Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 27, 2007


Catfish Goes to Washington 6

by Bald Hairy Man

If you are underage or if gay sex offends you, Don't read this story. If you have any comments send them to

The blackmail machine was out of operation for a short while. I felt good about that, but there was more to do. I went into the club and found Carlton at the main desk.

"Where's the night watchman" I asked.

"He didn't show up," Carlton said. "I get to pinch hit."

"Do you have a full house tonight?" I asked.

"All except for the guest room and DeBoer's room," Carlton said. "He's in New York for an early morning talk program."

"Have you ever been in his room?" I asked.

"Nope," he replied.

"Want to take a look?" I asked.

"How would. You get in? "

"If you would like to stand shotgun, I might be able to get in the room," I said. "If worse comes to worse, you can catch me."

Carlton smiled at me. "Room 7," he said. We went up stairs to room 7. It was at the end of the hall and apart from the other rooms. It had a modern lock, but I had the manufacturer"s master key. We had a retired locksmith working for Catfish & Company. I had learned a lot from him. The door opened easily after two or three minutes of fiddling. I opened the door slowly. There is always the chance someone was in the room.

The room was empty. The bedroom was a plain old bedroom with nothing out of the ordinary. A door led to a second room. This apparently originally had been a small apartment for a servant. The second room was filled with computers and monitors. To one side was a big mass storage device. The computers were sleeping. I jiggled a mouse and one of the computers came to life.

I went to see if I could get a directory of the hard drives. Unbelievably, there was no password protection. DeBoer was very confident of the room=s security. The files were simply named by dates. I clicked on yesterday=s date. A media player popped up and I was looking at one of the older members sucking Paul's cock. I pressed the skip button. I was watching Lonnie fucking another member. Carlton came in the room and saw the movie. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed. "That's his game. A Voyeur."

I looked at him. I must not have had my poker face on.

"It's worse than that, isn't it?" Carlton whispered. I nodded. "What can we do?"

"There was a bad lightening strike here earlier. It could have done some damage," I said. I went to the bathroom, got a glass of water and poured some into the computer. It shorted out. We left the room. Carlton returned to the main desk.

It might not have stopped the recording, but it would take a while to fix things. That would give me some time. The next day was uneventful. DeBoer stayed in New York, so his computer problems were undiscovered. Carlton came to see me and said DeBoer had called. "He wanted to know if there was a problem with the phones," Carlton said. "I told him there had been a bad electrical storm and there had been some problems. I said my computer modem had burned out. I said modems were very susceptible to electric surges."

"You done good," I said.

"Do I get a reward for being good?" he asked.

"You sure do, but not here," I said. "I'll drop by your apartment." Carlton left. That evening I went on a walk. This was my best chance to make a cell call to my office. I had gone a block when I realized a car was following me. I went into a shop, got a coke and started to walk back to the Club. The car was waiting. The car window rolled down.

"Taking the evening air?" a voice asked. It was Thompson. "The club gets stuffy," I said.

"I live a few blocks away, would you like to join me for a drink?" he asked. I said, "Okay," and joined him in the car. Thompson"s idea of a few blocks wasn't mine. We were in Alexandria when he pulled into a garage under a high rise condominium tower. We went up to the top floor. Thompson had a penthouse apartment.

"I take it your wife is away?" I asked. He looked shocked. You could tell a woman lived in the apartment, but he obviously didn't realize it was that obvious. "Don't worry, I'm not a kiss and tell kind of guy. I like fun. I'm not looking to get married."

"I'm terrified of being outed," he said. "It would ruin me."

"As I said, I'm not looking to get married. Your life is your life, it's none of my business," I said. "I was hoping we'd get naked and finish what we started the other day."

"I'm not a very adventurous man," Thompson said. AI guess they call it plain vanilla." "There's nothing wrong with plain vanilla, as long as there's enough of it," I said. He smiled. We were headed for the bedroom. Thompson was taking his shirt off as we walked. He was ready.

