Mine for the Taking


Published on Jan 29, 2012


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

This is the sequel to "He's Mine" as the boys, (Max, Toney, Eryck & Jayson), travel to college to explore their love lives, friendship and begin preparing for their futures. This is their story...

Chapter 1


"You going to the mixer tonight?" Max asked me as I laid in bed reading a book.

"No" I said lowly.

"Did you hear me?" Max asked as some time passed.

"Yea" I said quickly as I looked over at Max fixing himself up in the mirror that hung over the door.

"Then why didn't you answer me?" Max asked turning around to face me.

"I did answer you Max" I said getting out of bed annoyed.

"Where are you going?" Max asked concerned.

"Outside for some fresh air" I said as Max stopped me.

"I'm sorry" Max apologized, "it's just that it's been six months since..."

"Arghhh" I said walking away, "I don't want to hear it."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry for bringing that up! I didn't mean to upset you" Max said as I sat down on my bed looking at the floor.

"I just can't believe I'm alone!" I stated sadly.

"Well Jayse it is by choice" Max said as he knelt in front of me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean you did push all three of them away" Max said as I rolled my eyes, "you didn't even speak to Q and Brandon at graduation."

"I just didn't want to talk to them" I said hurt looking outside of our dorm window.

"I know" Max said apologetically, "but they all have apologized in some way."

"Max I know" I said upset.

"Do you?" Max asked as I looked at him angrily. Max got up and went to our desks before he spoke again.

"Letters from Terrance" Max said opening one of the drawers that was full to capacity of letters.

"Leave that closed" I said getting up to close the drawers, as Max walked over to my closet.

"Flowers and candy from Q" Max said pointing to 3 large boxes that were filled with flowers, candy, and stuffed animals from Q, apologizing.

"Max I get your point!" I said angrily as I closed the door to my tiny dorm closet.

"And let's not forget..." Max said standing in the middle of the dorm room.

"Max I get it!" I said quickly.

"CD's, emails, and videos from Brandon, pleading for you to take him back" Max said pointing to the boxes under my bed that contained music that Brandon composed for me, now that he was working at his uncle's studio as a producer/rapper. Brandon had some of the artists perform songs that he written and produced. In turn, Brandon sent me a custom made laptop with my name encrypted on it, full of emails from the personal account that we shared together from him synching the laptops.

"Max, ok I get it!" I screamed as Max stopped.

"Jayse" Max said grabbing my hand and sitting me down on his bed that sat on the other side of the room.

"Max I don't want to talk about it, ok?" I whined as Max rubbed my back and sighed.

"I know you're hurt cousin but you have to let that stuff go" Max said as I looked at him, "C'mon we're in college!"

"I know that" I said.

"Well if you don't want any of these guys, mingle and find someone else" Max stated, "unless you are still in love with one of them."

"I only truly loved one of them, you know that" I stated turning around to face Max from my dresser.

"Well, can you at least tell the other two and move on" Max said.

"It's not that easy" I stated sincerely.

"Yes it is" Max said, grabbing the phone and handing it to me, "You're making it difficult. They had a year to figure it out. Stop playing around and call your man!"

Just then someone knocked on our door as Max and I both turned to that direction.

"Come in" Max said loudly as Rich entered the room.

"Hey Baby!" Rich said closing the door and walking to Max, as they embraced and kissed.

I missed the affection but to be honest, I didn't want it right now. I just wanted to study hard, graduate, and leave this place so I could get on with my life.

"Hey Jayse" Rich said as I turned and smiled at him.

"Hi Rich" I said nicely.

"You're not going to the mixer tonight?" Rich asked, "it's the first one of the year."

I watched as Max gave Rich a look that said "go wait outside" as Rich excused himself and sat in the lobby.

"So...there is still time for you to put something on" Max said walking over to me as I rolled my eyes.

"Max" I said turning around to face him, "I will be fine tonight ok! Go have fun with Rich."

"You know what?" Max said taking off his shoes, "I'm not going!"

"Max" I said agitated.

"Jayse if you don't want to go then I won't go neither" Max said as I walked over and crouched down in front of him.

