Mine for the Taking


Published on Aug 20, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 7

"What do you mean you need my help?" I asked as Kris paced back and forth.

"Trust me this isn't easy to ask" Kris said as I walked away, "ok Jayse wait please!"

"Kris I don't want to help you!" I said truthfully, "honestly if there is some problems in your life right now I wish ten times more on you. You made my life hell and you don't even know me. I, for the life of me, couldn't even wrap my head around someone hating me so much but you made it your life's mission to make me feel terrible. Don't talk to me! Don't bother me and keep my name out of your mouth!"

"Jayse" Kris said as I cut him off.

"As a matter of fact, since you wanted Brandon so bad a year ago" I said walking closer to Kris, "guess what you can have him! He's all yours! We broke up. So now, the two of you can live your lives together without me interfering! Good luck and good bye!"

I turned and walked away as Kris called out to me. I prayed that he wouldn't come running behind me because if he did, I swear I would punch him.

I walked back to my dorm room and slammed my door as I screamed as loud as I could. It never stopped. I'm an hour away from home, trying to leave what little I can behind and here comes Kris.

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood for the drama that I dealt with a year ago. If Kris wanted to stay here, he could! I refuse to live under the same roof with someone that I despised.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a suitcase as I started packing clothes in it. I didn't know where I was going but a week in college was already starting to get to me.

As I was packing, my door started to unlock and I knew who that could be. As Max walked in, I could feel his eyes on me as I continued packing like nothing mattered.

"Hey Jayse" Max said as I kept my back turned to him.

"I, um, thought I would start packing my things now" Max said as I zipped up my suitcase.

"You're leaving to go somewhere?" Max asked as I rolled my eyes to myself and continued ignoring him, "Jayse come on, you can still talk to me!"

"Leave me alone" I said softly as I heard Max set his keys on his dresser.

"Jayse look I'm sorry you're upset with me right now" Max said talking, "I'm just doing what you did a year ago. You stood by Brandon and Q when you dated them and now I'm just standing my Rich."

"I never left you high and dry like you're doing me now, Max" I said with my back still turned to him.

I heard Max sigh as I started packing my toiletries.

"No you didn't, but you still stood by them" Max said, "I'm just trying to stay in Rich's corner! I want to be faithful to him!"

"That means tossing your cousin to the side?" I asked finally facing Max upset.

"Jayse" Max said starting out, "I never tossed you..."

"Look just shut up all right" I said upset with Max, "all I needed was my best friend, my cousin! I'm still mourning my dad's death, starting school away from my family, trauma from being kidnapped, witnessing death and just broke up with my boyfriend! I mean, don't you think all of that warrants more than what you are going through with Rich?"

I watched as Max thought of what I was saying as I shook my head.

"Don't even answer because I don't feel like talking to you or anyone right now" I said grabbing my suitcases.

"Jayse where are you going?" Max called after me as I walked down the hall, "Kris? What are you doing here?"

"Hi...Max" Kris said walking down the hall as some gentlemen were helping him with his boxes, "uh it's room 410, guys."

"How in the hell are you moving here?" Max asked Kris upset as I heard Kris start explaining to Max. I continued walking away from them as Ryder, our Resident Director saw me from his office and stopped me.

"Jayson where are you going?" Ryder asked calling after me.

"Ryder I'm sorry but I have to go" I said walking through the lobby.

"Jayson, you can't just walk out of here like this" Ryder stated.

"Watch me" I said as Ryder stopped me.

"Hey look what's going on?" Ryder asked me as I sighed heavily. Just then, Max and Kris came walking through the lobby.

"Jayse we have to talk" Kris said.

"I don't have anything to say to you" I said upset.

"Jayse listen to me" Kris pleaded.

"Shut up!" I screamed.

"Guys cool it!" Ryder said, "now both of you in my office, now!"

I looked at Ryder as he gave me a look that screamed he meant business. Ryder was a tall, Caucasian male, with dark hair and blue eyes. He was easy on the eyes, and very young. I would say late 20s, early 30s.

I sighed heavily as I brought my bags and walked towards Ryder's office as Kris followed.

"Max I don't need you to come" Ryder said stopping Max.

"But Jayse is my cousin" Max stated.

"I don't need you" I said to Max as I continued walking. I didn't care how he felt. He didn't want to be bothered with me, then he didn't have to be.

