Mists of Fate

By Dan Kirk

Published on Apr 12, 2002


This story does have several gay main characters. If this offends you, go read your bible instead. There will also be incidents of violence and/or sexual situations in various chapters. They are a part of the story. If you don't like them, don't read.

Once again, thanks to Ed for his work in editing this story!

Shapers' War - Chapter Two - To Lose...Again

As he appeared on the designated platform, J'Stan felt like he was stepping into the past...the distant past. Flanked by Margaret on his left, and Adam on his right, he stood on a large platform in the middle of a courtyard. A real courtyard, with the walls of a castle rising around him. The courtyard itself was huge, and filled with people in different types of uniforms rushing around it.

The platform itself was in the middle of the courtyard, halfway between the gates of the outer wall and the castle proper. On the platform itself was a symbol he recognized, the Shaper's Hands encircling the globe with a golden starburst indicating the Shapers' Council. It was with an effort of willpower that J'Stan kept from shuddering at the sight of it.

The three stood there for a minute, just looking around, taking in the sight of the castle that was home to Jheris and his Council. It was through their bond that Adam pointed something out to him, the walls of the castle looked like they had been made from one piece of black rock. Obviously the gifted here had used their abilities to fuse pieces of rock together, making it whole. Adam was wondering if they'd find such efforts in the city beyond the castle's walls.

Around them, people had stopped in their daily business to stare at the three on the platform. J'Stan and Adam were both wearing the Guardian uniforms. Soft, brown corduroy pants, spotless white shirts. Their only personal adornments were matching silver necklaces, each with a pendant of a silver dolphin circling a small sapphire. They had been gifts from J'Stan's three kids before they left. Margaret had worn a dress, a gift from Alan's wife Elen. It mixed brown and red colors in variegated patterns. Originally it had been given to Elen by the Morganites for a celebration many decades before. Murmurs started to rise to them in a noisy hubbub, until a figure appeared from the main entrance of the castle. As the figure moved towards them, the people in the courtyard returned to their daily business.

"It's your clothes," Margaret nearly whispered. "None of us are dressed as Shapers. They don't recognize your Guardian's uniforms. I know the Shaper walking towards us. It's my father, Edward Zindel."

"Thank you, Margaret," J'Stan said softly. "I don't think I'd have recognized him unless one of you said something."

His statement was absolute truth. When he'd last seen Eddie Zindel, the man had appeared in his early twenties, much as J'Stan and Adam still did. Eddie had been a student of J'Stan's in the old Psionics Center, before Bjorn had made his successful overthrow of every world government. The last time the two had met, Eddie had been arresting J'Stan, and taking Alan as hostage while the two were eating at a restaurant in New York.

A soft smile filled Margaret's face as her father approached. He was dressed in the traditional Shaper's uniform. White pants and knee-high boots, dark blue tunic, with the Shaper's Hands emblem on his left breast, and a golden starburst indicating he was a member of the Shapers' Council. That was the only thing familiar. His hair was now white, and long enough to touch his shoulders. A white beard flowed down, touching his chest at the same level as the emblem on his uniform. Wrinkle lines showed around the eyes, around the edges of his mouth, and on his forehead. The rest of his face was relatively smooth.

The man's white hair and older features were a sharp contrast from J'Stan's golden blond hair and Adam's glistening black hair. As the Shaper reached the platform, it almost seemed like Adam and J'Stan were little more than children standing before a wise grandfather. People around the courtyard could be heard letting out muted sighs, and any who passed close to the Shaper gave a quick bow or curtsey before moving.

"Shaper! It is good to see you," Margaret said, bowing her head slightly. She had told J'Stan about the custom of bowing and curtseying to any Shaper, and he had told her she was now a Councilor of New Phoenix. New Phoenicians do not bow to anyone.

"Daughter!" Eddie Zindel said slowly, in a little surprise. "You look good. I must say that I am surprised to see you here. I was not sure how they would receive your colony."

"They have received us with open arms, Shaper Zindel," Margaret said more formally. "We have been accepted into their land, and given representation into their Councils. I myself have been appointed as Haven's council representative until elections can be held. Many of the preconceptions that are held on this side of the world were wrong, I am glad to say."

"That is good to hear, Councilor," Eddie said with a guarded tone, giving his daughter a long look. J'Stan could feel Eddie's mind reaching out and reading the truth of what she said from her mind. When he tried to probe deeper, Margaret spoke up.

"No, Shaper Zindel," she said in a sharp tone. "I am no longer one of your people. Under the laws of New Phoenix, no one may enter the mind of another without permission. You no longer have the right."

With a look of surprise at her tone, Eddie removed himself from her mind. A sigh of relief filled J'Stan, but he didn't allow it to show. As Eddie turned from his daughter and faced the other two on the platform, Margaret took a step forward and turned slightly so she was facing between her father and the other two on the platform with her.

"I believe you already know J'Stan, leader of the New Phoenix Guardians and envoy of the New Phoenix Regional Council," she began her introductions. "May I also introduce Adam Morgan, Guardian, Director of Exploration, and assistant envoy of New Phoenix? As I stated earlier, I am the representative for Haven to the New Phoenix Regional Council, and also assistant envoy. Gentlemen, this is Edward Zindel, member of the Shapers' Council and Special Assistant to Head Councilor Jheris."

"J'Stan? Jheris had said you'd adopted a new name, Ackeman," Eddie said quietly. "It will make things easier for those who never met you before. And Morgan? I seem to remember seeing your name on the student Shaper rolls before the Cataclysm."

"You are correct, Shaper," Adam said coldly. "I was interred at your indoctrination center until my father rescued me."

"Well," Eddie said, "this might just prove to be an interesting meeting. I can see why you picked him to accompany you, J'Stan."

"Adam coming was my choice, yes," J'Stan said. "But it was affirmed by the New Phoenix Regional Council. If they had said 'No', he wouldn't have come."

"Did my daughter have a vote in this decision making too?"

"Of course. Unlike your Shapers' Council, our Council is elected and having the gift is not a requirement for membership. Also, the name Ackeman is not mine, anymore than Justin anymore. It is simply J'Stan."

"Interesting. There is no need for us to remain out here. Envoy J'Stan, Guardian Morgan, if you would follow me, I would show you quarters where you may stay while we are here. Margaret, someone will be along to show you to guest quarters shortly."

"No," J'Stan said firmly. "I don't think you understand. Margaret is part of this embassy. That means she is to be treated the same as Adam and myself. Anything else would be a capital insult. Her rank in New Phoenix is actually higher than mine. The Guardians serve the Council, and she is a member of the Council. She is to be treated accordingly."

