Mine for the Taking


Published on Aug 23, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.


"Hey you never answered any of my calls yesterday or this morning, everything ok?" Renzo asked taking a seat in front of me at the café.

"Yea" I said snapping back into reality, "I, uh, had a lot of studying to do sorry."

"Today too?" Renzo asked, "I'm starting to think that you're avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding you" I said taking a sip of my tea, "I was just a little busy."

I watched as Renzo searched my face for honesty as I stared at him worried.

"Alright if you say so" Renzo said opening his bag, "I made some more changes to the song. Let me know what you think."

As Renzo handed me the sheet music, I glanced over the song, as he prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute" I said as Renzo stopped, "you're leaving?"

"Yea" Renzo said shortly, "we'll just keep this strictly professional from now on. Besides, it's late anyway, I have a lot of homework to do."

"Renzo" I said feeling bad, "I don't have anything against you."

"Then why are you acting so different around me?" Renzo asked placing his bag on the floor, "is it my breath? Do I stink? Am I too loud or too quiet? Do I have stuff in my nose or my ears? What is it?"

I started laughing at Renzo pointing out his so-called insecurities as he joined in with me. I honestly needed to laugh after what I witnessed yesterday.

It was something about Renzo's smile that calmed me. I immediately felt myself relaxing once I got a glimpse of his affectionate smile.


"OK Toney" Ms. Lynn, my manager at the bookstore said, walking up to my register up front, "time to close up. Count your register and head in the back."

"Yes ma'am" I said closing out my register, as I heard a tap on the window. I looked over and saw Onyx waving at me. I couldn't do anything but blush.

I walked slowly towards the door, looking back every few minutes, as I unlocked it, to greet Onyx; as he gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

"You can't be here right now" I said, pushing Onyx softly.

"I thought you said you get off at 8?" Onyx asked as he looked at me seductively.

"I do but I have to count my register right now" I said as Onyx tickled my waist, "give me ten minutes."

"All right" Onyx said as I turned around and he smacked me on the butt. I yelled from the unexpected hit as Ms. Lynn called out to make sure I was ok.

"I'm fine, Ms. Lynn" I said as I grabbed my till and walked in the back. Once we were done, I grabbed my stuff and left as Ms. Lynn locked the door behind me.

"Aren't you a little cutie waiting patiently for me" I said walking towards Onyx as he greeted me with a firm hug.

"I missed you" Onyx said kissing me on the cheek.

"I missed you too" I said, "not everyone is fortunate like you where they don't have to work to pay for their tuition."

"I didn't say I was fortunate" Onyx said as we walked down the hall.

"I know but" I said squeezing Onyx's hand, "you had plans for us tonight and since I got called in, I had to come."

"It's cool babe" Onyx said holding the main door open for me, "I'm not tripping."

"Work study is exhausting" I said walking as Onyx planted his hands over my eyes, "what are you doing?"

"It's a surprise" Onyx said as he wrapped a blindfold over my eyes, "no peeking."

"What's all this?" I asked feeling giddy.

"You'll find out when we get there" Onyx said helping me into his car as I smiled from anticipation.


"Max!" Rich called out to me as I closed my biology book and met him in the living room.

"Hey Babe" I said walking towards him as he held a letter in his hands.

"What the hell is this?" Rich asked holding the letter in my face.

"I don't know" I said grabbing the letter.

"Yea like hell you don't" Rich said walking past me and throwing his gym bag on the floor.

I looked at the letter and saw that is was from the leasing office, notifying Rich and I of the changes to our lease, mainly me.

"Well...?" Rich asked me as I turned around to face him sitting on the couch.

"Babe...I" I said starting out to find the right words to say.

"Who in the hell gave you the right to put your name on my lease?" Rich asked as I stared into his eyes.

"Rich we're a couple" I stated.

"I know that Max" Rich said turning his head away from me, "but this is my apartment. You didn't put money into this."

"Well you're not even paying for it Rich, your dad is, so technically this is even your apartment" I stated referring to the fact that his dad was the mayor.

I watched Rich's face as he looked at me and then back at the coffee table.

"I'm sorry" I said feeling bad as I sat next to him, "Rich I..."

Rich got up and walked into the bedroom as he slammed the door. I felt so stupid and used. I just wanted us to have something together and he was treating me like this.

I stared at the letter and balled it up as I threw it against the wall, regretting moving here. Nothing was going my way and I had no one to blame but myself.


"Wow you really need to smile more" Renzo said as I cleared my throat and stopped smiling, "what? Did I say something bad?"

"No, no" I said reaching my hand across the table to touch his. I looked up at Renzo's face as he looked at mine and back down to our hands.

I quickly removed my hand from his as I began rubbing it, out of nervousness.

"I, um, just remembered why I was upset in the first place" I said taking a sip of my tea.

