Missionary Madness in Kenya

By Cooper Max

Published on Aug 3, 2016



Hello all, I am the author of numerous stories on Nifty like The Officers', Diplomacy and Lust', TDY to Ft. Hood', The Military Network' and `EhBee Dad's Trip to NYC'. I am also the creator of the website www.bisexualmarriedmen.org . I hope you enjoy the story. Feel free to contact me at lmd4208@gmail.com

Missionary Madness In Kenya

Bill's frustration began to build as he ducked and dogged his way through the aisles of Nakumatt. Going to the grocery store was never a quick or simple process in Kenya and today would be no different.

"Sweet Jesus if these people don't start moving with a purpose, I'm going to explode." Bill thought to himself impatiently.

Bill towered over the people he scooted past in the aisle. At 6 foot 4 inches, he had a way of standing out in the crowd. His broad chest tapered off to his narrower abdominal section. Bill patted his belly absentmindedly and made a mental note to do more crunches. His tight mid section was starting to get thick again.

"Guess that's what happens when you hit your late 30's and the metabolism starts to really slow down." Bill thought to himself as he continued to pat his abs. "I'll have to put in a few solid weeks before I got back on the beach volleyball circuit out on the coast."

Bill perused the meat section when he felt a solid bump behind him. Startled, he turned around quickly.

"So sorry!" A man stated, "Timmy is so careless. Timmy watch where you're going. You bumped into this nice man!"

Bill glanced quickly down at the blond haired blue-eyed boy but the man standing in front of him nearly made him lose his breath. The little boy was a spitting image of his father; with bright blond hair, cropped short, blonde eyebrows and a blond five o'clock shadow. The man was lanky, tall and had startlingly blue eyes. The man smiled apologetically at Bill which made Bill's cock churn in his pants.

"Not a problem. My kids are just as wild. I'm always yelling at them to be more mindful of their surroundings!" Bill said as he continued to drink in the other man.

"You're too kind! Again, so sorry." The man said as he scooped up his little boy onto his shoulders and bounded off down the aisle. Bill watched him go, shamelessly staring at the man's cute, tight butt.

The man rounded the corner and Bill's trance was broken. He quickly looked around, adjusted himself and continued browsing the meat section.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Bill made his way to the cash register. The store was packed, the sound of all the items being scanned, the announcements over the intercom; it was mild chaos.

"We meet again!" Bill heard from behind him.

Whirling around, he saw the man from before; his son still on his shoulders. This time, he had a daughter clinging to his leg and an exhausted looking wife standing behind him.

"Ah, you again, eh? Back to make trouble?" Bill teased the boy on his handsome father's shoulders.

The boy giggled. The father beamed up at him and then smiled at Bill and said jokingly, "These kids Ð they'll be the death of us."

"That's the truth!" Bill stated laughing enthusiastically. "Go on ahead of me. You have less items."

After protesting, the family finally agreed to go ahead of him. They breezed through the check-out line, a minor miracle in and of itself in Kenya, and shuffled out into the hallway outside the store. Bill saw the man put down his son and give both his son, daughter and wife a kiss. They went off into the parking lot while the man walked off down the hall further into the shopping complex.

Bill didn't have as much luck as the man and his family. The cashier took his sweet time in ringing him up and counting out the change. After what seemed like an eternity, Bill found himself outside loading his items into his car.

"The kids and Molly won't be home for another few hours with soccer practice going on. No rush to get home. Plenty of time to have a beer." Bill thought to himself as he finished loading the items.

Bill slammed the trunk and scurried back into the shopping center knowing exactly the right place to have a beer. As he entered the restaurant, he was shocked to see the man from earlier sitting at the bar by himself. Bill wondered if he should just get a table and leave the man in peace.

"If I go over there, I'll probably just make an ass out of myself; maybe worse after a few drinks!" Bill thought to himself with reproach.

Defying his better judgment, he sauntered over to the bar.

