Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 6, 2007


Catfish Goes to Washington 9

by Bald Hairy Man

if you don't like gay stories and stories about ga sex, don't read this! If you have comments, send they to

Sometime during the next day the shit hit the fan. I later found out Johnson went to see Senator Thornhill. That distinguished senator resigned from the Senate late that afternoon. He was going home to spend more time with his family. DeBoer was out of town. At ten that evening Cal appeared with several other men to take out the recording system.

I noticed a car outside the club and saw Ali in one of them. As I walked by, he got out and followed me. I went around the corner. There I ran into Red. The three of us had little conference.

"They're clearing out?" Red asked.

"It looks like that to me," I said.

"We can't let them take the recordings. I want them," Red said.

"I agree," Ali said. "I want to get them."

"What if the recording were destroyed?" I asked. "It might be better if no one got the recordings. I think you are nice guys, but it would be better for everyone if there was no temptation."

"You might lose the evidence to need to find Commander Willamette's murderer," Red said.

"I'm afraid too many men would be ruined by these recordings," I said. "I think I'll take the risk."

"How do we get them?" Ali asked.

"The computer technician taking the system out is a pal of mine," I said. "I might be able to work something out."

"There may be a more direct way," Ali said. "I have some . . ." He paused. "Security contractors who could help out."

"I'm thinking the less fuss the better," I said. Ali looked me in the eye, then agreed. "Are there other copies of the recordings?"

"Good news on that front," Red said. "We've intercepted the DSL connection for DeBoer's room. He's not sending things out from the room. As far as we can tell information goes into the room, but not out. There is an elaborate, but ineffectual program to prevent intrusion, but not much info being sent from the room. He seems to be storing it all on his hard disks. By the way we got into the Foundations computers. There's no sign of a connection to DeBoer's computer."

"No back up?" Ali asked.

"Maybe you computer tech can answer that question?" Red asked. "We think the back up is in the room on another hard drive."

I went back to the Club and went to talk with Len. He was frazzled. He men had gone off to take a load of equipment back to their office. He was alone. "They want the whole thing removed by tomorrow. The boss man told me to do it, then said he was off to a vacation in Brazil," he complained.

"No extradition treaty there," I remarked. Len looked stunned.

"You know a lot more about this than you're telling me?" he asked. "Am I in deep do-do?"

"Let go where we can talk," I said. We went to my bedroom. There I outlined what was going on.

"Am I the fall guy?" Cal asked.

"That may be, but I'm not sure," I said. "The thing fell apart so quickly. They may not have had a chance to work out a frame. You're just a bystander as far as I can tell."

There was a knocking at my door. I opened it and it was Carlton. "I'm the manager now," he blurted out. "Rutherford cleared out his office and left without a forwarding address."

"The rats are leaving the ship," Cal said. I explained the situation to both men. It took only a few minutes to realize everything was easier now. Carlton had the keys for the club. We could get anything we wanted from DeBoer's room.

As we talked, I noticed that Cal and Carlton had made eye contact and they liked what they saw. It always amazes me when sex rears its head. Cal's cell phone rang. His crew was in traffic and was going to get some dinner before they came back from making the delivery. They'd be back in an hour.

We went to DeBoer's room and Cal worked on the computer as I looked for disks. Cal knew his stuff. He hadn't set up the system, but had gone over the set up at his office and had a diagram. The central computer distributed storage to a series of external hard drives. These were comparatively small units each with 120 gigs of storage. There was a large server, but this was essentially a dummy.

If DeBoer unplugged an external drive, the system would reset itself and there would be no record of the drive existing. The computer and the server were clean should there be an investigation. Cal said this was a set up ideal for someone who wanted to collect illegal porn. The external drives were easily disposed of. Cal unplugged the drives. I found a box with a few hundred DVDs.

The DVDs were in packets of three. One packet was labeled Senator Tanner. Inside DeBoer had labeled one disk, "master," another was "Backup," and the third was "Tanner's copy." I went through the box and found Willamette's packet. Only the master and the backup were there. That was clear enough. I found Johnson, the Admiral and Jack's packets. They were complete. DeBoer had not gone in for the kill. I looked for Abdul, and found nothing.

We removed all the incriminating evidence. Carlton was into housekeeping. He dusted and cleaned up the room, so no tell tale marks were left on the desk tops. He also cleaned up finger prints and rearranged the equipment so it would look undisturbed.

We took the drives and disks back to my room. Ali and Red were waiting. They had no problem getting in without a key. Carlton and Cal were a bit scared, but we got down to business quickly. Cal went over the set up and they looked at the drives. The next question was how to destroy them. We were all on the same side, but the information on the drives could be valuable, so valuable it might turn the heads of a spy organization.

