Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 9, 2007


Catfish sees a Doctor 7

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

That morning I got a call from Dr. DuVal. He asked me to talk with Dr. Winston McWilliams. McWilliams was the head of the Mental Health Department at the hospital. "He told me he has some "interesting" information, but he doesn't want to talk on the phone," Dr. DuVal explained. "Tell him, I referred you to him. By the way, McWilliams knows his stuff, but he gives the impression of being very timid. " I called McWilliams and we agreed to meet at my apartment at 11:00 between my shifts at the hospital.

Dr. McWilliams arrived on time. He looked a little like Woody Allen and was mild mannered in the extreme. "I came into possession of some information by accident," he explained. "An e mail was sent to Mac Williams, and it got to me because of a typo in the address."

"Who is Mac Williams?" I asked.

"I had no idea, but I looked him up in the hospital directory," Dr. McWilliams said. "He's the assistant comptroller. He's a spear carrier in the accounts due department. The e mail was brief, but contained a PDF of a plan to privatize the two University hospitals."

"They were going to sell the hospitals?"

"No, as far as I could tell, the plan is to give the hospitals away," Dr. McWilliams said. "It was odd because it discussed the deteriorating financial and management problems of the hospitals. It took me a while, but I figured out the problems are proposed, not existing."

"What do you mean?"

"The document was written under the assumption that doctors, staff and patients were leaving the hospital in droves and there was a serious financial collapse that could only be solved if HealthCorp America took charge," Dr. McWilliams said. "I was puzzled about the description of the hospital conditions. They didn't reflect what I know about the management and financial stability of the Hospital."

"With this sudden crime wave, I wondered if this might be part of the plan," he continued. "The attacks are bad enough, but the reaction of the press is out of line. Apparently one of the board members of HealthCorp America is Senator Witt's brother."

"What a coincidence," I said. Senator Witt had been the moving force behind the privatization of the security services at the hospitals. Things were beginning to coalesce in my mind.

"I'll give you the documents," Dr. McWilliams said. "I would prefer to not be involved in this. Politics isn't my thing."

"I take it. It is Dr. DuVal's thing?"

"He's connected, but not as much as his wife. She's a mover and shaker,"

I took the documents. Dr. McWilliams left. I quickly read the documents. It was obviously part two of a multi part document. It began when the public hospitals were near financial collapse. It didn't say how they got to that point. I needed to talk with Dr. DuVal. I called his office. He was out, but Mrs. DuVal called a few minutes later. We agreed to meet at her cousin, Guido's house after I got out of work.

Both Greenfield and the Charlottesville police had the hospital under heavy and very visible surveillance. Buster was gone without a trace. Curiously, the Homeland group records had been lost, a computer malfunction.

Guido lived in the County in a small farmhouse near Scottsville. A Volvo in the drive indicated Mrs. DeVal was already there. I gave her the documents. I mentioned Senator Witt. Liz was connected and knowledgeable.

"Ronnie Witt isn't the brightest bulb in the State Senate, but I wouldn't expect him to be mixed up with something under handed," she said.

"Is he easily led?" I asked.

She thought a little. "That's possible," she replied. "Billy always said he was one of those politicians you didn't need to bribe. He'd do the wrong thing for free."

"How about his brother?" I asked.

"I don't know anything about him," Liz said. "But I"ll find out." I told her what I knew and what I suspected. There seems to be two schemes. One is to get access to the state computer system, and the other was associated with the hospital's operation. "At first I thought this was a low-level protection scheme," I explained, "but, it might be a plan to force privatization. You have two hospitals with a thousand beds and nationally ranked faculties sold at a bargain basement price."

Liz was reading as I talked. She reached the part about the sale to HealthCorp. "I don't believe it!" she exclaimed. "They are trying to get it for free. Do you think the crime spree is a part of the problem?"

"It might be," I said. "The crime could be a coincidence, but I'm not into coincidence. Not enough evidence to prove anything, but enough to be suspicious." Liz had to get back to Richmond, so she left. Guido offered me a beer. We sat down and chatted. Guido ran the housekeeping staff and he knew every rumor racing through the hospital staff. He also knew something was up.

