Mine for the Taking


Published on Aug 22, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 8


I woke up in bed with Rich as he snored softly on his side of the bed. It felt so good to have my man next to me! Just to feel his body at night is all the more reason I feel like I made the right decision.

I kissed his naked back as I started rubbing his shoulders. He started to stir in his sleep from my touch as I moved closer with his back resting on my chest.

I began to kiss his neck and started sucking on his ears as they turned red. His snoring suddenly stopped as his breathing got shallower.

I looked down to his crotch area as I saw a tent in the sheets signaling that my work at arousing him was successful.

Feeling cocky, I wrapped my right leg over his legs and sucked on his ears more as he let out a soft moan.

Rich then felt his hands behind me and grabbed on my butt as he started squeezing it.

I moaned in his ear as he began to let his fingers slide up and down my crack.

"I see you haven't had enough, huh?" Rich asked as I laughed softly.

Rich then slid away from me a little bit as he grabbed my waist in his arms and made me straddle him.

I gently reached behind myself as I placed his penis between my crack. I looked down at his face as he closed his eyes.

"Unh uh" I said as I reached on the nightstand and grabbed a condom for him to place on himself. I watched as Rich bite a piece of the condom off as he I started to blush.

I am going to love living here!


"You didn't call me last night" I said to Onyx as we sat in the café eating breakfast.

"I did" Onyx said taking a bite of his muffin.

"No you didn't" I said eating my eggs, "after I sketched a few portraits, I went to take a shower and asked my roommate if you called while I was out."

"Baby, I called you" Onyx said as I watched his mouth move slowly as he chewed.

"You sure you called me?" I asked as Onyx looked at me upset, "hey I'm only asking."

"I promise you I called" Onyx said placing his muffin on his plate as he wiped his hands, "here do you want to see?"

"You're letting me look through your phone?" I asked surprised as Onyx looked at me with sincerity.

"I don't care" Onyx sated honestly as he unlocked his phone and passed it to me, "I don't have nothing to hide."

I slid my tongue under the top row of my teeth as I looked at his face trying to believe him. He was nothing like Omar, but he was still a guy, like me. Not to mention, an attractive guy that could have any girl or guy he wanted!

I picked up his phone and looked through his call logs as it showed that he called me. I looked at the time to make sure and indeed it showed that he called me, not once but twice! I got confused as I thought to myself, how could he call me? My phone never rang all night!

I never would consider myself, a person that waits by the phone, but last night, I was the prime definition.

"Wats up?" Onyx asked as he sipped his orange juice.

"Well I apologize I guess" I said as Onyx raised his eyebrows.

"What?" I asked still holding his phone in my hand as I stared into his eyes.

"That's all I get" Onyx asked.

I sighed and shook my head as I closed his call log. I was tempted to look through his phone more but saw how he was looking at me confidently.

"Go ahead" Onyx said as if he was reading my mind, "you know you want to!"

I sighed as I contemplated whether or not I should. Something was screaming in the back of my mind to do it!


Call me crazy, but I always thought that if someone had a boyfriend and was fantasizing about another man, that only meant one thing: he's a slut!

I mean, here I was with a boyfriend and hung up on another guy! I just couldn't get him out of my mind! It was something about Renzo. He was so innocent yet dominate in a subtle way.

I had to be faithful! I can't be having feeling for someone that I barely know. I also can't be having feelings for a guy if I supposedly love another.

All these years I chastised Toney for being a slut and now he was rubbing off on me. Maybe this talent show thing was a joke.

"Are you going to stand out here all day or are you going to come inside and practice with me?" Renzo said smiling walking behind me as I stood outside the practice room.

"Oh my God" I said panting heavy as I clenched my chest, "you scared me."

"I'm so sorry" Renzo said feeling bad, "are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine" I said embarrassed.

"Good" Renzo said, "I'm sorry, I thought that it would be a cute little joke or something. I don't know."

"No, no" I said feeling bad, "it's fine! I, uh, was just thinking about something small anyway."

"You sure?" Renzo asked, "it seems like you may have been thinking about something else."

I stared in his eyes as he stared into mine. A part of me wanted to kiss him right there but I wasn't that type of person. I prided myself on being faithful and being there for Mario. This feeling that I had for Renzo needed to stop, fast.

"No" I said snapping back into reality, "everything is fine!"

"Good" Renzo said walking inside the practice room before me, "come on, let's rehearse. I brought us some tea to help with your voice."

My heart melted as I blushed from how considerate he was being. I stepped inside behind him as my cell phone rang. I looked down at it and saw that it was Mario.

Of all the times in the world, he had to call! Wait a minute, why was I getting upset about my boyfriend calling?


"Oh baby" Rich said exhausted as he laid on his back sweaty, "I want to wake up like that every morning."

