. Justin looked around him. There were hundreds of troops all around him. Most were behind barricades of sandbags or concrete. M-16's, machine guns, rocket launchers, pistols were all pointed at him. A few hours ago, he had been a tall, 36 year old man. A little paunch hanging over his shorts, hair thinning and a sandy blond instead of bleach blond. Now he stood the same 6'3", but his frame was much more well built than before. He was also looking a lot younger. He now looked like a well-built 17 year old, with a white t-shirt clinging tightly to his chest, and khaki shorts covering most of his legs down to his knees. There were dark stains on his shorts, blood from wounds that no longer existed. His short bleach blond hair reflected the sunlight of the hot, Phoenix day.

Taking a deep breath of the hot air, he started walking towards the soldiers. His boots, a deep maroon color, provided good protection for his feet from the hot pavement. Here it was cooler than downtown, maybe 105 degrees at most, but after 8 hours of daylight, the asphalt must be well over 160 degrees. As he neared the guard post, he saw an officer holster his weapon and walk towards him. With some surprise, he recognized the stars on the lapels. Two bright stars glinted on the fatigue color, reflecting the bright sun. 'Damn, a General!' he thought. 'I must be in trouble.'

When they were about 4 feet apart, Justin stopped and stood at attention (he wasn't in uniform, so he didn't salute). "Petty Officer First Class Ackeman reporting as ordered, sir!"

The General seemed pleased at that, and motioned his troops to a lower state of readiness. "I understand you've had a pretty exciting day Mr. Ackeman." he began, "I know that you must be pretty confused about what has been happening right now. Unfortunately, I cannot explain it to you here. I will say this, though. You've just become a very valuable resource to your country. Effective immediately you are hereby reactivated to duty in the US Navy and promoted to the rank of Ensign by Executive Order #05-0235."

Shocked, Justin could do little more than say "Yes, Sir!" as the General turned and led him towards one of the apc's waiting for them. As they climbed in, he noticed that they were the only two passengers, and that he stank. Sweat and the smells of the jail mingled with sweat from the heat outside. Inside he was greeted by the first chill air he felt since leaving the Power Department complex. Shivering slightly, he tried to enjoy the blessed coolness while it lasted.

Across from him, the General smiled at the youth's obvious enjoyment of the general's luxurious command track. Even though the rest of the vehicle was standard military issue, the air chiller was a real luxury in a place that saw 100+ degree temperatures 8 months out of the year. Well, within another day or two, the youth was going to get something that was a very special treat two years ago, and now was a sign of status beyond belief today.

As they pulled in front of the building where the lad would be staying, the General interrupted the dreamy silence. "Ensign Ackeman! You will be staying in quarters provided for you here. I have thoroughly reviewed your service file. I know the reason why you were discharged in 1992, and why you were discharged to the security detail of the Power Department last year. That is no longer something you have to worry about anymore. Your new duties are important enough that your, um, proclivities will be overlooked." the general decided to continue quickly as the lad blushed "I have assigned, um, several marines and air force personnel to act as a personal staff for you while you are here. I expect that you will be transferred to your new duty station in a day or two, until then, you are to stay within this building. The staff will, um see to your needs, including cooking, and reclimatization to a military environment. Don't worry, unless you indicate so, no one will be punished for, um, anything that happens while you are here. What happened earlier today evidenced that you are capable of things desperately needed by your country. Take care and I will see you shortly before you leave."

With that, the hatch of the APC was opened and a young marine poked his head in and said to the young man "Sir, this way if you please."

Thoroughly confused, Justin rose from the webbed seat he was in and followed the marine out. After the cool confines of the APC, the heat hit him like a wall. Momentarily dizzy from the heat, and the ordeal he had been through, he allowed the marine to guide him inside the building. He noticed as he entered that the entry was more like an airlock than a door. As they entered the first door, it closed behind them and a second door cycled open. Smiling, the young marine said "I think that you are going to enjoy your stay here, sir."

As the second door opened, cold air surrounded them. It felt like the room was freezing! (later when he looked at a thermostat it was set to 77 degrees! Colder even than the Power Department). They entered what appeared to be a common room and small refectory. A couple of people in BDU (Battle Dress Uniform - camouflage) sat at a table near what appeared to be a doorway to a kitchen. As he entered, one of them called "Attention on Deck!" and they all snapped to attention.

Somewhat embarrassed, after all, his previous time in the military had been as an enlisted man, not an officer, he mumbled "As you were" as the marine led him to the men. As the marine led him over to the men, he really began to wonder just what all this was about. When they reached the table the marine began to introduce them.

