Mists of Fate

By Dan Kirk

Published on Feb 2, 2002


This story contains some erotic and violent situations. The violence, and sexual material, for that matter, are not gratuitous. They are part of the story. If this is illegal where you reside, or you are not of legal age, read no further! Otherwise, enjoy. All work remains the property of the owner, and is printed on this web site, and its authorized mirrors/affiliates by permission of the author. Any other printing, distribution, etc. is prohibited.

I'd like to thank Ed once more for his work in proofing this.

Wreckers Chapter 10 - Between the Free and Oppressed

Darkness wrapped him in solitude, and the only thought running through his head was 'This is getting real old, real quick.' Slowly, his senses started coming back to life, and he could feel the cold, hard ground beneath him. The stench of sulfur, which always seemed to pervade every breath of the last few weeks, irritated his nose and lungs. His eyes opened, replacing the darkness with the sight of blackened rock in front of his face.

"He's waking," a strange, oddly accented voice said. It sounded German.

"Oui, make sure the block is tight,." said a higher pitched voice, definitely French.

"The shield is as strong as five of us can make it. I still say we should get more, he did kill Bjorn," said a third voice, this time the accent was Russian.

Stretching with his mind, J'Stan could feel the barrier, shield, block, whatever they called it keeping his will locked in. Weakness flooded him at the effort of pushing against the shield, and he almost blacked out again. Instead, he used his arms to push himself up off the ground.

He only managed to roll over onto his back, a groan escaping his clenched lips as pain reminded him that he was still alive. With an effort, he struggled to a sitting position and looked around. In a circle around him, there were five people dressed in the uniforms of Shapers. He could see Adam lying prone on his back about five feet away, surrounded by two more Shapers. Father Morgan was also lying prone about five feet on the other side of Adam.

Between Adam and him stood another figure in a Shaper's uniform, a figure he recognized. It was one of the two men who'd spoken against him at that mock trial. The man's presence only confirmed J'Stan's thoughts on what was going to happen next.

"So, the murderer has awakened. It is only fitting that he be conscious before his sentence is carried out," the man, who had spoken first at the fake trial, spoke in his carefully cadenced voice.

"What, are you going to blame everything on me again?" J'Stan said in a weak voice.

The Shapers around him all took a step back, but their faces hardened a little as they stared at him. Their leader let his voice keep them strong. "You do not expect us to believe that it was Bjorn who destroyed the world, do you? If it were not for the Shapers, there would not even be the few millions of survivors we have now. Those pitiful rebels you subverted barely saved half as many as we True Shapers did. If you had kept your word and accepted your fate, billions would not have had to die."

"Billions died because your pretty Bjorn couldn't stand to be the only one to die."

"YOU LIE," said the German Shaper.

"Puhlease, you know that I speak the truth," J'Stan said, voice dripping with scorn. "He was a megalomaniac. Too power hungry for his own good, or the world's."

"He was a great leader, dedicated to leading the world to peace," the leader said.

"So long as he was worshipped, and people followed him like sheep, he was willing to lead the world to peace," J'Stan retorted.

"Another LIE!" shouted the Frenchman.

"The TRUTH," J'Stan answered. "While I strangled the weasel's throat, I also ripped his puny little mind bit by bit. I swear, how any of you could stand the guy, I don't know."

Looking directly at the leader, J'Stan let scorn drip from every word he spoke. "You, Jheris, do you know what he thought of you? His little puppet. Pull a string here, watch the man dance. And you, Frenchie. Do you know what an idiot you were in his mind? Maybe you weren't sheep to him, but you were his sheep dogs. Keeping his flock herded up together, no more than pets to be cared for, even if you were more useful."

Reactions flared strongly in all the men, ranging from shock to denial. J'Stan could feel their emotions flaring, and that proved enough of a distraction. Just enough. Seizing the moment, he flung his will against the shield around him and felt it crumble. A flicker of thought and three of the men surrounding him burst into flame. The German and Russian Shapers blocked his attack and moved back until they stood next to their leader, all three surrounded by shields protecting them. The two Asian men guarding Adam spun around, shields flaring around them.

J'Stan climbed to his feet, watching the Shapers who had survived his attack, and could feel them preparing an attack of their own. Panic hit him as he noticed for the first time that most of Father Morgan's followers were still alive, under the guard of humans who must have been brought by the Shapers. Not wanting to risk more lives, he teleported himself to a safe place.

Soft gray dust floated up as he took another step on the moon's surface. 'Will they ever leave me alone?' he thought, indulging in self pity for a moment.

'No, we will not, murderer,' came a thought from behind him.

J'Stan spun around, and found himself face to face with the survivors from a few moments ago. Jheris stood there, hands on his hips, eyes blazing in hatred. On his right were the two Asian men who had been guarding Adam. The Russian and Frenchman stood on his left. All five men were slightly blurry, as if they were surrounding themselves with air to breathe.

This gave J'Stan an idea of how much more limited they were in their understanding of their abilities, and how much of an advantage he had here. 'I will give all of you one last chance,' he told them.

'You! Give US a chance?' Jheris responded, scorn in his mind's voice. Moving as one, all five of them raised their hands and bars of white power shot towards J'Stan. The look of certainty on all five faces turned to surprise when the attack passed right through J'Stan as if he wasn't there. Behind him, a large, silent explosion ripped a chunk of the moon's surface, sending fragments into the depths of space.