This time, the look on Eddie's face was of total surprise; as if he was trying to understand words in a language he didn't know. Finally, he just nodded his head and motioned for all of them to follow him. As they made their way across the courtyard, passersby all stopped and bowed to the party, looks of curiosity on all the faces.

Inside the castle, J'Stan noticed that the passageways were lit with lights that appeared to be electric. Very few people were in any of the passageways they went through, or the rooms they passed through. Everyone they did see was in the uniform of the Shapers. Eddie explained as they followed him that they were in the section of the castle reserved for Shapers, and that those without the ability were not normally permitted in this area. J'Stan ignored the verbal jab and complimented the obvious work of the Shapers in constructing the huge building. Finally, they were shown a suite of rooms that appeared to be halfway up one of the towers.

The suite had a large, central room, with two smaller rooms off of each side. Eddie half-apologized about there not being more rooms, but stated they had not expected Margaret to need housing with them. J'Stan shrugged it off, stating simply that Adam and he would share. A knowing look passed Eddie's face, followed by a calculating one. He left, stating that the Shapers' Council would be ready in about an hour to receive them.

As soon as the door was shut, Adam quickly wove a ward around the room. It prevented anyone from eavesdropping, or even seeing what happened inside the room. Margaret collapsed quietly onto one of the couches, and J'Stan joined Adam on another. Their hands locked together, touching each other along the side, they took comfort in the physical contact.

"That is the one thing I will never miss," Margaret said after a few moments. "I'd nearly forgotten how violated it made me feel whenever one of them would scan my mind. They used to have me work with the trainees too, letting them scan me. Some of them were not as nice as Shaper Zindel, but even his touch made me feel dirty."

"Why do you call him 'Shaper Zindel', Maggie?" Adam asked.

"I'm not gifted. Only his gifted children can call him father. The law says all non-Shapers must address Shapers with honor and respect. So, I never called him father, dad, or pop."

"And we're supposed to reach some kind of TREATY with these people?" Adam said to J'Stan.

"Yes," J'Stan said quietly. "And we will. You of all people know how I feel about this, you can feel it every second from me. But..."

"As Guardians it is our job to serve and protect the people of New Phoenix," Adam finished for him. "I know, but it's so hard..."

"For some reason, life never seems to throw easy things my way," J'Stan moaned theatrically, causing the other two in the room to laugh. "Now, Margaret, let's go over things again before the Council meeting. I want to set them off edge, get them as confused as possible. It should help when we actually start negotiating."

The room was what J'Stan would have called a 'Throne Room'. Large columns marched down each side of the long, narrow room, with a great table running parallel between them. At the far end of the table was a low dais, on which sat four large chairs, or thrones, and a fifth that dwarfed the others. Between the dais and the table was a smaller table, to which their young escort led them.

As they passed down the great table, J'Stan pushed memories of another room that had looked similar from his mind. Determination swelled inside him that events here would not end like that time had. A calming sensation swept over him from Adam and he was again glad of his love's presence here.

The great table was packed with people sitting on each side of it, all dressed in the uniforms of Shapers. There were several hundred of them, by far more than the Regional Council back in New Phoenix. The murmur of quiet conversation ceased as they passed down the table, and an expectant hush took its place.

As they reached the small table, J'Stan sat on one side, where he could see both the dais and the great table. Next to him sat Adam, with Margaret taking the single seat on the other side. She was now wearing a dark green dress, another gift from Elen.

They had been seated for only a few moments when the sound of trumpets filled the room. The Shapers at the table rose as one and bowed low towards the dais. J'Stan and his party also rose, but did not bow. >From the edges of the room, four men walked in and moved towards the dais. All appeared older, just as Eddie Zindel had. In fact, he was one of the four men who moved onto the dais and stood before one of the chairs there, immediately next to the fifth, largest chair.

Another peal of trumpets returned the Shapers at the table to their bowed position, and this time the four men standing before their chairs also bowed. J'Stan turned to his right and was greeted by the sight of Jheris, whom he had not seen in over eighty years. Jheris appeared older, like the others on the dais. His white beard coiled down almost to his waist, but his stride was strong and steady as he reached the large chair in the middle of the others. As he took his seat, everyone else also sat down.

J'Stan and his group remained standing for a moment longer, then also took their seats. The delay caused some uneasy rustling from the table, and a curious glance from Eddie on the platform. Inside, J'Stan felt his nervousness and fear drain away and only calm support from Adam. When a silence had again fallen over the room, Jheris stood.

"Honored members of the Shapers' Council, we are gathered here today for a most momentous occasion. Our message of peace has been heard, and as we offered, an envoy has been received. For the first time since the sundering of our world, we have an opportunity for peace, and rapprochement. Shaper Lord Zindel, will you please do us the honor of introducing our guests?"

As he finished, Jheris sat back down in his chair, his every motion exuding an air of dignity and wisdom. It made J'Stan roil a little, but that too was calmed by Adam. Taking his cue, Zindel stood and moved to the edge of the dais, and with grand gestures began to introduce J'Stan's party.

"Honored Council members, it is a great honor, and a matter of personal pride to say that most of the envoys are personally known to me as people of strong conviction and honesty. It is my pleasure to introduce to the Shapers' Council Margaret Zindel, Representative of the Haven colony to the New Phoenix Regional Council. Across from her, and closest to the Council table is Adam Morgan, Guardian and Director of Exploration for New Phoenix. Last, but not least, is J'Stan, Head of the Guardians of New Phoenix."

Polite applause filled the room for a few moments as the three stood at the table. According to the briefing given by their escort here, this was the signal for J'Stan to speak. Surprise filled the room when J'Stan and Adam both resumed their seats while Margaret dipped her head briefly to the men on the dais, and then turned to the table.

"Shapers of the Greater Federation, it is an honor for me to be able to address you today on behalf of the New Phoenix Regional Council," Margaret began in a ringing voice. "A little over one year ago, you gave me charge of a colony to be sent to the lands of New Phoenix. It was hoped that this colony would be welcomed by the people of New Phoenix.

"It is a pleasure for me to assure you that the welcome was beyond what was expected. Not only were we welcomed, but also we were granted full rights of citizenship in the New Phoenix Regional Council. Soon, elections will be held for a representative to that Council, and for the formation of a local council for Haven. Guardians, both gifted and ungifted, will be assisting the final setup of the Haven colony. Within a year, we expect to be a full, productive part of the New Phoenix Region." Murmurs filled the room at her comments, and she waited until they settled down again.

"Please notice," she continued, "that I stated Haven will be a part of the New Phoenix Region. In order for our welcome to be made, we have willingly and without reservation given full allegiance to New Phoenix. We have found that New Phoenix is greatly different from the world we left, this one, but it is one in which we can thrive.