I sat in the seat in front of Ryder's desk as Kris sat in the one next to it.

"Jayse listen to me please" Kris said as I ignored him. Ryder walked in his office as he closed the door.

"Guys what's going on?" Ryder said sitting at his desk, "Jayse this attitude is very surprising coming from you."

I shook my head and folded my arms as Kris painted the image of the victim.

"Well Ryder," Kris said speaking as I rolled my eyes, "I just want to thank you and the school for allowing me the chance to enroll late and get a room here."

"No problem, Kris, you're welcome" Ryder said smiling.

"And secondly," Max said continuing, "Jayse and I have a small history between each other..."

"Our HISTORY is not small Kris" I said looking over at him, "you made my life a living hell last year."

"Jayson!" Ryder said upset, "now this is the last time I am going to tell you about your language! Profanity is not allowed in this hall!"

"Sorry" I said unapologetically.

"Kris you were saying" Ryder said as I shook my head disappointed.

"Jayse and I went to the same high school and never really saw eye to eye" Kris stated.

"Can I say something?" I asked as Ryder looked at me.

"Jayson please wait your turn" Ryder pleaded.

"But he's not telling you the whole story" I stated.

"Jayse if you keep this up I may have to set up an appointment with the Dean and your mother," Ryder said as I exhaled defeated, "do you want that?"

I shook my head no as I sat back in my chair biting my tongue.

"Go ahead Kris" Ryder said turning his head away from me as he looked at Kris.

"Jayse and I dated the same guys in high school and never really agreed on anything" Kris stated, "after months of bickering we agreed to keep our distances and from then on I guess you can say we became enemies."

"Jayse do you have anything to add?" Ryder asked as I shook my head no. He already had his opinion of me based on what Kris was saying and how I was acting tonight. I just decided to keep my mouth shut.

"I thought you said that Kris wasn't telling the whole story?" Ryder asked staring at me as I felt Kris stares as well.

"He told you the full story" I said.

"Ok guys" Ryder said after looking through our files on his desk, "unfortunately, you both will have to deal with living under the same roof this year. All the rest of the halls are packed and we have numerous students on the waiting lists. I will try my best to accommodate the two of you as far away from each other as possible, but look this is college. It's time for you guys to be adults now! Whatever happened in high school, leave it there! Start over and at least be civil to one another, okay?"

Kris and I both nodded our heads as Ryder smiled, "great Kris you can go and finish unpacking, Jayse can you stay here for a minute?"

After Kris left, I saw Ryder get up and walk over to the file cabinet and pulled out another file.

"Now Jayse," Ryder said sitting back down, "I know about Max moving out and unfortunately he went through the necessary channels to move out; also, given the fact that he's moving into an apartment off campus and not trying to move into another hall. Now if you want to move into another hall, like I said, it won't be a possibility until next year. I do however, have someone that I can move into your room with you?"

"Please not Kris" I stated angry.

"No not Kris!" Ryder said, "Kris is two floors up from you so you guys will have minimal contact. Plus looking over his class schedule, his major is Fashion Merchandising, so I doubt the two of you will be bumping into each other around campus."

As Ryder said that, I felt a small weight lifted off of my shoulders.

"So who is my new roommate?" I asked intrigued.

"Well he's actually not that new" Ryder said, "Mehete Harper."

I felt my heart sank as I thought of the idea being roommates with Mehete.

"You don't look excited?" Ryder asked.

"No not really" I said truthfully as Ryder looked disappointed.

"What's wrong with Mehete?" Ryder asked, "I thought you two would be perfect. I mean he's a Journalism major and you're English Lit. You're both smart, almost identical, plus I saw the two of you in the mailroom the other day and you guys looked cheery! I just assumed..."

"No" I said laughing at Ryder's use of words, "I don't have a problem with him it's fine."

"Good" Ryder said reaching for his phone, "I'll call him and let him know. Thanks Jayse for doing this and hey, if it doesn't work out let me know, ok?"

"Ok Ryder" I said as I got up to walk out. I looked down the hall and saw Max standing near my things.

"I didn't want anyone to come and get them and I didn't know how you're meeting with Ryder would have went" Max stated as I grabbed my bags.

"It went ok" I said as Max and I stared at each other for a minute.

