Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 13, 2007


Catfish Goes to Washington 10

by Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories and stories about gay sex, don't read this! If you have comments, send them to

As far as I could tell, Red, who was a British agent and Ali, who worked for an Arab government, were the only ones interested in the case. There was no evidence the Metropolitan Police, or any entity associated with the U. S. had any interest. The murder of a Naval officer should have been a big deal. I wondered how high the plot extended into the government.

That morning Conrad returned to the shower room, early. The place was empty. He was nervous. We talked, but he didn't seem to be able to get to the point. After a few minutes, Jack appeared. Jack is a nice guy, didn't have the best genital control. He got half hard when he saw me and Conrad. Conrad turned away and went to a shower in one corner of the room, trying to avoid looking at either me or Jack. When he turned and looked at us, Jack had a full erection and I was on the high side of half staff.

Conrad got hard in a second. He was shocked at what he saw, but too shocked to move. Jack looked uneasy too. Jack and Conrad were both handsome men, and were attracted to each other. The situation had all the makings of a porn writer's dream.

The dream took a step on the wild side a second or two later. Conrad's father, the Admiral, appeared. The Admiral was hard as a rock. We were all adults and there wasn't any question as to what was going on.

"Everybody here knows each other," I said. "I guess it's time for everyone to get to know each other better." I motioned for the men to get closer to me. We formed a quartet to the side of the shower.

"I know a lot of men who spend a good part of their life hiding their real nature from the people they love. This turns some men mean and others get bitter," I said. "The problem is that you can't fool mother nature. You are they way you are and pretending you aren't, or hiding behind a false personality doesn't change that."

"You are all good men who just happen to like other men," I continued. "It's not a freak of nature and it's not a judgement from God. None of you are mean, or nasty, or hateful. I'm the best son a mother could ever have and the best friend you would ever want. It just happens that I'm a great cock sucker and ass fucker." There was silence.

"I've always thought Conrad was the best thing that ever happened to me," the Admiral said. "He's been a joy since the moment he was born. I feel the same about him now as it did at that moment."

I could almost feel years of fear and shame vanishing into thin air. Both men had lived in terror, the other would discover their dark secret. Neither guessed they shared the same fears and the same secret. They hugged, then we all hugged.

"I've never been so relieved in my life," Conrad said. "I was so scared."

My cock touched their cocks as we embraced. "Damn you're hung like a horse!" the Admiral exclaimed.

We all laughed. "A friend of mine said I'd never get to be Mr. Universe, but if they had a Mr. Congeniality, I'd be a sure bet. I may be ugly, but my cock makes friends like all get out." Jack dropped to his knees and began sucking all three of us.

"I'm off to my bedroom," I said. "I'm not sure I can take another guy walking in on us." Jack and I dried off and left. About a minute after we got to the bed room, someone knocked at my door. It was the Admiral and Conrad.

"Are we interrupting?" the Admiral asked.

"Hell no," I replied. They joined us.

"You may not believe this, but we're horny as hell," Conrad said. "It seems odd, but . . ."

"Have you two ever had sex without being afraid someone was going to discover you?" I asked. I knew the answer. "It's okay to enjoy sex and to enjoy another man's body. We're all adults. We all know what we like. Go with the flow."

They were ready. The Admiral paired off with Jack. Conrad and I renewed our acquaintance. This time the Admiral was a full participant, sucking Jack with relish and relief. I would bet he had wanted it for years. This was his first physical contact with his lover's genitals. After a while we traded partners. Jack and Conrad were soon connected, cock to mouth.

Conrad soon discovered Jack's preference for anal and had him on his hands and knees as he fucked him doggy style. The Admiral liked that a lot. I wasn't the Admiral's type, but we did well, very well. He liked Jack and loved his son. I was just a guy. He didn't need to be careful with me and he wasn't worried if I'd like him afterwards. Sex can be really good when you let go. He had a beer can style cock and bull balls. The balls were producing precum by the bucketful.

The Admiral would have preferred to be the calm and collected type, but his balls would have nothing of that. He had been holding back for most of his life and they wanted release. If you like men and like cocks, my cock can do a number on you. The look, the smell and the taste of an excited cock are the best aphrodisiac. Jack may have loaded the Admiral's sexual pistol, but my cock pulled the trigger.

