Mists of Fate

By Dan Kirk

Published on Oct 21, 2023


Author's Notes: As of the last status report I've had, Ed (the editor for this and many other stories on the net) continues to recover from his injuries. I hope that you'll keep in your thoughts and that he will be online again soon. My thanks to Michael for stepping up and helping out with the editing while Ed is out. Believe me when I say that having an editor is mighty important for any author.

On a personal note, I'm going to be going back to college to finish my Bachelor's Degree. Classes start August 26th, and I will continue to be working full time as well. With 14 units of classes, that's going to be keeping me pretty damn busy. I am hoping to be very close to finishing this story (it is August 10th as I'm writing this). Your patience and feedback are appreciated as always. I've set up an e-mail account just for feedback/correspondence regarding this and any other stories. Please feel free to write to me at dkstories@cox.net

Thanks and enjoy!

Mists of Fate -- Chapter 6 -- The Great Search

Who are you? What do you want? Where are you going? J Michael Strazyski -- Babylon 5

Andrei stood in the underground cavern, but wasn't seeing the majestic flows of lava a mere hundred feet from him. Instead, his concentration was on tracking the faint traces he could feel of Ter. The search for J'Stan wasn't even something he was thinking about at the moment.

He could feel the rift he had opened behind him. He'd sealed it up with every bit of skill that he'd acquired from J'Stan. Confidence filled him now that he'd done that himself. He'd conquered another Shaper, an old one at that, and been able to seal the rifts that gave the Mists access to this world. The image of the Mist washing over the frozen people of Tylera tried to dominate his thoughts, but he pushed it away sharply.

At last! His mental tracking gave him the information he needed. The trail ended in a bubble' on the surface. He'd learned to associate these bubbles' with safe havens, Havens created by other Shapers. Contrary to the beliefs he'd grown up with, there were other Shapers out there, other settlements. It was time to go. Without waiting another second, he concentrated and disappeared from the cavern.

He reappeared on the edge of a well-cultivated field. The green shoots of beans were just pushing above the soil, and he could see a middle-aged man working an irrigation gate in the distance. Further down the field were two younger men weeding the field. They were all clothed in bulky, dark clothing that tugged at a memory.

Morganites, or Amish.

He shook his head and looked down at himself. He was still clad in the blue uniform of a Shaper. He didn't know if these men would recognize it, but he'd soon find out. The older man at the irrigation gate noticed him first. His reaction was not a light one. He started waving his hands in the air, jumping up and down and shouting very loudly in a language that Andrei did not know. The two younger men came running and were soon gesticulating as wildly as the older man.

Andrei kept walking towards them, opening his mind and brushing theirs, pulling out their language. By the time he came near enough to talk to them, he'd gotten enough of the language to communicate. They'd also calmed down a little.

"Great One! Welcome to Hava!" The older man exclaimed as Andrei stopped in front of them. All three went to one knee, there in the middle of the field that was being irrigated, not caring that they soaked their pants.

"Rise, good men." Andrei said slowly, recalling all the memories J'Stan had of dealing with Amish, or Morganites. Maybe some of the same customs were in existence here.

"Great One," one of the younger men said, then looked sheepishly at the older man before continuing. "have you come to wake S'fon?"

Ah, he recognized the name S'fon. An total prig according to the memories he held. An insufferable uptight arrogant prick. Wake him?

"We'll see, Goodman. Where is he now?" Andrei said instead of speaking his thoughts aloud.

"At the shrine, Robert here will take you there. If you'll forgive us we have work to complete." The older man said.

"This way, Great One." Robert said softly, pointing towards what appeared to be a village. Sloped roofs and red barns were the most visible part of it at this distance. Looking again at Robert, Andrei decided that this young man appeared to be very friendly.

"Please tell me, Great One, what's it like outside? None of us have ever been!" Robert was asking, his mouth running in all different directions as they walked towards the village.

"Well, there's not really much out there." Andrei said a little cautiously.

"That's what the other one said!" Robert said loudly. Andrei realized that the man was no older than his late teens, the same age as he was. Yet he felt eons older.

"What other one?" Andrei asked, caution still alive.

"The other blond one, he didn't even give his name. He appeared in the middle of our Long Day feast, said a few words to Elder Haman, then left. The Elders were real upset, they were so looking forward to the Ritual of Fertility!"

"The Ritual of Fertility?" Andrei asked as they entered the outer ring of houses. People were stopping to stare at them, then fell in behind them.

