Milo and Other Grains

By Ben Joseph

Published on Oct 20, 2010


Milo And Other Grains

Part 1

All Disclaimers apply: fictional portrayal with no basis on reality, permission of the author required for alteration and distribution, please don't read this if you are not suppose to.

To anyone following Delusion (High School section), I'm sorry about my little break I will come back to delusion, I just had to put this story out there while I remember it. :0

I can't see him anywhere, it's late, it's getting cold for June and I have to work tomorrow. Why do I keep doing this to myself? He shows up only about half the time and he's usually drunk driving his brother's four wheeler. He is so random, I should be the one that forgets to show up for these little late night rendezvous. I work two jobs and I'm my mom's part-time nurse. I don't exactly have a lot of free time to waste. My name is Milo, I'm fifteen years old and I'm dying to get out of here.

Here is Assumption, Missouri and I'm going to be a sophomore at William McKinley Senior High. He is Atticus, and he is going to be a senior at the aforementioned high school and we are nothing more than friends. Weird friends at that. But not in any sexual tone, just an odd fit. He is a complete cowboy and I'm a floater, I don't have a clique but I'm desperately searching for one. I hang out with the football team one week, the band geeks the next, then the emos and the cheerleaders, and even the poetry club kids, it gets confusing, but cliques are still pretty fluid in some senses. There is cross over. Change is always one of the defining elements of high school. One second you are being invited to every party there is and the next second you are combing your cousin's hair while babysitting on another Saturday night.

We have been meeting like this for a couple of months. He asked me last April if I smoked weed, I lied and said yes. He told me we should meet up and smoke since he lived so close to me. Now its June and I find myself smoking a cigarette under a small bridge crossing raccoon creek about a half mile away from my house. I'm listening for the faint growling of his Kawasaki. And wow, there it is, finally. I guess tonight wasn't a bust after all.

Atticus plays the part of a crude talking, farm boy who is willing to do any dare. But I have found something hidden beneath that shallow surface. He is actually a good guy, he opens doors for old people, he always leaves a penny at the gas station cash register and I saw him save a kitten from a storm drain once, really, it was pretty amazing. He is also very popular, girls hang off him, and that is where I have the disconnect. I don't have any idea why we have been meeting up like this. I'm no loser, but I am definitely not popular, I can't figure out why we are friends. Maybe it's my mistrust, or maybe my dreams. What are we really doing here? We smoke, we talk, we ride around on his four wheeler and I try not to cream my pants.

Yes, I'm gay. I'm a lot of other things too. I'm lazy, even though I work two jobs. I'm cute, or so I've been told a few times. I'm petrified of heights, but love roller coasters. I'm caring, according to my mom. I'm modest, haha, well maybe not. And most of all I'm in love with Atticus. As he approaches I can feel the rumble of the engine inside my chest. This thing is ridiculously loud, hence me meeting him in the middle of nowhere and far enough away from my house to allay my paranoia of my mother waking up and finding me missing. Of course that is about impossible to occur now that she is on every pain killer known to man. Hell, I think she could sleep through a rocket launch.

The moon is out and the creek is eerily lit by it. The darkness accentuates every bright shimmer of its reflection and it looks amazing but not half as amazing as what I see before me. Atticus pulls up and jumps off the four wheeler in his black gym shorts and white t-shirt looking amazing. I think he can wear anything and look hot as fuck. He has shaggy brown hair and iridescent green eyes with what I think is a perfect body, lean muscle with just the right amount of softness . And I always catch myself drooling as he approaches.

He pulls his book bag off and holds his hand out and greets me, "Hey man, what's up," He is constantly doing this head nod and smirk thing when he says what's up. And I am thinking it's adorable.

"Hey man, nothing much just getting off work, wondering when your ass was going to show up with the weed." I state jokingly.

"Don't worry about that" He states while unfurling a zip lock baggy. "I even rolled a couple of joints beforehand." He lights one up and we begin walking towards this ledge of rocks a little way upstream.

I need to learn self control and think of him as a completely platonic friend, there is no chance he is gay. I need to be able to hang out with him and not have any kind of crush or some shit. I like hanging out with him and I do not need to fuck things up somehow. I owe it to him to control my emotions, hell I owe it to myself.

"So Milo, how was work?"