"You sure you can handle it?" I asked lying on my stomach exhausted as well as Rich smiled and smacked me on my butt.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower, you coming?" Rich asked standing up from bed as I shook my head no.

"No I just make us some breakfast" I said as Rich smiled and rubbed his stomach, "what do you want?"

"Pancakes" Rich said quickly.

"Nothing else?" I asked smiling at how cute he was in the morning.

"If you want it doesn't matter to me" Rich said smiling as he walked into the bathroom. I sighed as I watched his sexy butt walk away.

"This feels good" I said to myself as I relaxed a little before getting up.

I grabbed my robe as I walked out the room to make breakfast.

"Oh my God" I said clutching my robe as Ronnie sat on the couch watching TV.

"I didn't know you were here" I said awkwardly as Ronnie looked at me casually.

"Yeah" Ronnie said, "Rich gave me a key and told me I could crash here anytime I wanted."

"Um but aren't you supposed to be in school" I said referring to the fact that he was still a high school senior.

"Yea but school doesn't start for another two weeks" Ronnie stated.

"Oh ok" I said thinking of something to say, "I wish I knew you were here."

"Well you and Rich were kind of busy" Ronnie said as I felt embarrassed, "so...yeah! Kind of hard for me to walk in on you two and let you know I was here; figured I would just wait it out until one of guys came out."

"Well thanks, I guess" I said sarcastically walking past him as I walked in the kitchen to begin making breakfast, "how generous of you."

"Are you making breakfast?" Ronnie asked looking back at me, "because I'm starving over here!"

I smiled and grit my teeth as I slammed the kitchen door. What kind of hell is this?


"So you gonna just hold it?" Onyx asked as I looked over at him. "you know you want to look through it."

"How do you know what I want to do?" I asked intrigued.

"Because I know you" Onyx said taking a sip of his orange juice again, "you know what, I'm even tempted to walk away and give you a reason to look through my phone."

"You wouldn't?" I asked smiling as Onyx grabbed our trays and got up from the table to walk away.

My mouth was wide open as I watched him walk away slowly as if giving me time to look through his phone. He even had the audacity to go into the restroom as well.

I wasn't fazed! I sat there holding his cell phone as I bit my bottom lip out of desperation. I sighed heavy as I held his secrets in the palm of my hand.

I placed the phone on the table and stared at it as the screen began to dimmer. Oh no! I thought to myself that could only mean that it will go to sleep and lock again.

I looked up from the table to see if Onyx was walking back. Once I discovered no sign of him, I picked his phone up again and contemplated where I should begin.

My first instinct was text messages as my thumb pressed the icon on his touch screen. Just then one of my classmates walked by named Kayte.

"Hey Toney" Kayte said as I quickly placed the phone on the table, thinking it was Onyx.

"Hey...Kayte" I said trying to hide my disappointment.

"How are your sketches coming?" Kayte asked as I looked over near the bathroom and saw Onyx walking back over.

"Um...great" I said pausing, "how about yours?"

"Good, I guess" Kayte said, "I'm still having trouble with my watercolors though."

"Well it's nothing to it really" I said as Onyx sat down, "you just have to..."

"Am I interrupting?" Onyx asked cutting me off.

"No" I said, "this is my classmate Kayte. Kayte this is my friend, Onyx."

"Nice to meet you" Kayte said as her and Onyx shook hands, "well I got to go, I'll see you in class, Toney."

I looked over at Onyx as he looked at me, upset.

"What?" I asked confused as I looked down at his phone and back at him.

"Nothing's wrong" Onyx said angry, "friend!"


I stared at my phone as I contemplated whether to pick it up or not. I couldn't shake off the fact that I got so upset the minute Mario called.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Renzo asked as he looked over at me from the piano.

"Uh..." I said looking back down at my phone, "would you excuse me?"

I closed the door behind me as I walked down the hall and answered my cell phone.

"Hello?" I asked before the phone call went to voicemail.

"What's up?" Mario said sounding upset, "why did you wait so long to answer your phone?"

"I was uh..." I said searching for something to say, "I didn't hear my phone."

"Why do you sound out of breath?" Mario asked as I was walking.

"Because I'm walking babe!" I said raising my voice.

"My bad" Mario said sounding offended and upset, "just thought I would call you and say good morning!"

As Mario said that, I felt terrible for how I was snapped at him. I really needed to get myself back from what was changing me.

"I'm sorry babe" I said sincerely, "I didn't mean to snap at you!"

"It's cool" Mario said, "I got to get to class, I'll call you later."

I hung up from Mario as I walked back down near the practice room. I watched Renzo warming up as he played a beautiful melody on the piano. I couldn't help but stare at him in a trance, just like the first time I met him.

Something was drawing me to him and it was starting to scare me. I wanted to be faithful to Mario but it was something in Renzo that I needed! I just wish I knew what it was.


