Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 26, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 9

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I never had a job interview naked and erect before. It was not the best approach for clear and dispassionate thought,especially since Templeton began to suck my cock at just the time Magnus asked me to work on the new club. Templeton was a good cocksucker and I couldn't concentrate on business. Magnus was distracted by the activity in the room.

Steve and Julio seemed to have moved beyond the conversation with Ram, the horse hung psychiatrist, and were getting to know the Doctor better. Ram and Julio were both uncut and were stretching the other's foreskins. Steve was looking at Ram's ass and clearly had plans.

Magnus was a considerate host and opening the base of one of the planters, produced some lubricant. Magnus took it and squeezed some on his fingers and worked it into Ram's hole. Ram didn't mind at all and shifted his body so his ass was wide open. Curiously, Ram didn't even look up to see who was lubricating him, or to see who was planning to fuck him. I guess he was having such a good time playing with Julio's cock that anything in his ass would be fine with him.

I recalled my conversation with Wally and Templeton about the Alcazar Club. They said everyone was there for sex, so you didn't need to pussyfoot around the subject. Magnus coated Steve's cock and most of us gathered around to watch. Ram was very dark complexioned and this darkness was enhanced by the thick coat of hair covering him front and back. Steve was as blond as they come. He was pale, with a down of almost white, blond hair and pink nipples.

The deep pink of his bloated cock head seemed almost shockingly bright. When Steve began to shove his ridged white meat into the black hole, it was surprisingly exciting. I didn't think I had any racial hangups, but it was a turn on, especially when Ram began to moan. Steve must have hit just the right spot. Tempelton stopped sucking when he heard Ram and realized the doctor was getting close to a climax. Julio got out of the way of the cum flood, but Skeeter took his place. No surprise there.

"That looks good. Doesn't it?" Magnus whispered in my ear. He had his hand on my butt and I moved so his fingers could get to my hole. "Ram loses all control when he shoots. It's spectacular." he continued. I bent over a little and Magus positioned his lubricant covered rod at my ass. With one quick thrust he went in all the way.

Magnus had a good sized cock and it was adequate, but not spectacular. I wiggled a bit to get more comfortable and Magnus pulled out, then rammed me again. I adjusted myself another time. He pulled out and thrust once more.

The third thrust was magic. Magnus had found the groove. I knew how enjoyable it was when the cock made contact with my prostate, but this was the first time my entire ass tingled. Magnus must have sensed how good it was for me and he found the prefect rhythm.

Ram hadn't cum yet, but his moans were louder and louder. It was hard to believe he could hold back this long. Ram's cock was huge, but it looked as if it had grown anther inch or two in length and diameter as Steve continued his relentless pounding. Clearly Ram was under the total control of Steve's cock and you could see Ram react to every one of Steve's movements.

Everyone was focused on Ram and Steve so Magnus and I felt isolated. No one noticed us and it became almost intimate. Magnus always pulled his cock completely from my ass before going deep. He never varied. He never missed the hole. With each additional thrust my ass got more sensitive and more tender. Every nerve ending in the tunnel was feeling his cock. I could hear Magnus' breathing and knew he was getting close too.

Magnus rammed me hard and I popped, shooting sperm a good six feet. It splattered on Ram. The white cum showed up well on his dark body.

That was enough to push Ram over the edge. It was hard to believe Ram didn't loose a few pounds of weight. I had never seen so much cream. Skeeter looked as if he had just discovered the mother load. Skeeter sat back from Ram so he intersected the arcing spurts of sperm mid air, like a good outfielder. When the force and distance of the volleys began to decrease, Skeeter moved forward and swallowed the cock head. He didn't want any to escape.

Steve was standing perfectly still, except for some twitches that indicated he was cumming too. Templeton returned to my cock and cleaned me up. Julio licked up my cum from Ram's body and we all relaxed. I felt great, but a bit like a wet dish rag. It was getting late, so we thanked Magnus for the evening and headed home.

"That was one hell of a night!" Skeeter said. "Most guys shoot a tablespoon of cream. Ram must have spurted a cup!"

"Vince shoots that way too." Steve said. "Buckets, not teaspoons."

"Don't get me wrong guys." Skeeter continued. "I like the teaspoons too. But it sure is nice when you can get a full meal from a guys balls. All cocks and balls are nice, but it's nice to play with a monster horse dick like Ram's. That fucker should be in a museum."

"It sure is." Steve concurred. "Until I met Vince I didn't realize how much I liked cock. His was so spectacular it seemed to bring out of the latent feelings I had."

"It's odd. When we were looking for Vince in that warehouse, all I could think of was that I'd never get to suck it again." Julio said. "I know it stupid. Vince is a great guy. I've only known him for a few weeks, but I immediately knew he was a leader of men and a good guy to boot. Even with that I think I was looking for his cock."

"Thank God the cock is attached to a good guy!" Skeeter said. "That's the problem with dildos. There is nothing attached!"

"You're a romantic!" I joked. "I didn't know you looked at the man the cock was attached to."

"Of course I do!" Skeeter replied, adding, "Eventually." He paused. "Unless it's real dark." everyone laughed. We were home by then. It had been a long day and everyone needed sleep more than more sex so it was a quiet night.

Steve and Julio went in to work and called me around ten to say Vince could receive visitors. I didn't go to see him. I didn't want to drop in on him with his family and have to make up a story as to why we had become friends so quickly. I took the dog on another long walk and had a pleasant day. That night I cooked dinner by myself for Skeeter, Karl, Julio and Steve. It wasn't very good, but everyone was polite. Fire Plug was the only one to show genuine enthusiasm for the remains of the meal.