First was Sergeant Thomas Gutten, US Marine Corps. Gutten was a tall marine, as tall as Justin himself. His dark hair was cut high and tight like a typical marine, his face was pleasantly open, like a farm boy's, but his eyes showed he had seen action. Underneath the cammies, he definitely looked well-built, and Justin began to wonder just what he had under those trousers. Over them he had a duty belt with a 9mm holstered. His pleasant voice sounded sweet to Justin's ears as he said "Pleased to meet you, sir. I'm in charge of building security and will be working with you tomorrow to see how far out of shape you are. Lance Corporal Paulsen here (indicating the green-eyed marine who had led me in) or I will be on watch in this room at all times. Our orders are to not let anyone except General Hutchinson in, and not to let anyone out at all unless so ordered by the General. I apologize if this inconveniences you, sir, but those are the orders of the day."

"Understood, sergeant" was all Justin could think to say as he turned towards the two other men in the room. Both of them looked to be around twenty, and from the insignia on their arms, were definitely Air Force. Noticing his look, they moved forward to introduce themselves.

"I'm Airman Jansen, sir, and this is Airman Arduk." started the taller of the two. Jansen was about 6' even, Arduk about 5'10. Arduk had jet black hair, almost long for military standards and Jansen had fuzzy brown hair, cut almost as short as the marines. Both looked about the same age as Justin, and were also in damn good shape.

"Our assignment here is to make you comfortable, sir" continued Jansen. "Either Arduk or I will cook your meals while you are here, if you want something special, let us know. The commissary has stocked the kitchen pretty damn good with just about everything they could find. Arduk will be getting you some more uniforms once we have your sizes. We have a set waiting in your quarters now, but we had to guess on the size. We'll get you a kit put together. Unfortunately, we don't have any navy uniforms so you'll have to put up with Air Force bdu's until you get to wherever you are going."

Airman Arduk spoke up at this point, his deep bass sending a shiver down Justin's spine, "Would you like anything for now, sir?"

"Yes, some water, please. I haven't had anything to drink for hours and I feel like I'm dehydrating bad."

As Arduk disappeared into the kitchen, Jansen continued in his almost musical voice, "If you would follow me, sir, I'll show you the rest of the facility. Leading him towards a door opposite the entrance, Jansen took him deeper into the building, leaving the two marines to whisper together at the table. The next room proved to be a small gymnasium. A half-court was there for basketball, with some weight equipment scattered around the edges. Four more doors were ringed around the room. Pointing to two on the east wall, Jansen indicated those were the quarters assigned to the air force and marine men "couldn't have the marines soiled by sleeping with air force pukes after all" was his comment as he pointed the rooms out.

The comment stirred Justin's dick again at the thought of the four handsome guys getting it on, but he quickly squelched it as Jansen led him to the door in the north wall. "This is the head" his guide explained as he opened the door. The small room was separated into three sections, the first one, where they were held two sinks in front of mirrors. The one to the west held what appeared to be a single stall and a urinal. To the right was a small shower area with what looked like 3 shower heads in it. "I'm sorry, but we don't have separate facilities for officers and enlisted right now. Hope you don't mind sharing, sir"

Praying he never had to use it at the same time as them, since he doubted his self-control at the moment, Justin was very happy he was only going to be here for a day or two "No problem Airman, until a few moments ago I wasn't an officer, so I don't mind"

With a sly smile, the Airman shut the door to the head and moved off to the door on the west wall. Opening the door, the Airman announced that these were his quarters. The first thing he noticed was the bed. Expecting the standard military single bed, he was shocked at what had to be queen size bed sitting in the middle of the room. There was a decent wooden dresser, mirror, and stand-up cabinet for clothing he didn't have. Suddenly, his legs nearly buckled as exhaustion rolled through him. Reaching out to the nearest thing to hold him up...Airman Jansen's arm, he muttered "I think I need to lie down a bit."

At that same moment, Arduk appeared with a very tall, and wide, cup of water. As Jansen led him towards the bed, Arduk waited till Justin was seated then gave him the water. Standing there with his hands on his hips, he made it clear he was not moving until all the water was gone. After about half of it was gone, he looked up at the airman and said "I'll drink the rest of it later, I'm not gonna make myself sick drinking too much of it at once, you're dismissed"

Smiling as the other Airman snapped to attention and left with an exasperated "Yes Sir!" Jansen commented "You may say you weren't an officer till a few minutes ago, but you sure give orders like one, sir. If I may sir, you look totally exhausted, why don't you lie back down and get some sleep. One of us will be on duty at all times in the mess hall. You can find us there when you wake."

