Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 5, 2007


Catfish sees a Doctor 8

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

The next day was busy, but not productive. The security at the hospital was so visible, no one in their right mind would try anything. Buster was still on the run and there was no trace of him to be found. I though this was odd. A total disappearance requires considerable planning and preparation. Buster didn't strike me as a thinker. Some had to be doing the thinking for him.

It also suggested the assaults were premeditated. Normally escape is a spur of the moment thing. This must have been planned well in advance. They had either a well-planned escape plan or a good hideout prepared.

Guido came up to me and asked if I had enjoyed Dr. Mason the night before. I said I had.

"He'd like to see you again. This is his cell number," Guido said as he handed me a scrap of paper. I called him a little later. I got his machine, so I left a message. He called back an hour later. He wanted to get together for dinner. I said I had to work. Dr. Mason said, "I took care of that. Guido has switched you to another shift for the next day. Some wrestler is coming into town tomorrow. He though you'd want to be available all day tomorrow."

I guessed Rob would be in town for Greenfield. I had been surprised none of the Corporate brass had shown up yet.

I met Dr. Mason at his downtown apartment. It was small but nice. "I cooked dinner myself," he said, "I get hospital food for most of my meals."

"That's fine with me, Dr. Mason," I said. "Cafeteria food can only be so good."

"I go by Ted, when I'm not at work," he said. We had a few beers and talked for a while. He inhabited the upper most tiers of the medical profession, but wasn't involved in the daily operations of the hospital. He worked on cutting edge neuroscience. He tended to give a technical description of every action. It was a teaching hospital so he lectured. I got him to simplify for my limited medical knowledge. I was fascinated.

We talked about some of my older cases and then about the current situation. His work was mostly theoretical and abstract. Mine is down to earth. He was clueless and shocked at what was happening in his hospital. He wasn't a political person had no idea his hospital was in the middle of a power play involving big corporations and possibly organized crime. I had the feeling Ted's politics were conservative and he felt betrayed. He knew the DuVals and had discounted their concerns.

Ted was a good man. He looked every inch like a heavyweight wrestler, or a line backer. You would never guess his intellectual and scholarly interests. You also would never suspect he was gay.

After dinner the conversation turned personal. "I've never asked a guy out to dinner before," Ted said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You and Guido seem like pals."

"We're wrestling buddies," he replied. "It's not the same."

"Are you one of those guys who can only enjoy man sex if it's punishment for losing?"

Ted was silent for a few seconds. "I never thought of it that way," he said. "Maybe it's right. I've always liked men and sex with men, but I couldn't face being gay. I'm not effeminate. You aren't either. Yesterday you turned me on big time. That's never happened before."

"Dazzled by my manly looks?" I asked, "Or was it my cock?"

Ted smiled. "Truthfully your cock does play a role," he admitted. "You sent me to some places I've never been before. I didn't know those places existed."

"I hit the spot?"

"That's the understatement of the year," Ted said. "I don't think it's just your cock. You turned me on. You aren't what I think of as my type. I'm more into jocks. You're half the size of my usual partner and twice as smart. Guido told me there was more to you than meets the eye. He said you had a run in with a rapist and came out on top."

"On top is my preference," I said. "Do you feel like messing around again? I don't know if being perpetually horny is a medical condition, but that's the way I am."

"It sounds good to me," Ted replied.

"Do you think we could just have sex and forget the wrestling thing?" I asked. Ted nodded. We went to his bedroom. For a big man he sure could get naked quickly. I got to his cock before he got to mine. The night before was about my cock and his ass. I hadn't focused on his meat.

Meaty he was. While a good six inches long, his shaft was thick, but nothing like his cock head. It was broad, bulbous and almost bisected by his slit. Our conversation must have gotten him going. The juices began to flow the second my tongue touched his organ. I grabbed his cock head with my mouth and then forced my tongue down his cum tube. I like pre cum fresh, and it didn't get any more fresh than Ted's. I was suctioning it from his balls. The balls were meaty too.

We got on the bed and sixty-nined. Ted got a lot closer to deep throating me than most men. He was into it. As he got more and more excited, I got excited too.