"Eryck just be honest" Renzo stated sincerely, "is it me?"

"No it's not you Renzo" I said getting agitated.

"Then what is it?" Renzo asked, "I want to help!"

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"Because we're friends" Renzo said.

"Then why haven't I heard of you?" Mario said standing over us as my heart sank.

"Um...Mario, what are you doing here?" I asked standing up nervous.

"Thought I would come by and get something to eat" Mario said looking Renzo up and down, "what the hell is going on here?"

"I'm Renzo" Renzo said extending his hand for Mario to shake as Mario just stared at him.

"Mario this is Renzo..." I said.

"He just said that" Mario stated looking at me as I felt embarrassed. He then looked at Mario again and said, "what I'm trying to figure out is what are you two doing meet up at this time of night."

"We were just practicing for the talent show" Renzo said as he placed his hands in his pocket.

"Talent show?" Mario asked shocked as he turned to face me, "since when were you going to tell me about this?"

"I was trying to wait for the right time" I said after a moment of silence.

"Well you can start now" Mario said pulling up a seat to sit down, "come on, sit down!"

As I sat back down, I watched Renzo look at me concerned as he read my expressions.

"You can leave now man" Mario said sternly, "I got this."

Renzo and I locked eyes for a brief moment before he left. I never felt so embarrassed in my life as I stared at Mario who had anger in his eyes.


As Onyx grabbed my hands and softly pull me out of the car, I waited until he finally told me to open my eyes.

All I could hear was his panting and things being moved around. I wanted to know where I was but it was so quiet.

"Is everything ok?" I asked Onyx as he continued moving things around.

"Yea, everything is good" Onyx said far away from me, "ok you ready?"

"I guess" I said smiling.

"OK" Onyx said, "take your blindfold off."

I slowly took my blindfold off as I saw an easel in front of me with a blank canvas. I looked past it as my mouth opened from shock. There in front of me was Onyx naked as a jaybird posing.

He was sitting on top of a blanket that was covering a stool. As I watched him sit there recreate "the Thinker" by Auguste Rodin, all I could do was blush.

"Are you going to draw me or just stand there?" Onyx asked me still posing.

"Are you serious?" I asked blushing as Onyx tried to look at me without breaking his pose.

"Ok, ok" I said excited to draw him. I couldn't believe how much he resembled the famous sculpture. I picked up my utensils as I started drawing my model.

The entire time I was blushing. This had to be one of the best gifts that I ever had: doing something that I loved about someone that I loved. I had to pause when I thought about that statement. Was I actually starting to fall in love with Onyx?

Regardless if it was too soon to be true, this man was making hard not to fall in love with him.

I carefully drew Onyx while stealing glimpses of his muscular body! God, he was gorgeous! The lighting on his caramel body was doing him justice as he sat there trying his best not to move.

"Make sure you capture my good side" Onyx said breaking character.

"Shhhh" I said laughing, "models aren't supposed to talk."


As I packed my stuff in some boxes that were lying around, Rich finally escaped from his room an hour or so later, looking at me confused.

"What are you doing babe?" Rich asked walking over to me.

"Obviously I misunderstood coming here" I said, packing, "I just wanted to work on us, Rich! I felt like I was pushing you away when I gave my energy and time to Jayson and the guys last year. I thought that us being together more, living together would make up for it, but I was wrong."

"Max what are you talking about?" Rich asked me as I walked away from him and continued packing.

"I'll be leaving first thing in the morning" I said upset.

"Where are you going?" Rich asked, "why are you going?"

"Rich, you don't want me here" I stated, "you only want your man cave that you can share with your brother so he can crash here as much as he wants too. I'm sorry for being a burden."

"No one said you were a burden Max" Rich said as I walked past him with some clothes of mine, "look stop it alright! Just stop and listen to me!"

I stopped packing as Rich held my hand and walked me over to the sofa. I felt so stupid and used.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" Rich said starting out, "I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose you..."

"Then why are you..." I said cutting Rich off.

"Max let me finish," Rich said speaking, as I stared into his eyes, "I want you to stay and I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I was selfish for not including you on the lease..."

"I'll pay my share" I said cutting Rich off as he laughed, "I'm sorry go ahead."

"I can't even apologize," Rich said looking away from me as I grabbed his face and gave him a deep kiss.

I continued kissing Rich as he moaned softly from my lips. I pushed him back on the couch as I kissed his sweaty chest and straddled his waist: my favorite position.

Rich pushed me off of him softly as he grabbed my hand and stood up. I watched as he motioned his head towards the bedroom as I blushed. I followed him into the bedroom as I closed the door behind us.


"What's up?" Mario asked staring at me with anger.

"Nothing much" I said not knowing what to say, "how are you..."

"Don't play with me Eryck" Mario said cutting me off.

"Mario," I said hurt, "I'm not playing you..."