J'Stan concentrated for a moment, letting himself feel the strengths of the men in front of him, then made his choice. The Asian, actually a Korean, J'Stan realized from the facial features, was the weakest. He released his thoughts, willing it into being and the bubble of atmosphere around the man disappeared.

For a second, the man's eyes bulged in surprise, then he tried to take a breath. The results of explosive decompression covered the Frenchman next to him, and distracted the remaining four men. Taking advantage of their distraction, J'Stan repeated his attack on the Frenchman, with the same results.

The three survivors jumped, and were disoriented momentarily. Again seizing the moment, J'Stan reached out with his mind and grasped the other Asian, this one was definitely Japanese, in tendrils of force and slammed him down onto the moon's surface. The force of impact shattered the man's body, ending his life.

The other two men returned to the surface of the moon just as J'Stan reached out with his powers and shrouded them in a vise of power. He tightened the vise around them, crushing them with force. Terror filled both men's faces, feeling their deaths around them. Just as J'Stan realized he'd forgotten something, Jheris disappeared.

'Damn!' he thought to himself, quickly putting a block up around the Russian, preventing him from teleporting too. Taking his time, J'Stan kept increasing the pressure, giving vent to his anger over the attack on Father Morgan's people. He could see the man's fear growing stronger, and the man's attempts to break the vise or teleport grow weaker.

'Please!' the man sent mentally, falling to his knees. 'I beg you, my lord. Let me live! I'll serve you, do anything you want, just don't kill me!'

Despite his anger, J'Stan stopped increasing the pressure, and held it steady.

'Why?' J'Stan sent. 'Give me a reason to save you.'

'I can provide you with information, tell you what they are doing, where they are. You can go kill them then!' the man responded.

'What's your name?' J'Stan asked.

'Vasily, Shaper of the Third Circle, Imperial Russia.'

'Well, Vasily, I will accept your surrender, on your offered terms, and I have a task for you,' J'Stan replied, not letting up on his vise or shield a bit.

'Anything, sir!'

'Very well. I want you to deliver a message to Jheris for me. Lower your mental barriers, open your mind to me,' he ordered the Russian, and increased pressure with the vise until the man complied.

'Excellent, Vasily. Here's my message, dedicate it to memory so that you can recite each and every word, verbatim.

'Jheris, once more you tried to kill me, with no effect. Next time you try, you will be the first to die. I am tired of this conflict. We have differing viewpoints on how our homeworld should be governed. So long as we fight, that world is in danger of destruction, as we have all realized with recent events. The time for conflict is over. Instead of hunting you and your followers down, killing all of you, I am willing to compromise.

'The borders shall be what was the former International Date Line and the Prime Meridian. My people live on the side where North America used to be. Everything on that side is ours, everything on the other is yours. By the time you get this message, I will have erected a barrier based on those lines. The barrier will not prevent anyone from passing, but it will let me know when someone does. If someone does cross it, the truce is over, and I will hunt you down personally.

'These terms are not open for discussion, or moderation. Any of your people cross the barrier, I promise you will die at my hands even if it costs me my life. Hear these, my words and know them for the truth. What you do on your side of the barrier is your business. I will not, nor will anyone on my side, interfere. Accept these terms or you will die. The only response I need is to never feel you or your people cross the border. Good-bye.'

As he finished, he reached deep into Vasily's mind and wiped everything. Within seconds, Vasily's mind was blank except for his message. He could see drool running down the sides of the man's mouth, and the only reason that he didn't die in the vacuum of space was that J'Stan didn't want him to. Sifting through the memories he'd collected while wiping Vasily's mind, he found Jheris' hiding place and sent Vasily there.

Alone again on the surface of the moon, he looked around at the now littered landscape. The bodies of the three dead men lay on the surface, and the damage from their attack scarred the land behind him. A quick thought incinerated the three bodies, and tears rolled down his face. Above the horizon, the brownish green orb of the Earth floated, a rebuke of the failures he was now feeling.

Another thought established the barrier he'd mentioned. He made a thin skein around the portion of the globe he'd claimed, making sure it ran through the planet, and out into the reaches of space, leaving no hole. He also set it so that only someone with the abilities of a Shaper would set off the warning. He didn't care if normals made it across. In fact he hoped some would.

He needed to talk to David and Henry, but he was more worried about Adam for the moment. He hoped the kid was okay, he'd started to grow very fond of him. Fixing the image of the site where the wagons were attacked, he willed himself there.

As he appeared in the exact spot he'd left, a wave of dizziness hit him again. Slightly sulfurous atmosphere filled his lungs as he took a breath. Ahead of him, he could see Father Morgan sitting with his back against a wagon wheel, his wife dabbing a cloth against his head. Fighting down the dizziness, he walked over to Father Morgan and knelt down beside the man.

"Father, are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine, son. Just a nasty bruise," the man said as he lifted his head and looked up at J'Stan. "Adam's not so good."

Worry and fear rose up in J'Stan at that. Then guilt and a mix of other emotions. He pushed the emotions aside for the moment and concentrated on the man in front of him. Reaching out, he felt the man's injuries. Mild concussion, bruises, cracked rib. Another thought washed the injuries away.

