Miss Matched

By Brian Bass

Published on Sep 24, 2023


Authors Notes:

Once again I would like to say thank you for all who have shown entrest in my story by send me e-mails it has been greatly appreciated. I apoligize for it taking so long to get chaper 3 to you I hope you injoy it.

And to all my readers Take Care and Stay Safe

Now Chapter 3

For the next two weeks, time dragged by at a snails pace,I was an emotional mess. All I wanted was Shawn's arms around me, his hands touching me, and his body next to mine. I would see him at the house and he would smile at me half heartedly. I was crushed, I felt he didn't want me any more, that he regretted the things we had done at the farm. Kristin noticed how down I was and she came to talk to me.

"Hey Stud" she smiled as she stood in the door of my room.

"Hey" I grinned back

"Why haven't I seen much of you? You don't seem to be your self for the last couple of weeks, what's the matter?" She asked coming over and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Nothing" I sighed "and Everything." I added

She put her arm around me and gave me a hug. That started me crying and I just let all my emotions out. I bawled as I told her everything that had happened. When I was finished and I had let go of her and wiped my eyes she told me I needed to talk to Shawn about this and let him know how I truly felt and how it was bothering me.

I told her I could never tell him I was in love with him, or that I was truly gay but I did agree that it would be best to try and talk to him about where our friendship stood. The problem was how would I get him alone to do it.

We heard my sister and Shawn come into the house and Kristen got an idea. She came up with the plan for us to stage a fight and after she left my sister would come to talk to me. I was to say she wasn't a guy, she wouldn't understand. Then hopefully she will ask Shawn to talk to me. That was the plan anyway.

All of a sudden she yells at the top of her voice


slamming my bedroom door and after a quick smile and wave, she runs out of the house. Sis decides to alter the plan and runs after Kristin and so Kristen sheds crockodile tears and gives her some sob story about me never having time for her and a bunch of other bullshit.

After hearing that Shawn takes it upon himself to head up stairs, he knocks on my door and thinking its my sister I yell.

"Go Away"

Sadly he says "ok" and starts to walk back down stairs, I run to the door and open it apologizing.

"Sorry man figured you where Terrie"

Shawn smiled slightly.

"Its ok, What's going on?"

"Oh nothing, We'll get over it"

"No not with you and Kristen, with you and me?"

This sudden question surprised me and I had to sit down on the bed at this twost to 'The Plan'

"I don't know"

Shawn shut the door and came over and sat down next to me.

"Are you upset about, well what happened between us."

"No" I replied "I thought you might be though."

"Me" he said totally confused "Why would you think that, I'm the one who suggested it."

"I don't know, you just seem to want to keep your distance from me lately, and when I see you, you give me a half smile like your heart's not really into it." I told him

He put his hand on my back and started to rub. I closed my eyes and melted.

"No Davie it's not that I'm upset about it, its that I miss it and want to do it again with you." He told me.

I looked up at him as I answered with as much feeling as I could put into it.

"I want that to."

His beautiful smile lit up my bedroom.

"Good, cause my parents are leaving for a week and they said I could stay at the house if I got you to stay with me. You're the only one they trust to keep me inline." He Grinned.

I smiled widely.

"You serious?"

"Yeah, my mom asked your mom yesterday and she said it was up to me. They're leaving tonight, not much notice but my great uncle died and that stuff you really don't know in advance. I'm staying cause I have to work and anyway I wanted to get a excuse to be with you again. I was worried that you wouldn't want to though, you've seemed so distant lately."

"I wasn't how to deal with all of this." I told him

"Just relax Davie, it's just two friends helping each other out and enjoying one another a little ok?"

"Yeah ok."

I said sadly, he just had no idea how much I wanted it to be so much more.

"You sure you want to come stay with me?"

"Oh yes, VERY sure" I smiled

Shawn leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Good" Shawn smiled back and left the room

That night we both ate supper at my house then went over to Shawn's. We got there about 8pm and when we walked in the door I felt lost and it seemed like he was to.

"So do you want to watch a movie?" He asked


We walked into the living room and he put in a movie, it was some kind of war movie, I really wasn't paying much attention to it, my attention was on him. When he sat down he sat right next to me with our legs touching. We sat there for a few minutes and before the previews were over his hand was on my leg. I was so nervous I was shaking all over, he just keep his hand there and slightly moved his thumb back and forth barely caressing my leg. I just sat there watching his hand looking at his face and he would look back at me and smiled.