"Max" I said grabbing his hands, "I will come later if I feel like it but right now I just want to be alone!"

Max looked at me and said, "but..."

"Max please!" I said sincerely as Max sighed, "go and have fun with Rich and the guys! I'll be fine!"

"You sure?" Max asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Yes!" I said as Max smiled and placed his shoes back on his feet.

"Alright" Max said heading to the door, "but I won't be gone long ok? Tonight it's just you and me, no boyfriend talk, no relationship talk, no Eryck or Toney just us."

"Ok" I said smiling as Max pulled me up for a hug. After we were done I told him bye as I saw some of the kids leaving their dorms dressed up as well.

I closed the door and leaned my back against it as I fought back my tears of loneliness. I looked around my room and saw my empty bed with my bottle of water and the book I was reading before.

I ignored them both as I laid on my bed and turned the TV on. Nothing good was on, which wasn't too surprising for a Friday night. I dropped the remote on my side, as I crossed my hands over my chest.

Six months have gone by since the nasty ending I had with the guys at the warehouse. After the incident things never were the same for me. My brothers wanted to charge Q and Brandon for taking me but they didn't know the whole story as I explained it to them.

The police asked me about Krush's death but Brandon kept texting me, saying to tell the truth. I told them that Brandon panicked and pulled the trigger on Krush. They looked as if they bought it but I didn't want Brandon to go to jail.

The only person that knows that I lied to the police is Max. He has told me repeatedly that this is not good for me but I didn't listen to what he was saying.

I went to my door and opened it to find Q on the other side getting ready to knock. Out of all of the guys, Q had an advantage because he went to the same school as me, Michen University. Michen University, was about an hour from the Grove, and one of the biggest schools in the south. It was really hard to get in, but unbeknownst to me, Jamie filled out my college application and submitted one of my papers as my college essay. Eryck and Toney were here as well, minus their boyfriends. They both were roommates while Max and I were roommates as well.


"I hope Jayse is alright in the room by himself" I said to Rich as he gave the kid working the door our tickets.

"Stop talking about him like he's a kid" Rich said, "Jayse is a big boy babe."

"I know that Rich" I said shaking my head, "you just don't understand."

"I'm sure he's fine" Rich said as I gave him a weird look, "What?"

"Don't say it so nonchalantly like that Rich" I said as I saw Toney waving to me.

"I'm not babe" Rich said apologetically, "I know that's your cousin and you're trying to protect him but you guys have got to give him some space!"

"I am Rich" I said as we made our way through the crowds, "I'm just trying to make sure that someone is there for him."

"I think you're paying too much time with your cousin and not focusing on us" Rich mumbled as I stopped in the middle of the dance floor.

"What did you say?" I asked surprised, well not really. Rich and I have been fighting a lot lately over the fading of our relationship. He's been telling me this for awhile and at times, he seems a little distant when it comes to Jayse. I almost felt like he's jealous of Jayse.


"What are you doing here Q" I asked annoyed, grabbing my fleece, which was hanging on the door.

"I was coming to see if you wanted to go jogging with me?" Q asked as I closed my room door and locked it.

"Jogging!" I asked surprised as I placed my hands in the pockets of my fleece.

"Yeah coach has us on this strict workout right now! Wanna come with me?" Q asked jogging in place as we walked down the hall of my dorm.

"Not really" I said nonchalantly as we walked through the lobby and outside.

"Come on Jayse!" Q said disappointed, "You're not returning my calls, you won't speak to me..."

"I told you we have nothing left to discuss!" I said walking over to the café.

"We do Jayse!" Q said holding the door open for me as I walked in. I was surprised to see the crowd that was in there, as I figured people were out at the dance. I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich with chips and bottle of water as I looked for a table to sit.


"Toney you look really nice tonight" Omar said to me as I rolled my eyes and drank my punch, "aren't you going to say thank you at least."

"Thanks" I said with an attitude.

"Why do you always treat me like this?" Omar asked me sincerely, "I'm sorry ok. I know we argue a lot but I'm trying to be better Toney. At least look at me when I'm talking to you, damn!"

"Omar please stop making a scene" I said frustrated as I looked at him then moved away from him at the table.

