Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 5, 2007


Catfish Goes to Washington 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Johnson stayed an hour and he knew a lot more about man sex when he left than when he came. He was 43 years old and had the sexual sophistication of a 13-year-old boy. He was brought up in a strict Baptist home, went to a Christian School then went to a born-again college. He fell for it, hook, line and sinker. By avoiding anything remotely like a normal life he escaped dealing with real life situations.

He saved himself for marriage. Johnson married a virgin and they had one child. That had been an ordeal for both. When he got into congress it was a good opportunity to leave his wife at home and avoid a normal sexual relationship. He told me she was more relieved than he was. His ideas about sex would have made the Virgin Mary seem like Gypsy Rose Lee.

I think his puritanical ideas and high moral tone were due primarily to his sexual interest in men. He couldn't admit he was gay to himself, so he just got holier and holier. He told me he had never really looked at a naked man before he saw me in the shower room.

"Not even in the locker room at college?" I asked.

"I spent the whole time trying to avoid seeing their cocks," Johnson said. "I was on the football team at college, but the coach kept an eagle eye on the goings on in the locker room. We had curtains between the stalls. I worked hard at not looking down."

"Not even a glimpse?" I asked. "You're welcome to look now."

"Only as a boy," he said. "Never an adult male. Christi thought it was all gross. I shaved off all my body hair to make her happy, but it didn't work."

"You're hairy now."

"Since I came to Washington, I let it grow back. She only comes to visit," he explained. "I didn't know that real men had sex together," he whispered. "I thought gays were all like the transvestites you see on TV." He shifted so he could take a close look at my cock, up close and personal. I had been soft, but the attention got me hard. Johnson liked that a lot.

"Most of my friends are, if anything, macho to a fault," I said. "We're guys who help each other out. Cocks are the gifts that keep on giving."

"I thought it would be dirty. I was afraid of piss." Johnson said. "I hadn't thought of sex in the shower."

"When you get hard, you turn off the connection to your bladder and switch to your balls and prostate," I explained. "I was uneasy with stuff that comes from your cock, but that's water under the bridge now. I love cock juices."

Johnson looked up at me uncertainly. I leaned over and sucked his cock again. He was still drooling precum and it tasted sweet. "I'd better get back to my rooms," he said.

"Drop by again," I said. "I'm always here." I guessed he was having a guilt attack, but knew he would be back. I went to sleep. When I woke the next morning, two men came to check me out. One was an in shape sixty year old, they called the Admiral. He was with a younger man, who I took as an aide.

The Admiral was blond, stocky and covered in curly reddish fur. I knew it must have taken a lot of work to stay in condition. He had the body type that would naturally turn to fat easily. The aid was a crew cut military type, very muscular and hairless. They came in the shower and flanked me on each side. The aid tried to avoid looking at me, but the Admiral was frankly interested.

"Are you the guy who got the mugger yesterday?" he asked.

"That's me." I said, "They call me Noland."

"You don't look like much," he observed, "It must have been a small mugger."

"He was regulation sized. I'm small, but I'm mean and feisty," I said. "Most guys don't notice me until it's too late." The Admiral had a compact set of balls and cock, all about the same size. I washed my cock for a while to see how he would react. He firmed up nicely. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" he said as he looked at my growing cock.

"We all have the same equipment, just different shapes and sizes." I said. "I may have gotten the Lincoln Town Car, but they all get you to the same place. As far as I can tell, they all work about the same." The Admiral was hard now and not at all worried. He had been around and knew the lay of the land. The Admiral had good gaydar. This was not his first gay encounter. He looked at me and smiled. "Somehow you get more attractive as I get to know you better," he said as he stared at my cock. "I would have guessed you are more like a Hummer, than some luxury vehicle."

"Lots of guys like my mind," I replied. "It happens all the time."

The Admiral smiled. "Jack, come here and take a look at this," the Admiral said, calling his aide. "This boy's got a prize winner." I looked at Jack. Jack was embarrassed, but he already was erect. He relaxed when he saw the Admiral's hard cock.

"Have you ever seen a big one like that, Jack?" he asked. "It would split you in half."

"I've never split a guy in half yet," I said. "The world is filled with curious men. Most are lookers, but others want something more intense. You'd be surprised where it fits. Where there's a will, there's a way, if a guy has good attitude. Are you into it?"

"I see you've had some experience," the Admiral said. "I know my limits. Jack on the other hand I think has an itch he can't quite scratch. You know that sort of itch that you can't quite reach."