"I don't know, it was alright." I work at Green's IGA, the local grocery store, everyday from 3 to 11 Monday through Friday. And in the summers I do random farm labor for my grandpa. He takes it pretty easy on me though, he feels sorry for me and I definitely don't do as much work as the other farm hands.

We find our way to the outcropping of sandstone. It forms a perfect plateau overlooking the creek and radiates the stored warmth its gathered from the sun. We sit and I nervously pick at the flaking rock.

"So what have you been up to?" I ask.

"Oh nothing just shittin around, playing some videogames and then me and Seth went into town and hung out at Lacey's for awhile, got high and then Lacey's older brother picked me up some of this." He pulls a small bottle of Jim Beam from his backpack and asks me if I want a drink.

I state "Sure," and take the bottle to my lips and try to take the smallest sip possible, I hate the taste of alcohol. Atticus calls me out and says, "Come on don't be a pussy, take a drink like a real man" He grabs the bottle and takes a massive swig. "see that's how you do it."

I look at him in shock and tell him, "Geez take it easy killer."

He smiles at my comment. God I can't stand this, he looks so good.

Then he gazes at me with wide eyes like an excited child and states, "Hey lets ride around,"

I think to myself, wow getting on the back of a four wheeler at night with a drunk driver is probably not a good idea but fuck if I don't love grabbing onto his waist when we start jumping over ditches and embankments. I hop on behind him and he throttles forward like a maniac.

I am an adrenaline junky and this is heaven for me, one part danger, one part speed and one part sex. I can't wipe the joy off of my face. I can feel my giddy smile and I'm glad Atticus can't see me without the normally aloof facade that I have been trying to perfect.

I have to pull my waist back because I am starting to get hard. I think to myself, oh god think of something else, church, slaughterhouses, my dead grandma. But nothing is working, and I think he feels it and the four wheeler comes to a dead halt forcing me further into him. Atticus jumps off. I am petrified, I don't say a word and I have to resemble a deer in the headlights.

Atticus looks at me and says, "Getting a little excited are we?" I can't read his expression. I say nothing but my face must give me away. He circles closer and I am thinking he might hit me.

Instead he just laughs and states, "don't worry it happens to the best of us, here take another swig it might help little Milo settle down"

I am completely embarrassed, I take a swig and try to calm my nerves and control my blood flow, especially to my nether regions.

He asks, "So Milo, how can you stand working all the time, you're a fucking kid." Thank god , he's changing the subject.

"Well I don't have much a of a choice, we can't all be as lucky as you Atticus,"

"Yeah I guess not," Atticus states with a comedic egotistical grin.

"So how come you don't have to work Atticus, your dad hires like forty people to help with your farm,'

He responds, "Exactly, that way I don't have to do anything."

"Doesn't that go against that good ole' Midwestern work ethic" I state with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah I guess so," Atticus chuckles to himself and then explains, "My dad used to have to work like a slave when he was growing up. He was the only son out of eight children so he got saddled with the bulk of the farm labor. He was working so much he didn't even finish high school. So when he had us kids he wanted our lives to be easier, you know, have a childhood." "But I guess you wouldn't know about that. Sometimes I feel sorry for ya Milo."

"Ha, don't feel sorry for me, I don't need your pity." I state this with a halfhearted chuckle. It seems like pity is all I get from everyone in this town. But sometimes it does work to my advantage. People know my mom's sick and they know my grandpa barely keeps the farm afloat. Hell that's the reason I scored my job at Green's IGA. I just hope that's not the reason why Atticus hangs out with me, I might need friends but I definitely don't need pity friends.

We're in the middle of a corn field, and Atticus is absently staring at the stars. "Isn't it crazy Milo, all those stars, each one a sun. There's got to be a planet like ours somewhere out there. Maybe hundreds, thousands, millions!" he states with an excited crescendo.

I laugh and state, "E.T. phone home" and I point my finger to his.

"Shut up Milo, I'm being serious," he states smirking,

"Okay, okay I'm just joking around, gosh,"

Suddenly Atticus nearly yells, "Holy shit did you just see that shooting star!"

"yeah, that was awesome, that trailed for like three seconds, damn." "Did you make a wish Atticus?"

"Yeah I wished for a million bucks." He states sarcastically, he then looks over to me with a grin and inquires, "What did you wish for Milo, a spontaneous fire at Green's IGA?"

