Miss Matched

By Brian Bass

Published on Sep 15, 2023


Authors Note:

My sincere thanks for all the emails I have recieved, it has given me a new lease on things so I can keep this story going. I apologies for incorrectly putting my email address on the first chapter so below is the correct one.


Also I would like to give a special thanks to my editor without his help and encouragement this story would not have been posted. And to my Sunshine who makes me simle and keeps me writing. And also to you Sexy (you know who you are) for your encouragement as well.

Now for:


The rest of the year went by pretty much like I had expected. My sister and Shawn's relationship seemed to be never changing. I spent some time investigating what Kristen suspected about them and I noticed that she had been right about the fact there didn't seem to be a whole lot of chemistry between the two of them. I also noticed that on the few occasions that we were around Shawn's cousin Tony, my sister was shy and awkward to some extent almost like she was nervous around him.

She also blushed a lot and would almost seem to flirt with Tony. Even though it seemed her attraction to him was obvious it didn't seem to bother Shawn at all. What was more amazing to me was it was just as obvious that Tony was attracted to her as well.

Shawn didn't seem to have a problem with that either. Hell I got jealous all the time seeing Shawn with my sister. I spent less and less time with them because I couldn't bare to watch her touch him and kiss him, which was generally how it was.

I had noticed that Shawn barely tolerated the physical attention she showed him. I still didn't believe he was at all attracted to me but I was beginning to believe that the relationship between my sister and him was not based on true love.

I was sure he loved her, they had been best friends so long but I didn't think either was truly IN-Love with the other. Shawn would spend the night about once a mouth, I would still sleep in the living room with him and most times we would watch TV or a movie until we fell asleep. There were occasions that we would stay up talking, the fact that Terri had no intest in art or sculpture seemed to really bother him. He loved that stuff and she would tease him all the time that it was sissy and he was too macho to care about that shit. I felt sorry for him.

The most memoriable night of my whole 15th year came in the middle of May just a week before school let out. Shawn was spending the night and we were down stairs, I had just bought a new portable tape player that had two head sets so two people could listen to it at the same time.

I had bought it with some money my grandparents had sent as an early birthday present, Everyone else had gone to bed and we decided since it was a warm night to go lay out on the grass under the stars and listen to some music. I knew how much he love classical music and I know it was another thing him and Terri did not have in common.

We took out a blanket and put it on the ground and took out some cokes to drink, he laid down and I sat next to him fiddling with the tapes for a minute. When he lay down he put an arm behind his head and closed his eyes. I took this opportunity to truly look at him.

'God' I thought, 'how gorgeous he is'.

I loved looking at him but couldn't do it for long since others were always around tonight I could just look all I wanted. All of a sudden he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Are we going to listen to music or what"

I blushed and put the tape in that I had picked out. I pushed play and laid down my eyes open staring at the stars. Shawn listened for a moment than braced himself up on one elbow and looked at me

"You remembered" he smiled. "This is my favourite Beethoven piece."

I just grinned back and said.

"Well its mine to."

Shawn just laid back down and looked up at the stars. We didn't say a word after that but at sometime we fell asleep. I woke up chilled after all it was still spring, and to my surprise Shawn had his arm over my chest and was snuggled up against me. I rolled slightly and nudged him.

"Shawn, hey Shawn, lets go inside man its chilly out here and if someone should see us like this they would get the wrong idea."

Shawn moved slightly and opened his eyes, I expected him to jump away from me when he realized how tight he was holding me but he just smiled and said.

"Well I was trying to keep you warm."

I wasn't sure how to react to that so I just smiled shyly and replied

"Well thanks man I appreciate it but we better get inside."

He just moaned and then said, before getting to his feet.

"If we have to"

We picked up our stuff and went into the living room and crawled into our sleeping bags. I looked over at Shawn and to see he was looking at me, it made me a little nervous. When he spoke he said something I will never forget as long as I live.

"Goodnight Davie I Love You"

Shawn rolled over and pulling the sleeping bag around his shoulders appeared to drift off to sleep. Hell I didn't know what to say or do so I just laid there staring at the back of his head thinking about how great it was to be in his arms and realized that it wasn't lust I felt for him it was truly love.