We heard two men talking as they came into the locker room and our conversation ended. I had to get to work, so I left. I figured the Admiral and his pal would reappear shortly.

The dog story hit the news that morning. It was a hit and the dog soon made it to national news. The real story was known on the street and neighbors slipped cookies and brownies to me. I had a busy day in the garden and one of the members asked if I could do some work on the side. He had an overgrown garden a few blocks away. I told him I might be able to do something on Saturday. He casually mentioned he was a friend of Johnson, the Congressman.

Oddly, some of the staff steered clear of me. I admit I'm not everyone's ideal of a dreamboat, but I was puzzled. I also realized there were some members of the club who simply wouldn't speak with the staff unless they were giving an order. They seemed to be incapable of ordinary civility. The wealthy people I knew always framed their orders as requests. A lady would ask, "Could you bring us some coffee, Mary?"

Mary would of course respond, "Yes ma'am."

Several members of the Mandrake club ordered, "Get me a gin and tonic." It struck me as odd. I noticed that many of these men were young and aloof. It seemed even odder to have these men in a social club. My image of an English social club is of almost suffocating politeness. That did not describe the Mandrake club.

That evening, I went to a small local restaurant for dinner. When I returned, I found Jack waiting by the door to my room.

"Nice to see you gain," I said. He nodded and glanced around nervously. I got the impression he was afraid of being seen. "Come on in and take a load off," I said. Jack came in and relaxed the second he was out of sight. I hope I'm not bothering you?" he said.

"No problem," I replied, "Are you here on your own dime or representing the Admiral? I noticed he tends to speak for you."

"A little of each," Jack said. "Admiral Mc Hugh is helping my career and pushing me to get promoted. He's good for my career." He paused, and then resumed talking. "The sex thing isn't part of that," he whispered. "It just sort of happened." "It sure seemed like part a parcel of your career advancement this morning."

"I guess it did," Jack admitted. "Somehow he found out I was gay. Instead of kicking me out, he had me assigned to his staff. You see he likes to watch. He never touched me sexually."

"That must be a bit uncomfortable for you," I said. "I'm a doer, not a watcher. It doesn't seem right to watch when you have a perfectly good cock an arm's length away."

"It was odd at first," Jack admitted. "I ran into one of Admiral McHugh's former aides, a guy named Bill. He was a nice guy. Bill told me McHugh was on the up and up. He said it wasn't blackmail. He has never betrayed any of his aids."

"The Admiral is a nice guy with a quirk?"

Jack smiled. "That covers the bases well. It's strange, but he seems to know more about what I like than I do," Jack said. "I'm turned off by hairy men. I like smooth, younger men. He found this hairy Italian Marine and got him to screw me. I was pissed, but it turned out to be the best sex I ever had. The Admiral liked it too. He told me it was a hand's free orgasm for him."

"That's why he wants me?"

"He heard about you from a friend. They mentioned your horse cock, but not how ugly and hairy you are," Jack said. "The minute he saw you I knew what he would want."

"You're afraid?"

"Sort of," he admitted. "You're just about everything I physically dislike in a man. I know you're a nice guy, and brave, but physically you're a turn off."

"You sure got hard in the locker room," I observed.

"That's exactly what the Admiral said," Jack exclaimed. "He says my cock knows what I really want." "I guessed that too," I said. "Maybe your Admiral and I are on the same wave length. You don't need to worry though. I don't shove my cock into where it isn't wanted. You don't need to worry."

"It's not that simple," Jack said. "The more I think about you and that monster you call a cock, the more I want it. I'm as a moth attracted to a flame. The Admiral says I'm like a stallion that needs to be broken in. Can you take your time? I think if you fuck me slow, I can do it." "What makes you think I will do it at all?"

"Don't worry," Jack said. "McHugh will pay more than the going rate." That comment caught me by surprise, but I didn't let Jack know it. Lonnie was providing extra services for pay, but I had the impression it was free lancing. I thought the prostitution was a small business, not a large operation with a price list. I was curious as to whom the Admiral would pay, and was there a pimp's percentage. I wanted to ask Jack, but I didn't want him to know how little I knew.

"All you need to do it tell me when it hurts too much and I'll stop," I said. "The Admiral isn't into pain, is he?"

"Not at all," Jack said. He said he had to go, but he thought the Admiral would contact me shortly. I went out for a walk and made a call on my cell phone to Mr. Willamette.

"Do you know the name of your son's commanding officers?" I asked. "I only need to know the more recent ones."

"He was attached to the Joint Chiefs for the last year," Mr. Willamette said. "Before that he was almost five years with Admiral McHugh. That was a good time for William. He told me McHugh was a good man and he had learned a lot."