As Rich finally came out of the shower, I watched as he talked with his brother and walked in the kitchen to kiss me on the cheek.

"Smells good in here babe" Rich said buttoning up his shirt.

I faked a smile as I got a plate ready for him and handed it to him. Rich didn't even notice I was upset as he grabbed his plate and went to sit next to his brother on the couch.

"Hey babe, can you get me a glass of juice please" Rich asked as I shook my head.

"Hey where's my plate?" Ronnie asked as I looked at him confused.

"Max isn't your man" Rich stated, "get in there and make your own plate."

I walked out the kitchen as Ronnie came in. I wanted to get dressed and get out of this apartment so quick but I also wanted to talk to Rich. I couldn't believe he would give his brother the key to our apartment.

"Hey babe" Rich called out to me with his mouth full, "aren't you going to eat?"

"No" I said stopping to turn around and face him, "I have to get to class."

"Ok" Rich said sadly. I watched as he set his plate down on the table and walked over to me as he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for making me breakfast" Rich said as he kissed me softly on the lips.

"You're welcome" I said as I looked in the kitchen and saw Ronnie packing his plate with food. There goes my breakfast, I thought to myself.

"Can I talk to you in the bedroom, please?" I asked Rich as he looked back at Ronnie and saw me looking at him too.

"Yea sure" Rich said as I walked ahead of him in the room. I waited as he closed the door before I spoke, "Um, I have to ask you something?"

"Go ahead babe" Rich said sitting down on our bed.

"Did you give Ronnie a key to our apartment?" I asked as Rich looked around the room as if looking for an answer.

"Yea" Rich said looking into my eyes, "why not?"

"You didn't think you should have told me that?" I asked Rich as he said a quick no, "why?"

"Because it's not your apartment" Rich said as I felt embarrassed.


"You still never answered me?" I asked as Onyx walked me to class.

"Answered what?" Onyx said still upset.

"We've only dated a few weeks" I stated, "you've been claiming me as your boyfriend since day one!"

"So?" Onyx said stopping.

"So?" I asked as I stopped and turned around to face him, "you don't think that's kind of fast?"

"Naw I don't" Onyx said walking past me.

"Wait" I said calling out after him as I tried to catch up with him, "where are you going?"

"Toney I don't have time for games man" Onyx said stopping, "either you gonna be with me or not?"

I stared at Onyx as he looked at me sincerely. I just got out of a relationship with Omar and though I didn't care for him anymore, I still wanted to take things slow. I just didn't want to make any more mistakes.

"What if I said that wanted to take it slow" I said as Onyx looked away upset. He started to walk away upset as I caught up with him again and stopped him.

"What you want from me Toney?" Onyx asked, "I knew what I wanted from you, from jump! I saw you and said, `that's what I want!' You walking around confused with feelings for yo ex and shit..."

"I don't have feelings for Omar anymore!" I said cutting him off.

"Prove it" Onyx said, "kiss me!"

I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. As I pulled back, I looked at Onyx's eyes as he looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You still in love with Omar, aren't you?" Onyx asked as I stared into his eyes.


"This song is gonna win us a trophy in that competition for sure, man!" Renzo said happily as he edited his sheet music, "oh man! Eryck, I am so happy that I met you!"

I stared at him for a minute without him knowing as I sat silent. Renzo finished editing his sheet music as he looked back at me and stopped smiling.

"What's wrong?" Renzo asked.

"Nothing" I said quickly as I faked a smile but Renzo looked like he wasn't buying it.

"C'mon Eryck what's up man?" Renzo asked me as I took a sip of my tea, "I mean I tried to ignore it but you acting weird."

"I am not!" I said offended.

"Yes you are" Renzo said sincerely as I stared into his eyes, "be honest with me!"

I couldn't tell him what was really going on with me. He wouldn't understand! Then again, if he knew how I felt about him, who's to say what he would think.

"I have to get going" I said to Renzo as he looked disappointed, "I mean we are done right?"

"Yea I guess so" Renzo stated, "we've been at it for hours."

"Well we can make up for it on the next rehearsal" I said trying to console him.

"Yea I guess" Renzo said standing up as he watched my get my things, "hey Eryck, you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yea I know" I said as Renzo walked over to me.

"All right" Renzo said, "call me later, ok?"

"Ok" I said smiling softly as Renzo grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I gently closed my eyes as I felt his body against mine again. I really could get used to this.

I snapped back into reality as I pushed him off of me softly and headed towards the door. I looked back at him one last time as I smiled again. Renzo gave me a small smile but I could tell he was hurt.

I walked to Mario's room, realizing the time and knowing that he was back from classes.

As I walked past his roommate in the hall, he told me that the door was unlocked.

I stepped inside the room, without knocking as I saw Mario with his pants down, injecting a needle in his right butt cheek.