While the words were ones I never thought I would ever hear they also saddened me a little and with his sweet voice ringing in my ears I rolled over and let myself slip into a stae of sleep.

The next day I told Kristen what had happened, she got a huge smile on her face.

"I knew it, I knew it, he is so totally into you."

"Don't read more into it then there is Kristen"

"It was chilly out and he was just snuggling to get warm."

"What about what he said" she asked me

"I'm sure he does love me, but like a brother, and that's all." I sighed

"Yeah right" she smirked

I just sat there wishing she was right but knowing even if she was there was nothing I could ever do about it. Shawn was my sister's and I could never love a man openly, not in this town anyway.

Nothing much else happened until late in June. Shawn called up and asked my parents if it would be ok if I went with him on a fishing and camping trip. He wanted to go up to his grandfather's farm and camp out by his creek and go fishing. He told them that his grandfather would be at the farm but we would still be pretty far from the house he knew they would never allow my sister to go and he didn't want to go by himself.

My parents didn't seem to have a problem with it, they considered Shawn a member of the family and my mom even told my dad that sounds like something fun for two brothers to do. They had already assumed like Shawn's parents had that him and my sister would get married.

I myself was thrilled with the idea of spending time with him even though I knew nothing would happen, It Couldn't, I still wanted the opportunity to be near him, just the two of us alone together. Shawn worked for his Uncle during the week in the summer, so he came to my house as soon as he got off work on Friday.

He had told me to pack light a couple pairs of jeans some shorts and a swim suit, and of course reminded me to bring my tapes. When we were ready to leave my sister gave him a kiss on the lips then gave me one on the cheek and told me.

"Take care of him David and be good."

I couldn't help but think all the ways I could take care of him and how good it would be. and then I felt guilty for thinking it.

Shawn and I talked about general stuff on the drive up nothing real significant, we also listened to music, OUR kind of music. There were long periods of silence where nothing was said and it felt so good to just be with him. Shawn would look over at me from time to time during though quiet times and finally he told me.

"I love this."

"You love what?"

"I love being here with you, just enjoying being together not having to talk, listening to music we both like, you don't seem to need to talk all the time when you're happy, I love that"

"Well I don't know what to say but I assumed its ok with you that I don't talk all the time. I like to just be in your presence and listen to this music and let my mind wander were it may." I told him

"I know what you mean. I like doing that to." He told me

I snickered and added.

"Yeah but don't let your mind wander to far off the road."

Shawn smiled as he replied.

"Don't worry Davie I would never let anything happen to you"

God how I loved it when he called me Davie. I hated it when anyone else did but for some reason when he did I felt this surge of emotion in me.

When we got to his grandfathers farm we went into the house, I had known Gramps most of my life. He was a grandfather who was in is late 50's didn't really look or act like one. His wife had died years ago and the only person who lived on the farm with him was Rudy a hired hand.

Gramps had hired him about a year after his wife had died. They worked the farm together and seemed more like best friend and partners than employee and employer. Rudy was about 20 years younger than Gramps and did a lot of the hard labor that Gramps couldn't do anymore.

Rudy was cool and like Gramps was well built and looked good for his age. Guess farm life keeps you in shape. When we got there we headed out to the barn to find Gramps and Rudy, they were busy mucking out stalls. Gramps smiled widely

"Hey boys want to help us old men out?"

Rudy snarled "Who you calling old"

Gramps just snickered

"Well you ain't as young as them and sometimes age has its advantages, you can use it to get young ones to help"

Rudy paused for a second than said "Oh" then he humped over and held his back.

"Yeah I guess I am getting up there in age."

We all just laughed

"So" Shawn said changing the subject "where's the tent Gramps and all the stuff"

Gramps smiled.

"Well we took it out to the Creek yesterday and set everything up for you, we spent the night out there last night, It was quite nice."

"Yeah I bet" Shawn replied, "I love staying out there. So all we need is the stuff we brought, Cool."