"That's the information I needed," I said. "Thanks." I returned to the club. The night parking attendant hadn't shown up, so I covered for him. The backup attendant would replace me at 10:00. Admiral McHugh drove in at nine.

"Jack said he talked to you earlier?" he asked. "You're with the program?"

"It's a little different, but I'm okay."

"I was hoping some variety wouldn't bother you,' he said. I hope Jack has no physical limitations. I'd like to see how far he can go. Room 8 is available. Is 10:30 good for you?" The club had seven rooms in the main building. Room 8 was in a former carriage house to the rear of the garden. It was very private. I had seen Lonnie going into it with one of the older members. I can put two and two together.

"My bedroom's good enough for me, if that's okay with you," I said. McHugh said it was fine with him; he didn't like to use Room 8 any more than he needed. McHugh arrived a little early and Jack arrived exactly on time. The Admiral had a drink or two, Jack had more than a few drinks. He wasn't drunk, but he was relaxed. That was good for me, but even better for him.

"By the way, I'm in charge here. I know I'm just an employee at the club, but when it comes to my cock, I run things. You understand?" I said.

"I understand," the Admiral said. I noticed Jack didn't even consider offering his opinion. "Would a few politely phrased suggestions bother you?" McHugh asked.

I smiled. "Not a problem," I said. "Jack, I don't know if you're a no pain, no gain man, but if it hurts, let me know. I'm a fucker, not a sadist." Jack nodded. I started taking my clothes off. Jack followed suit, but the Admiral held back.

"I've seen your stuff, so don't get shy on me," I told him. "If this goes well, there will be precum and sperm all over the place. Save yourself some dry cleaning."

"I guess you're right about that," he conceded. The Admiral stripped.

"Man sex is one of those things that feels a lot better than it looks," I said as I steered Jack to my bed. Jack was middle height and in good shape. He had black hair and pale white skin. He was one of those guys who burns and doesn't tan. He didn't show any sign of emotion, but his cock was already dripping precum. It was plentiful and sweet.

"Do you want to lube him up?" I asked the Admiral.

"You do it all," he said.

I coated my finger in lubricant and got Jack to put his legs up on the edge of the bed and spread them wide. His asshole was fully exposed. "I love fucking men, but I've never thought assholes were pretty. They feel good, but they just aren't pretty," I said as I began to lubricate him. I was going to take my time. "Your hole is pretty, Jack. " It was a real surprise when I fucked guys for the first time and discovered the ass was a sex organ. It's not as good as the cock though. It's best when the ass is tight, but then it's hard to get in."

I had been circling my finger around the hole with the cool lube. I then pushed a finger past the sphincter. Jack winced, and then moaned. "You're nice and tight, Jack," I said. I collected some of his drooling per cum and used it to lubricate a second finger. He resisted that until I found his prostate. I got a finger on each side of the small nut and had some fun with Jack.

"Ass sex can be messy, but when it's good, it's really good," I said. "Jack's hole is tight, so it may take some time to open him up."

"Don't hurt him," the Admiral said. There was real concern in his voice. I think he was uneasy that perhaps he was forcing Jack to do more than he could. Jack had tight buns and a small hole. I was fully erect and looking good. It looked as if it would be impossible to get my entire cock into Jack's ass. His sphincter clamped tightly on my fingers.

I pulled the finger out and coated my cock with lubricant. Then I nudged the cock head into Jack's ass. I didn't push. I just held it tightly against the hole. Jack shivered. I began to push, treating Jack's ass like a trampoline.

"If you could add some lube to my meat when I need it, it would be helpful," I said to the Admiral. I held Jack's legs in the air and spread them wide, so he had no natural defenses. A friend of mine had given me some pure amyl nitrate in ampules. I got the Admiral to hold Jack open, while I opened the ampule. I held it to Jack's nose. He inhaled, then I took a snort myself. The amyl hit my nervous system and few seconds after it hit Jack's. His sphincter lost all ability to resist. My cock slipped deep into Jack's quivering body. The Admiral moaned as he watched Jack get fucked. Jack was winded but happy.

I stayed still for a while then made short pulsing motions. When Jack could breathe again, his body shivered and twitched a few times. He suddenly relaxed and I knew my cock had hit the right place. I began to make deep thrusts, almost pulling out, then going into the hilt.

"Damn, that's fucking beautiful," McHugh said. "Fucking beautiful."

Next: Chapter 88: Catfish Goes to Washington 3

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