Deciding he really was tired, Justin leaned back on the bed and let himself drift to sleep, not even bothering to take his boots, much less his clothes off. He never noticed Arduk walking back in and whispering to Jansen "Looks like it worked. He's out like a light"

"Yeah," responded Jansen, "From the little I've heard, he's had a bad day. Can you believe he's the fourth one in the last year? Four of them from this area alone. I'm actually getting use to it."

"Yeah, well, let's get him undressed. As dehydrated as he is, we probably won't be able to get him aroused in sleep. Pity, it's usually leaves us much more fun that way"

"Coward!" laughed Jansen, "you're just worried those damn marines will get him before you."

"Of course. They got the last two, and neither one of them looked at us twice after they'd had the marines. If the military's gonna let us screw around with guys, I want to ENJOY it while I can!"

Laughing at that, the two airmen quickly stripped the unconscious Justin down. When they took his shorts off they couldn't help reaching over to his limp dick and massaging it a little. "Nice balls" commented Jansen, while Arduk took the dick in his hand and squeezed. "Nice dick too" was his only comment. With that, the covers were drawn up and the two left the room to resume the watch in the mess hall.

Ten hours later, as the morning began to wear away (for military people, most civilians were just now getting ready for work), a light went off in the mess hall indicating their subject was up and moving. Only two people were on duty right now, Gutten and Jansen. The other two had stood the night watch and were now catching 6 hours of sleep before their next shift. Smiling as the light indicated their subject had left the room, Jansen stood up, only to have the marine's hand push him back down.

"What did I tell you last time, air head?" growled the marine. "We marines are always the first in, and the last out!" with that, the 26 year old marine laughed and sauntered towards the door leading to the gym, leaving the Airman to grumble, "that supposed to be battle, not sex!"

Justin woke with a wonderful feeling. It definitely wasn't his mouth. That felt like he'd been outside all day and hadn't drunk enough water before bed. But the room around him. The room was COLD! He was tucked nice and warmly into blankets all the way to his head, but his nose felt cold. He hadn't woken like this in what seemed like ages. Before, before everything went to hell, he'd leave the air on all night and snuggle under blankets to get this feeling. As he raised his arms and pushed the blankets down, cool air wafted over his body, as well as the smell of stale sweat and dried blood.

For some reason that smell brought back all the memories of the day before. Looking down at his nude body beneath the blanket, he marveled once more at the young body he saw. He also marveled at the stench it let off. Next to the bed, on a night stand was the half-full cup he had been drinking water from before going to bed. He barely remembered this facility, and his tour by the handsome Airman, but he pushed the nagging of his brain to the background, not wanting to deal with those issues.

He grabbed the cup and drained the rest of the water in it. Looking around he couldn't see any clothes around, but he did see a thick towel on the dresser, with a kit bag on top of it. Getting out of bed, he stepped over to the dresser and saw shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, all the necessities in there. Smiling, he grabbed up kit bag and towel and headed off to the head.

As he stood at the entrance, he heard water running inside. Immediately, he felt his dick stirring. 'Shit' he thought, 'I really must be 17 again. Lord knows I'm as horny as a 17 year old again' he started to turn around to go back to his room and wait, when he noticed movement near the door to the mess hall. Sucking in a breath, he opened the door to the head and walked on in. Hearing the shower running, he set his towel and kit on the sink and walked over to the urinal, his bare fleet slapping on the cold tile. As he emptied his bladder, he felt goosebumps forming on his arms and his dick threatening to get hard. Talking to it, he said "you are NOT going to embarrass me here!" As he turned back to the middle area, he noticed that there was only one person in there and that it looked like he'd be ok Grabbing the shampoo and soap, he moved into the shower and turned on the shower head furthest from the other occupant.

The guys' back was turned to him, arms outstretched against the wall, head hanging down as he obviously enjoyed the water flowing over him, and Justin could see a nicely developed back and what had to be the most perfect bubble butt he'd seen in ages. Groaning internally, he turned his back on the guy and stepped under the hot water pouring out of the shower head. From the hair on the guy's head, it had to Arduk.

"SHIT!" startled him for a moment. Turning, he saw the young airman staring at him.

"Hope you don't mind Arduk, but I was so filthy I didn't want to wait" Justin mumbled as he quickly turned back around

"Bother me, sir? No not all" said the Airman, a grin slowly spreading across his face. "It's just not every day I get to see an officer with an ass as cute as yours!"