Gramps put the rake down and walked over to us.

"I don't want you driving your truck out there though I want you to take mine, it's supposed to storm tonight, if it gets to bad out there I want you two to come back to the house and I don't want your truck getting stuck."

"Were not wimps" I said

"Didn't say you were David but the creek is already high and if it rains to much you might get flooded out."

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"I just want to make sure that if you want to come back you can and you don't get stuck. That old truck of mine can get out of any mess, that little toy of Shawn's would get stuck for sure and its to far out to walk back unless you want to walk all night"

I was nudged by Shawn.

"Don't argue with him Davie, I love driving Gramps truck"

"Ok, I don't care what we take as long as I don't have to walk" I told them

Gramps threw Shawn the keys and then hugged us both and we walked out of the barn to move our stuff from the car. As we were leaving I heard Rudy say,

"You should have made them work for it I hate shoveling shit"

Gramps just chuckled.

"Oh come on you young stud if I can do it you can"

We moved our things into the back of Gramps bigger truck and got in, not an easy task for me, I'm so short that it was like climbing up a mountain but it was cool. I hate the fact I'm so short, it bothered me a lot and Shawn knew it, in fact he knew it well enough not to offer me any help as that just upset me more. He knew I wanted to or should I say, needed to do it myself.

We honked the horn as we took off across the field, it was about a 20 min drive to get to the spot we were to camp at on the creek. I hadn't been there in a few years, the last time I was here I was 12, and Shawn along with his Dad and mine, myself and my sister had all come out here to camp for a few days. We had had a blast and had intended to come back but never got around to it again.

Shawn stopped the truck and we got out, I just looked around it was absolutely Gorgeous.

"God I love this place" I said "Its more beautiful than I remembered."


Shawn replied. Taking in the view for a few moments.

"Come on and help me get this stuff unloaded"

We hadn't brought much just our fishing poles and tackle boxes, Sleeping bags, a cooler full of drinks and junk food (of course) and a some clothes.

It was pretty warm that day and after we put our stuff in the tent we decided to take a swim. I was getting my suit out of my bag and turned around, there stood Shawn buck-naked `OMG' I thought and turned back around swiftly.

Shawn chuckled.

"What's the matter Davie, it's not like we have never seen each other in the buff before, hell I don't know why you want to ware suits anyway its only the two of us."

What Shawn didn't know was I hadn't turned because of being embarrassed seeing him naked, I turned so I wouldn't have to explain the fact I had gotten a instant hard on. I just kind of cleared my thoughts and said.

"I'm just more comfortable with a suit on is all"

"OK its cool, I don't care just didn't want you to think you had to wear one is all, but we can if its makes you feel more comfortable."

There was almost a slight tone of disappointment in his voice. I figured it was because he was used to skinny dipping here and would prefer that, I was relieved that he didn't push it.

After we swam a while we laid down on the bank and just talked.

"I kind of miss riding the horses out here." Shawn said

"So why didn't we" I asked him

"I don't know we only have a couple days and didn't what to take half the day getting here and we couldn't have brought all this stuff with us. I like doing it when I have like a whole day to do nothing "

"We haven't been riding together in a while" I reminded him

"Yeah I know, We haven't done a lot of stuff in a while" he reminded me "I really miss you."

I smiled and slightly blushed.

"Thanks Ive missed you to."

When it began getting dark we started a fire and roasted some hotdogs and a 'LOT' of marshmallows. I had brought my boom box with plenty of spare batteries so we could listen to some classical music. It was such beautiful night to just lay back and watch the stars overhead while the sounds floated past in the stillness of the night.

Shawn put his sleeping bag on the ground and looked up though the trees at the stars.

"Man Davie come hear you have to see this."

I laid down next to him and looked up it was beautiful. I went to get up and Shawn pulled me back to him.

"Hear lay your head on my shoulder and you will have a better view."

I did as he asked but a little bit reluctantly. We just laid there looking at the stars my head on his shoulder his arm around me and listening to music and we fell asleep. All of a sudden I woke up to a loud crash, I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw a flash then heard another boom this one louder and it woke up Shawn.