"I am here, though, not just as a representative of Haven, but as a full member of the New Phoenix Regional Council. I hold the seat for Haven until elections are completed. Guardian J'Stan is our primary envoy, but is a non-voting member of the Regional Council. He is fully empowered to negotiate for New Phoenix, but all decisions must be ratified by the full membership. Having said that, I now yield the floor to our honored envoy, Guardian J'Stan, once known as Lieutenant Commander Justin Ackeman of the United States Navy."

Margaret's final sentence caused uproar among the Shapers' Council. Many of the members had recognized J'Stan, but all had kept silent on his full identity at the orders of Jheris. Most had not known that Justin Ackeman and J'Stan were the same person. Shouts of 'Destroyer!' and 'Murderer!'filled the room. Finally Jheris rose from his chair and calmed the room with a peal of thunder.

"Enough!" Jheris commanded in a booming voice. "Margaret Zindel, I see that the last year has not taught you better discretion."

"With all due respect, Shaper Jheris," Margaret answered from her seat, "I am no longer your subject to command. I am an envoy of a foreign government."

"Noted, which is why you are still here instead of being assigned to mucking out the damn stables," Jheris said in a stern voice. "We will hear the words of J'Stan, Envoy of New Phoenix."

"Thank you, Shaper," J'Stan said as he rose from his seat. Looking over the great table, he could see a myriad of expressions on the faces of the people there. They ranged from cool and calculating to rage and fear. Just as he had hoped.

"To say that New Phoenix was concerned and upset by an unauthorized colony appearing on its shores is an understatement," he continued with his prepared speech, voice booming out in the large room. "However, since all the colonists were ungifted in accordance with the only agreement currently in existence between our two states, we decided to welcome them.

"Following the message by Shaper Jheris, much debate took place. Truth be told, discussion had been given about approaching this body for the past thirty years. This opportunity seemed as good as any we would ever get. Much of this discussion focused on your need to expand, to relieve the pressures of overpopulation.

"However, we of New Phoenix have always sought a balance between the needs of people and the needs of our planet. The three main landmasses we hold are sparsely populated with plant and animal life. Years more will be required to prepare them for human occupation. Especially in any numbers."

"This is not saying that we are unwilling to accept immigrants from your land. In fact, we are more than willing so long as it is controlled and at a rate that does not unbalance the ecology we have so carefully created. What this means, is that we will accept colonists under strict circumstances and controls. Further, we are also willing to discuss other matters that might be of mutual interest. Exchange of knowledge, coordinated efforts to continue the repairs to our planet's ecosystem. I, and Councilor Margaret Zindel, stand ready to discuss these, and other issues tomorrow during the negotiations."

Murmurs of surprise filled the rooms at J'Stan's speech. It seemed that his words, and their gesture of peace were far different than what had been accepted. Tension seemed to bleed out of the room, until Adam stood at his table. His dark hair glistened in the light filtering down through the high windows, and his posture was tense as he leaned on the table with his arms outstretched and fists holding his weight on the wood.

"You have heard the words of Councilor Margaret Zindel, and the words of Head Guardian J'Stan," Adam began in a voice cold as the moon. "Hear now the words of warning that accompany theirs.

"We, the people of New Phoenix and the region, offer these things in good faith. However, the Shapers' Council has never taken actions that would support that faith. The opportunity they are offering is a genuine one. Fail to take it up, or act in bad faith, and our borders will remain closed to you forever.

"We offer you the opportunity to relieve your overcrowding. Abuse that, send unauthorized settlers, and there will be prices to pay. You have heard the words of peace, and now the words of warning. Make your decisions wisely and hold to them."

As hoped, Adam's unexpectedly strong words threw the hall into further confusion. The Shapers obviously didn't like his strong words, and neither did Jheris who was scowling from his throne on the dais. As the murmurs grew louder, he sat staring at their table. When the volume in the hall reached the point of being loud, he stood and silence descended once more.

"We thank the Envoys for their words," he said into the quiet hall, lips barely seeming to move in that thick beard, "and we look forward to the negotiations in the morning. For now, this meeting is adjourned as we welcome the honored envoys in a reception prepared in the foyer outside."

As he finished, the men and women at the great table stood and made their way out the main doors. As they filed out, the men on the dais came and stood before the three envoys still sitting at their table. When Jheris and his 'lords' reached them, J'Stan stood, followed shortly by the other two, and nodded his head in a gesture of respect.

"I am sorry, Jheris," J'Stan began, each word the truth since Jheris would be able to detect a lie, just as he would detect a lie from Jheris. "I wish Margaret's revelation of my identity had not had such a negative impact on your people."

"Yes," Jheris responded slowly. "Her statement is likely to cause quite an uproar. You are still regarded as the villain in many deeds, Justin Ackeman. J'Stan was a name known to few here before today. Now, I fear there may be demands for your trial."

"He is an envoy,!" Adam snarled across the table. "You can't touch him!"

"Easy, young one," Eddie Zindel said from Jheris's side. "We will respect your status as envoy. Jheris simply meant that we'd have problems to face because of my daughter's rash words. We will respect your status."

"I expected nothing less," J'Stan said. "The events of eighty years ago are the distant past. I hope that we can all learn from them, instead of repeating them."

"You sound like a history teacher," one of the other 'lords' said.

"Sometimes I wish I was one," J'Stan admitted. "These affairs always set my teeth on edge."

"Shall we join the others outside?" Jheris said, a hint of warmth in his voice. "We've prepared an excellent buffet to honor your visit."

The foyer was a large, round room with very high ceilings. It reminded J'Stan of a cathedral with the great stained glass windows circling the great dome high overhead. The light from those windows created fantastic patterns on the floor and covering the inhabitants. Around the edges of the room, tables had been set up piled with a wide variety of foods. Servants in sky blue outfits flitted around the room with trays loaded with drinks of all types, while others were for carrying away empty glasses and dishes.

As they entered with Jheris's companions, the sounds of conversation ended and everyone in the room, including servants, sank into deep bows and curtseys. Jheris led the group over to a table that held mostly seafood. He filled a small dish with some lobster tail and crabmeat, as did the lords with him. Margaret also served herself some food, but J'Stan and Adam stood back.

"Not hungry?" Eddie Zindel said. "That's not the man I remember."

"Sorry," J'Stan said, and he started to put a few small samples on a small plate. "During the first years of New Phoenix, food was pretty scarce. We discovered that those of us who were gifted could exist without food, or water. During those years I've gotten out of the habit of eating."

"A great loss," Jheris said. "Eating is one of the ways in which we remind ourselves of where we came from. Besides, the flavors of food can be so wonderful."