"First rounds on me!" Bill said to the man as he sat down; shooting him his best smile.

"We can't get rid of each other to day." The man said kindly. "and it's me that should be buying YOU the first round!"

"Nonsense. Let me do the honors." Bill said and without giving a chance to rebuttal, Bill ordered two Tuskers from the bartender.

"I never introduced myself before. Since you bought me a beer, I should probably tell ya my name. Name's Loren." The man said.

"Loren?" Bill said with a surprised tone and shocked expression before he could stop himself.

The man laughed. "I get that a lot. Yes Loren. It's not just a girl's name. I was raised in the south though you couldn't tell it with my accent and it's a family name." Loren stated with humor in his voice. It was clear he'd had this conversation a million times.

"Sorry, didn't mean any offense, Loren." Bill replied feeling sheepish about how he reacted.

"I've had years to get used to that kind of reaction. No sweat. What's your name by the way?"

Bill had forgotten he hadn't introduced himself. He told Loren his name with an embarrassed grin.

Just three beers in and Loren had already reached his limit. Bill was no stranger to beer and had comfortably downed four.

"I'm not much of a drinker. We missionaries aren't exactly party animals!" Loren joked.

"No worries! I enjoy my beer; my wife says I enjoy it too much!" Bill replied.

Without looking, Bill reached for his beer and knocked it over; right into Loren's lap accidently.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Loren. I'm an idiot." Bill stammered as he grabbed napkins. Before he realized what he was doing, he started to pat dry Loren's crotch.

Realizing he had his hands on this handsome man's package, Bill turned a bright shade of red and quickly pulled his hands off. "Ahh. Instinct. Sorry!" He sputtered apologetically.

Bill looked up from Loren's crotch and the two men made eye contact. Loren held the eye contact for half a second and then plunged back into his amicable mode, "No big deal man!" Loren spouted as he continued to pat himself dry. "It happens."

After Loren had patted himself dry, the conversation died off. The mood shifted. Bill's mind churned.

"Was I just imagining that eye contact? Hmmm. " Bill thought to himself.

"I'm going to hit the head. Be right back." Bill said wanting to excuse himself from the awkwardness.

Bill's bladder felt like it was going to burst. He leaned into the urinal and felt the wave of relief.

"God do you feel like you're going to explode too?" He heard Loren say as he stepped up to the urinal beside Bill.

Startled, Bill twitched and sprayed all over the urinal.

Laughing, Loren joked, "woah buddy! Gotta keep a hold of the snake or it'll bite."

Recovering, Bill's mind raced. There were 3 other empty urinals in the restroom; Loren could have chosen anyone of them but he picked the one right beside Bill even without any dividers.

"This has to be a coincidence." Bill thought to himself.

Bill snuck a furtive glance at Loren's package. It was hard to tell with the quick glance but it seemed Loren was sporting a golden bush to match his blond hair.

Loren stared straight ahead. Bill stared straight ahead too. Bill realized he had stopped peeing a full minute ago. Listening closely, it seemed like Loren had stopped too.

Loren shifted his weight.

"Did he just glance at my cock?" Bill thought to himself. "Nooo I'm imagining things."

Loren broke the silence, "So you in a uhhhh rush to get home?"

Wanting to see where this was leading Bill replied, "Nope. No rush at all. Nice to be away from the wifey for a bit."

"Yeah I agree completely. Really nice to have some away time; some guy time." Loren said.

Neither man moved.

"Uhhhhh we must have had a lot of beer! We're both still standing here." Loren stated nervously.

Feeling more daring with the situation Bill replied, "I don't think it's the beer, we both stopped peeing like a full 3 minutes ago."

Loren's face flushed bright red. Bill couldn't help but feel embarrassed too as he felt his own face flush.

Loren glanced over at him. Bill glanced back. The two men made eye contact again. Feeling his confidence with the situation really start to rise, Bill made an obvious glance down at Loren's cock.

Loren shifted uncomfortably; his face staying a tomato shade of red. He glanced down at Bill's cock.