I respond laughing, "No, besides I can't tell you or else it won't come true."

Atticus turns to me and in his best Shakespearean voice states, "oh Milo, so innocent and young, how I've corrupted thee." "Here I am smoking weed with a childlike creature, one who believes in fairy tales."

I smile and state, "Oh shut up Atticus, you were the one talking about aliens a second ago."

"That's it I've had enough of your lip." After Atticus states this he rolls over on top of me and we start wrestling. He straddles my body and gathers my wrists above my head. I manage to squirm out and try to put him in some kind of leg hold I learned from my brief foray into wrestling in junior high. It doesn't work and pretty soon I'm in the same position as before with him on top of me sitting on my stomach.

"You know this isn't right Atticus, you've got two years, three inches and forty pounds on me, this wasn't a fair fight."

"Not all things in life are fair Milo, now when are you gonna say uncle."

"Uncle, damn it!"

"Not with that attitude, I can stay like this all night," I am thinking to myself, alright that doesn't sound bad at all. I am looking into Atticus' eyes and we are both smiling and intermittently laughing. He slowly rises and falls with my labored breathing. And I can feel his ass and maybe part of his bulge resting on top of me. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to him so I'm going to soak it in for a few more minutes.

"Oh fuck you Atticus,"

He laughs and lets go of my wrist and sits back a little. Right on top of my very erect dick.

"What the fuck Milo, you little perv, are you hard like 24 hours a day!" he is laughing, that's a good sign.

I'm completely embarrassed, shit if I don't control myself he is going to know something is up, that's if he doesn't already think so.

"I'm sorry man, it just does this all the time now, it is kinda funny though. . . ha. . . ha. . ." Atticus is still sitting on top of it, and then I think he realizes it again and rolls off to my side.

It is silent except for the sounds of bullfrogs and crickets.

Atticus then looks at me and asks straight faced, "Have you ever jerked off with another guy?"

I'm in complete shock, what should I say, no I haven't but I would love to jerk off with you, I instead mutter, "Um, no," but with hopefully enough inquisitiveness to pique his interest in doing it with me. I just hope this isn't some kind of joke.

He chuckles to himself, "Well, you look like you need to get off, because if not, I think you might inadvertently pop my cherry on the way the back to your house." He pauses and then continues, "And shit, I'm always horny."

I laugh and try to respond in a way that hides my overwhelming excitement, "Well I guess I'll try anything once."

Atticus immediately whips his dick out of his shorts. His eyes close and his tongue barely escapes his mouth as this focused determination appears on his face. We are laying on the bare earth, I slip my own jeans down, it's dark but I can still make out this scene with the help of the moon. Atticus is uncut and around six or seven inches long and pretty thick, I watch his foreskin encase and release his smooth tip. I am stroking my own dick like crazy, this is too fucking hot. I keep stealing glances, one of my fantasies is right here before my eyes and I am peaking, I'm going to cum any second. I sit up and point my dick out away from me, I know if I don't I'll be covered in jizz. And then I explode, I have the most intense orgasm of my young life, all thanks to Atticus. I am embarrassed at the speed I have cum, I couldn't have lasted more than a minute. I collapse back to the earth panting. And Atticus starts cumming, I glance over at him, he didn't have the foresight to point his spurting cock in any particular direction so he sprays everywhere, on himself on the ground and one drop on my right cheek.

He looks over at me and states, "Oh, man, damn I needed that," "Hey I didn't hit you did I?"

I laugh sitting up and I point to my cheek, "Just this."

He sits up smirking and with his thumb he gently wipes himself off of me and says, "Shit I should've kept it on there, you look good with my cum on your face."

"Oh fuck you," I state while shoving him laughing.

Atticus then states, "Hey we should get you back, you can't be late for work tomorrow."

I am completely spent, I am the luckiest gay teenager in the world, well at least in my school. I can't wipe the smirk off of my face. Atticus pulls up to Raccoon creek and lets me off.

He looks at me in the eyes and says, "Hey I'll see ya tomorrow, same place."

I respond back, "Yeah, definitely," And he drives off. I just kind of stand there gazing at the milky, star laden, Missouri sky not wanting to go back to my life, I just want to keep reliving those past two hours I had with Atticus.

part 2 on the way

Next: Chapter 2

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