"Then why didn't you tell me about lover boy over there?" Mario asked as I paused, "hello!"

"Mario, nothing is going on!" I said getting upset.

"So, you couldn't tell me nothing about this shit!" Mario said loudly upset as people started looking over at us.

"Mario, keep your voice down" I said reaching for his hand to calm him down.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do" Mario said pulling away from me, "you starting to act just like your friend Toney! Birds of feather, I guess."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked getting upset as Mario reached for the sheet music.

"Passing Love?" Mario asked scoffing, referring to the title of Renzo and I's song.

"Mario, it's not what you think" I said as Mario slammed his fist on the table and looked at me.

"Go ahead then" Mario said as I looked around, "and stop paying attention to everyone else and look at me!"

"Babe, please keep your voice down" I said softly as Mario slammed his fist against the table again.

"Tell me what to do one more time" Mario said sternly as my heart raced. I was fearing that something was about to happen, like last time, years ago.

"Is everything ok, over here?" one of the workers asked walking over to our table.

"Everything is fine" Mario said looking over at me, "isn't it Eryck?"

I was too afraid to speak as I smiled softly and looked up at the waitress as I nodded my head in agreement. As the waitress left, Mario stared at me without saying anything, as I stood still afraid to move or speak.

"C'mon let's go" Mario said grabbing my arm forcefully. I winced from the pain as I tried to grab my things. Mario yanked my arm with more strength as we headed out the door.


"Getting tired?" I asked Onyx as I saw beads of sweat pour from his forehead.

I continued drawing and was about ½ of a way done. We were going at this for an hour and a half. I felt bad for him as I walked over and kissed him on the lips.

As Onyx started smiling and then began to laugh, I couldn't help but laugh too. He was determined to not break character, no matter how much I enticed him.

"You want to take a break?" I asked as Onyx tried to look up at me without breaking character. I bent down in front of him as he rolled his eyes at me playfully.

I stared into Onyx's eyes as he kept looking at me. He looked more handsome to me at the point. It took everything in me, to not throw him on the bed and have my way with him.

"You want to take a break?" I asked again as Onyx blinked his eyes at me affectionately. I couldn't help but fall more in love with him.

"I'm good" Onyx said speaking.

"C'mon we can take a quick break" I said pushing him back a little as he stretched.

"How does it look so far?" Onyx asked as I got up to walk near the portrait.

"It's getting there" I stated as I stared at the painting. I quickly covered it up once Onyx stretched and walked over to me.

"I can't see it?" Onyx asked as I shook my head no and leaned against my canvas.

I stared up and down Onyx's naked body as I bit my bottom lip out of desperation.

"What kind of break did you have in mind?" Onyx asked pushing up on me as I smelled his musk. It was intoxicating as he leaned in to kiss me softly.

I allowed him to take the lead as his lips covered my own and wet them with lust.

"What about your roommate?" I asked after a moment of deep kissing and moaning.

"What about him?" Onyx asked as he picked me up and placed me softly on his bed.


Rich and I laid in bed cuddling after hours of passion. I couldn't get enough of this man.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Rich as he nodded his head yes.

"Good, I'll go make you something" I said as I got up and grabbed my robe.

"No" Rich said out loud as I turned to face him, "don't get dressed."

I watched Rich lick his lips as I continued in the kitchen making him a sandwich.

After a few minutes of doing this, I heard Rich shout out "are you serious!" I came back in the room quickly, as I saw Rich in bed sitting up watching the news.

"What's going on?" I asked setting the plate on the nightstand next to Rich as he continued to watch the TV.

"...with this news Bill, it could mean that Mayor Coleman could be in for a heated debate as Frank Wright and Jim Frye are the last contenders in the race for the Mayoral candidacy" the reporter said as Rich muted the TV.

"I can't believe this!" Rich said upset, "I mean with Selena Solis dropping out of the race, the chances of my dad winning now are slim!"

"Babe I'm sure it's going to be ok" I said rubbing Rich's back trying to console him.

"Max you don't understand" Rich said, "the other two candidates are stating that my dad is too weak, he's young and that crime has spiked up lately because he is abusing power."

"But your dad isn't any of those, babe" I said, "I mean he started in office young and he is younger than the other candidates but he's been doing a great job these past eight years."

"I know" Rich said, "this just means so much to him, to our family especially.

"I'm with you baby" I said as Rich looked at me smiling, "you and your family, 100%!"

"Thanks baby" Rich said kissing me, "my dad's going to need all the help he can get right now."

I watched as Rich picked up his cell phone and called his mom and dad as I stared at the news report still talking about the mayoral race. Were things looking that bad?


"Ow Mario" I said as Mario dragged me across campus, "you're hurting me!"

Mario continued to pull on my arm as I tried to bear through the pain. Lucky enough it was dark, so not a lot of people could see what was going on.