Finally he turned to me and said.

"Davie you're about to jump out of your skin, relax, come here."

He pulled me to him and manouvered me around until I was sitting between his legs and laying back on his chest, his arms around me and I felt completely safe. I just laid there and absorbed his touch while we watched the movie.

When it was over he stirred under me, I moved reluctantly so he could get up. He turned off the movie then took my hand and led me to his room. My heart was pounding strong again and I was suddenly very nervous. I had been in his room so many times, sleeping in the same bed with him but this was different. When we got to the room he led me to the bed and we sat down. I looked over to the open door.

"There isn't anyone here, it doesn't have to be shut."

I tried to pay it no mind but as he started to undress me I keep looking at the door, finally he smiled and walked over, then shut and locked it. I felt shy and smiled, he walked back over and continued to undress me. I started undoing him, we didn't rush but it didn't take long before we were down to our briefs. He looked at me sitting across from him, I felt his lips on my forehead as he kissed me and said.

"I love you Davie"

I looked at him, this gorgeous quarterback of the football team, the best friend I have probably ever had and the man of my dreams, all of a sudden I froze. I couldn't do it, I couldn't let him touch me thinking it was just a friendly Jerk. I was in love with him, I was Gay and I needed to be honest with him. I remembered what he had said about Tarence, how he didn't want Tarence to do anything other than jerk him off. Maybe he will still be willing to do things with me maybe, he wouldn't but I had to be honest with him. I started to cry.

Shawn grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

"Davie it's ok Babe, you don't have to do this with me. God I never wanted you to feel like this."

I pulled away a little but not completely and looked up at him.

"You didn't make me feel like this, you don't even know how I feel, that's the problem."

He let go of me and look of fear came over his face.

"God Davie please don't tell me you hate me for this."

I couldn't resist a small snicker.

"Hate you?....NO, I could never hate you far from it, I love you."

"I love you to" He told me with passion.

I shook my head and got up off the bed.

"No Shawn, you don't get it, I really love you."

I turned to him, I had to do this facings him.

"I'm Gay Shawn and I'm in love with you, that's why I can't do this. I had to be honest with you."

I saw him close his eyes as he sighed and started breathing deeply. I was terrified he would come after, me yell at me, tell me to leave. Tears were streaming down my face but I had to continue.

"I'm so sorry I should have told you at the farm, I shouldn't have let you touch me or me touch you but I wanted you so bad I couldn't resist you."

Shawn opened his eyes and smiled.

"Its ok Davie."

Still breathing deeply, trying to contain what ever emotions that were going on.

"I was praying you felt that way."

He started to cry.

"I felt so bad doing what we did, I felt I had pushed you into something you didn't wantto do. I couldn't help it. I've wanted you for so long, I hurt for you all the time. I cry for you at night."

As he told me this I walked over towards him. He reached out and touched my face.

"Do you have any idea how much I have wanted to kiss you. I couldn't tell you, I had to wait to see if you felt the same on your own. You're younger than me, I couldn't corrupt you."

"Corrupt me?"

This statement bought a small smirkto my face.

"You know what I mean." He smiled

"Shawn I love you, I love you touching me, I want you to touch me and I want you to kiss me."

As I said this another tear fell, he reached up and wiped it off my face.

"I want you to make love to me." More tears were falling.

Shawn leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips, I pushed into him. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"God you're so beautiful."

Then he kissed me again, I leaned into the kiss not wanting him to stop. He pulled back once more as I smiled

"You know how I said you were the first one to get me off." I told him


"Well you're the first person I've ever truly kissed"

"What about Kristin?"

I giggled.

"Kristin is dating a 22year old, I've never done more than give her a friendly peck on the cheek."

Shawn pulled me closer.

"So I'm truly your first in every way."

Shawns smile lit up the room.

"Yeah, I'm about as virginal as you can get."

I smiled, Shawn smiled and kissed me again. I pulled away this time and he looked at me with a look of desire I will never forget. I laid down and pulled him on top of me.