"Mario..." I asked shocked as Mario dropped the needle and quickly pulled up his pants.

"Eryck..." Mario said embarrassed.

"What's going on?" I asked still in shock.


"Say what?" I asked surprised that he could say that so casually.

"Babe it's not your apartment" Rich said as I looked around half upset and half embarrassed.

"Rich I live here too" I said correcting him.

"Max you live here but your name isn't on the lease" Rich said stepping on my toes, "I can do whatever I want."

"Not if it concerns me too" I said feeling hurt.

"Did my brother do something to you?" Rich asked worried.

"No" I said, "I just thought that with me being here..."

"Oh" Rich said realizing where I was going, "but babe he's my brother. Ronnie isn't going to hurt you. Besides he's in high school, he's not going to be living here or nothing."

"Well then why does he have a key here, Rich?" I asked hurt.

"Max we're brothers" Rich stated, "we share things! If something goes wrong at home, I want him to know that he can always have a place to go!"

I thought about what he was saying and although I didn't agree with it, I understood what he was saying. I just didn't feel comfortable with his brother having a key to our, I'm sorry his place!

With me moving here, you would think that he would have included me in such a crucial decision.

"Ok" I said, "I guess I can understand where you're coming from. You know he heard us, right?"

"He did?" Rich asked blushing as I sat next to him, "did he tell you that?"

"Yes" I said smiling, "I'm so embarrassed."

"Oh babe it's ok" Rich said smiling hugging me as I rested my head on his shoulder, "I guess I have to explain to him that he can only come at certain times."

"Or you can put me on the lease too?" I asked as I looked at Rich's smile die down.


"Why does Omar name have to come in every discussion that we have?" I asked upset as I walked over to a nearby bench.

"Because he's still an issue!" Onyx stated watching me.

"No he's not!" I screamed agitated.

"Yes he is Toney!" Onyx said matching my tone as people walked by looking. I looked up at Onyx's face as he stood away from me upset.

"Hey come sit down" I said softly.

"I don't feel like sitting down" Onyx said stiffly.

"I'm sorry for yelling Onyx," I said apologizing, "can you please come and sit down."

I watched as Onyx walked over slowly and sat next to me without saying a word. I slowly thought of something nice to say during our moment of silence.

"Onyx..." I said starting out as I faced him, "I am seriously done with Omar."

"You sure about that?" Onyx asked me as I stared at him.

"Yes I'm sure" I said as Onyx searched my face for a minute.

"All right" Onyx said standing up. He stood next to me as he extended his hand for me to grab. I got up and grabbed his hand as we walked towards my class.

It felt good to hold his hands and I could tell he was enjoying it too. Every once in a while, his thumb would stoke my hand, as I smiled softly to myself enjoying the feel.

I don't know if he was jealous of Omar and just worried that I would go back, but I was content on where I was at that moment.

The walk to class felt good, until he ended. I watched as Omar slowly let go of my hand the minute he walked me to my class door. I missed the touch already.

I turned his face to mine as I gave him a kiss softly on the lips first and then began to firmly place my lips on his.

I opened my eyes as I saw that his were closed and that he was in bliss. I broke the kiss as he stumbled and regain his composure.

I smiled to myself as I waved goodbye to him and walked into class feeling victory.


"What's going on Mario?" I asked again as I stood there frozen.

"Can you close the door please?" Mario asked as gently closed the door behind myself.

"What's that needle?" I asked as Mario looked at me for a minute before speaking.

"I really need to start locking that door like you said" Mario said walking past me as he locked the door.

"Are you going to answer me?" I asked feeling like he wasn't listening.

"What Eryck?" Mario asked annoyed.

"The needle?" I asked as I walked towards his desk and saw a bag on his desk, "what's going on in here?"

"Babe don't be looking through my things" Mario said zipping the bag up and walking way to place it in his closet. As he did that something fell as I walked over to pick it up.

I read the box as it said, Clenbuterol. I saw Mario turn around and face me as he looked at me upset.

"Babe nothing is wrong ok" Mario said walking over and grabbing the box from my hands.

"Were you injecting yourself with steroids?" I asked as Mario laughed.

"Steroids?" Mario asked, "come on Eryck!"

"Then what were you doing Mario?" I asked as he slammed his closet door really hard, causing me frightening me.

"Nothing Eryck!" Mario screamed at me as I stood there frozen. I watched Mario as he sighed and walked over to hug me.

"Everything is fine babe, ok" Mario said hugging me tightly as I listened to him, afraid to say or do anything, "you don't have to worry about me."

As Mario hugged me, I realized that I felt alone. I had my boyfriend right next to me, and I felt that same feeling I always felt. I now knew what I needed and most of all, wanted.

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Support Nifty to keep stories like mine available for your entertainment! Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 9

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