"Well I guess I better go back and start packing to make room for Mehete" Max stated as I nodded my head.

I walked into the lobby and sat as I tried to come to terms over what was going to transpire pretty soon.

Kris was out free? He was an accomplice to the murder of my father! Maybe that is what he was trying to explain to me, but I didn't want to speak to him. I couldn't stand the sight of him.

I sat back and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the lobby until a couple of students came to watch TV and gossip. I sighed to myself as I sat in my corner in silence.

"Hi Jayse" Mehete said walking near me as I looked up at him.

"Hi Mehete" I said, "I guess you heard the news, huh?"

"Yea, can't wait" Mehete said, "you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine" I said, "I just need a minute."

"Oh" Mehete said feeling bad, "I'm sorry, I just, I'm sorry Jayse..."

"It's ok" I said smiling.

"Ok" Mehete said, "if you need anything, let me know."

"I will" I said as Mehete smiled and walked away.

I continued sitting alone for a few hours, playing on my phone, when Rich walked in and I knew what he was here for. He looked at me awkwardly as I tried my best to keep my emotions at bay.

"Hi Jayse" Rich said as I smiled at him not knowing what to say, "you moving too?"

"Huh?" I said as Rich pointed to my bags. I forgot I even had them for a minute. "No, I uh...it's a long story."

"Oh" Rich said, "ok."

"So" I said after a moment of silence, "I guess you're here to help out Max."

"Yea" Rich said quickly, "look Jayse, I..."

"Oh babe, you're already here" Max said walking through the doors. He walked up to Rich as Rich started grabbing some of his things.

"I have my brother helping us out too" Rich said referring to his twin brother, Ronnie. Ronnie looked identical to Rich, except for the glasses. I think that was the only way you could tell the two apart.

"Good the rest of my things are packed up in my room" Max said, "it's not that much."

"Cool" Rich said walking to his car as he got Ronnie.

"Jayse..." Max said as I sighed heavily and looked up at him.

"Yea?" I asked upset.

"C'mon cuz" Max said trying to sound sincere, but I couldn't ignore the fact that he was acting really distant these past few weeks. Not to mention the fact that he was moving out.

"Look Max" I said as Rich and Ronnie walked back in, "you have to do what you have to do ok? I mean I wish you the best and maybe we can see each other around campus or something."

"I'm not abandoning you Jayse" Max said as I stared into his eyes.

"You already have" I said to Max as I grabbed my bags and walked back into my room. I watched as Rich and Ronnie came in and out of the room, leaving with a something that belonged to Max. Pretty soon, Max's side of the room was bare.

"I, uh..." Max said startling me as he walked into the room, "I forgot my cell phone. No hug?"

"Thought you said that you weren't abandoning me?" I asked Max, "we'll see each other around campus."

"Right" Max said looking around the room hurt, "ok well give me a call if you need anything."

I ignored Max as he stood at the doorway staring at me. After a few minutes, I heard him sigh as he walked out the room and closed the door behind himself.

I had no words for him! Nothing was more disappointing than family walking out on you.

I decided to take a shower and let the troubles of the day wash away. After my shower, I came back into my room as I settled in for an early night.

I heard my phone beeping and I knew that I was probably getting texts from different people but I didn't care.

I tossed and turned in my bed all night, trying to get some sleep. I looked over at my clock on the wall as it said that it was 1:00 in the morning.

I thought to myself, how long was I sleeping? I felt alone! I wanted to talk to someone so badly but given the time, I didn't want to bother anyone.

I walked over to my desk as I pulled out a notebook. I felt like writing. I didn't know what yet but I knew that it had to be something that I was feeling.

I stared at the page for a minute waiting to feel the inspiration but nothing came.

As I looked around my room, I was expecting something to speak out to me and scream but nothing came. All I saw was one side of a room empty and the other occupied.

I picked up my pencil and began writing this: A glass half empty, is always full, The hold you have, your magnetic pull, Has left me empty, incomplete, I sigh heavily from defeat— Was it me? Was it us? I dare not speak and create a fuss, A year ago, my excitement did show, How content I was, and this was because— Of you! I'll forgive you, if you forget me, As long as your heart is in harmony, I'll set my love for you free, Unless, this shouldn't be!

I ripped the poem up and threw it near the wall upset. What was wrong with me? I couldn't still be thinking of Brandon! It was over!