After we had sucked like dogs in heat, we calmed down. The Admiral was standing watching Conrad deep dicking Jack as I played with his tits and rubbed my cock against his ass crack. The Admiral lost his load in a three-alarm orgasm. I often say good sex can be messy. His first ejaculation shot a ribbon of cum across Jack's body and spattered against Conrad's chest. The second and third shot hit the same place and dribbled down Conrad's treasure trail. Conrad collected the goo on his hand. He pulled his cock out of Jack's ass, coated it in his dad's cum and shoved it back in again.

By now his Dad's cum wasn't shooting as far and was landing on Jack's back. It was a sperm rainstorm. From the doggy position Jack had a clear view of the spewing cock. By now Conrad and Jack were splattered with the Admiral's cum A few seconds later Conrad popped, shooting his load deep in Jack's ass. Jack followed in a few seconds later. We all rested.

I asked if any of them knew anything about DeBoer's death. "You know there was a camera recording system in one of the rooms here?" I said.

"You're kidding?" Conrad said, obviously shocked. "Where was it?"

"In Room 8," I said. "It fed into DeBoer's room."

"That fucking bastard!" the Admiral exclaimed. "That's what was up. Those twerp waiters were always trying to get me to party in the carriage house. It was a blackmail scheme?"

"That what it looked like to me," I said. "DeBoer was running it, but it seems odd he had an accident at this time."

"Somehow DeBoer never impressed me as a leader of men," Jack said. "He struck me as a toady who made it a point to be near important men." It was getting late and the Admiral and Conrad had to leave.

Jack stayed and we talked for a while. Someone knocked at my door. It was Johnson. He was surprised to Jack lying naked on my bed, but he seemed to like the view. "I need to talk," he said.

"Come on in," I said. "Informal dress code here, but do join us."

"I don't know if I should," he stammered.

"We're all friends. Don't turn shy on me," I said. He entered the room and stripped and joined us on the bed. He had just heard of DeBoer's accident and was worried about it.

"Was it an accident?" he asked.

"It's an awfully convenient accident," Jack said. "Quite a coincidence, I would say."

"That's the way I see it too," I said.

"This whole thing isn't nickle and dime stuff, is it?" Johnson asked. "I was thinking the take could easily involve millions."

"That would be my guess," Jack said. We talked about the scheme, but as we talked the sexual tension in the room grew. I hadn't shot off yet, so I was still hard. Johnson was getting excited, as Jack recovered from his earlier climax.

As Johnson and I chatted, Jack leaned over and began to suck Johnson's cock. Johnson jumped a little, but relaxed. "I can't believe this is happening," he said. "I loved what we did the other day, but . . ."

"But what?" I asked.

"Do you guys need to fuck me?" he asked. "It seemed kind of one sided. What are the rules?"

I smiled. "You've got the right attitude, but the rules aren't that mechanical," I said. "I don't think sex has to be 50/50 all the time. Jack likes to bottom. You like to top. As long as you're both happy all is well. Do you want to try to take a cock?"

"I don't really know. Is it as good as it seems?" Johnson asked.

Jack looked up from his cock sucking duties. "It is for me!" he said, smiling. I had a suspicion as to where this conversation was going, but it was getting late and I had to get to work. No waiters had shown up again, so I was pulling table duty. The air was thick with gossip at breakfast but none of it seems credible to me.

Johnson's friend, Willard, who needed the yard work got me to agree come by his house that evening to make recommendations as to what he should do. I wasn't sure what that was about, nor did I know how well he knew Johnson. Willard was a short, massive unkept man who always looked as if he had just rolled out of bed after a bad night. He seemed cheerful. He always lunched at the club and worked at a think-tank. He and his companion at lunch had been talking about DeBoer's death and they seemed to know him well.

That evening I drove out to a wealthy suburb along the Potomac that evening. I went into a gated community, got okayed by the guard and went past a slew of McMansions before I reached Willard's over-grown house.

He lived in an old farm house. Apparently the development was on his former farm. The house itself was handsome, nice and in good condition. A young Mexican let me in. Willard appeared a minute later. The contrast between the house and the property was striking since the house was in top notch shape.

"It's good of you to come," Willard said. "As you can tell, the place got a way from me. My wife was the gardener and when she died, so did most of the garden." We went out and wandered around. It had been nice.