Thompson was hard by the time we got to his bedroom. He was ready to suck. He was not a novice, and he came close to deep throating me. We got on his bed and 69ed. He was hung thick rather than long and had a good pair of balls. He was enthusiastic when he was sucking, but seemed disinterested when he wasn't connected to my cock.

He was a heavy leaker. While he pretended to be cool and detached, his cock and balls were fully involved. They weren't playing it cool at all. We were chatting during a break, when I got interested in his cock. Thompson's beer can style cock stood straight up. Covered with my spit, I decided to sit on it.

I caught him by surprise, but it was a pleasant surprise. It was a good fit for me. I leaned forward and played with Thompson's tits. I immediately felt him relax. As the tension drained from him, his cock twitched. I had found his on button.

Once I discovered his tits, I had him under my control. If he had a choice, Thompson would have stayed cool, but I didn't give him that chance. Thompson lost his dignity and his macho image, but he learned a lot about his own sexuality. He also discovered what sex is like when you give up on attitude and go with the flow.

He was a natural top, and soon I was on my back as he pounded me. At first he was a pile driver, but when I played with his tits, he took his time. Pulling out just before he shot, Thompson gave me a cum bath after fifteen or twenty minutes if high quality ass time. We took a shower to clean up and then returned to the bed. He was sill hard, so I did a pole dance on his cock and he went to the moon and back. He shot off big time in my ass. He had a nice, slow landing and we talked.

"Do you bottom?" I asked.

"Shit, I've never fucked a guy before," he admitted.

"It seems to me you are handling the new experience well," I said. I found out he was one of those men who loved his wife, but liked sex with men. There were pictures of her, with his children all over the bedroom. They were a handsome family. As he got older, his taste for men increased. From they way he talked, he was totally unprepared to deal with his passion for men, except for deep feeling of guilt and depression.

He also possessed a strong sex drive. He wanted sex with men, but was embarrassed and afraid if his desires. He was between a rock and a hard cock. During the course of the conversation I found out he was a lobbyist for a large defense contractor.

"Have you been a member of the Mandrake Club for long?" I asked.

"I'm not a member," he said. "As a matter of fact, some of my rival lobbyists are members. I always thought they were cut throat competitors, but they've been nice to me at the club."

"Are the waiters part of the club's membership services?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," Thompson said. "Martin, the guy who had been with me at the club, was really interested in having me meet Paul. Paul wasn't my cup-of-tea. I wouldn't normally do it, but Martin caught me at a horny time. Helen had just gone on European trip with our youngest daughter."

"Paul wasn't your cup of tea, but I am?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't expect that," Thompson said. "Martin said you were well hung and I was curious. He said you weren't much to look at, but you were said to be hung like a fucking horse. You're more than I expected."

"Handsome and dashing?"

He smiled. "No one would mistake you for a girl," he said. "You're all man."

"You like masculine men?"

"It seems that way to me," he said. "Unfortunately, I'm not a good judge of who is, or is not gay. I wouldn't have picked you out in a million years. Can you tell?"

"Not always, but when I'm naked I usually find out fast," I said. "Although some straight men are interested too."

"Odd, isn't it?"

"I think being interested in cock is natural. I"ll bet there was a lot of interest in cocks when we were naked cavemen on a hunting trip," I remarked. "On a long, dark and cold night your pal's cock would be both interesting and fun."

Thompson laughed. "You"re an anthropologist? That seems like a stretch to me."

"Let's face it. All men have the same equipment and most of us are oversexed. Our sex organs are in easy reach and ain't it nice our prostates are within a cock's length up our ass." I said. "Women are moody. As far as I can tell, men are ready 24-7."

Thompson sucked me for a while and I shot off. He like watching the jiz spurt, then drool from my slit. My orgasm wasn't as spectacular as his, but my cock looked like it had been sugar glazed when it was over. As the ejaculations diminished, he got close and stuck his tongue out to intercept the cum.

He took my entire cock head into his mouth and pushed his tongue into the slit to get the sperm when it was steamy and fresh from my balls. He was hard as a rock again. He had a third visit to my ass. I got back to the club by 11:30.

