Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 27, 2008


Catfish moves to Crestwood Acres

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I've always looked older than my age. I was shaving by age 13 and bald by 18. I never looked young, but as I got older my looks stabilized. When I went to a good barber a good haircut and trimmed beard could make me look a little like Czar Nicholas. With Fu Manchu and a ponytail, I became your basic redneck nobody. I was careful to keep a low profile, and never got my picture in the papers. I liked to work undercover and this suited me fine.

Catfish & Company kept a low profile, and this also suited me fine. Most of the time we played back up for the run of the mill security companies. Most of these provided security guards for malls and residential complexes in Richmond. When they encountered something unusual, they would call us in.

I was surprised when Billy Masdon dropped by. He had never used us. And though of his company, The Masdon Group was more than capable of handling things on their own.

"I've got a problem," he said. "or at least I think it's a problem. We handle security for Crestwood Acres."

"The wealthy and exclusive retirement community?" I asked.

"That's it." he replied. "it's fenced and has security fences. Any one under 35 stands out like a sore thumb unless they're wearing the development's uniform. There is no crime."

"So why are you here?"

"Sost of my men are old codgers, retired army or police men types," he explained. "they get to know the residents well. A year or two ago one of the residents died and left an estate that was a lot smaller than my men had expected. They chalked it up to a misunderstanding. Last year another one died and the deceased left his children less than they expected. A lot less. This year two more residents left disappointed family members."

"ill will can take it's toll," I said. "maybe the kids weren't as nice to mom as they should have been."

"In two of the cases my men knew the parent and the children well," Billy continued. "they seemed to be particularly close and devoted. All of the deceased were borderline Alzheimer. Early stages of dementia, but not completely gone."

"Who runs the place?" I asked.

That's what worries me," Billy said. "I mentioned it to the Executive director, Marvin Hammell, and to told me to forget it in no uncertain terms. When I persisted, he mentioned he might be looking at another security service. I got the message."

"He's worried about bad publicity?"

"that might be it, but he's sort of the easy going, social butterfly type," Billy said. "he's worried about something. I was hoping you might take a gander at the place."

"How much money are we talking about?"

"In terms of cash on hand, the numbers aren't too large," Billy said. "There have been some quite large checks made out to art galleries, but there were no new paintings in the apartments. One of my men is into art and he knows there were no signs of a $40,000.00 painting. There have also been checks made out to consultants."

"Consultants can charge a lot," I remarked.

Everyone who visits Crestwood must sign in and tell who they are visiting," Billy said. "the place is boring as shit. My men know if someone unusual drops in. there was no consultant type visiting."

"You're thinking someone inside Crestview Acres may have a consultants costume in their locker?" I asked. Billy nodded.

We talked and I agreed to join his operation as maintenance man. I would see what I could sniff out. A week later I was wearing a Masdon Group uniform and going through the gates of Crestview. It was halfway between Richmond and Fredericsburg and somewhat isolated. The property was formerly a 1000 acre plantation and the development sat in the middle of the property. The original plantation house sat in the middle of the property and was now the club house. The out buildings were converted into service uses and a recreational center. The security and staff lockers were in a small barn like m building next to the infirmary. The development had a nurse on 24 hour call.

I was a grounds keeper and put in charge of pruning. I had done this for my mother and Aunts and was good at it. This was a good way to get to know the residents. They were of an age that appreciated a well trimmed bush. I was also Anglo, while most ot the grounds staff were Mexican . The residents liked an English speaking man.

There was a staff locker room and showers. Everyone used an official Crestwood Uniform that was provided by the development. If you got dirty during the course of the day you were expected to change. It was that sort of a development. The upper level staff wore blazers, the rest of the staff wore polo shirts and shorts. I guessed the residents were security oriented and there was no way to hide stolen objects in the uniform. This worked out well for me. While I couldn't carry off the family silver, I could hide my family jewels either. Everyone knew I was well hung.

I was wondering who would be the first to snap at the bait. I was a bit surprised when it turned out to be the daytime nurse, a beefy and butch man named Glenn. He shared the same locker room, but wore whites, rather than development colors of deep green shirts with khaki shorts.

We both started work at 8:00 and arrived a half hour early. Everyone else got there ten minutes early with just enough time to change. The first day he just looked at me. He wasn't what you would call a outgoing guy. That evening when we left he saw me dirty sweaty an with my bulge. The next day he was clearly looking me over.

On the third day we talked. We both lived in Richmond and he suggested we might car pool. It was a thirty mile drive and the gas was costing us. He had warmed up a lot. That evening he was held up with a patient. I hung around until he returned. Glen was surprised but pleased to see me.

"You're working late," he remarked. "I bit off more than I could chew when I trimmed on of those big boxwoods. I had the trimming done by quiting time, but the clean up took longer than I thought it would," I said. "You can see the bush from the plantation house and I know the residents would complain."

