Mine for the Taking


Published on Sep 9, 2013


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 11


"Jayse" I yelled calling after Jayse and Terrance as they turned around to face me.

"Q?" Jayse asked as I walked up. As I got closer to Terrance, I saw him getting nervous.

"What's up?" Terrance asked confused.

"What's up?" I asked getting ready to punch Terrance as he backed up and defended himself.

"Q, stop it" Jayse yelled behind me.

"Stay out of this Jayse" I said as I pushed Terrance against a building, "what's up man? Why in the hell can't you just back off?"

"Get your hands off of me" Terrance said pushing me away as Jayse got in between us.

"Quentin stop, it!" Jayse pleaded.

"Why can't he just leave you alone?" I asked as Jayse looked at me puzzled, "Huh? Why can't he just take a hint!"

"Q..." Jayse said shaking his head, "Terrance and I are just talking."

"About what?" I asked growing more upset by the minute.

"None of your concern" Jayse stated, "I mean Q, you just don't give up! You are relentless! The harder you fight, the more I see of you!"

"But Jayse" I begged walking towards him as he backed away, "I..."

"No Q, dammit" Jayse said shocking both Terrance and I, "I'm so sick of it until I could scream! Just stop! You're too much! You are trying way too hard!"

"I try so hard because I..."

"Don't say it!"

"Why not? Because he's around?"

"Terrance has nothing to do with this!"

"It's just that you weren't returning my phone calls and I was getting nervous!"

"Then you saw Terrance and thought something else? Q, I'm not a prize to be won!" Jayse said staring into my eyes, "I really don't know any other way to say this without hurting your feelings but you're tearing me apart inside, more than Terrance and more than Brandon! You're suffocating me Q! I understand that you're heart is in the right place but it's too much. You have to let me breath!"

"I thought we were starting back off as friends?" I asked solemnly.

"I think the less we see of each other right now, the better" Jayse stated. I watched as Jayse walked over to me and kissed me softly on the cheek as he turned to Terrance and then walked away alone.

"Please don't follow me!" Jayse said, to both me and Terrance as he walked away.

Terrance "Guess you won this round" Q said as I started to walk away.

"Won what?" I asked Q as he shook his head and laughed to himself.

"Ok" Q said walking.

"You think that I had something to do with all of this?" I asked following Q.

"Don't follow me" Q said facing me as he turned back around.

"Answer my question" I stated as Q turned to face me, surprised.

"Wow" Q said chuckling to himself, "look who found some balls. Where did all this come from?"

"Don't worry about that, answer my question" I stated.

"Yea, I do think you had something to do with all of this" Q stated, "Jayse was perfectly comfortable moving on and getting away from both you and Brandon but you guys just don't give up."

"Hold up, I held my distance just like Jayse asked me" I said as Q shook his head laughing, "I stayed in the Grove and so did Brandon. You were the one that came to the same school as him."

"I already had this school in mind, man" Q said getting upset, "I got a scholarship to get here."

"Yea, among other things" I said as Q looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" Q asked me as I looked at my watch. I knew what was about to go down and I wasn't really in the mood for it.

"Look I gotta go" I said turning around as Q snatched my arm, "get your hands off of me man!"

"Or what?" Q said walking up to me, "you think you tough now? Go ahead and try something?

"Q, it's not this deep, man" I said backing up, "calm down!"


I watched the fear in Terrance's eyes and knew who the man was between the both of us. There was no way he could think Jayse would want someone as sorry as him!

"Thought so" I said backing up myself, "now what were you saying before?"

"Q, I don't have to answer to you!" Terrance said still talking tough, "I said what I needed to say and I'm done with it."

"You know what man, forget you alright!" I said walking to my car and stepping in. I sped off and went in the direction to my dorm. I wanted to stop by Jayse's dorm to check on him but decided not to.

I can't believe he played me like that; me, of all people? I climbed out of my car along with the now cold food. Some kids were still hanging out, even though curfew was getting close.

I walked through the lobby and towards the elevator as I waited. I couldn't help but shake my head at my stupidity. I'm tired of trying! If Jayse wants to move on, then step! No one can wait forever.

As the elevator door opened, I walked inside as I heard someone calling out to stop the elevator.

"Thanks" the guy said walking through.

"No problem" I said finding myself catching a second glance of the stranger. He was a little shorter than me, about 5'9" or 5'10", thin frame, low cut taper, black with a nice copper tone complexion. He caught me looking at him as I turned away embarrassed. I stared back over at him as our eyes caught each other and we smiled. He had those cute baby eyes, that were displayed his innocence. He almost resembled...never mind!

"Hi, I'm Quentin" I said extending my hand out for him to shake as he put his books in his left hand.

"Hi, I'm Mehete" the guy said smiling. He was beautiful with the whitest teeth, I ever seen.

"Lovely name" I said as Mehete blushed.

"Thanks" Mehete said.