"Why did you do that?" Omar asked hurt.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Damn Toney man, I'm trying yo" Omar said upset as he took a sip of his punch and pouted. I looked at him and shook my head as I looked over at Rich and Max.


"So you don't want to go?" I asked Mario as he laid on his bed in his dorm room.

"I said no Eryck" Mario said as I sat next to him.

"Why not" I asked concerned.

"Because coach had us practicing hard tonight" Omar said, "I'm tired, why don't we just chill here and watch a movie or something."

"But I want to hang out with my friends" I whined, "all we do is what you want to do."

"That's not true" Mario said upset.

"Yes it is Mario" I said getting up as I paced in the room, "if you don't want to do something then we don't do it."

"What are you talking about Eryck?" Mario asked.

"You always set the tone for this relationship" I said ignoring Mario, "I never have a say so..."

"Hey...HEY!" Mario shouted as I jumped and froze, "I'm talking! Like I said it's not true. We always hang out with your friends but you never want to spend time with me alone."

"Yes I do Mario" I said as Mario sighed and laid back down on his bed, "it's just that you're not really a people person."

"Whatever Eryck" Mario said flipping through channels. I stared at him for a couple of minutes and closed my eyes sighing. I kicked off my shoes as I laid on the bed next to him, once again doing what he wanted to do.


"I thought you were running" I said walking away to an empty table as Q followed me.

"I am but I can wait for you" Q said sitting across from me. I rolled my eyes as I unwrapped the foil over my sandwich.

"Are you just going to sit here and watch me eat?" I asked annoyed taking a bite of my sandwich.

"No" Q said handing me a napkin as I wiped my mouth, "I'm going to talk to you and sit here, watching you eat."

"Whatever" I said as Q reached for my bag of chips and opened them for me, "thank you."

"You're welcome" Q said staring in my eyes as I looked away, "so how are you adjusting to college life."

"It's cool" I said taking another bite of my sandwich as Q licked his lips. I knew he didn't do it on purpose but I always liked the way he did it.

"Anyone asked you about..." Q said as I stopped him from talking.

"No" I said opening my bottle of water.

"Jayse you didn't even know what I was going to say" Q said placing the top back on my bottle.

"I know what you're talking about though" I said moving my bottle closer to me.

"What am I talking about Jaysey?" Q asked leaning over the table closer to me as he crossed his hands together.

"Jaysey?" I asked confused.

"Yea that's my new nickname for you" Q said smiling as I looked away, "what you don't like it?"

"No!" I said upset.

"Fine I won't call you that anymore" Q said looking around as a guy came into the café and smiled at him. Q ignored the guy and looked back at me.

"Why don't you go and talk to him" I said wiping my mouth as I finished my sandwich.

"No" Q said angry, "I don't want no one right now."

"Why not?" I asked looking at him confused as he gave me a look like he wanted me, "Q give it a rest!"

"C'mon Jayse I'm trying" Q pleaded.

"Yea a little too hard" I said getting up from the table.

"But Jayse I've apologized a million times" Q stated.

"So what!" I said throwing my stuff away angrily, "So has Terrance and Brandon but I'm not trying to talk to them neither."

"Then talk to me Jayse" Q begged as he reached for my hand, "We were good together."

"Q stop!" I screamed as people looked over at us. I removed my hand from his, as I walked out the door and down the street. I was so embarrassed! I felt like people still knew about me and what happened months ago. I almost wish I never even went to school. I should have just stayed at home or went far away somewhere.

"Jayse, Jayse, Jayson will you stop walking please!" Q said trying to catch up with me.


"Can we just drop it please" Rich said walking past me as I grabbed his arm spinning him around.

"No we're going to do this now!" I said upset.

"So you're ready to talk now?" Rich asked me surprised, "normally you like to keep our problems a secret."

"No I do not" I said as someone pushed into me.

"Sorry" the guy said still dancing with his girlfriend as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you do Max" Rich said yelling over the music, "you would rather us keep us the whole charade like we're the perfect couple, but you know what, I'm getting tired of it. I dealt with it in junior high and high school but now I'm just getting tired!"

