Mine for the Taking


Published on Aug 6, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 6 (Brandon POV)

"FUCK!!!" I screamed pushing papers across the floor of my office. I was working at my uncle's studio as an up and coming record producer. Life was easy for me since yesterday when Jayse and I broke up. Hell, it never went right since the day on the rooftop.

He was supposed to pick me! I gave him what he wanted! I stepped back and let him have his space and now Q swoops in and stakes his claim!

"Fuck you Q!" I screamed picking up a bottle of Jack Daniels and throwing it against the wall. I started breathing so hard until it hurt. I couldn't do anything but fall to floor as I cried.

Jayse didn't know how much I loved him and needed him. I felt alone! I wanted to give Jayse the world.

"It wasn't supposed to end like this!" I screamed as I cried.

Fuck it! I'm not going to cry over him! If he don't care I don't care! I walked over to my liquor cabinet as I took a shot of Vodka.

Just as the taste stung my throat, someone knocked at my door.

"Go away" I yelled pouring another shot in the glass.

"Yo B everything ok in there?" Darryl, my uncle's right hand of his company asked me as I ignored him. "B, you all right?"

I felt him tugging at the door knob as I it signaled that it was locked. Darryl then began to knock at the door, worried that something was wrong.

"I'm good D" I said after taking another shot and shaking my head from the effects.

"You sure young blood?" D asked me as I stared out the window of my office on the 10th floor.

What the fuck am I doing? I don't want to me a pencil pushing sellout! I wanna get back on the streets and hustle. I miss the trigger between my fingers; the power that I exuded when I saw my victims begging for their last breath.

I unloosened my tie as I walked out of my office, past Darryl and down the hall.

"Where you going?" Darryl asked following me.

"I can't do this right now" I said pressing the button for the elevator.

"What you talking bout boy" Darryl said as he spun me around. I pushed his hand away from me as he walked up to me like he was about to hit me.

I balled up my fist and let him know what I was about to do as he backed up, throwing his hands up.

"Look B" Darryl said talking calmly, "I know what you went through last year kid, but you came here looking for a job! You're uncle gave you a chance and for the last 6 months you were doing good. Don't go back out there man! You got off free this time, you don't need to be back out there."

"This ain't for me D" I said truthfully as I heard the streets calling my name.

"This ain't for you?" Darryl asked me as the elevator door opened for me.

"Look tell my unc that I'll catch him later" I said stepping onto the elevator.

"Why can't you tell me now!" Uncle Philly said as Darryl and I both looked at him walking from the right side.

"Unc I can't do this man" I said as Uncle Philly walked up to the elevator and stopped it from closing.

"You turning your back on this business" Uncle Philly said, "our family business!"

"Unc..." I said starting out.

"You would rather go out there and die on the streets than make something for yourself in here?" Uncle Philly asked.

"Unc I've been out on those streets since I was 13" I stated stopping the elevator, "I know what I'm doing."

"This is about Jayse isn't it?" Uncle Philly asked me as I bit my bottom lip and turned my eyes away from facing him.

"Unc..." I said as Uncle Philly stopped the elevator.

"No, that's what it is about, isn't it?" Uncle Philly asked me, "you're letting a guy, one of a billion in the world, get you upset like this?"

"Stop talking about him like he's a nobody" I barked back.

"I'm not saying that B" Uncle Philly said, "but look man, you're young, smart, successful, graduated high school, I mean you should have went to school and focused your time on something else."

"School ain't for me" I said quickly.

"Ok, I understand" Uncle Philly said stopping the elevator, "but Brandon you can't put your life on hold for someone."

"Jayse is not just someone Unc" I yelled as my voice cracked, "he was supposed to be..."

I couldn't finish my statement. I couldn't even cry in front of these two. I stepped back on the elevator as I pressed the button for the main floor.

"Brandon don't leave like this son" Uncle Philly said as the elevator door closed.

"Peace out Unc" I said as the elevator went down to the main lobby. I walked past the security guards as I threw my security pass on their desk. I didn't give a fuck anymore.

I reached in my pocket as I dialed a few numbers, first of being Shon. Then I called out to all my partners that I used to work on the street for. I asked them all to meet me at a disclosed location tonight as they all agreed. I got an old accountant friend of mine on the phone, Bernie as he agreed to meet with me.

I hopped in my car, and took a drive to his building as I walked past the secretary and straight into his office.