"Shit it's about to let loose, lets get in the tent" I told him

As we were getting up huge drops of rain started to fall, Shawn grabbed his sleeping bag and we ran for the tent. The down pour was so strong though the sleeping bag and us were both soaked before we got into the tent.


Shawn said with a snicker throwing the bag to the other side of the tent.

"Looks like we have to share your bag tonight" He smiled

I just grinned back scared to death. Lying on him out there was one thing but both of us inside a sleeping bag How in the hell would I keep from getting hard. Shawn began to strip right in front of me.

"Come on Davie lets get out of these wet cloths."

I turned my back to him and started getting undressed. As I pulled off my underwear I felt Shawn's hands on my shoulder.

"Hey man are you ok? why are you so shy all of a sudden? You aint got nothing I haven't seen before you know."

I closed my eyes, his touch was so intoxicating to me then I realized my greatest fear was coming true I was getting hard right there. I bent down and grabbed my underwear and frantically tried to put them on. Not saying word, but feeling like I was dying inside. Tears started rolling down my face and Shawn grabbed me and turned me to him.

"Hey Man" he said sternly "What's Wrong?"

I bowed my head and tried to turn around. My Hard cock was pointing straight at him and I knew he saw it, how can he miss it, it's right there in his face. Shawn just pulled me back to face him.

"Davie What's the Matter" he demanded

I couldn't say anything finally he spoke for me.

"Are you embarrassed because you popped a boner?"

I just turned my head away from him.

"Hell man your 16 years old that shit happens to me if the breeze blows the right way." He laughed

I sniffed and said as my whole body began shaking.

"Well your not"

I couldn't finish it

"What? not hard?" he snickered "Um you want to look again."

I looked down he still had on his wet jeans it was hard for me to tell at first then I noticed that he was in fact hard as well. I kind of gave a slight half-ass smile.

"Hell Davie there aint nothing wrong with getting hard. Were guys it happens all the time."

"But do you get hard when other guys are around?"

"Sometimes if the guys are all talking about sex and shit in the locker room were all tenting our towels." He told me.

"So have you had sex with my sister?" I turned and finally put on my briefs

"NO" he said franticly then he pulled off his wet pants and his underwear and I saw him hard for the first time.

And I couldn't help but say.

"Holey Shit, It didn't look that big in your pants."

Once I had said it I was instantly upset again

Shawn chuckled.

"yeah it surprises everyone."

I looked up at his face.


"All the guys on the team." He smiled "I'm the proud owner of the largest cock on the team."

`How do you know that " I asked, "Did you measure"

"Well kind of we compared".

I looked at him confused. Shawn sighed then added.

"Davie you know guys jerk off right?"

"Well yeah dah, I'm 16 do you think that I don't it." I answered and he smiled

"Well have you ever heard of a circle jerk?"

"Uhm no not really"

"Well its where several guys get together in a circle and jerk off together or jerk each other off sometimes." He told me

"OK" I said not really knowing where this is going

"Well some of us on the football team do it." he told me then added "A lot"

"OH" I replied, then I couldn't resist saying "Why"

"Well mostly because we don't have sex with our girlfriends, either because we don't want to or they don't want to. It's a sexual relief that is a lot better than just jerking off by yourself."

"um ok,....I though if you did stuff with other guys you were gay"

Shawn laughed "NO,...if you want to do sexual stuff with ONLY guys you are gay, if you want to do sexual stuff with guys and girls you are bi. If you do sexual stuff with guys because you can't with a girl, you're straight just getting off."

"Oh ok,....so you have only done it in a group?"

"No,....you know Tarence" He asked

"Yeah, Why" I asked

"Well once in a while Tarence and I will do each other." He paused "you know jack each other off."

"Most people at school think Tarence is gay." I told him

"Well I think he is to, he wants to do more with me but I'm not interested but we both enjoy getting off."

He sat down on the sleeping bad with me and I looked down at my lap my dick still hard and asked quietly.