"Thank you, young man. Although I'd prefer it if you saved it for Adam. He's been unconscious since those Shapers followed you wherever you went. We put him in the wagon here. I, you know I don't approve of your ways, but Adam is more like you are than me. If he can do things like you can, I guess I can live with the rest of it, as long as he's happy."

Not waiting for anything more, J'Stan turned and rushed into the wagon, ignoring another wave of dizziness. In the wagon, Adam was laid out on a bunk in the side. A blanket covered him up to his neck, and his face was unusually pale. A moan escaped J'Stan's lips at the sight of the young man, and he rushed to Adam's side, reaching out with his mind.

He was met by a wall of blackness. His legs collapsed and he fell to his knees beside the young man, taking a cold hand in his own. Calming himself with a deep breath, J'Stan once more reached out with his mind and touched the blackness.

It surrounded him, drawing him in deeper and deeper. He knew that somewhere in the darkness was Adam, but where was the mystery. Light was what he needed. Light bloomed in the void, but there was nothing there to be lit. 'Adam!' his mind voice called over and over. After what seemed an eternity, he heard something.

'Leave me alone,' Adam's mind voice said, sounding weak.

'Why? Why do you want to be left alone?' J'Stan responded.

'Cause I failed,' Adam said forlornly. 'I couldn't protect my own father!'

'He's fine,' J'Stan said, trying his best to sound reassuring. 'There were too many of them for you to hold them off by yourself.'

'I don't care, just leave me alone!'

'Why don't you share what's really wrong?'


'Please? I promise to listen, then leave you alone.'

'You swear you'll leave me alone?'


Adam appeared before him then, floating into the circle of light from the blackness. Dark circles were around his eyes, and his whole appearance was distorted, disfigured. J'Stan knew this wasn't his real appearance, but instead the mental vision of how Adam viewed himself at the moment.

'We're evil, that's what's wrong. It ain't natural to want another man, and it ain't natural for us to be able to do the things we can do. God didn't intend it to be this way.'

J'Stan held in the bitter laugh and stared at the young man, who saw himself as something evil and disfigured. 'You're wrong there, bud. I know that what you're saying is what your father has taught, but I think that he's wrong here.'

'How can you say that?!' Adam almost shouted.

'Religion is a matter of belief. You have to choose to believe in it. You have to have faith in the religious leaders, and I have yet to meet one with a direct line to God. Don't get me wrong, I've met many good men and women who were religious. Your father is one of them. However, just because I respect them, it doesn't mean I have to share their beliefs.

'You're still young, Adam. But the world we live in right now won't let people stay young. The last time the world was this rough, people your age were considered adults, able to make their own decisions in life. I think it's time you made one about the path you want to take.'

'What choice do I have?' Adam asked, his face a mask.

'Your father has agreed to go to the settlement. After today's events, I'd imagine we'll take them tonight. Once there, you can either stay with him, or with me.'

The look of longing and desire that swept Adam's face scared J'Stan. He wasn't sure exactly what the young man was thinking, but he wasn't sure he he wanted to know.

'W..w...with you?' Adam said at last.

'With me and my family. You know Tad and Erica already. They're a little older than you, but I think they'll like having you as a brother,' J'Stan said, hoping to break the desire he could see forming in Adam. The last thing he wanted right now was someone deciding they loved him, much less someone as young as Adam.

'You mean, you want me as part of your family? But..' Adam said, confusion on his face. 'I thought you liked me?' The last was delivered plaintively.

J'Stan came closer until he was looking down into the young man's beautiful eyes. He could see a mixture of emotions there ranging from adolescent desire to something deeper. 'Actually, Adam, I've come to love you over the last few weeks. As much as I love Tad, Erica, and Alan. I already count you as part of my family, and I only hope that you will come back with me and live with us. Your father loves you, but, no, words don't suffice. Look, listen to what your father has to say.'

A second of thought caused the darkness to roil until it showed the scene which had just passed before J'Stan had entered the wagon. A gasp sounded in the blackness at the sight of his father, and sobs started shaking Adam's shoulder as his father talked about wanting Adam to be happy. J'Stan reached out, holding Adam's shoulders comfortingly.

'Adam, he wants you to be happy. You'll live with us, but you can visit him. You'll always be welcome. He loves you just as much, if not more than I do. He loves you enough to let you go, let you find your own way in this life. He's taught you many good things. He's taught you to care for others first, something bastards like Boris and Jheris will never understand. It was seeing how good of a person you are that led me to respect him.'

Slowly, Adam looked up into J'Stan's eyes, a smile forming. 'Ok,' he said, and the blackness around them vanished, replaced by the inside of the wagon. At the back of the wagon, Adam's parents were standing, watching the two return to consciousness. As Adam struggled to a sitting position, his mother let out a strangled cry and rushed over to him, wrapping him in her arms.

Looking back at Adam's father, J'Stan said, "It's time." The man's nod was all J'Stan needed.

The dust settled back down after the last of the convoy passed through the wooden gates now guarding the entrance to New Phoenix. Named both for the mythical bird that renewed its life from the ashes of death and the hometown of J'Stan, the settlement had just increased its population by another three hundred. In all, nearly thirty thousand people called it home.

Standing before the still open gates, J'Stan wiped some of the dirt from his face. Dressed in brown corduroys with a once-white homespun shirt, he looked tired. Dressed in similar attire, Adam stood equally tired and tried to shake some of the dirt from his dark hair. In front of them stood two other men.