"They do like to complain, don't they?" Glenn asked as I stripped off my Crestwood clothes. When I got back he was still there. We were alone in the locker room.

"You've got a beauty there," he said as he stared at my cock. "I've got a nice one, but it's nothing like yours."

"It's pretty, ain't it," I remarked. "It really does the trick if you've got an itch in a hard to reach place."

Glenn smiled at me. "Big balls too. Filled up?"

I smiled at him. "It's a bit public here," I remarked.

"I know a place," Glenn said. "Follow me."

We went to the corner of the locker room and he unlocked a door I hadn't noticed before. There was a small lounge area with a bed on one side. "This was originally planned to be the women's lounge. This was for the PMS crowd. The women didn't want to share a locker with men men so they moved the lounge, but left the room. It's a party room for the executive director. He likes boys."

"He's not going to drop in, is he?"

" He's long gone. This is his golf night," Glenn said. He was transfixed as he stared at my cock. I peeled the skin back and exposed my head.

"Are you just a looker or are you a man of action?" I asked. "If this is going to be a show and tell, i'd sure like to see what you have to show." Glenn stripped off his scrub shirt and exposed his barrel chest. He was stocky, but muscular. He had a short stubble of hair on his chest. It had been shaved and was growing back. He hesitated.

"let's not stop short of the main attraction. Glenn dropped his pants. I was afraid he hesitated because he wasn't as endowed much as me. He had a thick, six inch tube dangling from his crotch. He was uncut. It was a keeper. I dropped to my knees and took the soft tube of flesh in my mouth. It too me a hole two or three seconds to get him hard. If you could get whiplash form a guy getting hard, I'd have gotten it.

His body was massive compared to mine. Glen reached over and picked me up. He turned me upside down so I could suck him while he sucked me. I deep throated him as he tried to take all of mine. He didn't get all of it, but he did get a lot. Glenn moved over to the bed and we laid down. He didn't have much precum, but he was really excited. I was turned on and he was milking me.

We stopped to get a breath of air. "I take it , you're a virgin," I asked.

He laughed. "I'm not exactly a virgin, but it's been a long while since I was this turned on," Glenn said. "I've been in a drought, and the little I've been getting hasn't come close to quenching my thirst"

"The executive director?"

"Let's just say he's not going to give King Kong a run for his money," Glenn replied. "he's not my type, and I'm not his."

"Am I your type?"

"With that cock of yours, you be my type if you looked like Pee Wee Herman," Glenn said. "I like my men to be men, not queens, or bois." He looked me in the eye. "I've never seen so much man in such a small package." He returned to sucking my cock. He was good at it and he got a mouthful of my cum. I was shooting my second or third volley when he let loose.

When guys say they've been in a drought, that can mean almost anything. Either Glenn had the most productive balls in the world, or he'd been saving up. I got more than a mouth full. It was rich and creamy too. We broke apart and he looked at me. When he smiled I saw his mouth was filled with my seed. We kissed and traded cum. As kids I was much impressed by Indians trading blood to become Blood brothers. Glen and I became sperm bothers.

I hate to think my cock does my thinking for me, but I trusted Glenn. His cock and my cock got along fine, as did our mouths and assholes.

He was still hard and drooling come, so after we kissed, I sat back and impaled my self on his cock. He was big, but not huge and it was a perfect fit. Glenn went a little crazy when I did that. I did a fancy dance on his love pole then had a nice ride. After his earlier orgasms, I figured he was done, but damn if he didn't give my prostate a sperm bath. Then he buffed and polished it until I popped for a second time. We were done for the night, but we agreed to car pool, just to insure we had an opportunity for a refill.

When I picked him up the next morning we had a long chat in the car. Glen had some problems at his previous job and Crestwood was a distinct drop in status for him. There had been a bad divorce and apparently some inappropriate photos had been found on his computer at the hospital where he worked. I also discovered he knew just about every resident at Crestwood and their medical problems.

He didn't like the exceutive Director much, but explained, "He's a wimp and ineffectural, but not a bad guy. He's good with the old ladies, and that's more than half the battle here. His boys are a differnet matter all together."

"What do you mean?"

"He likes the leach types," Glenn explained, "they flatter him and do his bidding, but a few of them are suspect in my view."

"Why do you think that?"

"I've got no facts, just suspicions," he said. "They're sweet as can be to the residents in public. Not so sweet in private. There are some difficult people here, but the boys can be really nasty."

"There are two guys here you might like," he said.

"Guys who share out interests?" I asked.

Glenn nodded. "Admiral Green in 12 Crestwood Crescent is a randy old sailor. He can still get it up and likes some fun. Bull Davis, the director of landscape services is a good guy too. He's surrounded by young guys all the time, but likes men with more mileage. He's always looking for an outlet for his energy."