"Sir, you do have to make an appointment" the secretary stated as I stood in the doorway of Bernie's office.

"It's ok Ms. Webber" Bernie said standing up from his desk as he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Brandon nice to meet you" Bernie said as I shook his hand.

"What's up Bernie" I said as I took a seat.

"You tell me?" Bernie asked, "I haven't heard from you in over a year."

"Yea I know" I said looking around his office, "I was a little busy doing something's but I need your help."

"Well Brandon as you know I'm always here for you" Bernie stated as I nodded my head at the sound of that.

"Good, good, that's what I like to hear!" I said sitting up in my seat, "So Bernie, tell me, what if someone wanted to start a business, say a night lounge, could he do that and have money left over to venture in something...special."

I looked at Bernie as I said that and he knew exactly what I was talking about. Bernie immediately turned on his computer and looked over my "secret" accounts that I have been stashing away to for years. It's no surprise that Bernie was also Krush's accountant which is why he knows all about what I meant by "special."

"How much am I looking at right now in my accounts?" I asked as Bernie worked on his computer.

I saw Bernie reached for a sticky pad as he wrote down how much I had secretly stashed for the past 6 years. Bernie then passed the note over to me as I grabbed it and salivated like a dog in heat.

I looked over at Bernie as he smiled handsomely and I had no choice but to do the same. I couldn't believe that I had this much tucked away, not to mention what Krush was feeding me with, when I was loyal to him.

"You sure this is correct?" I asked looking at Bernie as he smiled.

"As a heart attack" Bernie said as I continued to smile, "you have more than enough to start a business and something "special."

"Cool" I said with my eyes glowing, "I'll get back with you."

Leaving Bernie's office felt pretty good. I drove downtown when I found the perfect spot for my lounge. It was in a good area and was the right size too. I called the for sale sign that I saw outside, scheduling an interview with the realtor.

"You sound fairly young" the realtor asked, "are you sure you know anything about the restaurant business?"

"I'm 19 ma'am" I barked, "I'm a grown man and I have the money to back it up. This is a golden opportunity for you! If you don't want my money, I'll be more than happy to find someone else."

"No Mr. Wallace" the realtor said changing her mind, "I'll get right on it sir. We'll meet tomorrow."

"Good I'll have my people call your people" I said hanging up. I inhaled a deep breath of confidence, when I smelt the scent of vanilla, Jayson's shampoo. I looked around thinking that Jayse was around, but saw someone else walk past me.

I shook my head as I got in my car. I opened my glove box as I looked at the ring I was going to give Jayse a few months ago. We were going to run away after graduation, away from the Grove and the hell we endured a year ago. Boy, was I stupid!

I closed the box, as I threw it back into the glove compartment and drove down the street.

I guess that chapter was over! I'm tired of fighting for Jayse when all he wants to do is play with my emotions. Time to move on and see what else is out there. Just have to make one stop before meeting with the new team.

"Guess you won!" I said looking at Terrance as he looked at he confused.

"What are you talking about?" Terrance asked as we talked in the lobby of the hotel he worked at.

"You know what I'm talking about" I said upset as Terrance shrugged his shoulders, "Jayse, Terrance!"

"Wait...what?" Terrance asked making me upset, "Jayse..."

"I know all about you sending gifts to Jayse for the past few months" I stated, "did enough to convince him to move on."

"Wait a minute so you're over here why exactly?" Terrance asked as I asked myself the same question.

"To give you the congratulations man" I said defeated, "I can't convince Jayse anymore. I went to see him yesterday and he was coming back from a date with Q."

"Jayse was on a date with Q" Terrance asked looking upset.

"C'mon man" I said sitting down on an empty chair, "the writing was already on the wall with them two. They're going to the same school, an hour away from us, Q knew exactly what he was doing."

"But Jayse hates Q" Terrance said sitting down confused.

"Well obviously not that much" I said, "so I give up man!"

It hurt me to say that but the truth had to be told. Jayse didn't want me and you have to set free the one that you love. It took everything in me to not go up to that school and punch Q's lights out right now. Fighting wouldn't solve anything though, just push Jayse closer into Q's arms.

"I thought he wanted you" Terrance said looking over at me as I shook my head.

"Yea I thought so too" I said staring into the distance. I got up and shook off the heartbreak.

"Well, hey life goes on" I said getting ready to walk to the main door, "take care of yourself man."