"The Ritual guarantees our crops will grow, and our women bear children. It's been over five hundred years since Shaper S'fon fell into the trance and we haven't had one since then. We continue to shrink, and the elders fear that we may one day cease to be if we don't have a Ritual."

"What did the visitor have to do with the Ritual? Did he give his name?" Andrei inquired.

"He didn't give his name, no. But he was tall, like you and had white hair, like you. No one here has hair like that. Did you make it that color yourself?"

"No, I was born with this color." Andrei answered. "So, again, what does the visitor have to do with your ritual?"

"I can answer that, Great One." A strange voice said. Andrei realized that he was now standing in the central square of the village, and an old man was bowing to him.

"Then do so, Elder." Andrei said, guessing this was Elder Haman.

"It is simple really, the Ritual of Fertility requires a Great One to participate. Would you be willing to participate? If you do, we'll be grateful, it could save us."

"After I've seen S'fon, I'll think about it. But, first, tell me about the stranger...where is he?" Andrei answered, extemporizing.

"He said he was searching for someone, another Great One. He left after we asked him to perform the Ritual. Will you still see S'fon?"

"Of course, show me where he is." Andrei answered.

"Thank you, sir! Sarah, show the Great One to the Shrine of S'fon." The old man commanded. A beautiful woman in her twenties came to Andrei's side, and he allowed her to guide him to a building that stood on the edge of the town square. It looked like an Baptist church, which is where he'd have guessed the `Shrine' to be. As they entered the building, he noticed the old man had Robert by the ear and was dragging him into a nearby building. Putting it back out of mind, Andrei entered the shrine.

"We always keep a candle lit, here, milord." Sarah said gently beside him. He could see the building was very much built along the lines of a church. A short foyer ended in light wooden double doors that were swung open. Pews lined each side of the building leading to an altar with a pulpit. Behind and to each side of the pulpit were two chairs. In one of the chairs sat a short, dark-haired man, dressed in the same clothing as Andrei.

As they entered the main room, or chapel, itself, Sarah curtseyed to one knee and whispered a quick prayer, "S'fon guide us, S'fon shelter us, Of your flesh we are made whole."

A little different than the prayer he grew up with, but essentially the same. Sarah stopped at the edge of the last pew, and Andrei realized that no one but an Elder, or a Shaper, was allowed past that point. While Sarah knelt again, and recited another prayer, Andrei went up to the sitting figure behind the pulpit.

His mind opened in a probe of the body before him. All he could feel was emptiness. The shield holding this place safe was held here, rooted in the figure before him, fed by something he could not find. Unlike when he'd first felt J'Stan, there was nothing here. No voice nattering about being bored, no cold, no fire, nothing. He probed deeper, trying to figure this mystery out.

Finally, he gave up for now. Maybe later he could search again, and maybe he could get more information from the villagers. What had led to S'fon going into this trance? Were miracles being made through prayer? Was there some level of consciousness active here? There were so many questions needing to be answered.

With a start, he realized that darkness existed outside the windows of this chapel instead of the light of day. He turned around and saw that Sarah had been replaced by Robert. A Robert showing a strong physique since he was wearing no clothing. That did not fit in with what he knew of these type of communities.

"What are you doing?" Andrei asked sharply. Robert jumped in surprise, and started trembling.

"Ppplllleassse, Great One, do not be angry!" Robert nearly babbled. "Elder Haman mmmade me! He ssssaid that since you lllliked mmme I ssshould be the offering for the Ritual."

"I never said I would participate in the ritual!" Andrei snapped, then blanched as Robert flinched, tears starting to drift down his face. "Calm down, I'm not mad at you!"

"Tthhhank you!" Robert mumbled, sniffing a bit, trying to get his tears under control. "Please, Great One, will you think about the Ritual? Our village needs the Ritual, we are dying!"

Robert's pleading pulled on Andrei's heartstrings a little. How could he say no? He figured from the nudity of Robert that this Ritual involved some...intimacy between them. He felt a little guilty about Ter, but he knew Ter would understand.

"What do I need to do with the Ritual?" Andrei asked in a calm voice.

"You mean you'll do it?" Robert asked, that precious smile coming back on his face. Andrei was quickly growing to like that smile.

"Tell me what is needed, first." Andrei said gently, returning the smile.

"Well, we are supposed to, um, mate." Robert said softly, a blush making his face shine red. "Then we go out into the village where they will prepare a feast. I'm supposed to um, have your seed inside of me so that seed will fertilize our farms and our people."