Michael Strausser's tall frame slumped a little, still covered in faded jeans and a t-shirt. Leaning against him, the shorter Kelly Cole closed his eyes as he let out a sigh of relief. Both of them looked ready to fall asleep where they stood.

"I still don't see how you could put English in all their minds like they'd spoken it all their life AND transport thousands of miles like it was nothing," Michael was saying.

"The language was Adam's doing, not mine," J'Stan said. "His touch is a lot more deft than mine when it comes to the mind. As for transporting them a few thousand miles, well, I've told you before it's just a matter of having the will to do it."

"I'm just glad that they're all safe. It wasn't easy keeping them alive this last year, and we were running out of tricks," Kelly said. "I'm also glad that you've forgiven us."

"It's the past," J'Stan said sharply, pushing down the pain of fear, and taking comfort from Adam's hand on his shoulder.

"Still," Michael said, "We were wrong in supporting that bastard back then. Your forgiving us means a lot."

"It's the past, Michael," J'Stan repeated firmly. "Leave it there, please."

"Besides, you're both needed inside. There's the matter of an oath that's required for you to join the community," Adam said. He'd grown over the last year and now nearly matched J'Stan in height (J'Stan had long since returned to his more mature appearance, again looking to be in his mid-twenties).

Following J'Stan and Adam, the two men were led through the gates inside the walls which now protected New Phoenix. Twenty minutes of walking found them at a low, broad building which served as the town's central hall. On either side of the main entrance, a man and woman stood guard. Both were dressed similarly to J'Stan and Adam, and both carried rifles slung over their shoulders. As J'Stan passed them, they saluted him with fists over their hearts and smiled in welcome.

After all four were inside, they approached a low counter at which another man sat. Michael asked a question as they made their way to the counter.

"J'Stan, those two guards outside. You told me that you people had organized a group that was responsible for the defense of this place and that they were called 'Guardians'. But those two, they were dressed just like you but I could tell they were normals. What gives?"

"Guardians are Guardians," J'Stan answered, a little annoyed. "Everyone with our ability is required to join the Guardians, to be a part of the defense. That doesn't mean that you have to have the ability to be a Guardian. Almost everyone here has the right to choose their path in life. The only exception is for those with our abilities. If you can do the things we do, you have to be a Guardian, you have to swear the Oath."

"But even in the Guardians you have a choice," Adam interjected. "Some of us defend the City, others of us guard the well being of our people. Still more, like the two of us, go out and find groups like yours and give them the choice of coming here. We choose how we fulfill the Oath, but the Oath is necessary for the others to feel comfortable."

Silence remained as the four arrived at the counter. The man seated there stood at attention, his clean, dark clothing a contrast to the dust covered clothing of the four. He saluted J'Stan as the guards had done and sat back down when the salute was returned.

"They decided to come, I see," was all he said aloud.

"Yes," J'Stan said while pulling some papers from a pouch at his side, "three hundred and twelve people. Here is a list of names, including familial relations and trades of respective members. Overall a good group, including a couple of people knowledgeable about smithing."

"Good, we need some more of those," the man said as he took the papers from J'Stan and perused them briefly. "I see Adam's usual thoroughness here. It's a good thing you have him around. Your reports leave a lot to be desired."

"Call me spoiled," J'Stan chuckled. "All those years with computers did nothing to improve my handwriting. My teachers used to say I should have been a doctor, my writing was so bad."

"These the two?" the man said after laughing for a moment.

"Yes. Michael Strausser and Kelly Cole. I trained them both, before the Cataclysm. They have agreed to the Oath, and have agreed to serve."

"Very well, sir. The Council meets tonight after sundown. Please return with them at that time. Here's the agenda for tonight as well, I assume you'll be taking your seat?"

"Yes," J'Stan answered. "I accept custody as well, until the Oath has been given."

"Very well, sir. It's good to have the head of the Guardians back home. Gentlemen, please understand that until the Oath has been given you must stay in the company of your sponsor. Until you have given Oath, you are not free to move around. Is that understood?"

Both men nodded, and followed J'Stan as he turned to leave, placing the single piece of paper he'd been handed back into the pouch. Nothing was said as the four men walked down the street to a low house a few blocks away. As they entered, they were greeted by Tad and Erica.

"Michael!" Tad greeted the tall man.

"Kelly!" Erica greeted the shorter one.

"How typical, they say hello to the newcomers but ignore their own father," J'Stan pouted playfully.

"Only because we see you all the time," Erica said.

"And besides, they're nicer," Tad joked.

"Yeah, well, what about me?" Adam asked, a fake whine to his voice.

"Oh, you,." Tad turned, smiling conspiratorially, "The guy who turned me down. Why should I speak to you?"

"Hey!" Adam nearly shouted. "I told ya, you just aren't my type. Besides, Erica's cuter."

The three younger kids laughed at that, and Adam led Michael and Kelly off to the guest room while J'Stan joined his two kids in the living room. It was just the four of them living in the house now, but the living room was still a mess more often than not. J'Stan sat in his favorite chair while his kids sat on their couch.

"So, how did he do on his first mission?" Tad asked eagerly.

"Adam did wonderfully. Not a mistake, hesitation, wrong word or anything. You both did a good job training him so fast," J'Stan answered.

"Thanks, Dad. But most of it was Adam himself. The kid's a great learner," Erica said.