"Make me yours"

He held himself up over me and kissed me a some more. Each time it lasted longer and each time I wanted more. He pulled up once and I reached up and pulled him down for another kiss, I slightly opened my mouth and his tongue slid in. Oh god, my body became electrified as I started to moan and move under him as I moved my hands over his body. He slowly lowered his weight onto me and I loved the feeling of him on me. We laid there like that just kissing and caressing one another's bodies. We still had on our underwear, I'm not saying they weren't soaked from the steady streams the leaked from us, but we didn't get one another off. That night wasn't about sex, it was about love and there was nothing better than him loving me.

I had to work that day at 8.00am, Shawn didn't have to go in till 12.00. I got back to his house at 2.00 that day and laid down in his bed and fell asleep. When he got home at 6.00 I was still sleeping, he stripped down to nothing and crawled in bed with me. I felt the warmth of his skin next to mine and rolled over to face him and smiled.


"Hey sexy" he smiled back

I moved to snuggle up to him and realized he had nothing on. As I was only in my briefs I felt over dressed. I smiled and said.

"Wow, I'm still having the same dream I had last night. I hope I never wake up."

Shawn pulled away to look me in the eye, he touched me gently.

"Oh it's not a dream Babe, it's real enough." He said with a sad look.

I move back a little more to get a better look at his face.

"What's Wrong"

What had i done to bring on that sad look?

"Terrie wanted me to go over after work, I told her we stayed up all night watching movies and I was to tired. I hate leading her on like that but nobody can find out about us."

I sighed.

"I know, well, it's not like you lied, we did stay up all night and we did watch a movie, well at least you did."

"But the lie was that I was to tired, I'm more energized than tired, I just wanted to come back here and be with you,"

"Well I love you for that, I hate hurting her but I can't stop loving you." I told him

"I know,"

Then his radiant smile broke out again.

"So did you miss me?"

He pulled me close to him as he asked.

"Mmmmm Yes"

I snuggled into him.


As he told me he laid down and I rose up and kissed him.This time the kiss was not only full of love and passion but also of desire. I wanted him so bad I needed him so bad, I moved on top of him and kissed him passionately. After a while he rolled me over onto my back and started to kiss my neck, it wasn't long before he was working his way down to my chest to he played with my nipples, sucking and licking them. I just laid there and moaned, I liked it even better when he kissed all the way down to the top of my briefs. He looked up into my eyes and smiled, as he did he slid my briefs off me, I moved my legs to help him get them off off me. Still staring me in the eye he poked out his tongue and licked the head of my cock for the first time. I moaned loudly as a muttered.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Shawn smiled back at me.

"OH YES!....besides, I already know what you taste like anyway."

I looked at him confused.


"Well remember the morning after the storm at the farm?"

"Yeah" I answered

"Do you remember how I woke you up?"

The grin covering his face made me snicker at the memory.

"I thought you were having a dream about my sister."

"Oh no, I was very much awake and had the man of my dreams in bed with me. I knew what I was doing, after you got off and went to clean up in the bathroom I licked what you left behind off my hand. It was the best thing I have ever tasted."

He licked his lips as he told me.

"And,....I want more."

I bit my lower lip.

"Well I'm yours to do with as you want."

He smiled and put me in his mouth, God it was warm and wet, it felt so awesome and the longer he did it the deeper he did it and the more he got into it. About 20 minutes after he started I exploded in his mouth and he moaned in appreciation as the small shudders went through my body in the afterglow.

Afterwards I pulled him up for a kiss and asked if it was my turn.

"To late, when you got off I loved it so much I got off to."

He leaned down and kissed my lips and I snuggled into him and we feel asleep again.

About 10:30 I woke up with him sucking on me again and I smiled at him.

"Didn't you get enough the first time?" I asked him

"Are you kidding? I don't think I could ever get enough of you."

He then continued on, after a while I pulled him up and kissed him deeply, I wanted to feel him on top of me again. This time he didn't hesitate to put his weight on me. After a while he rolled over and I rolled on top of him, I was kissing him deeply and moaning as we ground our bodies together.

I stopped for a moment and looked at him.

"God I love you."

He smiled up at me and said.