"Well, I think we can manage that." Andrei said stepping closer to Robert, smiling gently. He could understand the symbolization of this, and felt it was at least a fun ritual. "You are a very handsome man."

"Thank you, Great One." Robert mumbled, trembling a little as Andrei touched his arm. A thought got rid of Andrei's own clothing, and when he kissed Robert, he could taste the lingering sweat of the nervous man.

"Call me Andrei" were the last words either said aloud for a while.

They were both clothed once more as they stepped outside of the little church building. Andrei had a smile on his face, and Robert's eyes were showed his mind to be far away. The old man, Elder Haman was waiting with the rest of the village. They were all dressed in the dark colors Andrei had expected, women covered fully by their dresses, but a cheer arose as they stood before the Elder.

"You have been filled?" the Elder asked Robert directly.

"I have, Elder." Robert said solemnly, bowing his head slightly.

"Then all will be well. Go with your mother and be prepared for the feast. Tonight all the village shall share of your blessing. Robert, my son, I have never been so proud of you." Elder Haman said, tears filling his eyes as the two embraced. Robert followed an older lady to the other side of the village center, passing out of Andrei's view. Elder Haman turned to him.

"Great One, we thank you for this Ritual."

"It was a...pleasure." Andrei said slowly, trying not to smile too much. It really had been pleasurable.

"Good, good," Haman said, a slight coloring evident on his cheeks. "Would you stay with us to enjoy the feast? It should be ready as soon as Robert is prepared."

"I would like that, Elder." Andrei said honestly. The older man escorted him near the fire and introduced him to several of the village leaders. The next twenty minutes passed quickly as he got lost in the conversation. Soon a familiar smell was wafting over the village center. It was more familiar in the memories of J'Stan than his own, but he remembered the smell of cooking meat from both. He'd even smelled it recently in Tylera.

With a start, Andrei realized why he'd smelled it recently in Tylera...during the riots as people had been burned alive in their homes! He snapped to his feet and turned to where Elder Haman was sitting, his eyes moist. Revulsion nearly made Andrei vomit, but he had to be sure. It was only a slight effort to read the Elder's mind and confirm the source of the smell.

Revulsion, anger, and nausea filled him as he realized just what the feast was to be. The Elder knew something was wrong and had stood, staring at Andrei. His mind held no remorse! His eyes were watery because of the smoke, not because of what the fire was cooking! Anger won out in Andrei and he added more meat to the flames as the Elder ignited like a living torch.

Several men near Andrei made as if they were going tackle him, but they too burst into flames. People rushed to help the burning men, but they too erupted into fire. Soon several buildings were aflame, and the center was nearly deserted. Now Andrei could see the firepit, a spit turning above it. Tied to the spit was the body of Robert, the man he'd made love to less than an hour before.

A thought put Andrei next to the spit. Tears streamed down his face as he stared at the lifeless body. A moment later, the body glowed with a golden light and turned to ash. At the same moment, an arrow cut the air and implanted itself in Andrei's chest. He started down at it, and then it fell into ash itself. A pointing finger turned the bowman into ash as well.

"Enough!" a deep, melodic voice resonated through the village center, causing Andrei to lower his arm, and turn to face the source. Standing there, at the entrance to the little church was S'fon. "How dare you harm my children!"

"Your children?!" Andrei shouted in reply, tears still flowing. "You mean your cannibals!"

"Ahhhhh" S'fon drawled after a moment's hesitation. "you are offended by the Ritual of Fertility? If it offends you, why did you start it?"

"I didn't know what they were going to do to him..." Andrei's voice trailed off at the end.

"Why not? You didn't pick it out of their minds? Are you one of those pitiful boys following J'Stan? Bahh!" At the last word, Andrei felt S'fon tugging at the edge of his mind. He blocked the strange Shaper out, angering S'fon even more.

"You must be a follower of J'Stan. Well, boy, get out of here before I kill you." S'fon said.

"You don't scare me, S'fon. You must stop the cannibalism!" Andrei demanded.

"Ha! You don't make demands here, boy. Oh well, you had your chance." S'fon said, giving warning the second before he struck.

The nature of this attack gave evidence to S'fon's age, and skill. No showy blasts of power brightening the dark night. No fantastic lightning shattering the ground. Instead, a mental hand gripped Andrei's mind, his soul, and squeezed. Expecting a physical attack, Andrei was unprepared for this. Almost, he felt the gray edge of death touching him, but he pushed it back, returning the favor to S'fon. When he broke S'fon's grasp, the man stepped back and smiled at Andrei.

