Mine for the Taking


Published on Mar 25, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 3


"How are your classes going?" Omar asked me as we walked holding hands.

"They are going ok" I said blushing.

"What are you smiling so much about?" Omar asked me as we sat down on a nearby bench.

"Nothing" I said as my phone vibrated. I started to look down at it but Omar looked at me and I immediately decided not to.

"You sure?" Omar asked blushing, as I joined him, "because I mean ever since a couple hours ago when I laid it down, you just been real sweet and nice to me."

"No babe I'm fine" I said as I played with his cornrows.

"Aight" Omar said as I scooped my left arm under his right and laid my head down on his shoulder, "it feels good out here, huh?"

"Yea it does" I said smiling as my phone vibrated again.

"Who keeps calling you?" Omar asked getting upset as he reached for my phone.

"No one" I said moving before he could reach my phone and grab it.

"Let me see then" Omar said reaching over again as I pushed his hand away.

"Omar stop!" I said as he got upset.

"Why do you keep playing me Toney, damn!" Omar said upset as he slid away from me.

"How the hell am I playing you?" I asked confused, "you think there is someone calling me? You think this is a guy?"

"Yea" Omar said angrily, "as a matter of fact, I bet you that it is a guy!"

"Why can't you believe me?" I asked sincerely.

"Because Toney" Omar said pausing, "I'm think I'm wasting my time on you! I think I may be getting over in my head with you. I mean do you honestly without a doubt love me?"

I stared at Omar in the eyes as I moved in closer to him and cuddled next to him. I hated how I was treating him but Omar just didn't see at times how he treated me and how much I wanted so bad to end this relationship.

"You gonna answer me or not?" Omar asked as I sighed and took in a deep breath.


"Was it that bad?" Eryck asked me as we walked to our next class together.

"OMG Eryck" I said as we walked into the building, "first of all I mean the guy lectured us on so many things that I started nodding off and secondly he had us audition just to be in the class!"

"But it's theatre 101" Eryck stated, "not a higher level class."

"You don't have to explain that to me" I said, "explain that to Sir Weird-A-Lot!"

"How is Rich doing?" Eryck asked as we stopped laughing.

"He's fine" I said opening the building door for Eryck as he walked in, "How about Mario?"

"Track is starting to get to him but he seems to be doing ok" Eryck said as I nodded my head smiling, "how's Jayse?"

My heart immediately skipped a beat as Jayse's name came up. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell Eryck that I haven't spoken to him that much lately. I mean I didn't want to make it look worse than it already seemed.

"He's uh..." I said searching for something to say, "he's coming along."

"I just feel so bad for him Max" Eyck said sympathetically, "I mean he lost his dad, love of his life and starting a new school. I'm just glad that he has his cousin to support him because if I was in his shoes and didn't have anyone to talk to, then I would lose it, you know?"

I let the words sink in what Eryck was saying as I bit my tongue and let my conscience whip me until I fell numb.

"Yea" I finally said, "I totally get what you mean."

"And I know that you and Toney pretty much think that Brandon is a done deal" Eryck said starting out as I rolled my eyes, "but I think that Jayse and Brandon still have a chance."

I did not feel like talking about Jayse and Brandon right now because no offense, I had my own relationship problems. I just couldn't be wrapped into someone else's love life and neither should Eryck.

"Eryck" I said trying to sound sincere, "no offense but maybe you should just focus on you and Mario right now, you know?"

"What do you mean by that?" Eryck asked stopping in his tracks as I stopped a few feet ahead of him.

"I mean don't get me wrong but you and I both need to work on our own relationships right now than focus on Jayse's" I said smiling as Eryck looked at me confused.

"But Eryck he's you cousin!" Eryck stated.

"I know" I said turning my back to him as I started to slowly walk away.

"So you're going to just focus on something else?" Eryck asked.

"Yes" I said confidently, "when it involves my own boyfriend."

"But..." Eryck said.

"Eryck" I said walking over to him, "Jayse is a big boy and it's time that we start giving him some breathing room. If he needs us, he'll call!"


"You know the Criminal Justice department is on the other side of the campus" I said walking out my class and finding Q standing by the door.