I giggled and went back to enjoying myself. His hands rubbed me in all the right places and after a while he had his hands on my ass pushing me into him. I was humping him, our dicks pressing against each other. it only took a few minutes of this and I exploded on him, he followed my lead. I collapsed on him, as he wrapped me in his arms and I melted into them.

After a while I rose up and looked at him. "Shawn" I asked

"Hmm" he answered

"What are we going to do?"

He sighed as he answered.

"I don't know. I love you, you know that, but this has to stay a secret, nobody can ever find out."

I laid my head back down.

"So are you going to marry my sister?"

He held me tight.

"I wish I could marry you, but that isn't possible. I do love Terrie just not like I love you, I can ever imagine making love to her, I don't even know if I could. I just don't know what will happen."

I started to cry as the impossible situation became clearer.

"OH Baby don't cry, I do love you, You know I do."

"I know,......can I ask you something?"

"Sure babe you can ask me anything."

I rose up again to look him in the eyes.

"Would you make love to me."

He smiled.

"I just did"

I looked at him.

"You know what I mean, would you ever want to truly make love to me."

"Would you want me to do that?"

"Oh Yes, I've had dreams of you making love to me, I want to feel you in me. The night we jerked off in the tent I fantasized that I actually felt you stick your finger in me, when I thought that, is when I got off."

"Um Well Davie that wasn't a fantasy, I actually did do that to you."


I responded with a smile.

"I truly thought I had fantasized that."

"No it wasn't a fantasy it was real, but babe you're only 16 and I don't want to use you for my own needs, I want to please you, but I won't take you like that till your 18."


I asked somewhat upset.

"By then you'll be married."

"But I'll always be yours and you'll always be mine, that will never change."

"I don't think I can wait two years to feel you inside me. I want you inside me now."

"I just don't want to use you."

"You're not using me, I love you, I want to be yours in everyway."

"I know and I want to be yours,.....You can have me if you want?"

I looked at him strangely.

"Is that what you would prefer, for me to be inside of you?"

There was no response, just his beautiful eyes looking into my own.

"When I think of us together I always picture you,....well,..inside me, I always want you inside me."

He rolled me over onto my back.

"Davie I want to be inside you soooo bad, you have no idea how bad and yes, I would much rather make love to you inside and out than for you to be in me but, don't think I would not give myself to you in that way because I would anytime you want."

"But you wont let me give myself to you like that?"

He sighed again.

"I don't want to take you like that."

Frustration came into my voice.

"It wouldn't be taking me, it would be giving me what I want and desire."

I spread my legs and wrapped them around his back.I looked at him with confidence and desire.

"I want to be yours tonight and always, please Shawn make me yours."

"I won't fuck you, I refuse to hurt you and it does hurt."

"It can't hurt as bad as it does not having you in me. don't fuck me, let it be about love like it was last night. Granted this evening it's about passion and desire and I'm not saying I won't ever want you to fuck me, but I want you in me, I want you to get off inside me, I want to know that from this night on I have you in me forever no matter what happens. Unless.....unless....you don't want me."

At this possibility the tears started to run down my cheeks.

"You know I do, I want you so bad but I don't want you hurt."

"Then don't take me, just join with me."

He sat up with my legs still wrapped around his waist and wiped my tear away, he moved his hand and lightly ran it over my chest.

"You're more beautiful than any woman could ever be."

His smile began to give me goose bumps as he continued.

"Or man, I love the fact you're small, I love how your body fits into mine so easily, I love the way you look laying on my bed andhow you feel in my arms. I want you so bad, and I want to please you so much, I never want to hurt you but I fear I'll cause you so much pain if we go to the next step."

"Then take the pain of not having you away, at least do that for me, then I'll know I was your first and you were mine and we will have that forever."

He leaned down and kissed me softly, our tongues dancing together, I felt how hard he was and how hard I was. I asked for him inside, the pain I felt was almost unbearable, I needed him in me, only that would ease my pain. He started kissing and licking down my body again.

Stopping at my nipples he seemed to enjoy them and I enjoyed what he did to them so much that I missed it when he moved on down my torso kissing and licking as he went. It seemed like he wanted to taste every part of my body. When he got to my groin he only stopped to enjoy it for a moment, Then he moved on licking my balls. He pushed up my legs and exposed my ass then he did something totally unbelievable he licked my pucker. Holly shit did that get me. "Oh Fuck" is all I could say

He smiled and said.