"Ah, well, it looks like you learned pretty well. Give up now, and I might let you live, boy."

"I don't think so, S'fon" Andrei said quietly, and lashed out with the power of his mind. Not striking at the Shaper, but instead at his shield surrounding this little haven. The shield shattered, and the Mists roared in. Roared in with an audible rage. S'fon cried out in fear right before a tentacle of the Mist reached out and struck him. Another tentacle struck at Andrei, but was repelled by his own shield. A thought took him back to the safety of the underground cavern, right as he saw the Mists consume Elder Haman. He collapsed in that hot cavern and let his tears flow, ignoring the fact that they evaporated before they left his cheeks.

Grief eventually gave way to the anger, and anger cooled into determination. Andrei lifted his head, and opened his mind. He searched the surface above, hoping to find some trace of Ter or J'Stan. After what seemed like forever he found another bubble, and this one had a faint trace that familiar. It was a trace of Ter.

This time he probed the haven before going there. From here, he could feel a few hundred people alive inside the safety of a shield. There were some near the outer edges, but most were centered near the middle of the haven. It was smaller than Tylera had been most of his life, but the shield around it was a strong one. This time he decided not to enter at the edges, but go directly to the middle. He could feel a Shaper there, and this one seemed to be more aware. Gathering in his determination, and making sure he was clothed in the blue uniform that had long signified Shapers, Andrei left the cavern once again.

This time he appeared in the middle of a small settlement, next to a small fountain. Water bubbled out of the mouth of a stone fish. The noise was a gentle counterpoint to the laughter of women and men nearby. Andrei turned towards the sounds, and caught his breath. He had appeared in what was a courtyard of a large manor house. Tall columns of ridged stone lined a beautiful catwalk, girdled by clinging ivy. Bright cloth hung from between the columns bright cloth hung down, billowing gently in a slight breeze.

Spread around the courtyard was over a hundred people. Many were reclining on short, backless couches. Musicians had begun to strike up music on instruments he recognized as lyres, flutes, and even a few violins. The people reclining in couches, sometimes in threes, but mostly as couples, wore multi-colored tunics that usually reached down just below the thighs. They were being served by more men and women in simple white tunics. One of those servants crossed over to him. The short white tunic he wore left little to Andrei's imagination. Of medium height, the young man had brown hair and a firm build. His smile was disarming, and his voice pleasant. He extended his tray with three goblets on it.

"Wine, milord?" he asked a delightful tenor voice.

"Sure," Andrei said, not sure why he was agreeing. The look on the young man's face was inviting, and was putting Andrei at ease. A few people were looking over his way, but were just smiling as he took one of the goblets and sipped at the liquid inside. The first sip exploded in his mouth, flavors he'd never known before seemed to rush through him. He finished off the rest of the goblet in one gulp and felt energy pouring through him. His felt his skin tingling, and the young man put the tray down and ran his fingers over Andrei's cheek.

"Welcome to Paloma, milord. I'm Treven, would you like to rest a while?" the young man said, moving his hands from Andrei's cheeks down his neck.

The touch seemed to further electrify Andrei's skin. Thoughts raced out of his mind as powerful feelings washed through him. When Treven moved his hands down Andrei's arms, he couldn't just stand there anymore. Andrei reached out, took the young man by his shoulders, and brought him in for a kiss. Their lips touching brought even more passion exploding in his head. By this time he didn't even notice as Treven moved him to a couch and laid down, pulling Andrei with him.

Consciousness returned slowly to Andrei. He felt warm, well-rested, relaxed. Movement at his side made him open his eyes. Ah, yes. He smiled as his eyes showed him the red-headed boy he'd spent the night with still curled against his right side. A soft sigh on his left revealed the other person who had shared their tryst, Marga.

The blond woman was awake, and smiled shyly at Andrei. He returned the smile and watched as she slid out of the bed and wrapped her robe around her. She left without a word, the smile still on her face. With any luck, she now carried a child who would grow and continue the society of K'fer.

"Is she gone?" Pak asked from his right side. The red-head boy was looking at Andrei with is green eyes, and a look of consternation on his face.

"Yes, handsome. She has left." Andrei said, a slight smile on his face. This was Pak's first time doing his duty for the Praetor, and he'd been a little scared of it.

"Good, now we can have some time to ourselves!" Pak said excitedly, moving so he could kiss Andrei firmly. The kiss reignited the passion of last night, and Andrei hugged him closer. Pak was definitely the most passionate of all the people he had gotten to know here.