"Yeah, he is at that. I've been so busy the past year that I've barely noticed how much he's grown..physically and mentally."

"He's grown all right," Tad said. "Not to mention that you have been too busy. I almost wish Adam had never convinced you to take the leadership of the Guardians."

"He's right, old man." Erica joined in. "You don't have to personally solve every problem around here. There's almost three hundred of us with the ability now. Spread the work around some."

"I know, I know. At least Jheris and his people are keeping to their side."

"After the message you sent them? They're still looking over their shoulders every couple of seconds," Tad snorted.

"Yeah, well, it's only a matter of time until they get up their nerve. When they do, we have to be ready. You said there's a little over 300 of us here? How many does that leave them? My best guess is that at least a thousand of us survived, which means at best we're outnumbered 3 to 1. At worst, 10 to 1. Not good odds."

"Yeah, well, we have you. That evens the odds even at 10 to 1," Tad said, smiling at his father.

A heavy sigh escaped J'Stan at his son's enthusiasm, but he didn't feel like another argument. Instead he took the agenda out of his pocket and scanned it quickly, looking up at his two oldest kids as they silently watched him.

"Says here we're discussing the repairs to the sewer plant. I've only been gone a week, how was it damaged?"

"Windstorm. Came through Saturday. The weather's been freaky enough and it seems like no matter what we do, it doesn't even out. The windstorm also damaged the power plant, but we got it back in working condition within a day. With the cold lately, heat is becoming more and more important. Add to that we don't have trees of any real size for wood, and it gets critical. Sewage takes a second seat to that," Tad espoused.

"Well, we've got at least another hour until the meeting starts. But the weather worries me. Maybe I'll take some time and see what I can do about it."

"Don't even think about it!" Erica laughed. "Last time you did that we had a rainstorm that lasted for 2 weeks. Let the others deal with it."

"Fine, Fine," J'Stan chuckled at the memory. "How about some dinner?"

"You? Eat? You haven't done that in months. I'm surprised your body remembers how."

"Erica, I love your cooking, besides, Adam likes it as much as you do."

"Adam? He's never been happy about your ignoring food, water, even sleep. He thinks it sets you even more apart from humanity," Tad said.

"Is he finally cracking that thick wall you put up? He really does love you, you know. And not as a father like we do."

"Look, I've already told you two," J'Stan began in a terse tone. "He's only 15, wait, 16 now. He's way too young to fall in love with someone like me, besides, I don't want another lover."

"Still," Tad responded, "you can't change his feelings. Besides, we know you care for him."

"I do, just as much as I care about you," J'Stan retorted. "After the Cataclysm, I started realizing that there were more changes going on with me. I've gone months without food, water, or sleep. I've even kept from breathing for days at a time. It's like my body is just a casing now. One of the things I haven't felt in a while is a sexual desire for anyone, much less him. I don't think I can anymore. It's only a shell to hold me. One of these days I'm gonna get the nerve up to see if I can survive without it."

Concern etched itself on both of their faces and they got up and sat on the arms of J'Stan's chair. Each of them placed their hands on his shoulders in concern and comfort. "Don't," they said together.

"It's not a question of physical love, either," Tad said. "It's more a question of sharing your life with someone. Adam wants to share his with you."

"Drop it, you two," J'Stan said, exasperation showing in his voice. "I'll make you a deal. He still feels this way 80 years from now, I'll give it a chance. Until then, both of you drop it."

"Deal," came from the doorway. All three looked startled at the sight of Adam standing there. Further discussion was stymied by the sound of the gong from the main building, announcing the beginning of a Council meeting. Standing up, J'Stan left the room to go get his two guests.

As J'Stan entered the Council Chambers, he realized that as fast as New Phoenix was growing, a new one was probably going to be needed soon. The main table, oval in shape, was designed to fit 20 people, but chairs for 30 crowded it now. Around the room behind the table, chairs for visitors and other non-councilors filled the rest of the room. Tad and Erica were waiting in the outer room with Michael and Kelly.

He made his way to the chair reserved for him as head of the Guardians. The chair next to his was already occupied by his son, Alan. When he was just a few steps away, Alan turned away from the woman he was talking to and rose to greet his father.

"Father!" Alan exclaimed. "I'm glad you made it back. We missed you the last week."

"I've missed you too, Son," J'Stan said as he hugged his youngest, and favorite. "Besides, who knows what kind of shenanigans a scoundrel like you would pull if I stayed away too long."

"Hey!" David Baxter nearly shouted as he made his way up from the middle of the table. "Don't be disparaging our Mayor that way! I'd think that you of all people would have more respect! Especially after all those stories you've told me of YOUR teenage years."

Laughter filtered through the room at the comments of the men. There had been an air of tenseness in the room, but it dissipated before the onslaught of the mess' good humor. Around the table, people relaxed a little more and conversation buzzed a little, giving some privacy to the reunion taking place.

The three men stood in front of J'Stan's and Alan's chairs chatting for a few more minutes as more people filtered into the room. Their conversation wound down as the number of people entering the room trickled to nothing. As David made his way back to his own chair, J'Stan realized that the room was now packed with an additional 50 people besides the members seated at the table. It was definitely time for bigger accommodations.