"How about an inlet?"

Glenn laughed. "I'm interested in the inlet part, but I'm not sure I can take it."

"You're tempted, but you're no fool?"

He laughed again. We were at Crestwood and we went to our respective jobs. As it turned out I was working between units 11 and 12 of the Crescent. A 30 something man wearing a executive style Crestwood blazer was talking with a elderly lady on the deck to the rear of 11. The 30 something was oozing compliment to the clearly flattered woman. I could understand why Glenn wasn't pleased.

When the sun got higher, they went inside. I was trimming a hedge. My predecessor in the pruning job wasn't very good at it and I had to do a lot of remedial work.

"Aren't you shaving that bush a bit close?" a gruff voice asked. I looked up. A burly older man was looking at me over the hedge.

"The bush was pruned the wrong way. If I don't trim it back the upper part of the plant will shade the lower parts and it will get leggy," I said.

"Are you sure about that?"

"It the way my momma taught me how to so it." I replied. "She had the best hedges in town."

I glanced at him. He looked amused. The man was heavily tanned, with bright blue eyes and a white mustache. A thick mat of curly white chest hair poked out from his half unbuttoned Hawaiian style shirt.

"I guess if your momma told you that, you should do it," he said. He went back to his house as I continued working on his hedge. Two hours later I had completed half of the hedge and it was looking good. The old man returned.

"Your momma was right," he said. "I'm sorry about butting in. I'm afraid I'm bored to tears here . Complaining and being a busybody is a way to pass the time."

I smiled. "You aren't the only one." The man looked me over. After two hours in the sun I was dripping with sweat. My shirt and pants looked painted on. When his gaze got to my crotch, he did a double take. He looked up and saw I noticed him checking me out..

He laughed. "You can put a lot of eggs in that basket," he remarked.

"Two's enough for me," I said. "As long as I drain them regularly they fit just right." "Are you offended by the curiosity?" he asked.

"Not at all," I said. "I'm use to it. Curiosity is natural." I looked at him eye to eye. We understood each other.

"Why don't you drop by after work," he suggested. "We could have a beer. I'm Will Green, Admiral Green, by the way." I said that sounded fine to me, but I was car pooling with Glenn, the nurse.

Green's face broke into a wide grin. "Bring him along. We're pals."

I went over to Green's house at five. Glenn was busy and said he'd come over when he was finished. Green was wearing a robe, he had been swimming at the club's pool. He offered me a beer and showed me the house. "If you are bored here, why are you here?" I asked.

"My late wife wanted to live in a quiet place. We had lived all over the world and she was a good sport about it, but she really didn't like it," he said. "It was her turn." In the living room there was a picture of a beautiful woman.

"Is that her? I asked.

"Yes. She was beautiful, but I was never sure she knew just how beautiful," he said. "She was a great help to a young Naval officer on the rise. She never actually pushed me the way some officer's wives did."

"She didn't need to?"

He nodded. "She was shy, but naturally friendly and helpful. Everyone loved her," he said. "I'm aggressive and demanding. She softened the edges. Cancer got her two years ago."

"Sorry," I said. He gaze returned to my crotch. Out the window I could see the man I has seen there that morning on the deck of the neighbors house drinking a glass a wine. "i didn't know the staff of Crestwood was that attentive. I saw that guy there this morning."

"Lucy use to be hell on wheels, but she's been slipping," the Admiral said. "They tend to pay attention to those who are slipping into Lala land. She use to be tight with the cash, but lately she's been spending money like water."

"Does she have the money to spend?"

"I would guess so," he remarked. "I've seen a few deliveries from an art gallery in Richmond. You can go through cash quickly if you move into art big time."

"She's interested in art?"

"That's what's been so funny," he mused. "we went to a few dinner parties there before my wife died. I would swear the place was furnished in straight department store furniture. No paintings at all, only photos of the family."

"Who is the guy?" "That's the director of recreation, Henry Paulus," the admiral said. "He's not my cup of tea. The assistant director, Eve Munson does all the work. He seems to spend his time buttering up old ladies." he stopped talking and looked at me. "I don't mind chatting, but I'd really like to have a fun roll in the hay. I was hoping you had the same interest?

"I take it you've been trying out the wild side?"

"I avoided a lot of things for my career and for my wife," he said. "I always had an interest, but lately I've been doing some exploring. Very successful exploring, I might add." His robe was tented a little, so I undid it. He was naked and his cock was at half staff.

The Admiral was beefy, hairy and a pretty good shape for a man of his age. "Let's go to the bed room and relax," he suggested. I took my shirt off as I walked. He was hot to trot and as soon as we were in the bedroom he was at my cock. We soon were in the 69 position and that is where Glenn found us five or six minutes later.

Next: Chapter 97: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 2

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