Mission Interrupted

By Marc McClean

Published on Nov 4, 2004


This is an erotic story about man-to-man sexual activities. If you are offended by such material, too young to read such, or it is illegal in your community, stop here and find something that won't get you in trouble. Otherwise, please enjoy! If you do, please drop me a note at mj_mclean2001@yahoo.com Thanks!


Part 4

By MJ McLean

An hour later, the Martindales were on their way back home and Elder Lopez and I were slumped on the sofa, having kept our secret safe. We sat silently for a minute then I took a breath and, my voice trembling a little, said what I'd wanted to all day.

"Elder Lopez," I began. "Stan." After what we'd shared, I figured we were on a first-name basis. "I'm sorry that I freaked out on you. I treated you badly when I didn't really want to. I'm just ... I'm just so ... so nervous ... so afraid of what we've started. But I'm not ashamed and I don't regret a thing."

Stan said nothing, but the tears welling in his eyes said it all. I guided his face toward mine and kissed him. I ran my tongue along his lips; he parted them and I felt the warmth of his mouth. I ran my hand down his chest and stomach, then up inside his garment top. I traced lines on his chest and squeezed his nipple. I felt him shiver. He rubbed my thigh gently and gave my hardening dick a soft tug before giggling.

"Thank you, Eld ... thank you, Bryan," Stan said. "I don't think I really doubted you ... and I know this isn't easy ... not for either of us."

I smiled. "I'm really tired," I said. "Let's hit the hay."

I stood and helped Stan to his feet. We paused in the bedroom. I guided him toward my bed. He pulled away and turned to his bed, pulling the covers down and tossing them and the pillows a little.

"Just in case," he said quietly, then hopped into my bed, dressed only in his garments. I thought for a minute about suggesting we sleep naked, but decided to take things slowly. I climbed in, kissed Stan again and wrapped my body against his, feeling, for the first time in my life, the warmth and closeness of a man's body, of intimacy I never knew I needed so badly.

I didn't know how long we'd been asleep when I heard a click at the front door. It sounded like the lock. I leaped out of bed, still disoriented, not quite awake and as I took a few steps from the bedroom, I saw a shadowy figure walk through the front door.

I flicked on the light and yelled, "Who are you and what are you doing in here?!?"

The figure jumped, clearly startled. "Who the hell are you?" he said.

"I live here ... I mean ... I'm ... we're the new missionaries here and this is our house, so get out!"

My eyes adjusted and I could see that the intruder was about my age, maybe a little younger. He stood almost 6 feet tall, had tousled brown hair and was dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and battered Nikes. A bulky duffle sat at his feet. There was something vaguely familiar about him.

Behind me, I heard Stan shuffling out. "Bryan, what's going ... " He saw the intruder. "Who's he?"

"I'm still waiting for an answer, Elder Lopez. He seems to have a key."

"Shit," the intruder muttered. He said nothing for a moment, then held out his hand. "I'm Kelly Martindale. My, um, folks live nearby and, well, I kinda use this place sometimes when I don't want them to know I'm in town. It's been empty for a while ... I'm sorry."

Martindale. I knew he looked familiar. "We met your folks," I told him. "They didn't mention you, though."

"I'm kind of the black sheep," he said. "I ran away to California to go to college and they didn't like that."

"Then why are you here?" I shifted a little, aware suddenly that I was standing in just my mesh garments, which offered little cover.

"I kinda dropped out," Kelly said. "I've been hanging out near Gallup with a friend, but he's out of town for a few days and I need a place to crash for a few days. I promise I won't be any trouble. I'll be gone a lot and just stay at night. Please? I need to get some things taken care of before I tell my parents ... about what's going on."

I knew I should say no, but something about the desperate look in his eyes and something else ... I turned to look at Stan. He nodded slowly.

"For a few days," I said. "You can sleep on the sofa. A few days."

Kelly's face lit up. He shook my hand, then Stan's and dragged his duffle to ward the couch. "All right if I use the bathroom before I go to bed?"

"You know where it is," I said.

I motioned for Stan to follow me to the kitchen, where we spoke quietly. "This sucks," I said. "We're going to have to be very careful while he's here. He can't find out."