"Ok," Alan said in a booming voice. "Let's get started here." He sat down in his chair, and J'Stan sat in his chair next to his son. The few conversations that were still going on were drawn to a close when Alan's voice boomed out.

"First order of business is the repair of the Sewage Treatment Plant. David, do you have a report?"

"Things are progressing fairly well," David said from his seat. "Henry's managed to work out some of the problems with the piping between the filtration ponds and it should be back up and operational within the week. Most of the materials needed were created by Henry's team or were in stock."

"Good," Alan said. "Any questions?"

There were none, and Alan moved down the agenda. The next hour was taken up with the issues around running a City of thirty thousand people. Where to put new homes, a new factory (actually an oversized house) for producing farming implements, a new smithy. Food supplies and trade with the surrounding communities that had sprung up over the last year. Some of the people they had brought in didn't like living in the village, so they had settled in the nearby areas.

One group of these was Father Morgan's followers. J'Stan had read the agenda, so he wasn't surprised when Alan called on the preacher near the end of the meeting. It had been a few months since he'd seen the man, but he looked as healthy as ever.

"I wish I was here for better reasons," he began in his deep voice. "However, I am here to advise you of the exile of a young man from our community. In accordance with the agreement whereby we settled land you provided, we wish to warn you of this dangerous man."

"After the windstorm last week, we had requested assistance from your Guardians in rounding up scattered livestock and repairing damage from the storm. As usual, your people responded quickly and proved a tremendous assistance. It was during this period of activity that a crime was committed. One of our boys, barely a teenager, was working with a member of our community, Hal Johnson. The young boy was attacked sexually by Hal Johnson, a married member of our community for years before the Cataclysm."

"The boy reported it to his parents the next day, who immediately informed me. When we went to confront Hal, he denied the event and protested his innocence. To prove his innocence, he requested questioning by the Guardians. I have chosen to honor his request, and am here to request the Council's approval for the man to be interrogated."

The speech caused a murmur around the table. Alan wetted his lips with his tongue, a sign of nervousness in general. This was actually the first report of a crime bigger than petty theft. Letting the murmur die away slowly, he finally responded.

"Unless I hear any objection from the members of the Council, I'll summarily grant permission for the Guardians to assist you in this matter. Guardian J'Stan, please provide the support necessary." Alan's answer was greeted by more murmurs around the table, all supporting this action.

"Father Morgan," J'Stan spoke up for the first time since the meeting started, "Where is the accused now?"

"He's in the custody of your Guardians in this building, son."

"Very well. I will take a look at him myself after the meeting. Will you please remain until then?"

"Not a problem. I'd prefer to get it over with as soon as possible myself. Besides, I'd planned on visiting my son and you afterwards."

"Thanks, Father. You're always welcome. In fact, I'd recommend you stay the night since it'll be a little late by the time we're done."

"Seeing as how the matter is settled for now, let's move on to the last item we have tonight, the arrival of new settlers," Alan said, eager to move on. "Guardian J'Stan, you led the mission yourself, so please provide the report."

"Thank you, Mr Mayor." Chuckles erupted around the room. J'Stan was the only member of the council who was that formal with Alan. "As all of you are aware, we detected signs of a small settlement about 6,000 miles southwest of here. It appeared to be a break off from the South American continent, and we detected that they were being supported by at least one gifted.

"A review of the roster detailed that there was only one gifted member of the Guardians who had not been out on a recovery mission, so I sent myself. As Guardian-Trainee Adam Morgan had been certified by his instructors as ready, he was chosen to accompany me for his first field internship. Unlike several other missions, this one went almost perfectly.

"The site held over three hundred people, all with skills that will be useful here. They were being supported by two gifted, both of whom were known to me as members of the Psionics Unit from before the Cataclysm. Several of you will recognize their names, Michael Strausser and Kelly Cole. When the offer was made to join our community, the vote was unanimous. Strausser and Cole also chose to join us and were made aware of the requirements for the gifted who choose to join us."

"Requirements?" Father Morgan asked aloud from his seat against the wall.

"Sorry, forgot not everyone here would be fully aware," J'Stan almost chuckled. "To ensure the safety, and equality of everyone in this community, all of those with the gift are required to give an oath in a manner that binds them to that oath. The purpose of the oath is to ensure that no one uses their abilities to subjugate the other members of this community. Anyway, both Strausser and Cole have chosen to take the Oath, and join the Guardians. They will make valuable additions to our community."

"Are you sure about them, Jaz?" David said, slipping with the old nickname.

"Yes, David. I'm sure enough to sponsor them myself."

"With your sponsorship, all conditions for their acceptance here have been met, except for the consent of the Council. What says the Council?" Alan interjected before the older men could say any more.

A chorus of "ayes" filled the room as the Council signaled their agreement. At a motion from J'Stan, two men standing by the door in the uniform of Guardians exited the room for a moment. J'Stan stood up from his chair and moved to an open space a little away from the table. Michael Strausser and Kelly Cole were led into the room by the two men, and followed by Erica and Tad.

As they had been coached, they crossed the room until they stood before J'Stan. They looked around the room out of the corners of their eyes, and their eyes widened a little in surprise at the crowded room. When they stood before J'Stan, they both relaxed into an 'at-ease' position from their military training.

"The Council of New Phoenix has approved your petition to join us as members of our community,." J'Stan stated, opening one of the few ceremonies developed since the Cataclysm. "New Phoenix is dedicated to the purpose of allowing all of its citizens to live their lives in freedom. In the past, those with our gift have used their abilities to subjugate others.