"Hey Brandon" Terrance asked calling after me as I turned around to face him from afar, "thanks for letting me know about Jayse."

"This doesn't change anything" I stated to Terrance as he tightened his lips up. I turned around and walked out the door as I made my way to an old warehouse where I had the rest of my old crew there waiting for me.

"Fellas, fellas, sorry I'm late" I said walking into the meeting room as my friends and old workers with Krush sat waiting for me. It was Ahmad (an old classmate/worker with Krush) Shon, Cam, Polo, Parvez, Requan, Dontrall, Tevoris, and Marquise (workers with Krush).

"What's this meeting about B?" Tevoris asked standing in a circle, much like everyone else as I stood at the head.

"I asked you guys to come here because" I said pausing as I looked at their faces, "I'm thinking of getting back in the game."

"Seriously" Polo asked as Cam shook his head.

"And what are we here for?" Parvez asked.

"I was calling you guys here to see if you were interested" I said as Cam shook his head saying no.

"What's yo problem?" I asked Cam as he looked at me still shaking his head.

"Count me out" Cam said turning around to walk away as Polo ran after him.

"Forget him then" I said as I looked around at the other guys for their opinions.

"I mean what you trying to sell this time?" Marquise asked me as I smiled. I reached in my back pocket as I pulled out a newspaper with an article highlighted.

I passed it to Marquise as he opened it and read the article titled "NEW DRUG PLAGUES THE GROVE: MODEERF."

"Yo B" Requan said grabbing the newspaper from Marquise as he read it as well, "you sure you want to get into selling this stuff."

"Yea" I said quickly.

"Shit ain't cheap" Marquise stated.

"I know that" I said looking at Marquise, "but I'm a businessman first! I got to get me some paper and this drug is answer to my problems."

"What about Krush old empire?" Ahmad asked me.

"Krush was only into crack" I stated, "this stuff here will stimulate your mind quicker than that could and it sells for more. All I need to know is are you guys down or not?"

"I'm down B, but I just want to know if you sure about all this?" Parvez asked me as the rest of the guys looked over at me for an answer.

Just then, the only thing I could think of was Jayse and the promise that I made him. My mind flashbacked to when I told him that I would give up the game and how important it was to him that I did.

I looked at my squad faces as I started laughing. I couldn't let them see me nervous or worried.

"You had me worried man" Ahmad said as I continued laughing.

"So we really about to do this thing?" Marquise asked me as I looked around at their faces.

"Depends" I said gaining my composure back, "y'all boys ready to make paper or not?"

After the meeting with the guys, I decided to drive back to my apartment and relax. I clicked my lights on and walked in as I shook my head.

The place screamed Jayse! It was supposed to be a surprise. I was hoping that he would decide to come home during the summers and stay with me. I had everything matching his favorite color-light blue and his favorite animal-dolphins.

I didn't feel like staying here tonight. I wanted an outlet and I needed one fast. I walked out of the apartment and got back in my car as I started driving. I didn't know where in particular.

Everything seemed to be at a standstill. I couldn't for the life of me get Jayse out of mind. I wanted to go to a bar and drink but I know that they would ID me. I just needed something strong to wash away this pain in my chest.

I drove down to our local pier as I sat on the hood of my car and watched the moon's reflection on the water. You would think that this would calm me down, but it wasn't.

I heard a door close I looked back and saw Shon walking down towards me.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Saw your face throughout the whole meeting and knew that you would be out doing something" Shon said standing near me as he took a puff from his Black. He passed it over to me as I shook my head.

"Jayse?" Shon asked looking at me as I stared back at him. Shon shook his head as he turned away from me.

"What?" I asked upset.

"Nothing" Shon said.

"Naw man" I barked back, "wassup?"

"Look don't get mad at me ok?" Shon asked, "but I mean if he moved on and shit..."

"Naw don't even say it" I said cutting Shon off.

"I mean you said it yourself B, Q won" Shon said taking another puff as I bit my tongue, "you over here crying about Jayse..."

"Ain't nobody crying man" I said quickly.

"...and Jayse over there at school with Q doing whatever" Shon said as I jumped off the hood of the car and jacked him up.

"Yo Shon don't play like that bruh" I said as Shon pushed me off of him upset.

"Yo, don't let this boy play with yo head homie" Shon said straightening himself up, "he played you, Q and Terrance! A year later and he still can't make up his damn mind!"