"Cool" I said.

We both laughed out of awkwardness as I shook my head embarrassed. I wiped my forehead as Mehete stared at me.


I got in my car and headed back into town. I thought about going back to Jayse's apartment but decided that he needed his space. As much as I wanted him, I can't force him to like me.

I drove up to my apartment complex and had to admit that I was doing great for myself. I just recently received a promotion, in spite of all the hell that went on earlier this year.

I moved out of parents place and got a studio apartment downtown. It wasn't the best but it wasn't cheap.

I walked into the elevator, as I sighed heavily over what just transpired. I checked my phone for any missed calls but to no surprise, there weren't any.

Once I turned the corner in the hall, I was startled to find Lee, my best friend sitting at my door.

"Lee, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked walking up to him.

"About time you came" Lee said getting up as I stared at him confused.

"Ok, I guess I'll ask again. What are you doing here?" I asked again, placing my key in the keyhole.

"My parents are fighting and I'm not in the mood to hear all of that right now" Lee said walking into my apartment before me.

"And what does this have to do with me?" I asked closing the door behind myself.

"I don't have any place to go and I have an interview tomorrow so I really need some sleep tonight" Lee said sitting on my sofa.

"Then call up your girlfriend" I said as threw my keys on the counter and walked to the fridge for a drink.

"Can you grab me one too?" Lee asked as I watched him with a confused look again.

"Dude this is my house" I said after taking a sip.

"Yea and as a houseguest you should make sure that I feel comfortable" Lee said watching me.

"Lee I'm really not in the mood right now" I said walking away.

"So, can I crash here?" Lee asked walking to the fridge.

"You're already here" I said walking into my room to grab an extra blanket and pillow for him.

"Cool" Lee said smiling as he drank his beer, "so how was your night?"

"I don't feel like talking about anything right now" I said walking back into the living room.

I threw the pillow and blanket at Lee as he gave me a look of confusion.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lee asked as I laughed to myself and shook my head.


"Sorry" Mehete said quickly turning his head.

"No need to apologize" I said smoothly as Mehete looked back over to me. The elevator stopped at Mehete's floor as he got out nervously. I couldn't help myself; I missed him just that quick. I felt myself drawn and wanting to know more.

"Nice meeting you" I said to Mehete as he turned around to face me.

"Same here" Mehete said as the elevator door started to close. I stopped it immediately and stepped out, calling after Mehete. As he turned around, I walked closer to him, taking in his soft cologne.

"If you don't mind may I walk you to your room?" I asked as Mehete smiled.

"That would be nice, but" Mehete said as my heart dropped, "I'm actually on my way to pick up the book I left with my research partner."

"Oh ok" I said embarrassed, "I'll let you go then."

I turned around and shook my head, feeling like an idiot when Mehete called after me.

"You could still walk me there if you like and then walk me to my room" Mehete said sincerely, "if you want to, I mean."

"Yea...yea I would love too" I said reaching my hand out to carry his books for him. He obliged as I felt good for being a gentleman.

We talked on our way to retrieve his book as I found out more about him. Mehete was an only child, his parents were overbearing and didn't know about him being gay. He just got out of a relationship with this rich guy; but I noticed that Mehete didn't like talking about that subject, as he quickly mentioned something else. I shared a few details about my past, not wanting to scare him off, as we walked up to his partner's door.

I waited patiently as they chatted for a brief minute about their project and pretty soon, Mehete had his book as we walked and talked some more.

He had a calming presence about him that made me forget everything. I felt like a changed person. I loved the way he never interrupted me and wanted to know more about me.

"I don't want to chase you off, Mehete, so I might need to wait before I tell you anything further about me" I said.

"That's fine" Mehete said sincerely.

"Do you have to go back to your dorm now?" I asked not wanting the night to end.


I took a nice long shower as I tried to erase the bad events of the day away. It felt good seeing Jayson again, despite Q messing things up.

I let the water drape over my biracial skin as I began to fantasize Jayson's features. I found myself getting aroused as I reached down...

"Hey T?" I heard Lee knocking on the door as I cursed to myself in frustration, "yo T?"

"Yea?" I asked upset as I finished rinsing off.

"Hey man, your phone is going off like crazy in here, you want me to answer it?"

"What?" I asked shocked that he would ask me that, "no, just let it ring man."

"It sounds like it may be important" Lee said, "It's been ringing nonstop since you went in to shower.

"Oh my God" I yelled, hoping that Lee could hear me so he could understand how much of a pest he was being.

"What?" Lee asked as I swung the bathroom door open widely and mean mugged him.

"You're starting to get on my nerves" I said walking past him and towards my room where I saw that my phone was ringing again.

I looked down it as I saw that it was my job. My heart began to subside as I shook my head and ignored it.

I grabbed something light to wear and climbed into bed without even acknowledging Lee or closing my room door. Before I closed my eyes, I prayed that I would have pleasant dreams even if they were about someone special.