"In order to ensure that such will not happen here, those of us bearing the gift have volunteered to give an Oath to those without the gift. Further, we have volunteered to serve as Guardians, using our abilities to serve and help the community. The Oath will only bind you to prevent mis-use of your abilities. It will not bind you in your choice of how to live your life. Do you consent to give this Oath, of your own free will?"

"I do," said Michael, a slight grin belying his choice of words.

"Yes," Kelly said simply.

"Very well," J'Stan said, fighting a smile. "Please lower the barriers of your mind, allowing me access. As you make the Oath, I will set a binding up on you that will hold you to the Oath. Once given, you can never go back."

As he felt the barriers in their minds disappearing, J'Stan reached out with his own. As he touched both of them, he felt a flux of emotions, overriding them all was the regret both of them felt for the actions long ago. It touched off the old grief inside him, and he felt his heart lurch a little. With a start, he realized it was the lurch of it starting to beat. He'd stopped it days ago in an experiment to see if he would survive, and he had. When he'd recovered his composure, and control, he continued.

"Repeat the Oath after me, and know that as I say it, I again bind myself to this Oath."

"I do hereby swear my abilities to the service of the people of New Phoenix. I shall use them only in the service or defense of the community, never to harm it or any of its members and allies."

As they spoke the words of the Oath, he could feel the binding he'd set take shape. They were now bound as firmly as anyone with their abilities could be, and he only hoped no one ever figured out the weakness in the binding. Of course, he had, and broken the binding as soon as it was set so many times already that it wasn't funny anymore. As they finished, Alan rose from the table and joined them.

"Welcome to New Phoenix!" he said. Then, "Meeting Adjourned, come meet our newest citizens!"

After that, the meeting broke up. Most of the people rose to gather around the two newest members of the community, while J'Stan walked out of the room. He stood alone in the outer room for a few seconds before he was joined by others. While he waited, he listened to his beating heart, and marveled at the sensation of it beating again. It seemed like he'd forgotten something basic, and only just been reintroduced to it.

The entrance of Father Morgan, flanked by Erica and Tad, brought him out of his reverie. All three were talking in an easy familiarity that brought a pleasant feeling to him. He was happy that Father Morgan and his kids got along. His respect for the man had grown over the last year, and knowing Tad and Erica had softened a lot of the hard edges Father Morgan once had.

"I still don't see how someone like you could have kids as good as these," Father Morgan said, continuing an on-going joke.

"I still think the doctors were wrong, there's no way they're mine," J'Stan said, falling gently back into the friendly jesting.

"True," Erica said. "We don't get into nearly as much trouble as he did at our age."

"Exactly," Tad continued. "Think about it, we haven't gotten falling down drunk once in our life, much less thirty times or so."

"Or thrown a party at the church while the pastor was out of town," jibed Erica.

"Where'd you learn about THAT?!" exclaimed J'Stan.

"Your first boyfriend in there," Tad said.

Father Morgan shook his head a little and murmured loudly, "There are times I feel like I made a deal with the devil."

"Father," J'Stan said, barely holding in a laugh, "I thought I told you that they kicked me out of hell. Something about corrupting the demons."

At that, all four of them erupted in laughter. It was amazing. A year ago, Father Morgan would have been horrified by the joke, but now he laughed at it. Shaking his head a little, J'Stan pushed those thoughts out of his mind. It was time for business once more.

"As soon as we've all recovered from our bout of laughter, why don't we have a look at this man of yours, Father," he said.

The statement sobered all of them up. Erica and Tad had heard about the prisoner while they waited for the council meeting to get to end, and were curious to find out what had happened. Father Morgan filled them in while they all made their way through the building to the single cell near the back.

Outside the cell were two Guardians, one of whom was gifted. Seeing the approaching group, they both snapped to attention and nodded as J'Stan motioned them to open the door. They mentioned that they hadn't heard a thing since the prisoner had been placed in the cell.

Inside they found the man, Hal Johnson, sitting on a cot on the far side of the room. The light in the cell was just enough to dimly illuminate the area, and the man's face was in shadow. J'Stan recognized him vaguely from his time with Father Morgan's group and remembered him as a kind, caring father of three children, with a beautiful wife.

"It's about time," the man said, his voice not the one J'Stan remembered.

"Who are you?" Father Morgan shouted, clutching a Bible out of a pocket in his dark jacket.

"Come now, doesn't the great J'Stan recognize my voice?" the man said.

"Jheris," J'Stan whispered, causing the other three to jump a little, and edge back towards the door.

"Yes, O great one. I got your message last year. That wasn't too nice of you treating poor Vasily that way."

"He said he'd do anything if I let him live. Foolish boy never asked the price. Besides, I thought the message would be clearer that way," J'Stan said, every fiber of his being on guard.

"From your surprise, I can tell you figured out that I figured out a way around your little shield," the voice of Jheris said through Hal Johnson's body.

"Nothing's perfect. Now that I know, I'll be able to close the hole, so whatever you have to say, you better say it now,." J'Stan said, his voice dangerously low.

"Oh, I don't think you'll do that. I'm going to deliver the terms of your surrender, then I'll accept it."

"What makes you think I'm in any mood to accept your surrender?" J'Stan said, purposely misinterpreting Jheris' demand.