"Yes, especially this lobster," Adam said with a grin on his face. "I've heard about it, but never had any."

"Ah! The young one does know how to smile!" another of the lords said.

"Enough chiding the envoy," Jheris scolded lightly, seeing a scowl appear on Adamn's face.

"I see that the City Council and Guild Leaders are all in attendance," Margaret said, changing the subject as the party moved towards some of the other tables.

"Yes," Jheris answered, glad for the change. "We felt it important for your party to see more than just us Shapers. Our society has many levels, as you well know, and I want all of you to get a better idea of what we are like."

"A good idea," J'Stan said. "Would you introduce us to some of them?"

"Absolutely," Jheris said as he led them to a small cluster of men standing near the middle of the room. They all seemed to be dressed in uniforms of a type and were talking animatedly with each other. As Jheris approached, they broke off their conversation and bowed deeply.

"Goodmen," Jheris said quietly. "Let me introduce the envoys of New Phoenix, J'Stan, Adam Morgan, and Margaret Zindel. Envoys, may I introduce Locurius, Guildmaster of the Metalworkers; Parrin, Guildmaster of Woodworkers; Carrack, Guildmaster of the Shipbuilders; Antoly, Guildmaster of the Navigators; and Husen, Guildmaster of the Power Corps. Together, their guilds represent the epitome of our society's achievements."

"Your words are too kind," Husen said. He was a small, oriental man wearing yellow and black. "We couldn't do a third of what we do without the support and guidance of the Shapers' Council."

"Most definitely," Carrack said in a curiously blended sea green and gray outfit. "In the last twenty years alone, our ships have increased tremendously in size and speed thanks to the Shapers. We can now sail the ocean with ease."

"The ocean?" Adam said in a puzzled tone. "Why sail the surface when you can sail through the air? The air provides much less resistance, and better speed."

"The air!" snorted Locurius in his red and silver outfit. "Do you mean to say that you make aircraft like they had in the Old World?"

"Hardly!" Margaret snorted. "I made the trip from Haven to New Phoenix in little more than a week on a ship that floated on air. It looked a lot like the ships you built for our colonization trip, Guildmaster. Although they were about half the size. But they floated on air and sailed the winds much faster than I would believe possible."

"Amazing," Jheris said quietly. "Perhaps our cousins of New Phoenix might be willing to share?"

"That is a matter for negotiations, Jheris," J'Stan said lightly. "I'm sure there are many things we might be able to share with each other. Time will only tell."

J'Stan lost track of the conversation as a strange feeling of something approaching tugged at him. He scanned the room just in time to catch the entry of two dark-haired men on the far side. Both were dressed neatly in the uniform of the Shapers, and he found that he knew both of them although he'd only met one.

The one on the right had a vacant look in his young, handsome face, and drool dribbled down one corner of his mouth. The other walked stiffly into the room, his green eyes showing a haunted look. Conversation stilled around the room as the two approached J'Stan and the group he was standing with. J'Stan barely noticed the guildmasters slipping off to the opposite side of the room, and Jheris' entourage fading into a semi-circle behind him.

"How do you like your handiwork?" the green-eyed Shaper asked in a heavy Russian accent when they reached J'Stan. "He's done a good job of reminding us of the price you exact, don't you think?"

J'Stan closed his eyes for a moment as he searched his feelings, and calmed himself. He hadn't expected this, and the memory of the attack on him eighty years ago surged upward. The vacant-eyed man was Vasily, a Russian Shaper who had joined Jheris in attacking J'Stan. First at the convoy headed by Adam's father, then on the moon when J'Stan escaped. Vasily was the only survivor besides Jheris, and had served as a messenger for J'Stan, after a vicious mindwipe.

He'd scanned Vasily's memories before wiping everything that 'was' Vasily. When he was done, he'd sent the shell of a man back to Jheris with only the message left in that head. Now, those memories he'd taken from Vasily provided the name of the green-eyed man.

"Nikolai," J'Stan said softly, not intending to be overheard. "Vasily loved you very much. His last thoughts were of you. I know what it's like to lose someone, and I'm sorry you had to suffer."

"Sorry!" croaked Nikolai, outrage causing his young features to glow red. "You have no idea what it's like to look at the face of one you love, every day for eighty years, and realize there was nothing there! It's worse than anything you could imagine!"

"You're right, it is," J'Stan said, still speaking softly. "There are many things that I'd like to change, and I can honestly say this is one of them."

"THEN DO SO!" Nikolai shouted now. "Make him the way he was! Cure him!"

"He was part of a vicious, unwarranted attack on innocent people. He engaged me in combat at five to one odds. He lost," J'Stan said in a voice that he made sure carried to everyone in the room. "At the end he begged for his life. He surrendered unconditionally. This was the price for his life. When he surrendered, he surrendered all control over his life.

"I admit, I was furious at that moment, and made the penalty for him harsher than it needed to be. But, he was still guilty. A price had to be paid. I'm sorry, Nikolai, but there is nothing I can do. When I wiped his mind, I took some of his memories that I felt were necessary, and threw the rest away. There's not enough left to make him more than an automaton, which you have done already. There are many things in my life that I'd want to do over if I could. What I did to Vasily ranks among the top of them."

"But not as high as your precious twins?" Nikolai asked loudly.

"Higher, actually."

"Then end it NOW!" Nikolai shouted.

"So be it," J'Stan said in a cold voice, ignoring the mental protest from Adam. He turned and looked squarely at Vasily, ignoring the memory of the man before the memory wipe. A moment of thought was all it took to decide the best way to do this, and he reached out with his mind as he spoke aloud.

"You have served well, Vasily Ivanovich. Your service is finished. Rest now."

As he finished, he cut the last cord he'd wrapped around the man's mind, releasing the autonomic nervous system from the task of keeping him alive. When J'Stan had pulled out of the shattered mind of Vasily, the heart stopped beating. Expecting the body to crumple lifelessly to the ground, J'Stan was just as startled as everyone else when Vasily's form started to shine in golden light that grew brighter and brighter until everyone shaded their eyes. When their sight returned, the only indication that Vasily had ever existed were the tears in Nikolai's and J'Stan's eyes.

Across their bond, J'stan asked a silent 'Why?' of Adam, who'd made the showy incineration of Vasily's body. The response was a mixture of resignation and humor 'You need to develop a better sense of showmanship.'

Nikolai seemed surprised to see the tears on J'Stan's face and whispered a barely audible "Thank you" as he left the room. Once he was gone, the room erupted into conversation. Jheris moved from behind and put a hand on J'Stan's shoulder in an oddly comforting gesture.

"Decisions of leadership are often the most difficult. I hope that the next few days will show that we have all learned lessons from bad decisions."