Guido saw the Greenfield men as I did. They weren't top of the line, but they weren't fireballs either. "I'm not too sure they have enough energy or initiative to commit a crime," he said.

"I have the same impression," I said. "It's hard to see them as crime bosses, but we don't know all the head men, except for Joe."

"The wrestler?" Guido asked, "I heard he visited the hospital. He's one hunk of a man." Somehow I had guessed Guido was a family man. His house was obviously a bachelor pad. His comment intrigued me.

"He is impressive physically, but I got the impression he's a straight shooter too. Maybe he's a front." I said. "Do you follow wrestling?"

"Once and a while," Guido replied. "I was a wrestler in college. I never was a star, but it was fun. Did you wrestle?"

"Nope, they didn't have a sub feather weight class," I said. "It was fun to watch, but I never got into it. I kind of liked watching near naked men going at it."

Guido smiled. "You sure get to see all of a guy's equipment," Guido said, "Some guys were embarrassed, others showed off."

"Were you a shower?" I asked.

"Respectable, but no prize at the fair," Guido said. "You?"

"I don't want to brag, but my cock's the only part of me that's of any account at all," I said.

"Liz said you're a lot smarter than you look," Guido said. "She didn't mention any other outstanding characteristics. One of the Greenfield men mentioned seeing a chimp in the shower room that was hung like Godzilla." He looked at me for a second or two. "How big are you?"

"Six soft, eight hard and sometimes ten when I'm really excited," I said. "Are you interested?"

"If it's ten, I am," he said.

"Not if it's eight?" I asked. Guido looked confused. "To tell you the truth, I'm not much into show and tell, but I like to play. Are you interested?"

Guido began to take off his shirt. I took that as a yes. "I've got rec room in the basement. Let's go there." Guido was a muscular fire plug of a man. He had maintained his wrestling weight and was still buffed. He was also coated with curly black hair. Guido had compact balls and a cock that was already rock hard. He was uncut, but his pink cock head poked from the skin. It was shiny with precum.

He had mats on the floor. "Me and some friends have little wrestling matches from time to time," Guido said.

"What happens if you lose?"

"The winner fucks the loser," Guido answered. "Are you game?"

"Do you lose often?" I asked.

"Almost never," Guido replied. "I'm a very competitive man."

"Do you think you could take mine?"

"If I have to, I will," he replied. "But I can take what I have to take." Guido thought he was safe since he outweighed me by a good fifty pounds. I took him up on the offer. I liked him and I figured the wresting was a turn on for him. I don't mind helping a guy get his rocks off.

I did better in the wrestling match than I expected. Guido was shocked. He thought he'd have an easy time with me. It turned into a real match. At first Guido was just trying to get his cock up my ass. As the match progressed he was trying to win and having a hard time of it. He won, but I gave him a real workout. I had guessed right. By the time the match was over he was hard as a rock.

We were both sweating and panting by the end of the match. His cock was drooling precum. I got on my hands and knees and he mounted me. I'm not partial to lubricant free fucking, but Guido's cock slipped through my sphincter easily. His cock was average in length but nice and thick. He made a direct hit on my prostate and then used it as a punching bag.

Sometimes it's nice to be screwed by an old-fashioned man rammer. Guido was graceless, but rock hard. He shot off quickly and pulled out.

"You're a lot stronger than you look," Guido said. "You have a nice tight ass too. I hope you're a good sport. I'm not the most delicate fucker."

"It was good for me too," I said. "It felt good. It better for you after a good fight, isn't it?"

Guido looked at me. "How did you know that?"

"I'm smarter than I look too," I said. "Actually, it was your cock. You were really hard. Guys can't fake hard." I had been somewhat relaxed. As we talked, I began to get hard. Guido's cock began to respond to my erection.

"Are there many men who can take your horse cock?" he asked.

"Some can," I said. "Some just like to look at it. Others want it more up close and personal."

"Is it like mountain climbing?" Guido asked. "I climbed it because it's there?"

I smiled. "You may not believe this, but it gets a lot of repeat customers," I said. "When it's in, it rings some bells that have never been rung before. Some guys say it not like any other sex they've had before."