"No honey, remember, no fucking just loving."

I giggled.

"Do you have any idea how that feels"

"NO, but maybe someday you'll show me"


He went back to work with his tongue on my now hot and needy bud. He went around it, kissing it and then suddenly he stuck his tongue inside me. When I felt that hot moistness in me I came all over myself without any help form him.

That upset me.


He stopped and smiled.

"What's wrong?"

"I got off already, I couldn't help it."

"So you want me to stop, just cause you got off?"

I thought about it a little longer.

"Well, NO"

He smiled and moved up and licked the cum off my stomach, god that was hot to watch and I was already throbbing hard again watching it.

"Well Babe, you can get off as much as you want, I won't stop till either I'm done or you want me to."

I smiled widely.

"Yeah! I guess that's right as long as you don't blow your load we can keep going."

"And even if I do, I'm sure you could get me up and running again without much trouble."

He licked his lips and went back to working on my hole. He kept at it for about 15mins or so and then he put his first finger in. Oh man and I thought the tongue felt good. I couldn't help but move and squirm and then when he stuck the second in I shot off again.

This time I just moaned and grunted, I didn't touch myself I just let it come naturally. I loved the fact he could get me off that way. He didn't miss a beat with his fingering me as he moved his mouth up to my stomach and licked me clean again. His fingers never leaving my ass as he let his feelings take me over. When he had 3 fingers in he started actually finger fucking me, I was going nuts, I wasn't sure what he was hitting in me but lord did it feel good. Then he started stroking me and I smiled at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Well we need lube and you got a plentiful supply right hear. Come on baby if you want me in you have to get off again."

I looked at him and smiled

"If you want me to get off then move around and let me suck on you."

He smiled widely I hadn't sucked on him at all, not even had him in my mouth yet, but I wanted it then almost as much as I wanted him in me. He moved around so we were in a 69 position, his fingers still inside me and I liked his shaft.

"Damn Davie, I don't know about this, I don't think I'll be able to hold my load."

"So I will get you hard again, this way I'll have you in my stomach and in my ass." I smiled

I finally placed him in my mouth and lord did I love the taste and the feel of his rod in there. I started to devourer him and in seconds he was trying to pull out of my mouth.

"I'm coming."

I grabbed the back of his ass and forced him to me, letting him know I wanted to swallow him.

"Oh Fuck Davie You're sooo good at that."

After he erupted and I finished my drink I smiled.


I took my finger and started to rub around his ass pucker. I took my tongue and licked a crossed it, he moaned and two minutes later he was hard as a rock again. He move around and laid on top of me as he began kissing me deeply. Now I would think it gross, his tongue had been in my ass and mine in his, he had licked up two of my loads and I had taken his but we didn't care. His kisses sent me over the edge again and after I had gotten off he took what he could and rubbed it on is cock Still kissing me.

He raised up and looked at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm positive, I hurt for you so bad, nothing can hurt worse than not having you in me, I need you so bad. Please Shawn make me yours."

I spread my legs wider and lifted my ass, I wanted to feel him in me.

He put himself at my opening and slowly started to slide in, I winced once and he started kissing me with long, loving and passionate kisses. I was lost in him totally, I never felt any more pain, all I felt was full as he buried himself deep inside me. Once all the way inside me he just held me to him. I moved slightly under him and he kissed me, he never pumped once, never made one fucking action, all he did was hold his long hard love tool in me and let me enjoy it.

Kissing me and holding me, I have no idea how long we were like that but finally I couldn't hold back I came one last time between our bodies and as I did he did to. His orgasm was the strongest one he had ever had he told me afterwards. His whole body shook, and at the end of it we just laid there him still inside of me.

Finally he raised up and saw the tears on my face. He moved and came out of me.

"God I'm sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you."

The worry and concern in his voice was evident.

"NO, it's ok, they're tears of joy. I love you so much and I felt you love me totally and completely, now I am yours forever. I've never been happier."

He smiled at me and laid back down on his side and pulled me to him.

"I never in my wildest dreams thought it could be that good. Never doubt that I love you"

We fell asleep again wrapped in each others arms and didn't wake up till morning.

Next: Chapter 4

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