I took the Metro back to the club. It gave me a chance to call my office and my client. I summarized my suspicions for Mr. Willamette. The Mandrake Club was a center for right wing activity. The membership had a high percentage of military officers, defense industry executives, lobbyists and fellow travelers. The sexual aspect of the club was known to few. You had to be a real insider to know that.

Curiously, the military men were mostly of the armchair and theoretical sort, or involved in procurement. I could smell money. As far as I could tell all of the members were conservative, so the blackmail wasn't intended to embarrass or humiliate them. They were all on the same side.

"My son was working on advance stealth technology for the navy," Willamette said, "That fits your profile. Was the blackmail intended to direct contracts to specific companies?"

"That would be my guess," I said. "One more thing. There is no evidence that poor judgement, incompetence and out right steeling are an impediment to job advancement in the armed forces. Homosexuality is a career ender."

"My son wouldn't play ball?" he asked.

"That too is my guess, but it's also possible he found out about the recording system. Maybe he told someone," I suggested. "He may have trusted the wrong person. Do you know any of his friends?"

"Why? Do you think they betrayed him?"

"No, I was wondering about his taste in men," I answered. "The staff here is weighted toward young looking men. In a blackmail situation, sex with a boy would be more damning."

"I really don't know. He was an athlete in school. He wasn't good enough to play varsity in college, but he was good in prep school, Mr. Willamette said. "Most of the friends I met tended to be jocks."

I got back to the club and actually got a full nights sleep. No one dropped by. DeBoer returned and discovered the damaged equipment. Carlton reported to me that he was out of sorts and fuming. I was interested in seeing who would come to fix them.

I was in the garden and saw men from the Capital Computer Co' go into the room at the rear of Room 8. About ten minutes later DeBoer and his friend came out. DeBoer looked as if he was fit to be tied.

"How long will it take to fix this fucking thing?" he screamed. I couldn't hear the response, but DeBoer yelled, "A week! You've got to be kidding! I need it fixed in two days!" I couldn't hear the rest. He must have calmed down. He returned to the club.

Servants tend to disappear into the background. I all but vanish. I was born to be innocuous. That day I was working on leveling up a brick path, so I was on my knees. The men from the computer company walked around me as they went about their work, but didn't pay any attention. One of the men cell phoned his boss and explained the situation. They didn't know what had happened but didn't suspect sabotage.

"I have no idea what happened out here in the carriage house," he said. "Inside it's the fat guys fault. He eats and drinks at the computer. He must have spilled something into it. He needs it done in two days. Cost is no object." The man on the other end said, "Thank you Jesus," so loud I could hear it eight feet away.

I saw Carlton and asked if anyone special was coming in a day or two. "Can't talk now," he said. "I talk to you later."

That afternoon the garden was a hive of activity as the computer people rushed to fix the system. One of the computer technicians was a heavy-set, bearded guy. He was built like a forty year old, but I soon realized he was in his twenties. He was the low man on the totem pole did most of the heavy lifting. He noticed me.

The day turned warm, and my brick work was hard. He looked at me and my hairy chest showing where I had unbuttoned my shirt. "Damn you're a hairy guy," he said. He was drinking a Coke as he took a break.

"I'm hairy every where but on my eyes and tongue," I said.

He laughed. "Most girls hate hairy men," he said.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not much into girls," I said.

He looked at me and winked. "I guess you could say that about me," he whispered. I smiled back. I'll be here most of the night," he said. "My names Cal."

"I have a room in the basement. I'm Noland," I said. He went back to work. At five I cleaned up the sidewalk area and went to my room. I think Cal was watching. He knocked on my door minute after I got in my room. When I opened the door he looked confused. I was shirtless by then. I guessed he had gotten up enough nerve to knock on the door, but had figured out what to do next.

"Come on in," I said. Cal looked relieved and came in. He was wearing a shirt with a company logo. It was partially unbuttoned and showed off a thick pelt of curly, dirty blond hair.

"Damn you're hairy," he said in want was almost a moan.

"I take it you like that?"

"Big time," he said. "Do you think maybe I could drop by later tonight?"he asked. "Maybe we could get to know each other better?"