"Look. I've never done anything like this before. I must have had too many beers." Loren muttered quietly as he quickly glanced over his shoulder.

"Anything like what?" Bill retorted, playing coy.

"Uhh you know. THIS. Whatever this is." Loren said more firmly.

"What do you mean by `this.". We're just two guys standing at urinals, right beside each other with all the space in the world to have chosen from. It's not like we were done done peeing like seriously 10 minutes ago but are still standing here, cocks in hand." Bill remarked with a grin.

Bill's sarcasm broke the tension. Seizing the moment, Bill darted forward and grabbed Loren by the shoulder and steered him into the stall on the far side of the bathroom. The two hadn't even bothered to tuck their cocks back in.

"What the hell are you doing?" Loren hissed, "This is a public bathroom. In Kenya!"

"Jump up on the seat. Quickly!" Bill stated in a hushed, rush voice. Surprisingly, Loren complied.

Before Loren had anymore to argue, Bill sunk his mouth all the way down onto Loren's now fully erect cock.

"Shit this is bigger than I expected!" Bill thought to himself.

Loren gasped with a mix of surprise and pleasure. He had to steady himself by bracing the walls.

Bill looked up and saw that Loren's eyes were closed.

"Got him. He ain't going anywhere!" Bill thought to himself as he slowly worked his mouth up and down Loren's pole.

Bill licked down Loren's long, thick missionary pole all the way to his furry, low hanging nut sack. He began to suck Loren's balls.

Loren whimpered with pleasure.

Bill stroked Loren's cock as he licked and squeezed his balls.

The two men heard the main bathroom door swing open. Both froze. Bill glanced quickly at the stall door to ensure it was indeed locked. Loren had a look of panic on his face.

Bill flicked Loren and motioned for Loren to look him in the eye. With a look of fear still spread across his face, Loren looked him in the eyes. Bill held his gaze, smiled mischievously and then plunged onto his cock again.

Bill went full force on Loren's cock. He took him to the hilt. He plunged up and down, up and down changing his motion and depth.

The two men heard footsteps heading towards the door. The sound of it swinging open met their ears and then the footsteps were gone.

Loren's panicked whisper cut through the silence, "You're going to make me cum. Oh my god. You're going to make me cum!"

Bill looked up at Loren, grabbed his balls and plunged onto his cock with even greater ferocity. Loren's eyes were closed; his face contorted in pure pleasure.

Loren's hips started to buck and Bill could sense Loren really was about to blow.

With a twist of the tongue and a squeeze of the balls, Loren bucked forward splattering the inside of Bill's mouth with his load.

"Damn this load tastes great! So sweet and creamy." Bill thought to himself.

Bill didn't remove his mouth from Loren's cock. He took in ever last drop until Loren pulled his cock away.

The two men stood in silence, staring at each other. Loren whispered, "Uhhh am I supposed to help you out now too? We haven't even paid the check!"

Bill smiled at how innocent, panicked and kind Loren was. This really must have been his first time from the way he was acting.

"No man. Don't worry about me. Maybe you can help me out if there is a next time." Bill retorted.

Loren looked down at his feet ashamedly.

"I know. I know. You're a missionary; a married missionary! Don't worry man. Your secret is safe with me. No pressure for another meet." Bill whispered.

Loren smiled meekly.

"Alright now let's get out of here before we get caught!" Bill said not waiting for a reply. He stepped out of the stall decisively to see if the coast was clear. Scurrying over to the door, he blocked it temporarily and whispered loudly, "Now, come on out."

Bill slid out the door and headed back to the bar. The bar staff looked peeved and slightly relieved to see him.

Bill didn't expect to see Loren come back out to the bar. The look he had on his face was a tell tale sign that he'd book it out of there. Surprisingly, 5 minutes later Loren sat down beside him again.

The two men looked at each other and smiled. Loren broke the silence, "Check please!"

-----The End ---

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