"I'd love to help you out, but this is a bigger project than I can do, single handed," I said. "You need a crew."

"Actually, I have a crew," Willard said. "Pablo, would you get your father?" he asked of the Mexican. A minute or two later, an older Mexican appeared. "Noland, this is Jesus. He talks care of the property. I just hired one of his cousins to be my yard man. Jesus comes complete with three sons, so I have the labor force. I just need direction. I was hoping you could spend a day and give him some pointers." I shook hands with Jesus.

"Actually, I thought Pablo might replace Tyrone at the club," Willard said.

"I'm sorry I got his job. It was a spur of the moment thing," I said.

Willard laughed, "It was no problem at all," he said. "Pablo could fill Tyrone's shoes in some ways, but not in the garden. I am reliably informed you more than fill the need. You've done wonders for Johnson."

We weren't talking about gardening. Jesus was a good-looking man in his forties and his sons ranged from being cute to drop dead handsome. They clearly weren't all his children. One was almost his age and another was black. It was getting dark, so I left, but agreed to spend Saturday there. I wasn't at all sure what Willard was after, but had a good sense it involved more than gardening.

The rest of the week was uneventful. The mystery of the missing waiters continued. Both Lonnie and Paul had vanished. Carlton got a call from Lonnie's mother looking for him. Carlton called them in as missing persons, but the police weren't too worried about missing gay hookers. I was more worried about finding their bodies.

On Saturday I drove back to Willard's house. Jesus and Pablo knew shit about gardening, but he learned fast. His boys were hard workers and after a morning's work the outline of the garden was visible again. Willard was all but jumping with joy.

"Luch is waiting in the barn," Willard announced. Two of Willard's friends joined us for lunch. "This is Gus, and the hot jock is Don. Gus was dapper and preppy. Don was my size, but was built. He looked military with his crew cut and had a strong Southern accent. It sounded like Alabama to me. We had lunch in a barn. The barn was off to the side of the property and I hadn't paid any attention to it. From the outside, it looked like an old building, but when I went inside, I realized it was modern and contained a swimming pool.

It was a crisp, cool day, but I had worked up a sweat. I was a little surprised that Jesus and his boys joined us for lunch. "Everyone take a dip and then we'll eat," Willard announced. The Mexicans stripped naked and jumped in the pool. Willard and his friends stripped quickly. I was the last one in.

There was one overarching characteristic of Jesus, Pablo and the boys. They were all hung. By the time we got out of the water, they were all at least half hard. No one looked uneasy; no one had any problem being naked.

At lunch, one of the Mexicans sat next to each of us and it was almost as if they had been assigned to the guests. We had beer with lunch and after a few brews the atmosphere got more relaxed. Gus looked slightly familiar. When he spoke, I realized he was a televison reporter, Augustus Miller. I recognized the voice, if not the man. The men weren't shy about their endowment. None were uneasy about checking out the other men's equipment.

Willard was built like a gorilla and had a beer can cock. Pablo sat next to him. Gus, the reporter, was middle aged, blond and had a swimmer's body. He had a long, thin cock and big, low hanging balls. Two of the youngest Mexican's, Luis and Roberto, were next to him. Both of them were mostly of Mayan ancestry. They were hairless except for thick pubic bushes. One had a cock that curved up when he got excited, the other's cock curved down. They were close to being fully erect all the time.

The back man, Carlo, sat next to Don. He was a muscleman, with curly, black hair on his chest. His complexion was golden brown, but his cock and balls were huge and black. Carlo had a Jamaican accent and was very outgoing and cheerful. I got the feeling, sitting next to a naked black man was a new experience for Don. Don was shaved except for a cube of hair at his pubic region. His had a fire plug style cock and big balls. Carlo was so friendly, Don warmed up quickly. I sat with Jesus. Jesus was short, very muscular and hairy. He was uncut and his cock head peaked out from the skin depending on how excited he was. The skin was dark, but his cock heads was apricot sized, pink and dripped precum. It was a pretty sight.

I glanced at his sons and asked, "Did you start having children when you were three or four years old?"

He laughed. "It would be better to say we are all members of the same brotherhood," he said. "Apparently, it was mistranslated when they immigrated here. Where we come from, it can be bad for members of our fraternity. Willard helped me get away and we help other men such as ourselves when the opportunity arises."