"I'm not much into social calls," I said. He looked crest fallen. "Unless some hot sex is involved." Cal looked as if he had received and electric shock. Then he smiled.

"Let me be straight with you," I said. "I'm a older guy who likes to run things. I've got lots of friends and don't need more. I'm not looking for an LTR, or planning to get married in Canada. I do like long, hot and sweaty sex, no holes barred. I like it to last and get off."

"Do I get to get off too?" Cal whispered.

I laughed, "I can guarantee it," I said. "How long does it take for you to recharge after you've popped your nut?"

"Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes."

"How many time can you shoot off in a night?"

"Four, maybe five times," Cal said. "That's jerking off. I'm never done it that many times with another guy."

"This may be your lucky day," I said. He had to get back to work. I told him I would be in my room after ten. Cal nodded and left. It was five o'clock now. He was going to have the longest five hours of his life.

Ten minutes later the was another knock at my door. I guessed it was Cal who had lost his nerve, but it was Carlton. "I've only got a half hour," he said. I was wearing only my jockies by then. He stripped at light speed and sucked me until I was hard. He was on his back with my cock tenderizing his ass in five minutes.

I asked him if there were any special guests coming to the club in two days. "Is room 8 booked?"

"There's a big shindig coming up. The manager is handling it personally," Carlton said. "A luncheon at 12:00 for ten. The conference room is booked too, as is room 8."

"Who's serving the lunch?" I asked. I was doing slow, deep strokes so Carlton could think.

"Len, Paul and Henry are signed up," Carlton said. "Henry's a new guy. You'd swear he was 14, but he's 25 and a piece of work. I thought I like taking it in the ass, but he's a professional, 100% bottom, pig slut."

"What is the group?"

"That I don't know, but no pork is to be served," Carlton said. "Lewis says it not a kosher lunch, so it probably some brand of Arab." I picked up my pace and Carton had a more than satisfactory orgasm. He returned to work. I went out for dinner and got back by 9:00. The computer guys were still at work in the garden. It was just Cal and another guy. It was a pleasant night, so I sat in a corner of the garden.

At 9:30 Cal's sidekick left. I heard Cal saying, "I'll take care of the rest of this. You get home to Donna." The other man left quickly. I returned to my room. Cal appeared at 10:00 on the dot. I gave him a beer to relax. "Is there any way I can take a shower?" he asked. It was too early for the club locker room, but there was an undersized tub in my bath room with a hand shower. He went to the bath room and I heard the water going. It was show and tell time, so I joined him.

Cal was a pleasant surprise. He looked as if he still had his baby fat, but his heavy lifting must have turned it into muscle. He was solid. Cal was hairy front, back and middle. I got in the tub. There was barely room for his massive body. I solved that problem by getting on my knees and sucking him. At first he was all balls and head. All three were apricot sized. He was cut with a flared head that covered what ever shaft there was. The slit was a good half inch wide and he spurted something sweet and sticky the second my tongue touched it.

I was pretty happy with what I found, but it got better. Cal possessed a perfect example of what I called a telescoping cock. As I sucked him, it emerge inch by inch until he had a solid seven inches of rock hard man meat. He jumped when I first touched his asshole, but the next time he was okay with it.

"Let's get out of here," I said. "We need to spread out some." We dried off and went to the bedroom. Cal sat on the bed when he got his first good view of my cock. The tub and bath were so tight it was hard to see.

"Jesus Christ, what in hell have I got myself into?" he exclaimed.

I laughed. "I take it you don't bottom much?" I asked.

"I've done it a few times, but never with anything like yours."

"I never shove it where it won't fit," I said. "You've got a nice wide mouth." He took the hint. Cal had not problem with my cock. He was a big man and he was able to deep throat me after a few tries. He was at the upper limit of what I could deep throat, but I did it too. We both deep throated together and Cal shot off. His balls made a rich and creamy brew and it was good.

His recharge time was 12 minutes. Cal returned to sucking me.

Next: Chapter 92: Catfish Goes to Washington 7

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