Before things could go much further, a rustle of fabrics at the door announced a visitor. Pak groaned loudly when they saw the centurion, dressed in his leather armor, golden helm held in the crook of his right arm and short sword at his waist. The man cut a dashing figure, and Andrei felt a stirring of desire.

"Citizens, the Praetor requests the presence of Andrei this morning." The centurion said in a deep voice. Andrei immediately climbed out of the bed and reached for green and black tunic that was laying on a nearby couch. Pak also got dressed. Today was his turn in the kitchens, and he might as well get an early start if Andrei was going to be gone.

"Andrei, will I see you again?" Pak said as Andrei finished dressing and was leaving.

"As the Praetor wills..." Andrei quoted a popular saying here..

"Well, then until next time..." Pak said with an impish grin, crossing the room quickly to plant another kiss on Andrei's lip. The kiss made Andrei desperately wish to see the young man again.

"Lead on, Centurion." Andrei said in a husky voice, patting Pak's rear-end gently as he followed the Centurion down the passageway. How long had he been here? A few days, a few weeks, it didn't matter. He couldn't remember ever having been so happy as he was here. During most days, he spent time out in the fields, helping to grow the crops for food. During the evenings he luxuriated in the baths and attended various feasts at different manor homes.

He hadn't claimed a home for himself yet, preferring instead to stay at whichever one he found himself enjoying for the night. He was always welcome, especially when he joined the musicians and led them in a tune that hadn't been heard in a few millennia. Funny, he'd never thought that he would enjoy music so much.

His musings ended as the Centurion led him into the Praetor's manor house. This entire village was a recreation of an ancient Roman town. It was a little weird, he knew that he knew more than the other people who lived, he remembered coming here, he remembered living in Tylera, but nothing was as nice as his life here. He just hoped that this visit to the Praetor did not signify an end to that life.

The manor house was similar to that of many others that he'd seen in the last few days. The Centurion led him to the central courtyard common to all such manor houses, and there sat the Praetor on a couch near the central fountain. This fountain had a boy statue, and the water flow was coming from statue's penis. Adding that with the Praetor's flaming red hair, some memories floated to the top of his head, and a name.

"K'fer" Andrei said softly, lowing his head in a sort of bow.

"You know my name?" K'fer said, his face showing astonishment.

"Aye, Praetor." Andrei said after a moment, hoping he hadn't messed up. "I have some memories from another person, they help me sometimes in my travels."

"Ah, well, how do you find my small home?" K'fer asked, his hand waving in such a way to indicate he meant the entire haven he'd built, not just the manor house.

"I love it, Praetor. I've never been so happy as I am here." Andrei answered honestly.

"I am glad to hear that Andrei," K'fer said, a smile on his face. "I understand that you've been seeing Pak?"

"Yes, Pak is proving to be a delightful companion." Andrei said, smiling again.

"And you and he accepted Marga's offer?"

"Of course. We were honored to give her a child."

"You were at least, I don't think my son had much interest in it." K'fer said.

"Your son?" Andrei asked, surprised. Although he should have figured it out when he first saw K'fer's red hair.

"Aye, my son. He says he's very happy with you." K'fer said, leaning forward now. "He came to me last night, wondering if you would stay here with him. I told him I didn't know, but would ask you. What are your intentions, Andrei?"

"I don't know Pak well enough yet to say I want to spend the rest of my life with him." Andrei said after a moment of thought. K'fer tensed at those words, and Andrei let a smile fill his face. "But I think it will be fun figuring it out. I like it here, K'fer, and I'd like to stay."

"Then let us celebrate!" K'fer said loudly, clapping his hands together. People filled the courtyard with music and white-clad servers brought trays of food and drinks. Treven, the first man that Andrei had met here, brought a tray with two goblets directly to the Praetor and Andrei. Both men took a goblet, and Andrei squeezed Treven's arm before he left. The Praetor raised his goblet and the courtyard grew silent for a moment.

"A toast!" the Praetor said, his voice booming. "Today we welcome Andrei into our family, a toast for his health!"

Andrei emptied the goblet and felt the now familiar tingle as the ambrosia worked its way into his system. Thoughts, worries, concerns drifted away along the wave of pleasure, that grew when he felt Pak's lips touch his. He smiled into the young man's green eyes and took him into a dance across the Praetor's courtyard.