Stan looked a little hurt, but nodded. "I know. I can't believe after we got this close ... it's like we're not supposed ..."

I put my hand on his lip. "Don't say it. It's a few days. We'll survive."

We walked into the bedroom just as Kelly emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. I tried not to look, but he cut a hot figure, with well-defined pecs and abs and muscular legs.

"I can't thank you guys enough," he said. "It means a lot. I gotta take care of things. But right now, I'm bushed. G'nite."

Stan and I climbed into our separate beds and after a while, sleep finally returned.

The next few days were hectic. On Thursday, a local church member drove us all over the area, showing us all the little roads and settlements, telling us where the good prospects were and where we were likely to find little to do.

Friday brought two other local members, who took us separately to meet other members and prospects, the better to cover the area faster, they said. I also knew it got them extra brownie points for working with the elders.

On Saturday, one of the members showed up around eight - Kelly had left already, as promised - and told us were had volunteered to help an older widow fix a fence and patch a roof.

By the time we got home, we were tired and dirty and sweaty. The house was empty; Kelly hadn't yet returned. We started to shuck our work clothes.

"You think we can ... um... risk a quickie?" I said as I peeled my pants off. I felt my cock stir as I asked the question and watched Stan strip to his shorts. I pulled my top off. "C'mon," I teased. "I know you want to." Sure enough, Stan's shorts tented out. I dropped mine and fluffed my cock, which started to harden.

Suddenly, we heard the door latch click. Damn. Kelly was home. "Hurry, get in the shower," I whispered and Stan scooted into the bathroom. I grabbed a towel just as he was closing the door and was fumbling to wrap it around my waist when Kelly walked into the room.

"Anybody home?" he called. He stopped as I turned around. My towel fell to the floor, exposing my cock, which was still half-hard. I grabbed and towel and wrapped it tightly.

"Hey, Kelly," I said too eagerly. "Yeah, we just got home from helping an older lady with some fences and her roof. We were dirty and sweaty and just flipping for first dibs at the shower." I think I was blushing.

"Oh ... OK," he said. "I'm gonna fix some supper. You hungry?"

"Starved," I said. "Thanks." Kelly cooked while Stan and I cleaned up. We ate gratefully and after chatting a little, Stan and I climbed into bed and studied a bit. Kelly walked in a while later and said he was going to rinse off before bed. We heard the water run. He stepped out a while later with just a towel on.

"So you know," he began, "if my parents have their way, I'll be a missionary in a few months."

I shouldn't have been surprised. He told us he was nearly 19.

"Um ... can I ask you guys something kinda personal?" he asked. We both shrugged.

"I've seen you guys get ready for bed and all, wearing your garments," he said. "I guess I knew my dad wore `em, but he insisted he had to be modest and I never saw them. What're they like?"

I was taken aback a bit. It seemed an odd question from an 18-year-old. "Mostly like regular underwear, I guess. Little looser, longer shorts, nothing all that different."

Kelly paused and smiled a little. "Can I try some on? Just to see? I'm just curious ... "

I didn't know what to say, but before I could decide, Stan jumped in: "Sure," he said. "Second drawer down over there." I looked over at him and he winked.

Kelly rummaged in the drawer and pulled out a top and shorts. He pulled the top on. It was too small by a size at least. I was about to say something, but didn't because Kelly dropped his towel first. His ass was as well-shaped as the rest of him and his legs muscular. He pulled the shorts on, which were skin tight like the top.

"Hey, are they supposed to be so tight?" he asked.

"Um ... I'm thinking you're bigger than either of us," I started to say, but choked on my words when he turned around, confirming just how big he was. I didn't gasp, but it was only because I froze. The mesh material was stretched tight and left nothing to the imagination, tracing Kelly's cock, which looked like it was well on its way to hard-on. I was guessing that, at full mast, he had to be at least 9 inches.

Kelly found the mirror and laughed. "Damn, boys, I thought these things were supposed to make you forget about sex! I'm all out there! Nah, I'm sorry, I'll stick with my boxers." He slipped the top off and then wiggled out of the shorts, tossing both on the dresser. He turned. His cock was definitely harder than it was a minute ago, only a few strokes, maybe, from full-on erection. He gave it half a stroke and walked over to the corner where he'd stashed his duffle, his dick bouncing a little. He pulled on the boxers.

