Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on May 27, 2000


HeY peOpLE!! It had been a long long time since I last wrote...hehe...what to do? I was busy with exams...after THREE long grueling weeks of exams..it is holidays..the crappy ONE week of holidays......if you'll are still reading then..YeY! =)

Shout outs to Jon, Raymond, Jilly, Nik Nik and eLisheVa(I hope the spelling is correct)... all mails to melsleepy@hotmail.com

This story is a figment of my imagination...blah blah blah..you know the rest.

Mirror Mirror Part 9 -------------------- Previously:

All of them sat there as if waiting for their death sentence. They looked at Kev who just shrugged and sat there waiting with them. The ten bodyguards should be arriving sometime soon. Kev handed each of them a profile of their personal bodyguards. The special thing about their bodyguards is that they are young but as efficient as any high-paid ones. Their young looks enable them to blend in the crowd to avoid arousing any suspicion.

As she rushed to the hotel lift, she bumped into someone. Towels and toilet paper rolls flew everywhere. 'Damn,' she cursed again. "Sorry," she apologized to the guy standing in front of her. The guy just smiled and picked all of them up. She knelt down beside him and started to pick them up too. When she returned a towel to him, her fingers brushed against his hand. She felt an electricity jolt run through her veins. Both of them stared at each other stunned.

ANd NoW LeT dA sHOw bEgiN!

Justin glanced behind him and saw Ray following close behind. He let out a sigh. It had been almost a week and he is still not used to having someone following him around like he is a baby. Justin is used to his independence and Ray following him around is as if putting him on a leash. He knows that it is crucial for his safety that he has a bodyguard but he couldn't help but feel resentful.

"Baby, what's with the sulky face,"

"Scoop, do we have to have these bodyguards?"

"Just, we went through this so many times already," Lance sighed out.

Justin nodded slowly and the four of them (including Lance and Justin's bodyguards) make their way to Kevin's room where they are supposed to have breakfast. As they knocked the door, they could hear a lot of noise coming from inside. They were still in Indiana because after the overwhelming response they had received for their joint concert, they decided to put out one more in Indiana, which had also been sold out.

One blond head peeked out of the door and pulled Justin into the room, slamming the door shut on Lance and the others. Lance stared stupidly at the slammed shut door.


"No!" Nick's voice was slightly muffled by the door separating them.

"What are you doing to my boy...to Justin inside?!"


Lance could hear a series of laughter going on inside. 'Where is Kevin?' Lance's nose wrinkled, as he could smell the familiar smell of bleach and dye.


Lance turned around and begged David, his bodyguard to help him. David gave in to Lance's pleas and opened the door with his master key while Ray smirked there. In the course of the one week they were together, Ray had accepted the fact that Justin and Lance is together.

Lance sprinted inside to room to fall back against the wall in shock. David and Ray entered the room and close the door softly. Lance blinked a few times to make sure that he is seeing things right. AJ's hair is now bright pink while Howie is thankfully still sporting his head of dark brown curly hair. Brian on the other hand had black highlights in his hair and Kev with blond in his.

Lance looked around for Justin while Kev pointed to the bathroom. The two of them appeared out of the bathroom soon enough but Justin looked normal. Nick is now sporting hair the color of autumn, with assortment of colors in his hair. JC and Joey are lying on the floor, still laughing at AJ's pink hair while AJ is spouting out that Joey's red hair is no better. Chris is on the phone again, probably with Sarah. Soon all of them settled down to eat the breakfast that looked enough to feed an army of soldiers or just twenty plus of very hungry people.

"Where is Ann?" asked Kev and Spencer stiffened there. He still couldn't like Ann for all that she is.

"I don't know. Maybe she went out for a jog 'cause yesterday she say that she felt like going for one. She isn't in her room when I checked on her just now," answered JC, stuffing his face with french toast. They continued their breakfast in silence.


Ann sat by the pool, looking into the clear sky blue chlorine water. 'So much had happened in these few months. I felt like I am really given a second chance in life,' After pondering for a while longer, she dived into the pool. After swimming for a few laps, she felt someone looking at her. The pool was empty because it is still too early in the morning. She saw a guy that looks so familiar. Soon she remembered him as the guy she bumped into earlier that week. She swam towards him slowly and soon reached him.

He extended out a hand to help her out. She gladly took it and stood next to him, wrapping herself in the big hotel towel nearby. "Hey," she breathlessly said, still spent from the swimming.

He smiled at her, wordlessly. After a few minutes of uncomfortable scrutiny, Ann smiled again and slowly left. She could still feel his eyes on her and shrugged off the tingly feelings in her spine. He scares her but what could she do? 'It is not like looking at people is against the law,' she thought to herself as she waited for the lift.

She glanced casually at the clock on the wall and gave out a soft shriek. 'DAMN! I am late..again! This is getting old, very old,' Ann scolded herself. She decided to go straight to Kev's room and not change first. Knocking on the door, she tightened the towel around her waist. It is not an easy job because of the smooth swimsuit's material. Chris opened the door with one ear to his cellular phone. She is beginning to think that Chris has an ear glued to the phone all the time.

JC jumped out from the couch to greet Ann.

"Gone swimming again?" he asked.

"Nope, this is the newest fashion. The wet look. I am going out later in this,"

"Smart aleck,"

JC comfortably wrapped his arm around Ann's waist while they re-joined the group there. Other than a few glares from Spencer, things were fine. Britney sat next to Brian, ruffling his hair from time to time. Ann noticed all the new hair-dos and kept her mouth shut after the piercing stare from AJ, which said, "Say something about it and die,".

-----tO bE coNtinueD (?)------

PeopLe!!! I need some inspiration and maybe a co-writer...argh...I can't think of anything else that I could put into the story. If this is the case, maybe I will stop writing this story all together..

Next: Chapter 10

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