"Not at all" Mehete said as I smiled big.

"Cool. Would you like to come up to my room?" I asked as Mehete stopped walking and stared at me, "just to talk?"

"Um..." Mehete said unsure what to say. I could tell that he wanted to come but was also nervous.

"Or we could go someplace else" I said calmly, "I just, I really enjoy your company, Mehete. I promise I'm not going to do anything to you."

I watched him think it over as he looked away from me and then scanned me up and down.

"Ok" Mehete said as I sighed happily. I took him back to my private room on the top floor of the dorm, athletes only. I saw how impressed he was with the hallway.

I opened my room as he walked in cautiously. My room was a little bit bigger than the normal sized dorm rooms. I shared a bathroom with another guy.

I had a few posters of NFL players around and also some motivational posters too. I watched Mehete look around reading as I sat down at my desk.

Mehete finally looked at me and smiled as I did the same.

"You have a nice room" Mehete said, "bigger than mine."

"I'm sorry, perks of being an athlete" I said playing with my football as Mehete looked down on my bed, "you can sit on my bed if you want."

"You sure?" Mehete asked staring at me innocently.

"Yea" I said smiling as he joined in too. I stared Mehete's body up and down as he stared away shyly. I couldn't believe how much I was falling for this guy so quick.

We talked for hours about everything. We really forgot what time it was as Mehete looked down at his watch and got up.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know it was that late" Mehete said grabbing his bag.

"Damn, I mean yea I didn't know it was that late too" I said following his suit standing up.

"Guess I better get going" Mehete said softly.

"Well, I mean it's not like you have to go" I said, "I know we just met..."

"It's kind of awkward if I stay the night Q" Mehete said.

"You can have my bed" I said quickly, "I'm down with sleeping on the floor."

Mehete looked at me hesitant as I thought about what I was asking him. It was a lot asking someone to stay the night when you just me them 4 hours ago.

"You know what I'm trippin'" I said laughing, walking away, "Of course you can't stay the night. I mean you could but it is a lot to ask of you. I'm sorry."

"It's ok" Mehete said softly.

"I, uh..." I said nervously as Mehete smiled, "do you have plans tomorrow? I was thinking we could grab some coffee or something."

"Sure" Mehete said excited as we exchanged numbers.

After a brief moment of silence, Mehete stared at me and then headed towards the door.

"Hey hold up" I said grabbing my coat, "I can at least walk you back to your room."

"Ok" Mehete said smiling again, "I'd like that."

The walk was filled with silence. It's like we both wanted to say something or make the night last longer but didn't know what to do. I actually couldn't believe I was falling for someone so quick but then again, it's happened before. I just hope I'm not jinxing myself.

"This is me" Mehete said outside of the building. My heart immediately raced as I found out that it was the same building Jayse stayed in. A mixture of hurt and hate started to boil as his name came up.

After all I did for him, how could he...no I'm not about to do this right now! I'm not going to keep begging Jayse to be with me. Not when I'm starting to feel a connection to Mehete.

I looked over at him as he had a look on his face that said he wanted me to walk him up to his room. I could only imagine running into Jayse and having a hailstorm of anger come up.

"So are we still on for coffee tomorrow?" I asked as Mehete nodded his head, "cool. Well I'm not going to hold you up anymore. I know it's late."

Mehete looked at me sadly as he quickly adjusted and smiled saying, "yea I have to try and sneak in now. It's past curfew so I know I'm going to be in trouble." "Oh man I forgot you guys had curfew" I said completely forgetting.

"It's ok" Mehete said smiling, "It's not like it was a bad night or anything. I think it was worth it."

"Cool" I said smiling as I paused and then walked over to give Mehete a hug goodbye. He felt so soft and warm even though it was a little cold outside. I actually didn't want to let him go.

I felt Mehete move a little and thought that he was breaking the embrace as I let go of him and my bottom lip grazed the top of his ear.

We both stared in the other person's eyes after the embrace still holding each other as I fought the urge to move into a kiss. I waited to see what Mehete would do and he actually did the same thing.

"Mehete! It's past curfew!" a white guy said standing in front of the door of the residence hall.

"Ryder" Mehete said afraid as he slowly broke from the embrace, "I have to go."

"I understand" I said grabbing his left hand as I caressed it, "sweet dreams tonite."

"Same to you" Mehete said walking away. I stared at him walking away, fixated on the way his body moved as I saw the light turn out in common area of the residence hall. I waited to see which light would turn on for his room out of the many windows in the hall after a few minutes passed by and I gave up hope.

I did see one room where a curtain was pulled back. I stared into the room and squinted my eyes to see if I could make out who it was.

Whoever it was they quickly closed the curtain as I contemplated who it was. It didn't matter, whoever it was couldn't ruin the high I was in at this moment...right?

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Support Nifty to keep stories like mine available for your entertainment! Let love overcome HATE!

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