I looked around making sure no one was paying any attention to us as I grabbed Rich's hand and walked to the far side of the gym. I found an office that was unlocked and went inside as Rich followed me.

"See what I mean" Rich said as I closed the door.

"What?" I asked confused as Rich sat down in one of the nearby chairs.

"Too afraid for anyone to see us real so as usual we're hiding" Rich said pouting.

"I just wanted to find someplace where we could talk in private" I said sitting across the room from him.

"Whatever Max" Rich said folding his arms over his chest. I looked over at him as I searched his face.

"What happened to us Richie?" I asked as Rich continued to stare off into space, "we were the only ones that kept it together out of everyone. We were the magic couple. We had it all baby! I miss the way we were. Why are we always fighting and complaining. I don't understand. I miss the old us, that would talk on the phone all night and laugh at each other the next day at school because of the bags in our eyes. I miss the old us that would go to each other's houses on Sundays and have dinners with the other persons family. I miss the old us, Richie!"

I tried to fight back the tears afraid to show my vulnerable side because I loved to keep it together. I just didn't know how to keep this relationship strong anymore.


"Where did Max and Rich go?" I asked out loud.

"I don't know" Omar said sliding closer to me as I watched him in my peripheral vision, "is Eryck still coming?"

I checked my phone and saw a text message from Eryck saying that he wasn't coming out tonight and I knew the reason why: Mario! The guy ruled over Eryck with an iron fist. I shook my head and placed my phone back in my pocket.

"No Eryck's not coming" I said taking a sip of punch as I looked around at the guys in the gym.

"Well at least we have time to ourselves tonight" Omar said putting his arms around me as I removed them from my neck.

"I think I'm going to hang out with Jayse tonight" I said about to get up from our table as Omar grabbed my hand.

"Toney please don't leave" Omar begged.

"Stop it" I said disgusted as I removed my hand from his.

"Stop what?" Omar asked confused as he stared into my eyes.

"Stop begging" I said turned off by his neediness.

"Toney please" Omar begged, "I know we broke up a lot because of my attitude but babe you have an attitude too."

"Are you serious?" I asked upset.

"Let me finish" Omar said as I rolled my eyes, "I know that things haven't been easy because we both have such strong opinions about things but I love you boi! Always have ever since I came here. I even came to this school just to be with you."

"You did not Omar don't even try it" I said not buying his crap.

"Yes I did" Omar stated grabbing my hands.

"No" I said pulling away again, "your boys came here too! That's the only reason you're here Omar! Don't play me like that!"

"You think I would leave an hour and a half from home just to go to a school with guys I don't even care about?" Omar asked upset, "and can you please look at me?"

"I don't know Omar and I don't care" I said finally looking at him as I got up from the table.


"Leave me alone Q" I said upset.

"Just stop for a minute ok" Q said catching up with me out of breath, "please?"

"What Q!" I asked stopping annoyed, "this is high school all over again."

"No it's not Jayse" Q said setting me straight.

"Yes it is" I said correcting him, "you're still not taking me serious or no for an answer."

"I just want to make sure that you're ok" Q said placing his arm on my shoulder.

"Look I'm fine ok" I said as I backed away from Q.

"Jayse, the more you do that, the more I get offended" Q said as I looked at him confused and upset.

"You're offended?" I asked, "I'm offended that you always seem to have this desire to protect me."

"Because Jayse..." Q said starting out.

"Because what Q?" I asked cutting him off, "I swear if you say it's because `I don't know what I want', I'm going to slap you!"

I looked at Q as he looked down to the ground stumped. I knew that's what he wanted to say because that's all he ever had to say. How dare he think he knows what's best for me?

I shook my head as I started walking away. I heard Q's footsteps behind me as I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him.

"Go home Q" I said aggravated.

"Jayse just give me another chance please" Q begged, "I was good to you! I promise to always put you first like I always have."

"Q no" I said annoyed, "just find someone else please!"

"I don't want anyone else, I want you!" Q said staring into my eyes as he grabbed my hands and brought them to his lips, "I want you Jayson."

"I made my decision on the rooftop 6 months ago" I said trying to remove my hands from his tight grip.