Andrei sat in the courtyard of his manor, enjoying the warmth of the new day. It was late in the morning, and the fountain bubbled gently, the graceful swan statue glistening in the morning light. Little Jeroc sat beside it, pushing the wooden boat through the pool at the bottom. His green tunic was wet, but his laughter as the little boat plunged under the waterfall from the swans mouth was infectious.

Pak chose that moment to come in from master suite. He was sweaty from his practices for the Games, but a smile transformed his face. He crossed over to the couch Andrei sat on, giving him a kiss and looked over at the red-haired boy, his face filled with pride.

"You were right, it is worth it to have a child." He told Andrei softly.

"Our son is going to be a beautiful man. I can't believe he's a year old already." Andrei replied, wrapping his arms around Pak as the man sat next to him.

"We are going to have that party for his birthday?" Pak asked, cuddling into Andrei.

"Of course!" Andrei answered, shaking Pak gently. "Marga agreed to host it here instead of at her place. She's also wanting going to want us to take him full time now. She's involved with Treven now it looks like they're going to be a permanent coupling. I heard that she may be pregnant already."

"That would be nice, I like having him here." Pak said, his voice conveying his happiness.

"I do to." Andrei answered. Before he could say anything more, their chatelaine came in, announcing a visitor. The visitor followed the announcement, and both Pak and Andrei rose to greet him.

"Pevor!" Andrei exclaimed happily. "What brings you here?"

"Why, to report on the status of the harvest!" Pevor said lightly. His dark hair was cut short and his heavily tanned skin represented his role as a field worker. Andrei has assumed responsibility for overseeing the farming operations and Pevor was his chief assistant. Bored at the prospect of hearing a lot of business discussion, Pak went to the fountain and played with his son.

"So, how are things looking?" Andrei asked his visitor.

"Actually quite good." Pevor answered. "Your new irrigation technique is paying off very well. The south fields have actually been able to provide a good yield. There will be few worries over food this winter."

"That's good to hear, but what was so urgent that you had to come in here today?"

"Well, the harvest is so good this year that we're having a problem figuring out how to store it all. There just aren't enough silos for all the grain."

"I'll talk the Praetor tonight at the party." Andrei said after a moment's thought. "Between the two of us, I'm sure we can create enough silos to hold the extra grain. No sense in letting it go to waste."

"Thank you, Andrei." Pevor said.

"You will come to the party won't you? Jeroc loves to play with your youngest, Mena."

"Aye, I wouldn't miss it for anything. Mena's only two but she sure seems taken with your Jeroc already."

"Good, good. Well, let the harvesters know to keep things going. Arrange some temporary storage if you have to until we get the new silos done."

"Will do, Andrei" Pevor replied, taking his leave and departing soon after.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Marga showed up, with Treven in tow. Treven had been a little uncomfortable after he first started seeing Marga. He almost seemed embarrassed around Andrei. After all, Treven had been the first man Andrei had slept with here. It had taken a few weeks, but Andrei had eventually convinced Treven that he was happy for the two of them, and approved of them as a couple.

While Pak kept Jeroc busy inside the nursery, Andrei worked with the couple, and his own household staff on making the preparations. Green and black streamers were spun across the courtyard, paper lanterns hanging from them. A corner was set up for the musicians, and parts of the courtyard set up for dancing. By the time the light faded from the sky, trays of food and drink were ready, along with the all-important ambrosia for after the children had been put to bed.

The lanterns were lit as the sky darkened and the guests began to arrive. On the couch of honor, Pak sat next to Marga, with Jeroc between them. Andrei stood behind them, proudly greeting their guests. Many gifts were brought and laid before Jeroc, who was delighted at all the attention.

The highlight of the evening came a few hours later, as the last guest arrived. The Praetor walked into the courtyard, and even the musicians went silent for a moment. It had been years since the Praetor went to any party but those he hosted himself. His appearance here was a sign of honor for Andrei and Pak, one that would be talked about for months to come.

"I am proud of you, my son." The Praetor said to Pak as he ruffled his grandson's red hair.

"Thank you, father." Pak said softly, blushing a little.

"And you Andrei, you have proven to be a most welcome addition to our community."

"Thank you, Praetor." Andrei replied, smiling as well.

"Let the festivities continue!" the Praetor said loudly, and the music began once more. Bowing gracefully, the Praetor took Marga's hand and led her in a dance. The party progressed after that. Children's games took up most of the attention for the first few hours, then as the children were taken to the nursery, most dropping off to sleep before being laid on the mats, it was time for the adults to enjoy the night.