"I know" Q said out of breath, "and I had to literally haul ass to get over here!"

"Well we could have met up later" I said sincerely as I held the door open for my classmate behind me.

"No I actually wanted to walk you to your next class" Q said smiling as I looked at him weirdly.

"It's Psych 101" I said smiling, "what's yours?"

"Same thing" Q said as I stopped smiling and looked at him weirdly.

"What do you mean?" I asked Q as I stopped walking and he stopped after me, "did you change your classes just now?"

"No" Q said quickly, "I mean yeah...sort of."

"Q?" I said shocked, "you can't be changing your classes like that for me."

"Why not?" Q asked as people walked past us.

"Because" I said walking away as Q followed me, "maybe we shouldn't do this date thing tonight."

"C'mon Jayse" Q said sadly, "why not? Am I scaring you or something?"

I wanted to say yes but staring at his sincere face made me think otherwise.

"I mean we're in college Q" I said, "we have the world at our palms right now. I just don't think you should be wasting your time on me like that."

"Jayse listen to me ok" Q said grabbing me as I stood in front of him, "I love you...and right now I know that you are hurt and you don't want to be with anyone right now but I want to be there for you! I want you to trust me again."

"Q" I said starting out as I loosened my wrists from his grasp, "I understand what you're saying but keep in mind that this date that we're going on later is a date as friends not as a couple."

"But you said..." Q said starting out.

"I know what I said Q but this is starting to get a little overwhelming for me" I said exhausted.

"Ok Jayse" Q said, "whatever you want I'll do! I just want you to be happy!"


"Of course I love you Omar" I said wondering to myself if I really meant that or not.

"Then why all the lies and all of the games?" Omar asked me as I stared into his eyes deeply.

"You mean you really don't know?" I asked as Omar shook his head confused.

"I just think sometimes that maybe we ran our course as a couple" I stated honestly as Omar looked at me hurt.

"Are you serious right now?" Omar asked me upset as he looked like he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, ok?" I said trying to calm him down, "what I mean is that maybe we just cool it as a couple and be friends but with benefits."

"I can't believe that you are looking at me with a straight face and saying all this shit to me" Omar said getting angrier.

"Babe listen..." I said placing my hand on his shoulder as he pulled away from me.

"Don't call me your baby" Omar said angry, "for 5 years I dealt with you and your attitude because I loved your ass! For 5 years I made sure that I treated you nice even when I knew that for some reason you hated me for something. I stayed faithful to your ass even when you cheated on me and talked to other dudes!"

"I never cheated on you!" I screamed back.

"I can't even look at you right now, yo!" Omar said turning his head as my heart started beating faster, "I mean you think you can look me in the eye and say that you never, never, not once cheated on me?"

I paused and thought about my past and what I did to Omar. I mean sure I had guys that I flirted with and I had guys that flirted with me but I never cheated. I considered cheating if I still talked to the other guys after the fact.

They were tons of guys, ok not tons but a large share of guys that have been interested in me while I talked to Omar but I didn't talk to every one of them.

I guess what I'm saying is that, I was losing interest in Omar and at times I wanted to work things out because what he was giving me (sex), I wasn't getting from anyone else, but when I wanted love and compassion, I always looked somewhere else.

"You're attractive Toney, okay!" Omar said snapping me back into reality, "I mean I understand if you want to talk to other guys but just don't use me as a scapegoat. I'm tired of looking like the town idiot while my boyfriend sleeps around with everyone. If you love me, show me! Tell me the truth for once! Please!"


Throughout our Calculus class Max and I never said a word to each other. We sat next to each other but never once spoke to each other, throughout the entire hour class.

Once the professor dismissed us, Max got up without saying a word as I quickly ran after him.

"Max...Max...Max!" I yelled trying to catch up with him as he finally stopped, "Max what's going on? Why didn't you say anything just now when you left class?"

"I'm sorry" Max said, I thought that we were just going to go our separate ways and catch up later."

"Well Max I mean we can but you never said anything" I said clutching my bag strap, "you just immediately got up without saying a word."