This time I took Ted doggie style. It was a lot easier. His ass was still stretched from the night before. He was more relaxed and it was good. When my cock rubbed his prostate, Ted tended to moan and shiver. I pulled out so it would last longer. It's nice to be appreciated and Ted was that. He was on his back with his cock sticking straight up.

Unexpectedly, I felt an itch in my ass. I had an urge to see how Ted meat would feel. I'm not much of a bottom, but I had an urge to try it. The lube was by the bed, so I coated his meat and took a seat. I balanced on the mushroom for a second or two then took the plunge. I thought it might be difficult, but Ted possessed the ultimate blunt instrument. Once it got started, it slid in easily.

Ted's six inch fire plug rammed my prostate and sent me to the moon and back. I was stunned. This was the first time I had ever fallen in love with a cock. His cock had rammed my nut and there was no way I could escape the pressure. It felt so good, I needed to get off of it, but Ted would have nothing to do with that. He held me down, skewered on his cock. I don't know how long I wiggled and twitched on his cock before I shot off. Ted's hairy torso was covered in my jiz. He finally let me up.

"You liked it, huh?" he asked.

"Damn, that was good!"

"I've never had anyone enjoy it that much," Ted said. "Shit, no one's even enjoyed my cock in their ass before. Did my cock do to you what yours does to me?"

I was having a hard time getting my mind straight. The sensations were unexpectedly intense. "I think it must be. I didn't expect it at all."

Ted and I spent the night together, round robin fucking. I screw him for a while, then we'd trade places and he'd fuck me. It got better with each rotation. With each new penetration, the sex got better and the sensations stronger.

I went to work at 6:00 as usual. The Greenfield locker room was empty, but it was a mess. The night crew hadn't been neat. I started cleaning up. The Captain appeared with Rob.

Rob looked exhausted. He was complaining. "I may not be the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but I ain't a fool. Something's rotten and it sure as hell isn't in Denmark!" he exclaimed loudly. "The president doesn't give a shit, but I'm the front man. To the public, I'm Greenfield. I'm on televison every day selling Greenfield. If I thought I was selling shit, I wouldn't have done it."

"Is Homeland going to help?" the Captain McDaniel asked.

"They claim Buster wasn't on their payroll," Rob said. "He was here. He was wearing their uniform and getting weekly checks. This whole thing stinks to high heaven."

"Are we up shit creek?" Captain McDaniel asked. "I though I had finally dug my way out of the hole I made for myself."

"Not if I have anything to do with it," Rob said. "I thought this was a legit operation. If it isn't, everyone's going to know. I'm not going to be a nice boy and let them get away with it. I'm going to meet with the University President at 9:00. I'm going to tell him what I think is going on."

"You're a big stockholder, aren't you?" The Captain asked.

"People are being hurt. It ain't the time to worry about my pocketbook," Rob said. " How are your boys holding up?"

"The really weak links have left town," the Captain said. "Those who stayed are doing everything they can. They're not bad as night watchmen, but that's about it. Something big is going on here and we're playing in the bush leagues."

I was cleaning the shower as they talked. When they came into the shower naked, they were glad to see me. Their cocks firmed up when the saw my smiling face. They showered as I went to clean the steam room. By the time they joined me Bobby and Wolf had joined them. I knew they were all members of the fraternity, but they didn't each other. They had pledged separately. Wolf looked scared, but he was still here. I thought he might have left.

I hate to think of myself as a slut. I had spent the night in heavy duty sexual activity, but damn if I wasn't getting hard again. "Bobby, why don't you play lookout while we do some stress relief in here?" I said. "I'll take care of you later."

Bobby went back to the shower and I went to Rob's cock. He was half hard already. Wolf got erect immediately and the Captain took care of him. Everyone knew the lay of the land. I got Wolf double sucking the Captain and Rob, as I slipped into his ass. The two suckees got turned on by this and they kissed.