"I don't think you did" Q said confidently.


"How's that feel?" I asked rubbing Mario's back as he laid down with his head in the pillow enjoying his massage.

"God it feels good babe!" Mario said as I bent down to kiss his neck. I softly licked his ears as he moaned softly. I knew that was his spot as he weakened under me.

I rubbed my hands down his sides, under his body as I found what I was looking for. Mario moaned even louder as I started stroking him and licking his ear.

"How's that feel sweetie?" I asked still licking his ear.

"Don't stop babe" Mario said as I continued stroking him. Mario started shifting under me as he turned on his back and grabbed me so that I was sitting on top of him.

I kissed him softly on the lips as he returned the gesture. I started rubbing his bald head, enjoying the cleanliness of my masculine boyfriend while his dick pressed underneath me.

Mario grabbed my butt cheeks and massaged them as I moaned inside his mouth letting him know that I enjoyed what we were doing.

"Is the door locked?" I asked as Mario said yes.

I took off his shirt as he started unbuckling my pants. I hoped off the bed taking off my clothes as Mario snatched his off and threw them on the floor.

"C'mon babe I want this bad" Mario said stroking his dick as my mouth watered. I started to go down on him as he brought me back up to start kissing him. I rubbed my dick against his as Mario spread my butt cheeks and inserted a finger in my hole.

"Oww" I said in pain from the dry entry.

"My bad baby" Mario said pulling a finger to his mouth as got it wet and tried again.

I threw my head back from feeling the sensation as Mario forced more of his finger inside.

I moaned and started riding his finger as more of it penetrated my hole. After a few minutes Mario inserted another finger inside of me as moaned louder wanting the real thing.

Mario removed his fingers and got from up under me as he laid me down on my chest and pulled my butt in the air. I spread my legs wide as Mario opened his mouth wide and started licking around my hole and darting his tongue inside.

I laid still motionless wanting so badly to jack my dick but Mario hated when I busted before him. I gripped the sheets as Mario spread my cheeks wider fitting more of his tongue in my hole.

Just then his room door opened and in walked his roommate. Mario and I both looked back with embarrassed faces as his roommate stared for a few minutes.


"Stop running away from me all the time boy, damn" Omar said catching up to me as he threw me softly against his car.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" I asked upset.

"You and this grand attitude of yours" Omar said as I rolled my eyes.

"Look just leave me alone" I said about to walk away as Omar grabbed me and kissed me hard on the lips. I tried to break it but Omar grabbed my hips and locked me in close to him as I melted.

He really did know how to make me weak. I gave in and started kissing back as Mario pushed me back against his car. I threw my hands up over his neck and played with his long braids as he sucked hard on my bottom lip.

I felt his hard-on on my navel as he started grinding against me. All of a sudden he pulled off of me and stopped kissing me as I reached for his belt buckle.

"Stop Toney!" Omar said pushing me back.

"Why? This is what you wanted right?" I asked reaching for his pants buckle and unloosening them as Omar pushed my hands away.

"Stop!" Omar screamed.

"Why?" I asked upset.

"Because this is the only time you want me" Omar stated, "I tried talking to you all day and the whole time we were at the dance. You wouldn't even pay me the smallest amount of attention but the minute I grab you in for a kiss you're ready to be with me."

"This is what you wanted" I repeated, "you want to have sex so come on."

"No this is not what I wanted" Omar said surprising me.

"Well why did you kiss me?" I asked confused.

"So you wouldn't leave" Omar said, "plus I wanted to do that all day but you never let me."

"You have to earn this Omar" I said about to walk away as Omar placed his arm out in front of me.

"I don't have to earn a damn thing I already have!" Omar said confidently.

"You don't have me ok?" I stated, "you don't even know how to treat me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Omar asked upset, "I stood by your ass ever since I laid eyes on you. You're the one, every time we break up, you go running to some new guy."

"Because I'm wasting my time on you!" I screamed as Omar looked at me hurt.


"Magic couple huh?" Rich asked as I looked over at him, "you thought we were the magic couple?"

"Yes I did" I answered after a few minutes passed, "didn't you?"