"You don't know nothing about all of this man" I said walking away.

"Naw I know enough!" Shon said throwing away the butt of the cigar, "you run up on Krush and kill the man point blank but over Jayse?"

"I didn't fuck over Krush for Jayse!" I barked back, "I did it for him screwing me over."

"Because he wouldn't let you leave..." Shon stated.

"It wasn't about all of that man" I said.

"B, you fuckin kiddin me right?" Shon asked walking over to me and standing in front of me, "it's me dawg, Shon, the nigga that grew up with yo ass from jump!"

"What's yo point Shon?" I asked frustrated.

"This man" Shon said pointing at me, "you dawg! Jayse came in the picture and you know what cool! I don't have nothin' against the boy! All I'm saying is the minute yo eyes locked with his, yo ass been changing. You got a death charge hanging over your head right now over a guy that don't want shit to do with you!"

I listened to what Shon was saying as I thought about it. Jayse didn't even respect what I did for him. I killed Krush so that he could be happy and live free and the only thanks I get is that he wants to be with Q, the guy that is responsible for his dad being dead.

"All I'm saying B is that Q's dad ain't gonna stop this thing" Shon said, "you and I both know that he will reopen this case any day and find out what really happened on that rooftop."

"It was self defense" I said thinking back, "the only person that knows is Jayse!"

"You sure you can trust him now?" Shon asked as I thought about what he was saying.

"It was self defense" I stated to Shon, "I had to kill Krush or he would have killed Jayse! He kidnapped Jayse!"

"You sure B?" Shon asked me, "or were you worried that he was going to kill you?"

I snapped up out of my dream as I looked around. I saw that I was sleeping on the chair in my mom's house. I shook my head as I wondered if it was all a dream.

I looked at my clothes and say that I still had on business casual clothes as I knew that it wasn't a dream. I must have left after me and Shon talked and came home.

I laid back down on the sofa as I stared at the ceiling. I was about to start my life over and without the guy that I loved.

Fuck it! What's done is done! No need to keep wallowing in the past.

"Thought you were going to sleep all night" my mom said walking past me as I sat up from the couch.

"What time did I get here?" I asked my mom.

"A little bit after 10" my mom said as I looked over at the clock and saw that it was past 1 in the morning.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked my mom knowing that she had to get up soon.

"Anytime your child comes over, unannounced, and upset" my mom said sitting next to me, "a mother can't help but wonder."

"Sorry" I said quickly as I saw the tired look in my mom eyes, "ma why don't you go to bed I'm ok."

"Why don't you tell me what's wrong with you?" my mom asked as she set her cup of tea down on the coffee table.

"Ma I'm good" I said turning my face away from her as she grabbed my face and turned my head to face her.

"No you're not" my mom said as I sighed, "what's wrong?"

"Ma I really don't want to talk about it" I said quickly as my mom studied my face. I shook my head as I sighed heavily and twisted my lips as I began to talk.

"It's Jayse" I said after swallowing hard.

"What about Jayse?" my mom asked.

"He broke up with me" I said standing up as I walked over to the window to look outside.

"I thought the two of you broke up already?" my mom asked as I closed the blinds and walked back over to the couch.

"No, we were supposed to be taking a break" I said sitting down, "but Jayse made it official yesterday."

"Oh baby I'm so sorry" my mom said rubbing my neck, "well he's been going through a lot lately so maybe..."

"No mom" I said raising my voice as I exhaled, "Jayse just..."

"Jayse what?" my mom asked after a moment of silence.

"Jayse doesn't really know what he wants right now" I said upset as I pouted.

"How do you know that?" my mom asked, "did Jayse say that?"

"No" I said quickly, "I just know. Jayse is confused right now and all over the place. He doesn't know what he wants."

"Hmmm" my mom said smiling.

"Ma it's not funny" I said upset.

"Brandon I'm not laughing at you" my mom said, "I'm laughing at the fact that you think you know someone better than they know themselves."

"I didn't say that" I said quickly.

"You did baby" my mom said, "I think that you should just give Jayson sometime to himself right now. He's still emotional, adjusting to school, and given the events that he went through last year, needs a chance to breathe!"

"But ma" I said quickly as she got up to go to bed, "Jayse dumped me so that he could date Q." I looked at my mom's face as she stood still and stared at me speechless. Now she knew why I was so upset.

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Support Nifty to keep stories like mine available for your entertainment! Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 7

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