"Eryck" Max said sighing, "I'm late for something ok. I'm sorry I didn't say anything just now but right now I have to meet Rich."

"Ok then why didn't you just say that" I said feeling bad, "I'm sorry, I guess we'll hang out tonight then?"

"Um..." Max said staring off into space thinking, "I'll call you ok? I'll call you and let you know!"

"Ok then" I said as Max and I said our goodbyes and he was off. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was different about Max. He wasn't acting like himself. He wasn't the same supportive Max! It was like he stopped caring about everyone...more importantly Jayse.

I walked around campus waiting for my next class as I passed by the Music Department and heard a piano playing. I assumed it was rehearsals going on, but the music sounded so beautiful.

Curiosity got the best of me as I walked inside and down the hall as the music led me to the composer. It was a song that I never heard before and I wanted to know who was playing it.

I saw one of the rehearsal doors open and contemplated whether I should go in or not. I argued with myself and decided that I would just walk in and congratulate the composer once I got in.

I leaned against the door as it opened slightly and I found a young Native American guy, about my age, real thin, with glasses and a low cut fade. He could have been light skinned but I think he was Native American. He was beautiful and his strong cheek bones along with the mole on the side of his face made him even more attractive.

His eyes were closed as his fingers played whatever song that he made up.

I sighed to myself as I leaned against the door admiring the handsome artist. I must have leaned too hard because before I knew it, the door flung open and I fell inside of the room.


"Thanks for walking me to my dorm" I said to Q after our classes.

"Yea today was a rough day with all of these first classes" Q said as I watched him wait patiently with his hands in his pockets.

"Yea" I said, "I almost thought that today was never going to stop!"

"I know what you mean" Q said, "but at least you have your classes spaced out and everything. You don't want to overwhelm yourself so early."

"No Justus and Jamie advised me not to" I stated.

"Ahem" Q said clearing his throat, "so how's your family doing?"

"Everyone is fine" I said after a moment of silence.

"Good" Q said nodding his head, "and your mom?"

"She's coming along" I said biting my bottom lip to keep from crying, "she has her good days and bad days, you know?"

"Yea I can imagine" Q said sadly as he looked down at the ground and then back up at me, "Jayse I can't say it enough, I'm sorry seriously!"

"It's ok Q" I said wanting to change the subject before my dad came up.

"I just never meant for any of this to happen" Q said as I looked at him. He looked like he wanted to cry but was fighting hard to not do it in front of me.

"Q can we please talk about something else?" I asked as Q looked at me apologetically.

"No problem Jayse" Q said, "whatever you want to do."

"Can we go on that date now?" I asked not wanting to go in my dorm room just yet and be alone because I knew that Max wasn't there.

"Sure" Q said, "I mean if that's what you want?"

"Yeah but remember it's just a friends date" I said staring at Q as he smiled.

"Jayse I hear you" Q said, "just friends have a bite to eat."

"Thank you" I said smiling as we walked down the block to his dorm to get his car.

I thought about whether or not I was doing the right thing by going with Q instead of just calling one of the guys or a family member. I just knew that the guys were out doing their own things with their boyfriends so I didn't want to disturb them. I really didn't want to talk to any family members because that would only open up a whole can of worms.

We got inside Q's car as he looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back with a small one as my mind raced a mile a minute.

"You ready to go?" Q asked as I nodded my head sighing. I hope I am!


"Omar" I said starting out, "of course I love you! I'm just starting to think that maybe we are outgrowing each other..."

"I think you just want to date other guys" Omar said cutting me off.

"No, no, that's not true" I said as Omar shook his head in disagreement.

"Hell yea it's true" Omar said getting up and walking away.

"Look if I wanted to date other guys" I said catching up with Omar and standing in front of him as he stopped, "I would have a long time ago!"

"So you're telling me that you haven't talked to any other guys since we been dating?" Omar asked me waiting for answer.

"No!" I said as Omar walked past me upset.

"Bullshit!" Omar said walking away. I watched him as he continued and then stopped in his tracks as he turned around and looked at me. Omar slowly walked back over to me as I got nervous.

"Whatever the hell you are doing to me behind my back" Omar said sternly, "just know that all this shit is coming back on you!"