"I don't know what to think anymore Max" Rich said getting up and walking around the room as I sat down listening and rubbing my hands together, "I mean do you think we can make this work?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked confused.

"Because I want to know Max" Rich said looking at me.

"I know we can" I said confidently, "we just haven't been spending enough time with each other, that's all! A little time here and there and we will be all right!"

"A little time!" Rich screamed, "is that all I can get from you? Is that all I am to you?"

"Rich I didn't mean it like that!" I said getting up to walk over to him.

"No Max" Rich said walking away from me, "you meant to say that. I know what I mean to you now."

"Rich, Rich, baby please" I said grabbing his arms as he moved them away, "ok I get that you're upset and I'm sorry for that. I know I've been distant but Jayse..."

"Here we go" Rich said upset, "that name right there: Jayse! I get that he's your cousin Max and I'm not taking that away from you but you have given this guy more of your time than me."

"Because he needs me right now!" I screamed upset.

"I need you more!" Rich said screaming back.

"Rich he's my cousin" I said lowering my voice, "I..."

"And I'm your man Max" Rich said hurt, "I was here before Jayse came in the picture."

"Aww baby I'm sorry" I said walking over to console him.

"Don't touch me Max" Rich said wiping his eyes, "just go and take care of your cousin! He means more to you than me!"

"Stop saying that Rich!" I said hurt, "you mean everything to me!"

"No I don't" Rich said shaking his head.

"Rich baby, yes you do!" I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"No I don't because I asked you to move in with me" Rich said as I sighed heavily, "remember that? Huh?"

"Yes baby I do!" I said as Rich removed his hand and walked away.

"Don't baby me!" Rich said walking to the other side of the room, "I begged you to get a place with me once we got here. You told me no, Jayse needs me right now since he lost his dad!"

"Exactly" I said cutting him off.

"He still has Eryck and Toney, Max!" Rich screamed, "you can't keep protecting him."

"I'm not..." I said screaming as I lowered my voice, "I'm not protecting him Rich, I'm just trying to be there for him."

"How about be there for me for a chance, ok?" Rich said as I paused and stared into his eyes.


"You think you're wasting your time on me?" Omar asked looking at me as he backed up.

I stared at the hurt look on his face as he waited patiently for an answer.

"I'm going back to my room" I said walking past him.

"Yep that's it!" Omar said behind me, "run away and forget about me like you always do!"

I stopped in my tracks as I turned around to find Omar in his car, driving off. I shook my head as I turned back around and continued my walk.

Nothing pissed me off more than girly men and lately, Omar has been carrying on like that! All in his feelings and whatnot, who cares! I wanted a boyfriend, not a girlfriend! I wanted someone strong and masculine like my friends have. I always thought that Omar was cute and carried all the qualities of a real man but now that we're talking, the more I see that he isn't what I want.

I walked inside my dorm as I passed by cute guys giving me the eye. I always liked the attention. I knew I was attractive, but I acted modest a lot, a trait that Omar seemed to like more than anything.

"Sup witchu?" One of the the guys in the lobby asked me as I placed some change in the vending machine.

"I'm good, wassup with you?" I asked pressing the button for my candy bar.

"Trying to get to know you!" the guy said leaning on the machine as I bent down to grab my candy bar, "I'm Onyx."

I looked at his hand as I traveled up his almond arms and up to his handsome face. He was tall, about 6'4", with a bald fade and big ears. It looked sort of cute on him though! He was wearing a tank top and some running shorts as they showed off his tattoos and muscles.

"Toney" I said shaking his hand as he squeezed mine lightly. I looked into his eyes as he started licking his lips.

"Toney huh?" Onyx said, "I like that!"

"Thanks" I said blushing, "Is Onyx really your name?"

"Yea" Onyx said, "why you don't like it?"

"What's it matter to me?" I asked still blushing.

"Because I want to know your opinion" Onyx asked, "if you don't like it then I can always get it changed."

"And why would you do that?" I asked taking a bite of my candy bar.

"Can't have my man offended" Onyx said as I looked at him confused.

"And who's your man?" I asked as Onyx licked his lips.

"A sexy guy named Toney" Onyx said as I dropped my candy bar.