Luckily, the club had an old-fashioned incinerator. This was the sort that was no longer approved by the EPA but still worked like new. Cal opened the hard drives and moved the hard disks. We added those to the pile of disks and put them in the incinerator. The unit had three days of paper and trash in it and I cranked it up.

The disks vaporized and all the blackmail information converted into fumes that went up the chimney and floated over the rooftops of Washington. It was one in the morning now. Cal got another cell call. The truck had broken down. He told the men to go home and get another truck in the morning.

"We were supposed to get it done tonight, but I guess I'm the boss now," Cal said. "In a day or two I suspect I won't have a job, but I not too sure the company will be in existence anyway."

"I'd be a bit surprised if there is anything left in your company's bank accounts," Red said.

"Shit," Red exclaimed, "You're damn right about that. The boss is in Rio! He offered us a bonus to do the job tonight. I wondered why he was so generous. He's one tight bastard."

"Would anyone like a drink" I asked. "It can be a celebratory drink, or a way to drown your sorrows, depending on your personal situation." As part of my reward for catching the mugger, the ladies gave me cookies and brownies. Their husbands dropped off bottles of Old Crow and Southern Comfort. We all drank.

I'm not as young as I use to be and am pretty experienced, but even now I get surprised at the times when sex rears it's head. Ali was tall dark and handsome, but he was taking sly glances at Cal. Red seemed to be attracted to Carlton. I knew the sexual tastes of everyone but, Ali and that was becoming clearer to me. After another drink or two we were all getting mellow.

Much to my surprise Ali made the first move, on Cal. Cal looked surprised, then glance at me. I winked at him. Cal went with the flow. Red got closer to Carlton and put his arm around the young man. I was wondering if I would be the odd man out. I laughed to myself at that thought. Once I was naked, some how I always managed to have some fun.

I made another drink for the guys. "It late," I said. "You can either go home, or get naked and have some fun."

This time it was Ali who looked surprised. "That's an easy decision, "he said as he took off his shirt. We settled into a nice evening of no holes barred sex. Nude, Ali was an Arabian Bluto, very muscular and hairy. It was clear to me he wanted to fuck Cal. As far as I knew, Cal ass was virgin. Cal was an adult and I figured he would deal with it. Ali had a long, rather thin cock with a huge knob.

Ali's meat was big for a maiden voyage, but it would sure be a memorable trip. Cal could make his own choices. I just happed to notice Ali checking Cal's clothes as Cal stripped. Ali was a sly one. Ali was using this as a chance to check for additional disks. Ali was rock hard by the time he was naked and he was already dripping. Ali was sexually turned on too.

Carlton was as un virgin as a man could be. He liked older men and Red hit the spot. They were both hard too. Somehow, Carlton managed to have his ass hole open and accessible at all times. Red knew a bottom pig when he saw one. I went over to Carlton and Red since I figured they wouldn't mind a third. There was often an uncomfortable period between the time you get naked and real sex starts. That wasn't a problem here.

Cal was a sucker and swallowed Ali's cock as soon as it was in range. He was a good cock sucker and Ali appreciated his skills. Cal and Red were on my bed in the 69 position in a second. Red was taller than Carlton so, while his cock was deep into Carlton's throat, Carlton's ass was within licking range.

Red took his time. He sucked the cock, then the balls then his tongue wandered toward Carlton's hole. There was no resistance at all. I watched as Carlton reacted to the tongue probing his ass. I got next to them. Red held Carlton's legs back so he could adjust the height of the ass. When his hole was at my cock height, I moved in. Now Red had to make a choice between Carlton's hole and my cock head.

Red was at heart a diplomat. He licked the hole, then my head. I was pretty revved up and Red would take the pre cum drooling from my slit with his tongue, then work it into the quivering ass. He would spit to get more natural lubricant into the ass. Carlton began to moan.

Several times my cock head and Red's tongue shared the hole. Red had a long tongue. I finally popped my cock head though the sphincter. Carlton shivered in excitement. I pulled out and Red licked my head again.

"Peppermint!" he said. Carlton must have douched earlier, of fucking himself with a peppermint stick. I pushed deeper in his ass. There was no resistance.

"That looks good, doesn't it?" Ali said to Cal. I hadn't noticed they had come over to watch us.

"It sure as shit does," Cal said.

"Do you think you could do that?" Ali whispered.

"Take Noland's cock?"

"No, take my cock," Ali replied.