"Omar" I said starting out, "I'm not..."

"Bye Toney" Omar said, "take care of yourself!"

I waited for him to come back and thought to myself, he'll be back to me tomorrow. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone and saw that Onyx was indeed the one that was calling me so much.

I dialed Onyx's number as his cell phone rang. I waited patiently as anxiety started flooding in. Pretty soon, his voicemail came on as I left him a brief message apologizing and asking him to call me back.

I walked back over to the bench Omar and I were sitting on as I grabbed my bag and began walking toward my dorm. I started thinking if Omar was seriously breaking up with me and then came to the conclusion that he was nuts about me.

Like I said, I'll give him time to cool off and then he'll be knocking on my room door tomorrow wanting some sex. The boy was indeed infatuated with me like all guys. It was only a matter of time until I worked my magic on Onyx as well!


"Sorry I'm late baby" I said to Rich as I sat down and saw him tuck away his phone in his pocket.

"No problem babe" Rich said as I kissed him, "I just got here myself!"

"Oh" I said taking off my scarf and blazer as I got comfortable in the booth, "I'm sorry I thought you were waiting for me."

"No" Rich said as he reached for my hand and kissed it, "the waitress hasn't even took my drink order yet."

"Ok good" I said as I looked over the menu, "everything looks so good!"

"I hope you're hungry" Rich said as I smiled.

"You don't know the half" I said as I contemplated what I wanted.

"So how was your day so far?" Rich asked me as he sat down his menu on the table and looked at me.

"Um..." I said thinking on my toes, "it was fine...good! It was good!"

"Great!" Rich said as the waitress came over.

"Welcome to Pete's" the waitress said holding her pad in her hand, "my name is Rochelle and I will be waitress this evening. What can I get you gentlemen today?"

"I think we're still looking" Rich said as he looked over at me, "Max are you ready?"

"Yea" I said setting my menu down on the table, "can I have a Spinach and Arugula Salad with Orange Chicken."

"And I'll just have the Italian Barbecue Chicken with Polenta" Rich said as the waitress took our menus.

"And for your drinks?" the waitress asked.

"Two Peach mango teas, please" Rich said speaking for both of us as the waitress took the orders and walked away.

"Thank you" I said as Rich blushed.

"You're welcome" Rich said, "so how's the crew doing? I know you guys have something planned for this week?"

"Well we're all doing our own things right now" I said after a brief pause, "you know focusing on our own relationships right now!"

"Must be hard for Jayse since he's alone right now" Rich said as the waitress returned with our drinks.

"Thank you" I said to the waitress as she left, "what do you mean?"

"Like you said babe" Rich said taking a sip of his tea, "you guys are focusing on your relationships and Jayse doesn't have anyone."

"Well I mean he has other friends" I said as Rich laughed.

"I know he has friends Max" Rich said as I sighed heavily, "I mean he's not dating anyone right now."

"Well it's a choice that he made" I said growing tired of the subject, "Jayse will bounce back."

"Looks like he already has" Rich said looking past me as I turned around and saw Jayse walk in with Q. I bit sighed frustrated as I took a sip of my tea.


"I'm sorry" I said picking myself up, "I didn't mean to intrude like that. I uh...I just heard the uh...music and I uh...well again I apologize!"

"Wait!" the guy called after me as he walked down from his small stage and over to the door near me, "did you like what you heard?"

"Yes" I said blushing as the guy blushed as well, "it was beautiful!"

"Thank you!" the guy said, "I've been working on that for quite some time now! I'm thinking of entering it in the talent show but I need someone to sing it for me."

"It sounds beautiful on its own" I said as the guy walked back towards his piano and grabbed the sheet music.

"Thank you but I honestly think I need someone to sing it with me" the guy said looking down at his sheet music and then back up at me, "can you sing?"

"A little bit" I said blushing.

"I think you can" the guy said smiling, "otherwise you wouldn't even be near the music department."

"I dance a lot" I said honestly, "but I only sing when I'm alone. Besides I was just walking by and heard you playing."

"Ok well it's just me and you now" the guy said, "no one else is in here!"