"Thanks, guys, but I'm beat," he said. "Off to bed for me. Pleasant dreams, OK? But not too pleasant." He snickered.

My cock was fully hard and judging by the way Stan was squirming, so was his. I didn't want to get out of bed in that condition, so I asked Kelly to hit the light. He smirked and the room went dark.

Neither Stan and I said anything. I tried to will my cock to deflate, even thought briefly about sneaking in the bathroom for a quick wank, but decided in a house this quiet and this small, it wasn't wise.

As I lay there in the dark, I couldn't shake a nagging fear that Kelly's little show was potential trouble. Did he figure us out? Was he teasing us or taunting us? Is he going to try to blackmail us? My eyes popped open at that last thought, surley one of those paranoid fears that show up only after dark. He was 18, he was curious and we sure didn't mind, so don't worry. I closed my eyes again and finally drifted off to sleep.

Sunday was church day, followed by the always welcome preparation day, when we shopped, did laundry and sometimes got together with other elders for activities. We had nothing planned. Kelly had told us he was off on one more errand for the day and, sure enough, he was out the door by 8:30.

We took turns peeing and while Stan went off in search of juice, I turned on the shower and climbed in, letting the hot water pour over my naked body. I heard the bathroom door open. The shower curtain parted and Stan climbed in with me.

"I was hoping you'd be here," I said, pulling him close to me. We kissed and I pushed my crotch into his, grinding my cock against his. I felt his arms explore my body, squeezing my ass. We kissed hungrily. I felt both our cocks grow hard.

I dropped to my knees, letting the water spray all over me. I guided Stan's erect cock into my mouth, taking it slowly past my lips, across my tongue. He moaned a little as I wrapped my lips around it and began to suck.

Easing my mouth back, I found his balls and took them one at a time, running my tongue over the slippery surface. His cock rubbed my face and I took it back in my mouth. After a few minutes more, I stood.

"This time, I want you in me," I said softly, kissing him deeply again. I reached for the soap and lathered up, spreading the suds across his cock and then in my ass. I turned around and put my hands on the tile wall, spreading my legs slightly.

Stan ran the soap bar between my ass cheeks. I felt him push a finger in my asshole and I relaxed. "I want to feel you in me," I said. "I want you to fuck me."

Putting his hands on my hips, Stan aimed his cock at my ass and pushed. Nothing happened at first. I tried to move my hips so his cock could find its target. Finally, it did. I winced in pain, but said nothing, trying to relax as much as I could as his erection eased in. Finally, I felt it slide and I moaned without thinking.

Stan began to thrust his hips, pulling his cock back, then pushing it in again. He found a rhythm and began fucking. It felt like nothing I'd ever experienced. I could feel his dick hit my prostate and my own cock grew harder, leaking precum.

I pulled Stan's arms around me and he tweaked my nipples as he fucked. He reached down to find my cock and started stroking it. He began fucking harder and I knew he must be close. He stroked me faster. I closed my eyes and moaned and a minute later, I felt Stan tense up and then cry out himself.

"I'm ... I'm coming in you," he said, breathing hard.

"I want you to," I gasped. He grabbed my hips hard and I could feel his warmth fill me. He stroked me a few more times and I felt my own cock tense and then shoot with an orgasm like I'd never felt. I nearly yelled as I felt Stan's cock move a little more.

Stan fell loosely against me, his arms pulling me tight. I turned and we kissed again, long and deep. Finally, as the water turned cool, we rinsed each other, turned the water off and reached for towels. As we dried off, I heard a noise in the bedroom. I froze, terrified. I motioned for Stan to be quiet as I wrapped the towel around my waist.

I opened the bathroom and saw Kelly sitting on the bed. He wore an odd smile.

"Hey," I said, my mouth dry. "I thought you were gone. I was just ... "

"I heard," he said. "Howya doin' Elder Lopez?" he called through the door.

Stan walked out, holding the town in front of him. He looked ready to cry. Kelly smirked a little.

"Guess you boys have a secret, too... "


Next: Chapter 5

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