Cal looked Ali in the eye and said, "I'd like to try." Carlton could have been the poster boy for anal sex. He loved it and you could tell. He shivered and shook and moaned with every thrust. I think he inspired Cal. I pulled out and let Red play for a while.

"What's the best way to do it?" Cal asked.

"You just let me take charge," Ali said. "I know what works best."

"Okay," Cal said. I was sure Ali knew what was good for himself, but not so sure he knew what would be good for Cal. I got out a tube of lubricant. Cal got on the bed next to Carlton and Ali lifted the computer geek's legs onto his shoulders.

I lubricated Cal's ass. "Damn you're tight," I said.

"Don't worry, I'm strong," Ali said. "Once my gland's inside it's easy." I was a bit uneasy.

Ali was right. He made a hard thrust and popped Cal's cherry in a split second. Ali stopped and let Cal adjust to the organ, then he slowly pushed deep. He was three or four inches on the dark side of the sphincter when Cal relaxed and moaned. Ali's knob and Cal's nut met and fell in love. Strictly speaking it may not have been love, but when the two organs caressed each other it was damn close.

Ali was a surprise. He was a bruiser of a man, but turned almost kitten like once he was fucking. After a round of orgasms, I got to bed at 2:30 in the morning. All was well.

Cal returned to the club at 9:00 to remove the rest of the equipment. At about 9:15 he got a call from the company bookkeeper. The company bank accounts had been looted and were empty. Paul and Lonnie failed to appear at lunch time, so I was pressed into service as a waiter.

I got to hear a lot of gossip among the older members. Rutherford had not been popular, and the newer members, especially DeBoer, were generally disliked. I had a chance to call Mr. Willamette and told him of the progress. I explained why I had destroyed the records. "It may make it harder to find your son's killer," I said, "but it's the best for everyone in general." He agreed.

"Do you think you can find the man?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'd like to work on it for another week," I said. "I bet there are a slew of uneasy men and something may fall our way." The big news that afternoon was of a car accident that killed DeBoer the night before. DeBoer fell asleep and his car drove over an embankment in the Catskills.

Off hand this stuck me as either the most remarkable coincidence in history, or an outright murder. Either one of the victims of his scheme did it, or DeBoer wasn't the top man. Someone more important needed protection, and DeBoer was a human sacrifice.

It seemed to me the later alternative was more likely. Commander Willamette had been a victim of DeBoer. It was more likely there was a kingpin. After I served dinner, I went off to my favorite Starbuck's for coffee. As I left the Club, Johnson appeared and joined me on the trek.

"You disturbed a hornet's nest," I said.

"I seem to have done that, but I have no idea why," Johnson said. "I thought the recording stuff was odd. Apparently it was much more than odd. Do you know what's going on? You aren't want you seem to be, are you?"

"I'm not after you, if that's what you're worried about," I said. "I'm trying to find out who killed Commander Willamette. That's all."

"What about collateral damage?"

"If I had to destroy you to get my man, I wouldn't do it."

"Really?" Johnson exclaimed, then he was silent for a while. "I'm not an admirable person in many ways. I've pandered to my base and am so deep in the closet, I can't see day light anymore. Why would you protect me?"

"I come from a small town in rural Virginia," I explained, "There are lots of guys like you. In theory they should know themselves better and be more honest about their sexual lives, but that's a hard thing to do when there's no one to support you, and you might destroy your life and everything you ever built. A murderer get a trial. In some places, if you're exposed as a gay man, there is no trial. You are guilty and get a life sentence."

"I don't know why those guys want to expose me," Johnson said. "We're on the same side. I'm just as conservative as they are."

"They're trying to sell second rate weapons and services to the government," I said. "It's about money. It's a scam."

"Your kidding? That can't be the case. They're all patriotic men."

"They're patriotic as long as patriotism is on the way to the bank," I said. "I wouldn't be surprised if their bank is off shore."

"I thought they were after my money," Johnson said. "I didn't think I had enough to amount to enough to be worth their while. ."

"What committees are you on?"

"Oh shit," he exclaimed. "I do military appropriations."

"You haven't noticed you're not getting much for your dollar?" I asked. We were at the coffee shop so we stopped talking about the situation. Afterward, Johnson went off to his office. He was one unhappy man. A few day later Johnson ripped a new asshole in a Pentagon toady at a hearing. His questions followed those of a shrill but intelligent congresswoman from California. Instead of giving the guys a pass, Johnson continued the line of questioning and all but demolished the man who was lying to him. It was a shock. It was a new day.

Next: Chapter 95: Catfish Goes to Washington 10

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