A tear fell from my eyes as I remembered the way he called my name.

I walked to my window as I looked out at the black sky and the stars. My mind wandered to what Brandon as doing at this moment, as I closed my blinds shut.

"I can't be thinking about him right now!" I screamed to myself, "I have to move on! I want to move on!"

What was I afraid of? Why did I want to end this relationship so badly? I felt like I was fighting against myself!

My heart wanted Brandon but my mind kept telling me to leave. He was a thug, he had a temper, he killed Krush and was looking at jail time. I didn't want that for him but if they continued their investigation and found Brandon guilty of murder instead of self defense, he was facing jail time for sure.

I couldn't go through this! I didn't want to go through this! If that's what he wanted then so be it!

I walked back over to my bed as I tried to drift back off to sleep. I was so lonely. I needed to be held! I needed to be touched. I need love!

After going back to sleep, I awoke to my alarm going off on my dresser. After finally convincing myself to get out of bed, I got ready to face a new day.

"Morning Jayse" Mehete said as we met each on the bathroom again.

"Morning Mehete" I said as smiling as I turned around.

"You don't have to go" Mehete said finishing up his flossing his teeth, "I'm done."

"Ok" I said as he left and I took my morning shower.

After I got my books, I was racing out the door towards my morning class. I walked in late as my professor looked at me with a stern look. I took a seat in the back of the class as I waited for the morning lecture to be over.

Once the professor finally dismissed us, I gathered my stuff and began walking towards the door.

"One moment Mr. Grier" Dr. Castro stated.

"Yes sir?" I asked scared.

"I've noticed that this is your 3rd time walking into class late" Dr. Castro stated as he started packing his briefcase. He was a tall, Caucasian male, thinly built with soft curly blond hair.

"Yes sir" I said, "I understand but I'm just having a little time getting up and adjusting."

"Well I can understand that" Dr. Castro said grabbing his briefcase, "but I'm still going to have to report this to your advisor."

"Really?" I asked upset, "please Dr. Castro, "I'll do anything, sir. I promise to be in class on time from this moment on."

I watched as Dr. Castro stared at me for a minute, contemplating over what I was saying, "I'll give you another chance but this is your first and final warning!"

"Thank you" I said as Dr. Castro walked out and students from another class began walking in. I walked out as well as I made it to my next class.

"Ok guys and before I dismiss you for the day" Professor Richardson said, remember to sign up for the talent show coming up in the next few weeks. Everyone has a talent to share and can benefit from a nice public performance. Signup sheets are all across campus and you can sign up here as well."

I thought about the idea of entering the contest but then decided, what would I do? I could write a nice poem and perform it but what would I write about?

"Jayson?" Professor Richardson said calling my name as I sat in my desk. I didn't realize that I was the only one still sitting.

"Huh?" I asked looking up at her.

"Class is over" Professor Richardson said as I looked around at the empty classroom.

"Oh sorry" I said grabbing my book bag as I stood up to walk out.

"Jayson" Prof. Richardson said calling out to me.

"Yes?" I asked facing her.

"Is everything ok?" Prof. Richardson asked me.

I looked at the sincerity in her face and wondered if I should open up and tell her my problems. I desperately needed someone to talk to other than my friends and family. I needed someone that wasn't bias to someone I was close to, to tell me what I needed to do.

"Um" I said pausing as a student walked into class calling for Prf. Richardson.

"Just one minute Summer" Prof. Richardson said, "go ahead Jayson."

"That's ok" I said looking over at Summer smiling and then back at Prof. Richardson, "I have to get going anyway."

"Ok" Prof. Richardson said sadly, "but if you need to talk let me know."

"Thanks, I will" I said as I exited the classroom. I had to get back to my dorm and think. I needed to really focus on my studies and forget about Brandon and everything else.

Once I got back to my dorm, I heard someone say there he is, as I turned into that direction.

I looked over as I saw Terrance turn around and look towards me. I didn't know whether to smile or get angry.

It was something about him this time. It was something different! A wave of innocence was all around him as I stared into his green eyes.

Terrance was the first to make a move as he smiled softly and I had no other choice but to do the same.

"Hi Jayse" Terrance said as my heart skipped a beat from hearing his voice again, "can we talk?"

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Support Nifty to keep stories like mine available for your entertainment! Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 8

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