Surprised at the statement, and the feeling he got from Jheris, a true desire for reconciliation, J'Stan could only nod. Adam moved closer, put his arm in J'stan's. It was a solidly comforting presence and reduced the tension he was feeling. Love and courage surged along the bond with Adam.

'You made the light, and incinerated the body,' J'Stan sent his lover privately. 'Why?'

'It was better than the man's body just crumpling to the floor. And more fitting your image, love,' was Adam's quiet response.

"People," J'Stan began, the words catching in his throat until he cleared it. The room immediately silenced. "I am sorry that this happened here, and now. The past is full of many things, both good and bad. Yet, it is the past, unchangeable. We have now an opportunity to put aside past enmity, and to learn to become friends. I hope that we will be successful."

"Thank you for your words, Guardian J'Stan," Jheris said, his voice booming throughout the room. "Your words ring true. Today ends a sad chapter in the history of our two peoples, and clears the way for us to look forward to the future. I encourage all here to reflect on that, and to learn from the mistakes we have all made."

Conversation resumed around the room as Jheris and J'Stan returned to their conversation with the Guildmasters. Adam remained where he was for a while, watching the flow of people in the room, searching out the patterns that made up all social gatherings. He was so deep in studying the undercurrents he found in the room that he was surprised when a strong voice spoke up next to him.

"Pardon me, Shaper..uh, I mean Guardian. Would you care for something to drink?" As Adam turned to look at the source of the voice, he was surprised at the relative youthfulness of the man's features. He was dressed in a deep green tunic and pants, made of very fine cloth. Soft, brown hair ran down to the middle of the man's back in an elaborate single braid, and ice blue eyes seemed to take in everything around him. He was holding two glasses of wine in delicate, fine hands.

Immediately putting his friendliest smile on, Adam accepted one of the glasses and took a careful sip. "Quite good, sir," he said to the green-clad man. He put out his free hand and said, "I'm Adam Morgan."

"Jules Testen," the man said as he shook the proffered hand. "I'm Chief Surgeon of the Bjornville Central Hospital. That's the oldest, and biggest hospital here in the capital."

"Ah!" Adam drawled out. "I have a few friends who'd love to exchange notes with you, Doctor."

Jules chuckled lightly and responded, "As I would love to trade notes with them. I must say that I'm very, very curious about the diseases and other medical problems your people have faced, and how you overcame them."

"Well, we had diseases pop up at first when we brought in survivors from remote areas. But since New Phoenix was a single settlement for thirty years, we were able to get them under control very fast. Our gifted Guardians and the ungifted doctors worked very hard to stamp them out. Now, those Guardians desiring to be healers work hand in hand with the regular doctors to make sure everything is done to save lives."

"Amazing!" Jules exclaimed. "There must really be fewer people on your side of the world. There are so many people here that the Shapers who specialize in healing only have time to see the most important of our critical patients."

"Interesting," Adam said quietly as his stomach rolled over at the thought of people dying unnecessarily. "I'd be very interested in seeing your hospital. I have nothing planned for tomorrow, do you think a tour could be arranged?"

"Tomorrow?!" Jules sputtered some of the wine he'd just sipped. "I thought the negotiations were taking place tomorrow?"

"They are," Adam responded with a slight frown. "I'm not needed there, only afterwards. Our negotiations have two of the envoys present for the actual talks, and a third party to review each day's results. I drew the short straw and get to be the third party. So, tomorrow, I'd really much prefer seeing some of...Bjornville...instead of sitting in a plush room by myself."

"I, I'd be pleased, sir," the doctor said. "We'd need to clear it with..."

"Consider it cleared," Eddie Zindel said from where he had been listening to the conversation. "In fact, I'll have one of my other kids escort Guardian Morgan there in the morning, say ten o'clock?"

"That will be fine, sir!" Jules said excitedly. "I'll have the senior staff ready."

"Thank you, Shaper Zindel," Adam said to the old acquaintance of J'Stan. From the shared memories, he knew the man had been the one who'd arrested J'Stan in New York, and threatened the life of Alan. But he was also the father of Margaret, who was fast becoming a good friend.

"I must say that I'm actually glad to see Just..I mean J'Stan, no longer alone. I trained under him and the twins at the Center, before the Accords were made. He was so happy then, and was a good man. It's good to see some of the old personality return."

Grief welled in Adam at the mention of Jason and Curtis. The image of their blasted bodies floated through his mind and it took a moment for him to remind himself that these were J'Stan's memories, not his. The bond told him that the mention of the twins had halted J'Stan in mid-sentence as he was discussing mining techniques with the Guildmasters. He had to force his own features to return to a pleasant expression.

"The grief of that moment is still with us, Eddie. I remember you from the time as well. I must say I liked you better then too. No offense meant, but you seemed a lot happier."

"Yes, leading the people does take its toll, but who else could lead our people in these times? From what you said, it sounds like the two of you have bonded together like he did with the twins."

"That's correct. To be honest, it's a new thing between us. We were good friends for over eighty years, and just recently became more."

"So the bond's new then?" Eddie said inquisitively. "It seems like you two have been bonded for decades the way you interact so smoothly. A few Shapers have decided to join together like that. They always seem awkward for the first few years as they grow used to the, closeness, of the bonding."

"I understand. We've had a few Guardians do the same. J'Stan and I were very close friends for decades, though. I knew what to expect and made the adjustments quickly."

"I just wish all those who decided to undertake the bonding would take the time to get to know each other as well as you two did."

"So do I, so do I," Adam answered.

The next few hours passed slowly, as more and more people made their way to speak to the envoys. Margaret was often a starting point, but Adam and J'Stan were the main attractions. The afternoon passed in a blur of faces and moments of conversation. At times, the bond came close to overwhelming him several times as he adjusted to being part of two separate conversations at once.

Finally, the reception seemed to be over. People were leaving, and the three envoys were able to meet back up together. All three seemed to be tired, and looking forward to a quiet evening. After some brief words with Jheris, they left the room and followed their escort back to the suite. Once there, they all sat in the main room and discussed the various conversations and impressions they'd gotten.

Another few hours passed, and dinner was brought to the room. J'Stan and Adam ate with Margaret, more to keep her company than out of any desire to eat. It was when they were done and were sitting quietly in the room, that a knock sounded at the door. Adam answered it and was surprised to see Eddie Zindel there.

At Adam's invitation he entered the room and greeted his daughter warmly, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her, and at the other two envoys. J'Stan felt a moment of longing for his own children, and reminded himself that they were why he was here.

"I came by to invite all of you to a concert that is being held here tonight." Eddie said to all three of them. "The Bjornville Boys Choir will be joining the Symphony tonight in a special concert. I have a box and would be happy to have all three of you as my guests."