"So how do you find someone that will do that stuff with you."

"Well I just waited till I was approached."

Shawn lowered his head so he could look into mine.

"But you don't have to wait if you don't want to." He smiled

I looked at him and blushed.

"You mean we could,....or....um....you would, with me."

"Of course, lots of brothers and friends jack off together."

He gently put his hand on the bulge in my briefs.

"You don't have to do this with me if you don't want to Davie"

"No, I would love to try it."

I didn't add how long I had been wanting to touch his cock and stroke it till he came all over my hand, and now the idea that he would be doing the same to me was so unbelievable

Shawn started to massage my groin I wanted to touch his but was scared to, all of a sudden he stopped and stood up. He reached down then helped me to stand up as he pulled down my briefs and then his own. He sat me back down, then started to stroke my cock looking into my eyes and smiling. My nervousness must have showed as he took my hand and placed it on his, I started to stroke it and as I did he closed his eyes and smiled.

"God yes Davie that is it Babe."

How I loved it when he called me babe. I was in heaven and leaking precum so bad there was no need for lube and he was the same way. My eyes were still closed till I heard Shawn say.

"Open your eyes Davie its ok to watch."

I opened them and he smiled at me. I started to stroke him a little harder, I loved the feel of him in my hand and the feel of his hand stroking me. To my amazement he was enjoying it immensely as well.

"Oh Davie that's it babe yeah" he breathed heavily "Damn your good at this"

He bit his lip and after a few more grunts and groans he started to come and I couldn't believe how much came out of him. His whole body shook, then he gave me this look that I cant explain like he was almost possessed by the idea of getting me off.

"Davie am I the first person to get you off."

"Yeah" knowing he hadn't got me off yet but positive he was about to.

"Good" he smiled almost like he was pleased I was only his. But that made no sense since he wasn't gay he was just doing this to get off or was he, he had gotten off but was still doing me determined to finish me off.

"Close your eyes Davie"

"Why" I asked

"That way you can imagine I'm Krista."

If he only knew that all I wanted was him. All I said was.

"I don't want to think of Kristen"

"Then think of whoever it is you would like to be doing whatever it is to you but I want you to get off." He told me

So I closed my eyes and pictured him touching me all over I could almost feel it for real I started moaning louder and my mind went wild and I felt him touch my ass pucker, I knew I was only fantasizing but it felt so real and as I felt his finger enter me I exploded. My eyes still closed I think I fell asleep almost immediately.

The next thing I remember is waking up and being very cold, Shawn was laying almost on top of me and I moved, as I did he rolled over and splashed. ? Splashed? OH SHIT. Suddenly I realized there was about two inches of water in the tent with us. As Shawn was coming around from the splash into the water we both looked at each other and about shit.

"Davie grab some underwear and get in the truck we don't have time for anything else we have to get out of hear now."

He sounded almost frantic. Grabbing for some soaked underwear I was lucky they were mine sitting on top of the pile and were only damp. He grabbed my hand and ran out of the tent to the tuck. It had water all around it and Shawn looked worried. They had been known to have flash floods there and if one came up we could be in huge trouble. We climbed into the truck and he turned it over and let it rev a few minutes then took a deep breath, he knew if he gunned it he would get stuck for sure so he put it in 4 wheel drive and slowly we crawled away form the creek.

After we had gotten away from the immediate danger we headed for the house the headlights didn't help much with the downpour of rain and Shawn seemed to be thinking it was taking to long to get back to the house and thought we were lost. I turned on the two-way radio and hollered for gramps.

Rudy answered right away.

"Lord I'm glad to hear you boys your grandfather is worried sick."

"Where is gramps at?"

"He's hooking up the spot light should be on in just a sec, it will help guide you back easier."

Just then we saw it come on, it was one of those that makes a big circle in the sky but gramps just had it aimed right up in the air.

Shawn took the mic from me and told Rudy.

"I see it but I can't find the road in-between the fields. Its harder than hell to see out here."

Just then we heard gramps talk back he must have come back inside.