A white-clad servant brought a tray of ambrosia drinks to where Pak and Andrei sat with the Praetor. All three took goblets, toasted the health of the young child now sleeping in the nursery and drank. For some reason, Andrei only took a small sip, just enough to bring on the heady euphoria, before putting his goblet down. The Praetor drifted off to talk to Pevor and his wife, leaving Andrei alone with Pak. The two of them were giggling softly, kissing each other lightly, when a servant came up to offer them some food.

Andrei looked up to tell the man to go away, but the words stuck in his throat. The tall, blond servant had a familiar face, and Andrei stared, trying to grab hold of the memory through the ambrosia fog. Beside him, Pak noticed something was wrong and tried shaking Andrei's arm.

"Andrei, love, what's wrong? Pak asked, his tone worried. The servant stepped back, worry on his face as Andrei stared at him. In the corner of the courtyard, the Praetor looked up from the couch he was sharing with another young man and a worried frown filled his face. He got up and quickly started crossing the courtyard.

"Ter?" Andrei whispered, the name floating to his mind. The blond servant looked startled for a moment, then shook his head.

"Sorry, sir, but I don't know that name. I'm Tolan, just transferred in from the Scholum." The face was Ter's but the voice wasn't. Instinctively, not realizing what he was doing Andrei reached out with his mind and sifted through the man who called himself Tolan. There was no deception there, the man was who he said he was, not Ter.

Ter. That name, brought back more memories, and the haze of the ambrosia was lifted. Fully lifted for the first time since that first drink almost two years ago, Andrei's mind brought up the memories of his life before entering the Praetor's little abode.

"Andrei!" the Praetor said, his tone worried. "Here, have some drink."

"No!" Andrei shouted, knocking the cup of ambrosia from the Praetor's hand. The music stopped, as did most of the other noise in the courtyard. Everyone's eyes were now glued to the man who had dared to cross the Praetor.

"Kneel." The Praetor's voice was like cold steel being unsheathed. His hand went to Andrei's shoulder, putting pressure on him to kneel. Beside Andrei, Pak had shrunk to the far side of the couch, his eyes wide in fear. Tears streamed down his face as he saw his love defying the one person here who could destroy what they had made together.

"I don't think so, K'fer" Andrei said shortly, knocking the hand off his shoulder. "How long did you plan to leave me here, how long were you planning on letting me rot here while J'Stan and Ter needed help? Do you understand how much could have happened in the last year?"

"That is of little concern. J'Stan was always a do-gooder putting his nose into every place. I don't know this Ter of yours but we're better off without J'Stan. He's never going to be able to defeat the Mists, so we might as well enjoy life on this planet while we can!" K'fer said softly.

"That is your opinion, not everyone has to share it." Andrei said firmly, anger boiling inside him.

"I could care less about what people think outside this place, but here, my will rules." K'fer said, his voice harsh.

"Andrei, love, don't argue..." Pak whispered urgently, coming up behind Andrei.

"Listen to him, Andre, if you wish to live." K'fer said, this time his voice soft, almost fatherly.

"If I wish to live?" Andrei asked, his voice harsher.

"Live here, by my rules, and be happy. Forget about J'Stan, forget this Ter." K'fer said gently. "I can't let anyone leave who might bring word back of my being here. I will brook no interference."

"You can't stop me." Andrei said softly. Turning to Pak, he continued. "Get Jeroc, love. I'll take the two of you with me."

"Take them where?" K'fer asked. "Even if I let you leave, where would you take them that they'd be safe? Where could they live?"

"I..I.." Andrei faltered. Even the moon retreat could not support human life indefinitely. More than two or three people would upset the ecological balance too far, and Pak would be lonely there.

"Exactly." K'fer said softly. "Relax, have a drink and cease worrying about things you cannot change."

"I'm sorry." Andrei whispered to Pak. "I love you, and Jeroc. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He prepared himself to leave this idyllic spot and return to the cavern underground. It was obvious that neither J'Stan nor Ter were here, and obvious that K'fer would not have told him if they had been. Likely J'Stan had been, from the way K'fer spoke of him. Oh well, he'd think about it once he was in that underground cavern. Only, when he set himself to teleport, nothing happened! He was being held inside!

"Release me." Andrei commanded, staring at K'fer.

"I told you, I can't let you leave." K'fer said softly. "If you want take a drink, I'm sorry but you cannot stay."

"I can't stay, but I can't leave? What are you going to do.." Andrei's question was never finished as he felt K'fer's mind lash out in an attack. It was a silent, invisible attack focused on him alone. It wouldn't harm any of the people around them...in fact no one could see that there was attack under way.