"We'd love to," J'Stan immediately agreed, seeing Margaret's eyes light up, and the feeling of interest arise from Adam. He was intrigued himself. While there were plenty of bands and music in New Phoenix, a Symphony and Boys Choir did not yet exist. They all went to change while Eddie said he'd meet them in an hour.

J'Stan and Adam had both changed out of their uniforms, and dressed in more formal attire. Margaret wore a gown that Adam had made for her when he noticed her rummaging through the closet muttering about nothing being good enough. It had been she that had suggested the attire they now wore, reshaped out of an extra set of uniforms.

They met Eddie at their door, and saw he was dressed in a more formal version of the Shaper uniform. A silver and blue robe wrapped around the usual tunic and pants, which also sported silver striping. J'Stan was wearing a gold and brown jacket with black pants and knee high black boots. Adam was wearing a black jacket with gold and brown pants with the same style of boots. Margaret was dressed in a rich blue gown that flowed around her with a grace that J'Stan had not expected.

With Eddie, in a less ornate uniform, was a young Shaper. His resemblance to both Eddie and Margaret was immediately recognizable. Eddie introduced him as Paolo Zindel, his youngest son. The young man greeted Margaret distantly, and she explained that they'd rarely met before since Paolo had been in training for years. Now twenty, he was serving an apprenticeship with a senior Shaper specializing in healing.

The party made their way through the hallways, joining a flow of people heading towards a theatre on the opposite side of the castle. Conversation seemed to slow when they came near other people, but they were given polite nods and greetings from those that came close to them. After a while, Eddie led them to a curtained opening and they entered the private box.

The theatre would have done any opera house or symphony hall of the old world proud. Grand columns, ornately gilded, ran across the walls. Plush seats filled the box and from what J'Stan saw, filled the floor seats and balcony. Across from them, J'Stan could see Jheris in a box. They both bowed slightly to each other before taking their seats.

When the concert began, J'Stan let himself be carried away to the classical music. Mozart filled the theatre, and time seemed to fade as the old music swept him up. Adam, who had never been to a concert like this, was swept away just as J'Stan was. When the music changed and the Boys Choir began to sing, it was a moment before they heard the words distinctly.

Shaper save us!

Shaper guide us!

Lead us to the way

The way of peace

Let us show you our love

Let us give our thanks

For the protection you give

Bjorn showed the way

Till the great Cataclysm came

Shelter us please!

As the song ended and changed into another, J'Stan felt the uneasiness return. Despite the people he'd met today, he was still uncertain about forming a treaty with these people. Nothing had really changed. They still viewed the ungifted as children to be led and guided, something he found repulsive. He found that Adam was experiencing a similar revulsion.

The rest of the concert passed by, barely noticed. At intermission, he joined Eddie and Jheris backstage, complimenting the Choir and Symphony on their performances. He then joined the rest of the audiences outside for refreshments and greeted those he had seen before by name. As they reentered the box he shared small talk with Eddie, while Adam talked with Paolo.

Later that night, after the concert was over, J'Stan laid in bed with Adam and they thought about the night. When they realized that their thoughts were just going in circles, they let themselves drift off into sleep.

Morning introduced itself through sunlight pouring in from the windows of their room. Adam just lay there for a while, feeling like he was in heaven. All this just from the feeling of J'Stan lying next to him. The part of him that was now J'Stan still slept, but even in sleep he was more than he had been before the joining.

He'd waited eighty years for this, and every second had been worth it. He was now a part of J'Stan, and J'Stan was a part of him. For as long as either of them lived, the other would be alive as well. Just as Jason and Curtis were now a part of him. He wished he'd known them in life, not just from the memories of them he'd gained on joining with J'Stan. Adam had discovered that yesterday when he had reacted to Eddie's comments about them. Now he, Adam, could remember every moment of the twins' lives. It was uncomfortable, but also comforting.

J'Stan stirred beside him, and within his mind as well. The flow of love and welcome was intoxicating for both of them. The sense of J'Stan absorbing his thoughts of a few moments ago made Adam nervous for a moment. The total lack of privacy, total combination of themselves was still a little disconcerting. Fortunately, he had the memories of three people who had gone through the same thing to draw from. He promised himself that he'd get used to it eventually.

"So, today is the day," J'Stan said out loud. They both preferred to speak aloud. It felt more real somehow.

"Yep," Adam answered, running his hands along J'Stan's chest, teasing the nipples a little. "Today you begin the negotiations for a treaty, and I tour a hospital."

"And thanks to the fact that you're bonded to me, you get to listen to the negotiations in all their boredom."

"While you get to be distracted by the sight of sick people in the hospital."

"I hate hospitals."

"I know, I love them."

"If only I'd known before I let you seduce me on the moon," J'Stan said theatrically.

"Wouldn't have mattered, love. I've had eighty years to study you. I know all your weak spots," Adam said as he let his fingers trace lightly over the hollow of J'Stan's neck. The most erogenous zone for J'Stan. As J'Stan shuddered in enjoyment at the touch, Adam smiled and gently kissed him on the ear.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed, recruit!" he shouted, replaying a memory of J'Stan's first day in boot camp...over 115 years ago. He laughed hard as his lover jumped in surprise and landed next to the bed at attention. Growling, J'Stan leaped back on the bed and started tickling the bottom of Adam's feet, causing him to collapse into a fit of giggling.

"Ahem!" Margaret said from the doorway. "If you two boys don't mind, we need to get ready for the day. Our escorts will be here in minutes."

For some reason this caused both of them to laugh harder. Margaret couldn't help but join in. She was ready herself, dressed impeccably in another dress gifted to her by Elen. A knock on the outer door of the suite announced the arrival of their escorts. Adam climbed out of the bed and grabbed a uniform out of the wardrobe and dressed quickly, J'Stan doing the same next to him. Within moments they were ready, having used their abilities to clean up and fix their short hair.

In the main room, Margaret was snacking from a breakfast tray on the low table, chatting with her father and half-brother. As the two entered the room, the three relatives stood and smiled at the couple. Adam decided to take the lead and greeted both men.

"It's good to see you both again. I assume that Paolo is to be my guide this morning?"

"Yes, sir. I am honored to be escorting you through Bjornville and to the hospital. My mentor, Johan, helps there when he can so I am somewhat familiar with it."

"Meanwhile, Margaret and I get stuck in a stuffy room negotiating with hard headed people like Eddie here."

"Hard headed?" Eddie said, uncertainty in his voice.

"Yeah, I seem to remember you knocking your head straight through six inches of titanium wall in the training center. I would call that a hard head," J'Stan said jovially.