"NOT MY SURRENDER!" Jheris' voice shouted. "Your pathetic rabble will surrender immediately, signified by their offering up your corpse or you will be attacked by our full forces. We outnumber you almost ten to one. Who knows, you might survive, but everyone around you will die."

"Yes, that is true." J'Stan said. "But so will everyone else on this planet."

"What do you mean?" Jheris voice asked.

"Kids, leave. NOW! Turn around, and walk out of here. Take the guards and go tell Alan I need to speak with the Council after I'm done here. Father Morgan, please stay. No objections."

As Tad and Erica walked out, Jheris sneering voice loomed out "My, my. Daddy's got something to say and he doesn't want his kiddies to know, but he trusts the bigoted preacher man. Wasn't it a preacher man that caused all these troubles anyway?"

"That's neither here nor there," J'Stan said. "I have more respect for Father Morgan than I ever will for you and your followers. Hear me, and hear me well. If you attack New Phoenix, or any serious effort to undermine our community on this side of the planet, you will not like the results."

"What would you do, murderer? Destroy the rest of the planet?" Jheris sneered.


"Nice try, but I know about your little Oath. You took it like all the rest of your pathetic rebels. You can't use your abilities to harm your precious little community, you're bound. Which means you can't destroy the planet. Nice threat, too bad it's not believable."

"Father Morgan," J'Stan began, not really wanting to proceed, but knowing proof was necessary.

"I think I know where this is going, son. I'm a member of this community, even if only by association. The Guardian's Oath protects me and mine as much as if I lived here in town. Let Sarah know I love her, and give her the care you show to my son. I love him too."

J'Stan simply nodded and stepped towards the man. A quick twist of his hands broke the man's neck, and his body slid to the floor. A look of shock froze the face of Hal Johnson, which meant Jheris was equally shocked.

"The Oath says that I should not be able to harm any member of the community, including Father Morgan. Do you still believe I won't destroy this stupid planet?" J'Stan asked, his voice dead as cold ashes.

"The needs of the many..." began Jheris.

"Do not count as far as the oath is concerned. It specifically says ' I shall use them only in the service or defense of the community, never to harm it or any of its members or allies.'

"H..h...how?" the shocked voice of Jheris muttered.

"I am who I am. Bjorn was the only one who came close, and he's dead. Listen to me. I believe in balance. Take this as your last chance. Stay on your side of the barrier, and you can live in peace. Cross it, and if you don't lose, my last act will be to cause a solar eruption guaranteed to incinerate the Earth. Understand?"

"Yes. You're mad, do you know that?" Jheris' voice was a defeated whisper.

"No, just cold. It's time for you to leave, but before you do, tell me, was it you or Hal Johnson who attacked the boy?"

"It wasn't me. I assigned one of my operatives to this attempt, and he did it. He's being punished."

"Kill him."


"He committed a crime on MY side of the planet. Kill him, put his body on the moon, in the spot you ran from. Make sure it's really him. Any tricks, and I'll know. Then I'll come hunting you."

"Do you have to always threaten me personally?" This time the voice was a whine.

"You're in charge, which means you're responsible."

"Fine. Have your way!"

"I will, and now, you will be leaving Hal Johnson's body. He better be fine when you're gone too."

"Oh, he will, he will" Jheris promised in a sneering tone. "He'll also remember everything."

"Leave, NOW!" J'Stan shouted, letting his rage go for a moment.

The body of Hal Johnson slumped a little in the chair as Jheris' mind relaxed control. For a moment, J'Stan let tears flow from his eyes at the sight of Father Morgan's crumpled body. It was a stupid movie where he'd first heard the line, 'The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few, or the one.'

He never guessed it could hurt this much. One more thing to hide from his family, and from Adam. Somehow that hurt the worst. He didn't like the idea of deceiving Adam, but he had little choice. A moan from the cot reminded him of the only witness to his conversation with Jheris. He walked over to the cot and knelt by the man. The look of fear in the man's eyes told J'Stan that Hal Johnson remembered everything. A flicker of thought took care of that.

"I'm sorry, Dad,." Erica was saying. "I know you liked Father Morgan, but it's really best that you let Jheris go after your ultimatum. Getting revenge for his killing Father Morgan wouldn't have been worth the price."

"I know, Erica, but I'll always feel guilty for his death," J'Stan said.

"Still," Alan said. "Once again you issued an ultimatum without consulting the Council. I hope you don't make it a habit. I don't think they'll accept too many more."

J'Stan turned and looked his handsome young son in the face. "With any luck, I'll never have to do so again."

Adam chose that moment to take a break in his crying against J'Stan's chest and look up at his face. "I don't blame you for Father's death. I'm just glad Hal didn't die too. He was always nice to me."

"We know," Erica said as she hugged both Adam and her dad. "It's time to rest now. It's been a long day."

Slowly, the world began to spin around J'Stan, and disorientation hit him. The faces of his family and friends blurred into another face, his own. Tears stained Andrei's cheeks as he cried over people and events from long ago.

The End of The Wreckers Saga. Please look for the next installment, The Shapers' War, coming to a website near you!

I would like to once again thank my family and friends for their support and encouragement. Of course, as always, thanks to Ed for his tireless efforts in editing this story, and a great lunch!

Next: Chapter 15: Shapers War 1

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