That didn't mean that there wasn't, and that Andrei was being hit hard. Still, he had already faced a couple of Shapers, he was familiar with this and after a few moments he flexed his mental strength and broke the attack. It felt like using muscles that hadn't been exercised in a while, but still K'fer stepped back with a grunt.

"Let me go." Andrei reiterated softly.

"No." K'fer said, making a second assault with even more strength. This attack took all of Andrei's attention to defend against. He went to his knees as they gave out under the stress, but he held K'fer out of his mind. What he didn't see was Pak coming behind him, his eyes glazed from K'fer's direct control.

Pak had a goblet in his hand as he came up behind Andrei. The familiar arms wrapping around him, supporting him didn't alarm Andrei. He knew Pak, trusted him. It wasn't until the goblet was at his lips that he realized the danger he was facing. At the last second, a tendril of thought reached out, stopping Pak's hand. He could feel K'fer strengthening his control and the battle shifted to control of Pak's mind. When Andrei pushed K'fer out of his love's mind, he was horrified at the results.

Pak's mind was gone, ripped to shreds by the forces that had opposed each other for control of it. The goblet had long fallen from nerveless fingers. Drool dripped from the corner of Pak's mouth, and the once bright green eyes were dull, no hint of any intelligence behind them.

Anger welled inside Andrei, all consuming anger. This time his attack was visible, a wave of silver light shed out from him, striking K'fer directly. Silver flames crackled in the evening and the remaining party guest fled in fear. Some didn't make it as angry silver flames consumed them. Andrei stepped forward, shining in the flames he had created and struck a stunned K'fer across the face. Without pausing, he redoubled his mental attack on the Shaper, striking his mind as well as his body.

K'fer screamed in pain, as a reverberating blow struck the shield over this haven. Somehow the Mists had felt a weakening here and had chosen this moment to press an attack. The shield cracked, and the Mists roiled in, searching for the brightest sources of power. It struck at Andrei and K'fer at the same moment, but Andrei's personal shield was strung enough to repel the attack. K'fer's wasn't and it struck at the already weakened Shaper. Andrei's own attack faded as he saw the Mists grab a hold of K'fer. His last sight before leaving was Pak's brain dead body collapsing to the ground, tears streaking down the face.

Safety was found in that underground cavern. It kept on coming back to this one place. So similar to the one that J'Stan had been in when he fought Bjorn, all those thousands of years ago. The heaviness of grief filled him, his own and not some memory. It felt so much worse this way. This time though, he didn't wallow in self-pity. The time for that was long past. The trail of Ter and J'Stan was over two years old now, he had wasted enough time as it was.

He opened his mind and cursed at what he saw. There were no more bubbles, no more havens left, except one. They were all gone! He concentrated on that one bubble and was amazed. It was opaque. He knew it was there, he could feel it, but he couldn't see inside. Well, that wasn't necessary, he could still teleport there.

Except that didn't work either. The shield was set so that no one could enter inside! How could he get in there if he was blocked? Desperation filled him for a moment, but he stepped back and thought about things. He analyzed the shield, looking for a key, looking for a way inside. Hours passed, then days. Nothing seemed to work. He couldn't believe this was happening!

He sat back down, looking into the lava flowing by outside the cavern. The sight brought back memories of J'Stan. The man had so many loves in his life. Jason and Curtis, and Adam had been the greatest of them. Jason and Curtis, cut off so young. Adam had lived for millennia beside J'Stan, yet had still died. Hell, J'Stan had trained the young man himself.

Trained Adam. A memory came to the front of Andrei's mind. A lesson from J'Stan on weird key combinations for shields seemed to bear on this shield that was blocking Andrei now. He stood in the cavern and let his mind wander upwards, towards this last haven. Gentle probes matched the shield, read what it needed to pass. Without hesitation, Andrei changed himself so that he matched that shield...and teleported.

Darkness. The darkness was all around him, but he could hear faint voices.

"Is he going to be okay?" one young voice said.

"Yes, dear. Don' worry. He'll wake up soon enough" this was a kind woman's voice.

"But will he be allowed to stay with us?' another young boy's voice whispered.

"We'll see, we'll see. Now, Justin, Terrence, you two run along and play. Let Marsha deal with the new boy."

"Okies, see ya later!" both voices said, almost in unison.

The blackness welled up again and he couldn't remember anything more.

Next: Chapter 31: The New God 7

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