"Damn! I'd forgotten about that," Eddie laughed, and for a moment, his features shifted back to the young man he'd been then. The moment was gone all too soon and the older Eddie was back. "Well, the others are ready whenever you are, sir."

"Let's go then," J'Stan said. He motioned for Margaret to precede him out as they were led to the room where the negotiations would take place, leaving Adam alone with Paolo.

"So, Paolo, how about we get going too?" Adam said, then followed the young man out the door. He was led out of the main keep, past the courtyard where they had arrived, and through the main gate.

As they made their way through the parts of the City nearest the Keep, the large, spacious buildings they passed impressed Adam. There were shops and street vendors selling everything from fresh fruit to transistor radios. The houses he could see all appeared to be large, and well built. Most of the buildings were at least two, and more often three stories high.

Paolo was chatting away, pointing out vendors and stores as if to impress Adam with the sights around them. He made the appropriate noises whenever the boy paused in his chatter, but really paid little attention to him. Instead, his attention was on the people bustling around them.

The constant bowing to Paolo was the first thing he noticed. Men and women all stopped and bowed or curtseyed whenever they passed close by. On this busy street, the constant obeisance of various people started causing a backlog of people in the streets, but no one complained. Here, nearest the Keep, the people seemed to be well dressed, and well fed. There were no signs of starvation or overcrowding that Adam could see. He looked with his eyes and with his gift, but saw few signs of overcrowding or hunger.

The farther out they went, thing began to change. The buildings were closer and closer together, and now ranged as high as five stories. The streets they walked on were more crowded, even though everyone they came close to still stopped and made an obeisance to Paolo. Here there were even more vendors and stores, but they were more focused to practical, everyday needs as well as food. When they passed near several carts of fruit, Adam could tell that they were not of as high quality as those nearer the Keep.

Soon they were approaching the largest building so far. It rose six stories in height, and he could count over forty windows across the face of it. In large letters of the language they spoke here, a sign proclaimed that this was Bjornville General Hospital. His thoughts reached out to J'Stan for a moment, teasing his lover about being cooped up in that little room on a wonderful day. The expletive sent back to him brought a smile to his face as he turned to his guide to ask a question.

Before he could say anything though, a sharp psychic blow impacted against his mental shields, giving him only seconds to react to the attack. The first attack failed to penetrate, but it was quickly followed by another, stronger attack. He could see Paolo crumpling to the ground unconscious just before his vision went black.

J'Stan felt the attack on his lover and had to suppress the urge to go to his aid. He was scared that it had actually happened, worried about a repeat of the loss he'd experienced before. Adam's falling unconscious just made it worse. Instead, though, he sat in his seat and picked up on where Margaret was in presenting their offering.

"...so we will be able to accept colonies of up to five thousand people every other year for the next 16 years. Haven shall count as the first of those colonies, which means the next exodus shall be eligible for departure within 18 months."

"Councilor, as you are aware, that paltry rate does little to alleviate our overcrowded population," Eddie Zindel stated.

"I'm sorry, Shaper, but we don't believe that we can absorb more than what we are proposing. Time is needed between each wave to assure that the newcomers are well versed in our way of life and are able to adapt to it," J'Stan said firmly.

"I for one am not comfortable with these stringent acceptance policies. You have each potential colonist meeting with your people three times before being accepted! That's insane!" Jheris added.

"We must ensure that any of the people who settle in our lands can adapt to our way of life," J'Stan retorted. "It is impossible to do that in one sitting. Furthermore, we wish to make sure that any colonists are doing so of their own free will."

"Worried we might foist our criminals off on you?" Eddie Zindel sneered.

"Yes," J'Stan said bluntly. "But we'll likely take them if they qualify and really want to go. What really is a concern is forced migration of undesirables. We are willing to be a relief valve for problems related to overpopulation. We won't be a relief valve for a political pressure cooker."

Jheris started to laugh, when a young Shaper Trainee entered the small room through the doorway. He quickly scooted to Jheris' side and whispered something in the older man's ear. Jheris' face turned white, and his eyes widened slightly. J'Stan noticed the man's hands were shaking on the table. When the boy was finished, Jheris waved him out of the room and turned to J'Stan, and when he spoke, it was with a shaky voice.

"Uh, Guardian J'Stan, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but..."

"Some rogue elements in your Shapers' Council have taken Adam hostage," J'Stan finished for him.

"Of course," Jheris said softly, face even more white, "you're bonded to him. I want to assure you this is not sanctioned and we will do everything in our power to find him."

"Don't," J'Stan said firmly, suppressing the smile he felt from the shocked looks on their faces. "Adam's a big boy. He can handle this little predicament by himself."

"Aren't you worried about him? I thought you cared for him!" Eddie said incredulously.

"I am worried. Scared as hell too," J'Stan said calmly. "But like I said before, he's a big boy. He wouldn't appreciate me, or anyone else, interfering unnecessarily."

"Then you believe us when we say we had nothing to do with this?" Jheris asked.

"Of course. I will always believe everything you tell me, until I discover you have lied about something. Then, I will never believe anything you ever say again," J'Stan said quietly, but firmly.

"Just as I always remembered you being, J'Stan," Eddie said.

"So, why don't we continue our negotiations? No need to let whoever has kidnapped Adam disrupt the important work we are doing here," J'Stan said, and they continued their discussions.

Consciousness returned to Adam quickly. His hands were tied behind his back, and the blackness when he opened his eyes confirmed the feeling of a hood over his head. Hard, cold concrete lay under him as he rolled from his belly to his side. A flexing of his mind showed a good, solid, strong shield around him, trying to keep him from using his abilities. Too bad they didn't bother shielding him from hearing their voices too.

"I tell you we should not have done this!" a strange voice said. 'Bogey 1', Adam named him.

"Why, you afraid his pretty boyfriend will come after you?" a second voice said, 'Bogey 2'.

"Yes, and should you be. They say he's the one who killed Bjorn. If he did that, he'd make short work of us," Bogey 1 nearly yelled.

"Not before we scorched his toy here," Bogey 2 laughed. "I don't think he'll risk that. Besides, he'll blame Jheris for it, not us. That can only work to our advantage."

"Besides, they both need to suffer after what they've done," a third, heavily accented voice said. 'Nickolai!', Adam thought.

"You sure that shield on him is strong enough? How about the hood? Will that really keep them from finding him?" asked another voice, younger. Bogey 3.

"Don't worry, there's three very strong Shapers here, four more strong ones, and several strong trainees. We could hold anything short of J'Stan himself." Confidence filled every bit of Nikolai's voice.