"I take it these guys aren't blushing virgins?"

"My cock is usually used for postgraduate studies," I said. "I'm sure my cock's never been in a virgin ass."

"I not very experienced," Guido said. "As a bottom, that is. I have a friend who's really into it. We wrestle too, but he always loses. He's much bigger than me." He paused. "He lives nearby." He paused again. "I'd sure like to see your cock in action."

"How close is he?"

"Five minutes away," Guido replied, "I can give him a call if it's okay with you?"

"Sure, give him a call." I said. Guido went upstairs and made a call. Guido returned and we talked until the doorbell rang ten minutes later. Guido went up stairs and returned with a big man. "Catfish, this is Dr. Mason," Guido said in introduction. "We're old wrestling buddies." I shook hands.

"You're a big boy," I said.

"You're big where it counts," Dr. Mason said. "Do size queens offend you?"

"Don't worry about that. I'm open minded," I replied. Mason was a beefy man. He was taking his clothes off. He was a well-tanned, hairy bear-like guy. "Were you a football player?"

"I was a line backer in college. I almost went pro, but when you have a pre med degree it seemed a waste," he said. "No regrets."

"Are you a GP or a specialist?" I asked.

"He's a brain surgeon," Guido replied. "He's the head of the department."

"Are you sure you want a redneck cock up your ass?"

"Do you think it will reach my brain?" Mason asked. He was smiling.

"Unless you're really open, my cock stops well short of your brain," I said. "One or two of my friends say it messes with your brain some, but it's not through direct contact. How do you like it? Doggy style? Do you want to sit on it?"

"I've got a tight ass and I tend to fight it some, but I don't mind it if it's a bit rough, "he said. "I'll leave it up to you."

Mason wasn't the shy type. My cock is hard to take anyway, so I decided to take charge. If he was going to fight me, I'd give him as little opportunity as possible. "Get on your back and spread them wide," I said. "Guido, do you mind holding his legs open?"

Guido smiled. "I'l be glad to be of service." he said. "This gives me a seat on the fifty yard line."

"You guys are old playmates?" I asked.

"We're wrestling buddies," Mason said. "I got use to losing and Guido got use to winning. I've never thought of myself as gay, but I sure like to get fucked. I love it."

"Was Guido the first?"

"He was the second or third," Mason said. "His was the first to connect. I didn't know anything could feel that good."

"Was it the cock or Guido?" I asked.

"I think it was the whole package," Mason said. "I like masculine men. Hairy is good too." I was working some lubricant into his ass. He had a tight pink hole. It was hard to get my finget in at first. He opened up some and I lubricated my cock. I nosed it into his ass. There was no give at all.

"Dr. Mason, I don't think that fucker's going to fit," Guido said.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," I said. We had lubricant, but no poppers. Poppers always made it easier to penetrate a tight ass. Mason resisted but he had a solution for the problem. He produce a glass covered ampule of amyl nitrate. He broke one open, inhaled the fumes deeply and handed it to me.

I took a sniff just as his ass began to open. My cock had was on the dark side of his sphincter when he opened wide. A second later I was giving him CPR through his ass. The amyl and my cock hit pay dirt together. I watched his eyes roll back into his head. Dr. Mason was a strong, bull of a man and had the stamina of a bull. We went at it for a solid half hour.

I thought Mason was out of it most of the time. My cock had gone where none had gone before, and he was moaning most of the time. He did know how to pace himself. I was man ramming, but he knew when we had to slow up and catch our breath. Dr. Mason was both responsive and appreciative. After fifteen or twenty minutes, he was got control of his feelings, and began to tighten his ass.

His ass was tight when I started fucking him. It loosened up, then he began to use his sphincter to caress my cock. It was good and got better. I was just being polite and getting my rocks off when it got really good.

It's head to believe you can connect with a guy through his ass, but I connected with Dr. Mason. He began to move in total co ordination with my thrusts. My cock found a perfect groove in Mason's ass. He responded with my every movement. It was prefect. He was twice my size, but his body merged with mine.

He climaxed, hen I shot my load deep in his ass. "That was beautiful boys," Guido said.

Next: Chapter 85: Catfish Sees a Doctor 8

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