"I don't even know you're name" I said I realized that I was blushing with a complete stranger.

"My name is Renzo Aguilar, man" Renzo said extending his hand for me to shake, and you?"

"My name is Eryck Bailey" I said shaking his hand.

"Please to meet you Eryck Bailey" Renzo said, "now do you mind singing with me please?"

"Renzo I'm not that good at singing" I said, "I've only..."

"Sang when you were alone I know" Renzo said with me as I laughed and he joined with me, "well just sing this one line with me, please? I'm desperate!"

"Wow so I'm your last resort!" I said feeling bad.

"No, you're actually the first person that I've asked, so there!" Renzo said smiling as I laughed at his silliness, "just the first line."

"Ok" I said as Renzo sat back in front of the piano and played.

"Sit by me" Renzo said playing as I looked at him confused, "Eryck I'm not going to hurt you, I promise!"

I sat by him as he played his song again and I cleared my throat and sang the first verse.

"Nice Eryck" Renzo said blushing as he continued playing, "now the next one!"

"Renzo!" I said looking at him as he gave me sad puppy dog eyes.

I continued singing as Renzo played and I must admit that it sounded beautiful. I got lost in the moment and looked over at Renzo playing again as I became mesmerized by his dedication.

He was playing so hard that a trickle of sweat came from his forehead. I continued singing until we reached the end and all I could do was smile as Renzo started laughing.

He surprised me when he stopped playing and hugged me tightly as I smelled his cologne and exhaled deeply.

"Wow man" Renzo said excited, "I mean you just fell right in there! That was...that was..."

"It was beautiful!" A young lady said standing up at the doorway. I watched as Renzo ran from the piano to hug her. I felt so out of place that I grabbed my bag and went walking towards the door. I doubt that they saw me leaving. What was so weird is that I felt so bad for some reason. I hope I didn't have a crush on this guy!


"Have you ever ate here before?" Q asked me as we sat down at our booth.

"No" I said looking around, "but this place looks great! I get a homey feel being in this place."

"Yea me too!" Q said, "I think it started out as a mom and pop joint at first."

"Ok that explains the ambience" I said looking at my menu.

"Hello my name is Meryl and I will be your waitress this evening" Meryl said passing out our silverware and napkins, "and what can I get you this evening?"

"Um, can I please have the Spaghetti Carbonara with extra Pasta Sauce and Cheese please?" Q asked as I looked over my menu.

"And may I please have the Pasta Primavera?" I said handing the waitress my menu.

"Certainly" the waitress said grabbing Q's menu, "and what would you boys like to drink?"

"A sprite" Q said quickly.

"Can I please have some tea?" I asked politely.

"One Sprite and one Iced Tea coming right up" Meryl said walking away.

"I'm glad we're doing this" Q said, "I mean having dinner as friends."

"Thank you Q" I said, "thank you for understanding."

"No problem" Q said as the waitress brought our dinner out.

"Thank you" Q and I both said together as we started eating.

Throughout the meal, Q and I laughed and joked just like we used to only this time we both knew that we were only friends. Not once did I think of him as anything more. I only saw him as a friend. Something I needed desperately now instead of a lover. It honestly felt good to have someone to talk to other than the guys.

After dinner we left and went back to the dorms where I saw Brandon's car parked in front of my dorm.

"Oh my God" I said out loud, "not now!"

"Do you want me to drop you off here?" Q asked me, stopping in front of my dorm as Brandon got out of his car, "I can always take you to my place."

"No I'm fine" I said looking at Brandon as he held flowers in his hands, "thanks for a lovely night as friends!"

"You're welcome Jayse" Q said, "good night!"

"Good night Q" I said getting out the car as I looked across the street at Brandon. Q still didn't leave yet but I waved him off so that he could go.

I stood there waiting for Brandon to make the first move and I could tell that he was waiting for me to do the same.

Q finally left, after 5 minutes or so of waiting, as Brandon and I stared at each other. He still had the flowers in his hands but the look on his face screamed hurt.

"What's up Jayse" Brandon said in a low voice as I contemplated the right words to say. Something was telling me that this was going to be a long night.

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 4

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