"Well, when he wakes up we'll have a go at questioning him. I still don't think that everything is on the up and up with these people. Jheris is a fool for talking with them," Bogey 1 said, and Adam could almost hear the spittle coming out of his mouth.

"Really, boys," Adam said, rising to his feet, hands shaking loose the shreds of the metal cuffs. The hood he had been wearing was nowhere to be seen. Shouts of alarm filled the large room he was in, and shock was writ large on the faces of the men who had been speaking.

Nikolai stood there, closest to Adam, his mouth hanging open in surprise. Adam walked up to the man until he was inches away. "Never be too sure about anything dealing with another Gifted, bud. It never feels good when they rear up and bite you in the ass."

"GET HIM!" screamed Bogey 1 at the top of his lungs. At once, Adam was attacked from several directions, and methods. Bogey 1 turned his scream into a high pitch wail that threatened the eardrums of everyone there. A wave of ice threatened to freeze him while a blast of fire melted the ice, and his clothes. Attack after attack came at Adam until the floor beneath him buckled. Soon he was obscured from the view of the others by their attacks.

"Stop!" shouted Nickolai. At his command, the attacks petered out until they could see Adam standing untouched (except for his now non-existent clothing), in the middle of the room. Around him the floor was cracked and buckled, but a gentle smile touched his face.

He wasn't mad, too much. After all, they'd failed to cause him any harm. But he still felt some anger surging and sought to control it. He'd come here for a reason, and killing people now would not serve that purpose.

"As you can see, it doesn't really matter how many people you have here, Nikolai, they aren't enough," Adam said firmly. "Why don't we talk instead of ruining this building?"

"What do you have to say, murderer?" Nikolai responded angrily.

"First off, I'm not a murderer," Adam answered coolly.

"Yes, you ARE!" was the shouted response. "You and your, your PARTNER killed my Vasily!"

"We did not have a choice. Would Vasily have wanted to continue living like that? I don't think so. We are both sorry for the pain you have endured all these years. That is not vital to the here and now though."

"What do you think is important then?" said Bogey 1.

"What you are doing here. Why you sought to kidnap me. What you wanted to find out. These things are important."

"We are opposed to the rule of Jheris and his Council," said another voice who hadn't spoken before.

"But we're not liking the idea of your people either," said Nikolai.

"Well, then, why don't we go somewhere more comfortable and talk?" Adam said calmly. "I would love to hear what you thought to accomplish. We're not interested in taking over here, but we don't like Jheris' government any more than you do."

"I think that would be a good idea," said Bogey 2.

"I refuse to have ANY part of this!" Nikolai shouted, then disappeared.

"Don't worry about him, he'll calm down eventually. I'm Piotre, shall we talk?" said Bogey 1.

It had been a long week, but a successful one. Several burnt corpses had stood in for the still living kidnappers of Adam, and it appeared that Jheris was not aware of the fact that J'Stan's party was leaving with two treaties, not just one. J'Stan stood on the platform in the courtyard, flanked by Adam and Margaret.

All in all, this trip was a success. There would be more people coming to settle the lands around New Phoenix, and he could be fairly certain that they'd become loyal to the way of life on that side of the world. Even more importantly, Adam had made contact with a group intent on overthrowing Jheris' council. Even better, Margaret had shown herself to be a good negotiator, and dedicated to their cause. With luck, most of the new settlers would be like her.

"We are sad to see you leave us, Guardian J'Stan. I must say that things are much better this time, than when last we met," Jheris said. He was flanked by his High Council, and all were dressed in their most formal outfits.

"I must admit that I have been forced to reassess many of my opinions and thoughts about life here. I am grateful to you, Shaper Jheris, and I look forward to seeing what our negotiations here bring."

"Fare Well, Guardians, Councilor," Jheris responded just as J'Stan and his party disappeared.

Only to reappear on the other side of the world, in a room set aside for just such purposes. Adam opened the door to find the usual guards in the room outside and smiled at them warmly. His smile faded immediately when he saw the black armbands they wore on the sleeves of their shirts.

J'Stan could feel the worry well up in Adam, and felt his own worry begin to swell. He followed his lover out of the room, with Margaret following in his wake, and faced the nearest guard.

"Guardian Rowe," he addressed the young man, "what has happened? Why the mourning bands?"

"I, um, I'm sorry sir, but acting Head Guardian Corvis instructed us to call him and Mayor as soon as you returned. He'll be here in a moment to share recent events with you, sir."

"Very well," J'Stan said, subduing his edginess. "We'll wait in my office."

"Sir, um, would you mind waiting here? They're both on their way here already," Guardian Rowe said diffidently.

Before J'Stan could say anything, the door opened, admitting Barry Corvis and Jerry Gindell. Both men looked somewhat haggard, and wore the black mourning bands like the guards. When they saw the party though, they both smiled hesitantly.

"Guardian J'Stan," Jerry Gindell began hesitantly. "It's good to see you back. I trust the negotiations went well?"

"Aye, they did," J'Stan answered. "Where's Alan? Rowe said he was on the way."

When both men turned towards the guard, who shook his head and mouthed 'Mayor', they nodded and turned back to J'Stan, smiles gone.

"I'm sorry, J'Stan," Barry Corvis said gently, "Alan passed away the day after you left. His last instructions were that we were not to bother you until you returned. I'm sorry."

"Congratulations, Mayor," J'Stan said to Jerry Gindell. His voice, and his entire being were void of any emotion, and even Adam was pushed away for a few moments.

"I wish I'd gotten the post some other way, I too am sorry for your loss," Jerry Gindell said gently.

"Here is your treaty, sir. The others can fill you in on the specifics. I need to be alone," J'Stan said quietly, handing over the signed treaty. He purposely did not mention the secret one with the insurgents. When Barry Corvis took the treaty, he made a decision.

"Barry is a fine man, I'm sure he'll do a good job in my stead," he said into the quiet room.

"J'Stan! No!" Adam said aloud, while trying to reattain some of their usual rapport.

"I accept your resignation, sir," Mayor Gindell said. "Guardian Corvis, I appoint you temporary Head of the Guardians until the Council has a chance to make a permanent decision. J'Stan, I know it doesn't mean much, but I intend to put a resolution before the Council. Our region has gone long enough without a name. In honor of the legacy of your son, I hope the Council will approve naming our land 'Ackeland'. I hope you approve."

"Do what you wish," J'Stan said from the depths of the void he was wrapping himself in. "It doesn't matter to me."

End of Chapter 2.

It's amazing what the loss of a loved one can do. I still can only remember bits and pieces of what I felt, said, and did when I learned of my mom's death. It was at work, and I don't remember crying out, but they said that everyone in the building, even on the second floor heard it. Let those close to you know how much you love them.

Next: Chapter 17: Shapers War 3

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