Startled, Justin turned around, while the words the general had said to him suddenly were replayed in his mind. What he saw made his jaw drooped. There stood the Airman, hands on his hips (just like last night) eyes roving over Justin's body, and a throbbing dick sticking straight out from his hips. It looked at least 7 inches long and was nice and thick as well. Instantly, Justin's dick sprang to full hardness like a diver off of a springboard.

Smiling Arduk to a step across the shower until his dick was almost touching Justin's, both sticking out between them. "I was going to ask you if you liked what you saw, sir, but I don't need to now." With that, the Airman sank to his knees and took Justin's 7 ½ inch boner in his mouth. With a groan, Justin leaned back against the wall of the shower and moaned as the hot water fell off his chest, and splashed against the young man sucking on his cock. His eyes rolled back into his head as Arduk ran one hand over his bare stomach, while the other massaged his ball sac, and his mouth and tongue explored the whole length of Justin's throbbing dick.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" roared through the small room, causing both Arduk and Justin to jump. Arduk landed wrong and slipped on his butt, both of the young men wearing shocked looks on their faces.

There in the middle of the entrance was Sergeant Gutten. One hand rested on the butt of the gun holstered at his side, which was also his only piece of clothing. The other hand clenched a towel, that if it was alive, would have been screaming for mercy from the tight grip.

"You goddamned cock-sucking air force pukes know better than this! Marines always go in first! How DARE you jump ahead of me" the sergeant all but shouted while he threw the towel to a corner and hung the gun belt on a hook outside the shower. He stalked into the shower with what looked like murder on his face, and Arduk scrambled backwards on all fours until he felt himself in the corner. Smiling wickedly, the marine grunted and said "Good. Stay there till we're done."

As the sergeant turned back to face him, Justin couldn't believe what was going on here. The sergeant was about 26, and his short dark hair was cut in the classic high and tight shaping his head nicely. Justin's fading hard-on roared back to life as the sergeant stepped right up to him until their noses were almost touching, and his cock started twitching in an involuntary sword fight with Justin's hardening organ.

Justin couldn't remember ever having sex with someone this hot, and who was as tall as him. Hormones raged through his body and his cock started to get stiffer than he ever remembered. He almost shot his load, when the vicious marine said so softly, "Sir, you know full well that only marines know how to take good care of Navy cock!" The marine's hands reached up and gently pushed Justin back against the wall so the hot water flowed over them both. Running his hand's down the sailor's pecs, over his stomach, the marine sank to his knees.

Instead of taking the raging dick in his mouth, though, he reached his hands around and started rubbing both of the sailor's ass cheeks. Then he moved his head so that the short hairs on the back of his head rubbed the sailor's cock. Immediately, groans of pleasure shot out of Justin's mouth. The soft, springy hair of the marine's head brought back memories of long nights in Rio, Barbados, Panama, San Diego, Hawaii, and the pleasures of those other marines. As the sergeant continued rubbing Justin's cock with his head, Justin's moans got louder and louder. Bringing one of his hands around, the marine started jacking that cock while still massaging it with his head. In a just a few moments, Justin threw his head back started shouting "YES, YES!" and let loose with a stream of cum that would have shot all the way across the shower. Would have if the marine hadn't deftly caught it with his hand in a plastic cup. Without the sailor noticing, the marine put the cup in a receptacle in the wall, where it quickly disappeared.

Smiling at last, the Marine stood back up and looked at the sailor's eyes as they began to regain focus. Stepping in closer, he whispered, "I hope your not a one loader, sir, cause I most definitely am not done yet."

Returning the smile he saw, with strength returning to his legs, Justin reached down and grasped the marine's cock. It had to be at least 8 inches! "He leaned into the marine's ear and whispered "Careful Marine, you wouldn't want me to order you to fuck the air head in the corner!" Hoping to shock the cocky marine, he was the one surprised when the marine responded,

"If you insist sir, but he might be a little sore cause Paulsen just got done pounding his ass. That's why he's in here taking a shower".

Sitting in the corner, Arduk wondered what the two men were saying. He was pissed. First of all, he'd let Paulsen fuck him again. The marine had a nice big dick, and he loved the feel of it pounding into him, but they were supposed to save it for their subject. As luck would have it, he hadn't even noticed the young man entering the shower until he heard the other shower start up. His initial surge of joy was that he had finally beat those marines to the punch, HE was first. He was even more pleased when he saw the young officer's dick swell to such a nice size. As he was blowing him, he started imagining how it would feel deep inside his butt, and trying to figure out how to get a vial to catch the semen before that happened. Then that blasted marine showed up!