(Eryck) "Aye man" Mario said grabbing his covers and throwing them over me, "close the damn door!"

"My bad Mario" the guy said closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing man, leave!" Mario said as the guy looked confused and walked out the door.

I was so embarrassed! All I could do is sit there with the clothes wrapped over me as Mario laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked as Mario sat next to me, pulling the condom off.

"Babe c'mon now, you got to admit that it was kind of funny" Mario said rubbing my back.

"No it's not!" I said upset, "the guy just saw me with my ass in the air."

"And apparently he liked what he saw" Mario said laughing as I looked at him, "ok baby I'm sorry.

"I asked you if the door was locked and you said yes" I said upset.

"My bad babe" Mario said as he started licking my neck, "let's finish up!"

"I'm not in the mood anymore" I said as Mario stopped.

"Why not?" Mario asked as I shrugged my shoulders, "Because someone saw your ass?"

"No because my boyfriend doesn't care about how hurt I am" I said upset.

"Look I'm too tired to argue right now" Mario said, "if you want to go, you can go."

I watched him put on his clothes as I sat on his bed in his sheets in his room. I wanted to be there for him and support him, trying to be the loving boyfriend as he did what he always did, sweep me under the rug.

I hated when he would act like this. He always treated me like I was something of little value to him. I always felt like my opinions rarely mattered in this relationship.

I shook my head upset as I threw the covers back and started putting on my clothes. Nothing was said as we both got dressed. I waited for him to say something or to retract what he said but he didn't care.

He started making his bed and afterwards lied back down on it like nothing happened. I watched as he went back to watching TV, like I wasn't even in the room. I sighed deeply as I went walking towards the door.

"I'll call you tomorrow" I said looking back at him.

"Ok" Mario said with little emotion. I contemplated if I should or not, but finally gave in as I walked over to his bed and kissed his bald head.

"Love you" I said still staring at him.

"Love you too" Mario said not returning the gesture. I walked out the room, feeling worse than I did before. I walked through the lobby, and out towards my dorm, wishing that I had a better relationship. I felt like I invested too much into Mario to let him go but at times, I really wanted to be free from him.

I walked towards the fountain in the middle of the campus as I sat alone, thinking. Nothing hurt more than being alone. What's worse than being alone: being in a relationship and being alone. It just seems like an oxymoron to even say it at times.


"I can be there for you Rich" I said confidently, "I can be whatever you want me to be."

I stared at Rich as he stared back at me for awhile and then shook his head at me.

"Just forget I said anything" Rich said walking towards the door.

"No" I said running after Rich, "I will start putting you first babe."

"Whatever Max" Rich said, `c'mon it's getting late; let me walk you back to your room."

I walked out the door and onto the slightly empty dance floor as some of the kids slow danced together. I grabbed Rich by the hands and pulled him close as we started dancing.

Well, I danced; Rich was just a motionless figure as I turned his body, the directions that I wanted to go. I squeezed his body and kissed his neck as he did little to acknowledge my gestures.

I held back my tears as I watched the happy couples and remembered the times that Rich and I shared.

I can't believe that this is how my relationship was turning out. I always thought that Rich would be the guy I would marry but now, I wasn't so sure.

I felt him slipping from me, literally and physically. I removed my head from his shoulder and stared into his eyes as he did the same to me.

I rubbed his back trying to make him smile at least but he looked so heartbroken that no matter what I tried, he wasn't feeling me at all right now.

"Ready to go?" I asked as a tear fell from my eye. Rich only nodded in response as he held my hand and walked us out the gymnasium.

I was too afraid to speak so we walked in silence towards my dorm room. Rich walked me up the steps to the building and let go of my hand.

"You're not going to come inside?" I asked as Rich shook his head no.

"I'm just going to go back to MY room and lay down" Rich said as my heart broke, "besides Jayse needs you right now!"

"Rich please" I said walking towards him as Rich stopped me by grabbing my hands and standing away from me.

"Go on" Rich said, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Promise?" I asked smiling as Rich gave me a fake smile back and nodded "yes."