My cock turned Wolf into jelly as soon as my cock entered his hole. It's exciting when you see a man pushed to his sexual limit. I slow fucked him. He was shivering and twitching in response. The other men enjoyed the show. Rob looked at me. I guessed he wanted to trade places with Wolf. I continued pumping for a few more minutes, then I pulled out. Wolf needed a rest by now. He went to the shower and sent Bobby in.

Rob bent over to suck the Captain, opening his ass for me. I was ready. Rob sphincter resisted, but I knew he liked the battering ram approach to sex. I got in. When Bobby saw me in Rob's ass, he thought he had died and gone to heaven. I had a suspicion he was into wrestling and Rob was one of his heros. I don't think he had guessed his hero was a bottom.

Bobby slipped under Rob and began sucking his cock. With my cock in Rob's ass, Rob's cock in Bobby's mouth and the Captain's cock in his mouth, Rob was fully occupied. He was a big man and could multitask.

"Damn, I'm shooting," the Captain exclaimed. Rob deep throated his cock and I felt his ass contract. I was slowly thrusting when his ass squeezed my cock. My balls tightened and I was too far gone to stop my orgasm.

"Feed me baby!" Bobby cried. Rob must have been shooting. We all traded cum. When we broke apart, all of us were still dripping from our climaxes, except for Bobby. He was still rock hard.

Rob saw Bobby. He smiled and bent over. Bobby came over and pushed his cock into Rob's cum filled ass. Bobby popped in three or four thrusts. "Thanks," Bobby said as he pulled out.

"It was good for me too," Rob said. I hosed down the steam room as the other men went to the shower.

An hour later the Governor arrived at the hospital's heliport. He was with the head of the State Police and the Attorney General. They were whisked off to the President's office. Two hours later Greenfield was no longer working for the hospital. Guido came to see me. "Come to the office. "I got a call from the governor," he said. "He wants to meet with you."

We raced to hospital's conference room. About twenty minutes later the Governor arrived. He shook my hand. "Mr. Noland, Liz DuVal has kept me abreast of the situation here," he said. "Your office made us aware of the effort to compromise the Commonwealth's computer system. It was a brilliant scheme. We might not have caught it for months if not years."

"It was a hunch," I said.

"It was a damn good hunch," the Governor said. "You guessed right about the Hospital take over scheme. We found some documentation. I need some quick advice. What can we do about security at the hospitals now? Is any part of Greenfield not compromised? We're really short on personnel."

"The Captain and Rob are good men. They can be trusted. Captain McDaniel knows who is good in the organization. He a good judge of character," I said. "They can be trusted as night watchmen types. They need help on the big stuff."

"Can you keep your eye on things?" the Governor asked. "We're creating a transitional organization that can hold the fort until we can get the hospital security operational again. There are some in the government who are on the other side. I need an observer who can't be traced to me. Liz DuVal is on board. She's my wife's best friend. Anything you tell her will get to me. "

"I can do that. There are some lose ends I'd like to clean up," I said. "The computer fraud and identity theft part of the problem is clear to me, but the crime wave is another thing. No one has been caught. There are some bad actors out there."

"I assumed they had left the state," the Governor said.

"I'm none too sure," I said. "There are all sorts of ways to catch a man on the run. Licence plates, tickets and bus terminals are all easy to cover. If you're holed us somewhere and don't move it's harder. We've found no trace of Buster. Either he's a long way away, or he's still here."

"The hospital is so well guarded it would be foolish to make another attack," the Governor said.

"If this is purely a business deal maybe," I said. "Violence can be a recreational activity for some men. I met Buster a few times. He could be that sort of man. He was a leader of men too, and he might attract like spirits."

The Governor left and I was with Guido. He figured my station in the steam room was as good a place as any to keep tabs on the security situation. That evening the former head of security rejoined the Hospital staff. Martin Armbruster was an older man who came out of retirement in order to help the Hospital.

Armbruster and the Captain improbably hit it off and formed a good partnership. The Captain knew which of the Greenfield men were dependable, and Armbruster knew all of the former employees who might be available.

The next day the shit hit the fan. The entire situation was exposed by the Governor in a press conference. It made the national news.

Next: Chapter 86: Catfish Goes to Washington 1

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