"Drive though the field boy" he told Shawn

"But what about the crops"

"Fuck the Crops get your ass here, drive through the field NOW!!!! As fast as you can, go straight to the cellar and move your Asses!"

Holy shit something was not cool, Shawn hit the gas and we went flying though the field of beans towards the light. I never knew a truck could fly but it did, he spun to a stop and pulled me out of the drivers side with him never saying a word. Not letting go of my hand we ran to the Hole in the ground they called the cellar and went down as gramps shut the door. By that time I as shaking like crazy not sure what was going on, the wind sounded horrid and though I wasn't aware of it myself, I was crying. Shawn just sat me on his lap and held me. Rudy gave us a couple of real old blankets to cover up with, we were soaked and chilled but we all sat there in silence for the longest time.

Suddenly we heard the thunder dying down as the storm moved off, finally I could speak.

"Why are we down hear and what happened"

Shawn explained to me that when his grandfather told him to move it and go straight for the cellar the knew there was a tornado. Now it was time to see what damage it had done.

When we climbed out it was still pretty dark but the spot light was still on `good sign' the barn was still standing and so was the house.

"Looks like it missed us." Gramps sighed in relief.

We all went into the house and gramps made us some hot chocolate and him and Rudy some hot tea. He keep looking at me still shivering not so much from being chilled but from having the crap scared out of me. Shawn keep putting his hand on my shoulder and my leg comforting me. Gramps finally asked.

"You ok David"

I sighed.

"Yeah I guess I'm still here aren't I" I said with a snicker "Just have to make myself realize I'm ok."

Rudy smiled. "I understand that."

He took another drink of his tea then said.

"Well we best be getting to bed soon, we need to survey the damage in the morning,you two can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep with gramps."

Shawn said with a smile.

"We sure don't want to put you out"

Rudy winked at him "Oh don't worry about that."

I was totally confused. We headed up to Rudy's room and when we shut the door I asked Shawn.

"What was that all about"

Shawn smiled.

"Rudy always sleeps with gramps"


"They're a couple, have been since a month after Rudy moved in." Shawn said

"You mean there Gay,......Doesn't that bother you?"

"Why should it, they'e happy that's all that matters? Does it bother you?"

I smirked "No"

"Good" Shawn smiled

Then all of a sudden it hit me we had no cloths

"What do we wear to bed?"

Shawn got the biggest smile on his face.



"Come on Davie I won't de-virginize you" he told me then added "unless you want me to"

I smiled and threw him my underwear, I knew he was joking but there would be nothing better then him making love to me. We laid down in bed and I just laid still, I was till shaking a little as I heard the thunder still rolling in the distance.

"It sounds like its coming back"

Shawn pulled me to him.

"Here cuddle with me and I'll keep you safe."

With that I melted into Shawn's arms and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and was laying on my side with Shawn spooning me from behind. Shawn was stroking my cock and his cock was pressed in-between my ass cheeks as he slowly humped me. I knew Shawn had to be dreaming but it felt so good I wasn't about to wake him. Shawn keep stroking and humping until finally I felt a warm wet cream on my ass and that made me cum. This was so incredible probably the closest to having sex with Shawn I would ever get. Afterwards I got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. As I shut the bathroom door unknown to me Shawn opened his eyes rolled over and licked the cum on his hand, He smiled loving the taste.

That day the boys helped Gramps on the farm they finally got back to the creek and found all their stuff gone and a new road where the tornado had gone through. They had both been very lucky, they left that night and headed for home and on the way I remained very Quiet.

"What's wrong Davie"

"Thinking of what we did and my sister."

Shawn foundered some.

"Davie I'm not ready to have sex with your sister. I need to have some type of sexual relief, I don't want to do it with the other guys anymore. I would rather just do it with you. But if you feel to guilty or it makes you feel uneasy I'll understand."

I thought for a moment.

"I do feel a little guilty but I loved what we did and I want to do it again. I don't really want to do it with anyone other than you though."


Shawn smiled as he looked over at me, a twinkle in his eye that I had not seen before.


Next: Chapter 3

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