"Mario, you're really hurting me" I said trying to break free as Mario spun me around and I fell on the ground.

"Hey man" Renzo said running over and pushing Mario, "what is your problem?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Mario asked Renzo as Renzo tried helping me up, "Hey, I'm talking to you?"

"Mario calm down please" I said holding my right arm out of pain.

"Stop telling me what to do" Mario said walking over to me upset like he was about to hit me as Renzo stood in front of him.

"Leave Eryck alone" Renzo said as Mario looked him up and down one last time and punched Renzo square in the nose.

"Mario, what is wrong with you?" I said running to Renzo's defense as blood starting pouring from his nose.

"Come on tough guy" Mario said squaring up his fists getting ready to fight as campus security came over.

"What's going on over here?" the guard asked.

"Nothing sir" Mario said cocky, "just having a little discussion. That's all!"

"Discussion, huh?" the guard asked as he looked over at Renzo's face, "what's going on over here, son?"

"Nothing, but a small discussion sir" Renzo said after a moment of silence as I stood there silent.

"Hmm mmm" the guard said looking at our faces, "why is your nose bleeding?"

"I fell sir" Renzo said lying as Mario started smiling.

"Is that all?" the guard asked, as Mario continued smiling at the guard with a cocky grin, "you boys go on to your rooms! Now!"

Mario quickly grabbed my arm as we walked to his dorm. I looked back at Renzo with sympathy as he stood there looking emotionally hurt. I felt bad for him and wanted to know what my punishment was when I got to Mario's dorm.

Toney "Ok c'mon let's finish this thing" Onyx said sitting back down on the stool as I stared at his muscular butt, "how was I sitting before? Like this?"

I walked over and assisted him with correcting his pose as I felt all over his body. A few times, Onyx would stare deep into my eyes as I looked away.

"Ok" I said standing away from Onyx, "now don't move."

As I continued to finish sketching, it only took me, another 90 minutes and I was done. I stood back and watched my portrait with confidence as I looked over at Onyx.

"Ready?" I asked Onyx as he looked at me for awhile and got up. He walked slowly over to the canvas and turned to face it as his eyes glowed out of amazement.

"Oh shit!" Onyx said surprised, "you drew...? I mean I know you could draw but damn! Toney...you...oh man!"

"You like it?" I asked wanting to hear the words.

"Like it" Onyx said, "I love it! I mean this looks so professional! I can't believe you actually drew this, babe!"

I had to admit that it was one of my greatest masterpieces and the first nude sketch I ever did.

"Wow" Onyx said grabbing the portrait off the easel as he walked over to his bed and stared at it, "I mean no one ever did this for me."

"Well it's not like you gave me an option" I said sitting next to him.

"No," Onyx said looking at me, "but you could have said no."

"You're right" I said stroking his face, "but I wanted to do something nice for my boyfriend."

As I said that, I watched Onyx blush as he looked away from me for a minute and then faced me again. I reached in for a kiss as he kissed me slowly back.

"Thanks Toney" Onyx said breaking the kiss.

"You're welcome" I said quietly, "thank you for a wonderful night!"


"So what is dad doing now?" I heard Rich ask his mother as he sat in the living room talking to his parents on the phone.

I waited patiently as Rich spoke with them, so that he could come back and spend time with me.

I understood how important this was for his family but I wanted him to pay attention to us. His dad is in politics, not his mom, not his brother and definitely not him.

Times like this, I forgot how much of a daddy's boy Rich was! I went in the bathroom to take a shower, coming to the realization that quality time was done for the night.

Once I was done with my shower, I heard Rich calling out to me as I came out the shower dripping wet, with a towel wrapped around me.

"What babe?" I asked as I saw Rich setting his alarm clock.

"Max, I have to drive up to see my folks tomorrow" Rich said, "we really have to focus more on this campaign more."

"Ok" I said not sounding to eager.

"I told my dad that I would start rallies here and campaign stronger for him on my end as my Ronnie volunteered at his school" Rich said sounding anxious.

"Doesn't your dad have supporters and staff that can do this?" I asked drying off.

"Yea babe" Rich said getting agitated, "but I'm his son! If I'm doing my part, how would that look?"

"I'm just saying Rich" I said walking over to him, "you're in school and so is Ronnie. I'm sure your dad would understand if you guys focused more on your studies than the campaign!"

"You don't understand" Rich said turning the covers back as he got ready for bed.

"I do understand" I said getting riled up, "I just don't like the idea of you putting your studies on hold."

"I'm not!" Rich said quickly.

"So you're going to campaign for your dad and continue your studies here? You sure you can handle all of that?" I asked as Rich nodded his head and climbed into bed. I watched as Rich turned the lamp out and got comfortable for bed. All I could think about was: where does all of this leave our relationship?

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Support Nifty to keep stories like mine available for your entertainment! Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 10

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