"How many men have you helped?" I asked.

"Several dozen," Jesus said. "All get jobs and move out quickly."

"Are your sons and cousin going to move away?" I asked.

Jesus leaned next to me and whispered, "These men like it here. Willard is a good man and they enjoy him. He's very accommodating. He likes big men. He can take it for hours."

"All of you enjoy him?" I asked.

Jesus nodded. "That's why we're all here. His taste and our sex drives match," he said. "His friends are nice too, uninhibited."

"Why am I here?" I asked.

Jesus smiled. "I bet you know why!" he said. "I hope you aren't offended."

"I'm not offended, but a bit surprised," I said.

"You made quite the impression at the club," Jesus said. "You have all of Tyrone's assets without the attitude." I glanced at Willard. Pablo was playing with his cock as he talked to Gus. One of the young men was sucking Gus's cock while the other stroked his cock. Don was playing with Carlo's meat. Jesus and I were the only ones who were not playing. That didn't last for long. Jesus fondled my cock.

"Noland," Willard said. "A little birdie told me you were the one who pulled the plug on the Mandrake Club movie studio."

"I did mention I noticed some odd equipment in one of the rooms," I said. "It kind of puzzled me."

"Did you notice who use to visit the room?" Gus asked.

"I'm new at the club so I don't know the names," I said'

"Would you recognize the men if you saw photographs?" he asked.

"No chance in hell," I said.

"Fair enough," Gus said. "I had to try. It's the reporter's code. I'm not into outing guys." That was obvious. The two younger men were working on his cock. It cock was long and thin and the men took turns deep throating him. Gus was open minded.

"I heard the studio's offices were in another room at the club," Don said. "The room that guy who died stayed in?"

"Strange he had an accident, isn't it?" I said. Don looked at me. "Quite a coincidence," I added. "I wonder who his playmates are?"

"Sexual playmates?" Willard asked.

"I was thinking his business partners," I said.

"Really?" Don asked.

"Follow the money," I said. "I admit chasing a cock is more fun than chasing the money, but someone went to a lot of trouble with the recording system. Money's involved. It's too fancy for a little titillation."

"I'm not into little titillations," Willard said. Everyone burst out laughing. Everyone was hard and everywhere you looked there was an impressive piece of meat. "This conversation has been really interesting, but if I don't get a cock in my ass, I going to explode."

"I thought you'd never get to the point!" Gus exclaimed.

"Don, Noland, we're all old friends here. Do either of you have a problem with a little anal fun?" Willard asked.

"It doesn't look to me as if there's any little anal here," Don said. "I'm a top. Is that a problem?"

"I wouldn't worry about that, "Willard said. "Our only rule is to ask before you poke."

"I do it all, but the top is my strong suit," I said. "I like sloppy seconds, after the hole has been stretched. Does that bother anyone?"

"Shit, I've died and gone to heaven," Willard moaned. All was well. As it turned out, all was more than well. I later found out Willard had slipped a dose of Viagra into the food. Not only was everyone fully erect, a single orgasm wasn't enough to loose your erection. The cock is the gift that keeps on giving, but this was especially true this afternoon.

Everyone was into fucking big time and everyone was versatile, except for Don. Don wasn't 100% truthful about that. Once he got revved up, he was full service. It was a new experience for me to be in a group that was all anal. They all liked it and they weren't afraid to show it.

When I said, everyone was versatile, that didn't include Willard. He was a pure bottom, although pure might not be the best word to describe him. He loved it and never got tired of taking cock after cock. Pedro was the first to fuck him, but everyone had a chance.

No one here was a virgin, and Jesus let me know he wanted to get fucked. He was tight, so I took my time. I needed a shoe horn to get it in, but it was well worth the effort. Once I got in, he relaxed. I was slow stoking his ass when Carlo began to open my ass. He was filling. Carlo was more than six feet tall, so he had to scrunch down to get in my ass.

When Carlo was fully lodged in my ass, he stood up and lifted my legs off the floor. I was suspended between Jesus' ass and Carlo's cock. Carlo bounced me and I went deeper into Jesus' hole. Our little trio fell apart and Don took my place in Jesus' ass. I jumped into the pool to cool off. When I got out, I joined Gus, Willard and Pablo.

Next: Chapter 96: Catfish Moves to Crestwood Acres 1

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