He'd never seen the marine's trick with his hair before, and fought a strong urge to go get a haircut. At least the marine got a vial of the officer's semen. With any luck, from here on out, they could just have fun with him. When the marine turned towards him, all thoughts fled from his mind as the jarhead said "Come here Arduk, you can join in now."

Leaping to his feet, he scurried over to the two. "I think we need to clean him up some more" said the marine as he handed the shampoo to Arduk and started lathering up some soap for himself. For the next few minutes, the two enlisted men cleaned the young officer. Arduk took the shampoo and lathered it into Justin's hair, while Gutten soaped up and scrubbed the officer's torso. More moans of pleasure escaped the young mans mouth as the two took turns cleaning Justin's legs. While Arduk cleaned the front, Gutten cleaned the back side.

By this time, Justin's cock was ready to go again and he decided he wanted both of them involved. He reached down and pulled Arduk to his feet. Then he turned the young airman around so his pretty little bubble butt was facing him. "Yes!" was the only comment from the young man as Justin rubbed his cock against that butt.

"I hope you don't expect me to watch and do nothing, and I'm not touching him either" whispered the marine."

"How about a daisy?"

"Sounds good, let me know when you're set"

With that , Justin moved himself squarely behind Arduk, and began to press his throbbing cock against the young man's butt hole. They both gasped as the head slid in, and Arduk moaned "more, more!" With that encouragement, Justin slid his cock further and further in, when he had it all the way in to the base, he shuddered slightly as Arduk massaged it with his butt muscles.

At his "Ok", Gutten moved in closer, gently stroking his dick. He let the head of his cock rest against the rosy ring, then felt it slide in, almost like it was being pulled. Before he knew it, all 8 inches of his cock was buried fully in the sailor's ass. Slowly, the three of them began to move in unison. Justin felt his cock sliding out while Gutten's cock slid further into his own butt. Over and over they went on and on. Starting out slow, letting the pleasure build and build as they sped up. Soon they were moving so fast they couldn't believe it. Arduk had reached down and was stroking his cock. Suddenly, all three felt the pleasure build to a breaking point. With a shout, Arduk let his load fly free just as he felt Justin's load start soaking the insides of his ass. Justin couldn't hold it any longer and as he let his load go while plunging his dick deep inside Arduk's ass, at the same moment, he felt the big marine's cock start pumping loads of cum into his own butt.

As usual, Justin felt his legs start to buckle as soon as he came. He leaned into Arduk, and wrapped his arms around the man's chest, as Gutten did the same to him. Slowly, he felt the sense of loss as Gutten pulled his softening cock out, and heard the soft pop as it left. As his own cock started softening, Justin did the same. Silently, the three young men stepped under the water and used it to clean off the cum.

Together, they turned off the showers and moved out to the main room to get their towels. As he dried off, Justin looked over the chiseled body of the Marine, and well-defined body of the AirStud. Smiling at the thought of his new nickname for the hapless Airman, he asked "Okay, so now who's in trouble here? First off, I distinctly remember they haven't changed the rules about men having sex with each other, and I seriously doubt there's more of a change they'd change the rules about fraternization between officers and enlisted, so spit it out."

Looking to the older, and higher ranked, marine, Arduk obviously was not going to respond. "Sir," the marine said quietly, "didn't the general give you his little 'it's ok this time' speech?"

"You mean he was serious?" came the startled response.

"Yes, sir. As long as you are in this building, nothing we do here is held against you. Likewise, as long as we are stationed here, nothing we do will be held against us. Quite frankly, I hope to be stationed here till the day I die. I like fucking officer butt every now and then" the last was said with a twisted grin.

"I bet you do sergeant, especially navy officer butt. Just remember, we all know that the first thing to go up on a marine in bed is his legs." Rubbing his butt, he added, "but in the shower, it looks like the dick wins out".

With both of the men laughing at his weak joke, he headed for the door before remembering he had no clothes, here, or in his room. "Um, Arduk, you get clothes for me yet?"

"Yes sir, their in the wardrobe across from the bed, sir. Even got ya the right rank insignia, for 2nd Lieutenant. Uh, yeah, meant Ensign." he added the last quickly as he saw the officer take a deep breath and grimace.

"Fine, I'm gonna go get dressed. Tell whoever that I want breakfast ready by the time I'm done...Eggs over easy, bacon, and french toast. Don't forgot the coffee either!" with that he walked out of his room to get dressed.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5: The Wreckers 3

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