I walked back towards the main entrance of the dorm wondering if Rich was still standing behind me. I was too nervous to stare back because I didn't want him to see me crying. I prayed to God that if he was still standing then he wanted to work things out with me but if he was gone, then the many years I spent on him were wasted altogether.

I placed my hand on the door and looked back as I saw Rich standing there with his hands inside his pockets. More tears fell from my eyes as I blew him a kiss and he played like he caught it. I smiled and walked inside, as I watched Rich walked down the street towards his dorm. Oh boy, I had a lot of work to do!


"I know what I was doing" I said upset, "there you go again telling me about myself."

"When you said all of that to us, me Terrance and Brandon did you mean it?" Q asked.

"Of course I did" I said trying to break free again and get out of this conversation.

"You positive?" Q asked staring into my eyes.

"Q stop it!" I said upset.

"Jayse you stop it!" Q said, "stop playing with my emotions and tell me how you really feel about me."

"You really want to know how I feel about you?" I said as I stopped struggling and looked Q in the eyes.

"Yes!" Q said, "please tell me?"

"I hate you Q" I said honestly as Q looked crushed, "you messed up everything I had! My father would still be alive, Brandon and I could still be happy and my life would be perfect right now. What did you do huh? You stuck your nose into my life, over and over again! I thought that you were a good guy! The first time I saw you, I couldn't stop looking at you and I wanted to know more about you. The more I learned Q, the more turned off I got! You even followed me to this school! Brandon and Terrance have moved on, why can't you?"

"Because they obviously don't love you like I do" Q said as I shook my head from defeat, "I cared more for you than all of those guys!"

"How Q?" I asked, "explain to me, how you cared for me more than the rest?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Q asked, "I'm the only one here still fighting."

"Q you can't say that" I said.

"What do you mean?" Q asked confused, "I'm the only one still here! I'm the only one that gives a fuck! I'm the one that tried to protect you the most!"

"Shut up Q!" I screamed, "I'm sick of it! I'm tired of you jumping in my life."

"Because I care..." Q said cutting me off.

"Enough Q" I said upset as I started walking, "I'm tired of talking about this with you!"

"Jayse please talk to me!" Q said following behind me as I stopped and pushed him back.

"Stop following me Q" I said sternly.

"But Jayse..." Q said, "I..."

"Q, I mean it all right, stop it" I said as Q shook his head.

"Jayse look I know you're upset" Q said as I slapped him hard across the face, "what was that for?"

"Quentin if you follow me or bother me anymore from this moment on I'm going to have you arrested" I said as Q looked at me confused.

"Quentin?" Q asked confused, "Jayse ok if you want space I'll give it you all right!"

"No you won't!" I said, "you will bother me again tomorrow. This is the last time that I say this: LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I stared at Q for awhile as he backed up and I turned around to walk back to my room.

I looked back and saw Q still standing as I shook my head and tried to wipe out the feelings I had for him. I continued walking down the lonely street, towards my dorm room as I walked inside to find Max home.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"Uh..."Rich said starting out, "Rich and I left early."

"Everything ok?" I asked noticing a letter on my bed.

"Yea everything's fine" Max said seeming distant, "I'm going to go take a shower. That letter was stuck to the door when I came in."

"Ok" I said as Max left. I grabbed the letter and read it.

Dear Jayse,

Not a day goes by that I don't stop thinking about you. I miss the way we were and I miss holding you. I'm going to wait for you as long as it takes because you will always be mine. I love you!

Love, Your One & Only

I didn't know what to do with the letter as I folded it back and placed it in the envelope. I sighed as I thought of who it could be: Terrance or Brandon. I shook my head and grabbed a hold of reality again as I walked over to the window and looked outside.

I noticed a figure standing under the street light and thought that it looked familiar. As I squinted my eyes, I saw the figure walking away and smiled as I knew who it was. I missed him so much! I wanted to call after him, but remembered that it was time to move on.

Still, a part of me was thinking, did he write the note?

Please feel free to email comments at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Please stop begging for more sex in my stories, if you want sex, read something else. I am not an erotic writer; I am a novelist that specializes in love! Thank You for reading my story. Let love overcome HATE!

Next: Chapter 2

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