Julio and Steve had good news. They had sent a photo of the man Skeeter saw to other police departments and Baltimore had responded. They knew him. He was suspected of being an arsonist there. He seemed to have a speciality of burning inconveniently located historic buildings near redevelopment areas.

That made sense to me. The property on the other side of my block was to be redeveloped as a fast food complex. The theater was next to a proposed multistory office building, and the warehouse was in the way of an industrial plant expansion. A fire would make preservation moot and simplify the redevelopment of the area.

I explained this to Julio and Steve. They couldn't believe there were three individual developers of different projects all willing to commit arson to get the property they wanted. That surprised me too.

"Continental Reality!" Karl blurted out. We all stared at him. It was a complete non sequitur. Then it struck me. The developers were all different, but they shared the same realtor. Continental Reality was a new boy on the block in the world of Richmond realtors. They were new, barely five years old, and had grown like a weed.

"I catered a party for Adams & Bergdoff. They hated Continental's guts." Karl said. Adams & Bergdorff were one of the oldest reality firms in the city. "They said no one has as good luck as Continental. Things kept on falling their way. It just wasn't natural."

"An arsonist can sure make land clearance easy." Steve said.

"And some of my waiters seem to think Sam Smith has a warm spot for nose candy." Karl said. Smith was the president of the firm. "Looking back it seems the waiters and bus boys who knew Sam, also may have had a chemical problem. I wonder if that is a coincidence?"

"Your waiters snort?" I asked.

"Only once!" Karl said. "Catering is a bad enough business. I don't need druggies serving canapes. If you have a problem once and your client finds out you are out of business the next day. But it did seem odd to me a heavily tattooed 20 year old with a studded tongue was with the biggest realtor in town."

I had met Smith several times professionally and didn't understand how he could have been so successful. He was a big talker who remained in generalities and never seemed to have his feet on the ground. I thought it was an interesting possibility, but Steve and Julio were deeply interested by the theory. They went off to the Fire Department headquarters to look deeper into it. Skeeter cleaned up the dinner plates and Karl and I sat in the living room admiring the tree.

I asked Karl if he knew anything about the Alcazar. He said he had worked for a caterer who serviced it and had served there several times. It was a nice place, sexy rather than snooty like most clubs, he said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Clubs tend to attract all the same people, like the all leather or twink bars." he answered. "Or they are all old businessmen, or young kids. The Alcazar was different. A nice mixture, everyone was gay of course, but that was the only unifying element there. Except they all liked sex, and didn't mind doing it in a group."

"It must have been easy enough to get members." I said.

"Not really." Karl replied. "Lots of people like sex, but they have so many hangups, or are so uptight, they won't admit it."

"I guess you're right." I said. "I thought hangups were more of a women's thing. My wife didn't seem to like anything that disarranged her make-up. She was taught to be a lady and that didn't include sex."

"I think it's more problematic for men. I don't think women have hang ups on the size of their vaginas or worry about premature ejaculations. or no orgasm at all." Karl said. "Everything is hanging out for men. It's up front and on display. There are no secrets, if you are naked and horny."

"Naked and horny! That sounds great to me!" Skeeter said as he entered the room from the kitchen.

"At the Alcazar just about everyone was okay with themselves, sexually. They avoided the clannishness that seems to afflict most gay men." Karl continued. "Bob and I fall into what a friend of mine once called, the chandelier crowd. Chablis and Brie."

"That's me too." Skeeter said. "Except substitute beer and Slim Jims." We all laughed.

"I don't think clannishness is limited to the gay community." I said.

"I know." Karl said. "It's nice to break out of the mold sometimes. It's nice to suck a carpenter's cock after years of sucking florist's and hairdresser meat. It's good to be with guys who have totally different tastes and interests."

"Well, I can positively state a caterer's cock is good for me!" Skeeter said. "I think I liked that subtle combination of herbs and spices flavoring your cum."

"And the gamy taste of wild carpenter cock is what turned me on." Karl said as he and Skeeter were rolling with laughter. "The slight smell of sawdust on the meat adds just the right touch."

"Shit, after I've worked in that burned theater, I should have smoked cum!" Skeeter said.

"Smoked and aged to perfection?" I asked.

"I draw the line there." Skeeter replied in a serious tone of voice. "Cum needs to be fresh straight from the spigot. It doesn't keep well."

"How do you know that?" I asked. "They freeze it in sperm banks." Skeeter looked at me.

"You know," he replied. "I've never considered the possibility of a cum popsicle. Actually I've never tried cum at anything other than 98.6 degrees." You could see the wheels moving in Skeeter's head. He was intrigued. "I don't know what it would taste like, but the manufacture would be a hoot!" He paused. "I wonder how much cum it would take to fill up an ice tray?"

"I've never thought of sperm as a cooking ingredient." Karl said. "I would guess you could use it like caviar. You guys have a lot of playmates. I would think harvesting enough would be kind of fun."

"That would be a problem with Skeeter in the room." I said and I described Skeeter's mid air interception of Ram's ejaculations the day before. "I'm not sure Skeeter could retrain himself with all the sperm spurting."

"For a good cause I might be able to do it." Skeeter said. He looked a little hurt I doubted his will power.

The phone rang. It was an old friend from college, so I took the call in my bedroom. My friend had always been a talker and it was a half hour later when I returned to the living room. Skeeter and Karl were naked. Karl was sitting in a big wing chair with his head lying back and looking relaxed as Skeeter sucked his cock. Fire Plug was watching them with one eye open.

"You all look comfortable." I said.

"Truthfully, I had forgotten how good getting blown was." Karl said. Skeeter didn't even look up. He was a man with a mission. "Bob is a suckee, not a sucker and I had gotten out of the habit."

"Well you came to the right place. Skeeter is a pro." I said. I went to bed leaving them enjoying each other in the living room.

Next: Chapter 10

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