Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 23, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Things were progressing, but not as much as I wanted. I thought I had uncovered the main scam, but something wasn't right about the whole set up. Certainly getting access to the Commonwealth's computer system was of value, but the petty crime at the hospital didn't fit. There were millions to be made in identity theft. Why endanger it with muggings? I was puzzled.

I knew the privatization of governmental services was the basic principle of some right wing politicians. Rent-a-cops, night watchmen and security consultants were everywhere. Police departments and other emergency services were under funded as a matter of pride. In some ways Catfish & Company was a result of this trend to out source. I had a feeling, something was missing.

The next morning the attack on the nurse was on the front page of the local paper and on the television. I didn't like this. There is always a delicate balance between warning the public about a problem and scaring off the crook. The coverage of the attack wasn't a little something on the inside of the second section. It was a front page main headline. It seemed like overkill.

The next day a doctor was mugged as he left the hospital at 4:00 in the morning. Dr. Frederic Wilson was a trauma surgeon with a national reputation. He was badly beaten and had a broken arm, wrist and leg.

Rita and one of her associates came upon the mugging in the final stages and chased away the two men. Rita got a glimpse of one of the men's face. She and Helen gave a good physical descriptions to the police. Unfortunately their glimpses of the men weren't detailed enough for a sketch artist, or a mug shot review. Helen also saw an SUV driving by. It had blacked out windows, but the licence plate wasn't from Virginia.

I got a call from Mrs. DeVal. There had been a mugging of an intern at the University Hospital in Richmond three days earlier. Mrs. DeVal knew Dr. Wilson. She said he was near the top of the academic and medical food chain.

"Did he have any enemies?" I asked. "It seems like it's a too brutal attack to be a random mugger."

"Freddy is the prototype of the much beloved physician," Liz DeVal said. "He's very good at what he does, and tends to be the doctor who patches things up after a gunfight. If you're a low life crook, Freddy's the man to sew you up. I seriously doubt he had an enemy in the world."

"The muggers were white," I said. "That's a bit unexpected for a hospital in the middle of town."

"Is that a racist comment?" Liz asked.

"No, it's a geographical comment," I replied. "White muggers like suburban shopping centers, or parking lots. The middle of a densely populated university isn't their thing."

"Maybe they were drugged up?" she suggested.

"I was thinking 4:00 a.m. is late for that. They should have passed out by then, or been trying to rob a doctor's office or a pharmacy." I said, "My witnesses didn't think they were locals."

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"Rita's a smart and observant woman," I explained. "They weren't dressed like local scum bags. There was nothing definite, but they struck her as not right. They weren't wearing the clothes a local gangster might wear. It's just a feeling she had, but as I said, she's observant. Do you have any information on the Richmond incident?"

"Nothing useful. The newspaper had gone overboard on the incident. Front page and in depth coverage," Liz said. "That's just what the hospital needs. Being a center city hospital is hard enough." We compared notes. Liz was up to the minute on the Richmond attack.

I went to work that evening and found the Captain and most of his crew on the job. The Captain was frantic. He regarded the attack as a personal failure on his part. The Greenfield men were doing what they could. I wouldn't have hired them for my own organization, but they were trying. Butch's crowd wasn't in evidence.

"We had that entrance covered," the Captain said. "There were cameras and the desk was manned. The guys found a gap in the camera coverage. We had a guy sitting at the desk watching and it was just out of sight. "

"Did you check the film?" I asked.

The Captain looked at me oddly. "Yes I did and it confirms the story. You see the doctor walking out the door. He vanished for 30-45 seconds, then you see these two broads running up," he said. "The women from housekeeping scared the perps away."

"Not much time for casual conversation was there?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"They say the Doctor was badly beaten. There wasn't much time for the "give me your wallet," formalities, was there?"

"No, there wasn't," he replied. "You think it was an attack, not a mugging?" I didn't say anything. "You're not a janitor, are you?" I didn't say anything this time either. "Am I up shit creek?"

"You're okay," I said. "The problem is elsewhere. You may be the fall guy."

"Shit. Can you tell me what's up?"

"Not exactly," I replied, "I don't know all the pieces of the puzzle. Drop by my apartment after work. We can talk." the Captain nodded.

The locker room was a mess. Many of the men were doing double shifts, so they were using the locker room and showers more. Janitorial duties occupied all of my time. I got back to my apartment at 10:00. The Captain was already there, talking with Jerry. Jerry was escorting women to and from his niece's apartment. He was waiting for a call.

We went into my apartment. I offered them a beer, but they took a soft drink instead. They must have had good Gaydar. It was clear to me Jerry and the Captain had hit it off. Jerry got a call and went off. The Captain sat back in a chair and promptly fell asleep. I covered him with a quilt and went to bed.

When I woke up, the Captain and Jerry were sleeping on the quilt linked cock to mouth. Jerry woke went I to the bathroom. He joined me. "You must think I'm a slut," he said. "You do have nice friends."

"The Captain's a good man, in spite of some ups and downs," I said. "You can pack a lot of stress reduction in a single orgasm. A little R & R is good for him. It's stressful out there."

"We talked some last night. We've shared a few of the same downs," Jerry said. "It's hard sometimes to be an anti-gay man who loves to suck cock. It's funny to see something so clearly in another man and not see it at all in yourself."

"Sometimes that's what makes us human, I'm afraid," I said. I went to take a shower and Jerry joined me. He washed my back and seemed to be particularly interested in my ass. I did the same for him. He surprised me by bending way over and opening his ass wide.

Jerry had a nice ass, with a tight pillow of muscle around the hole. I'm not a rimmer usually, but he twitched it for me in invitation. When my tongue touched it, he opened it up. I pushed deeper and encountered the faint taste of lubricant and cum. The Captain must have shot his stress reduction into Jerry's ass.

I wasn't sure my cock would fit his back door, but I knew he wanted it. I've encountered many men who wanted but couldn't take it, and I suspected Jerry was one of these. I decided to give it a try anyway.

I was 100% wrong. The second my cock head touched his anus, he opened wide. My cock vanished effortlessly into the depth of his rectum. If I could have forced my balls and any other organ into his ass, he'd have taken them. My first thrust was like an electric shock to him, he tensed, then relaxed. He totally relaxed except for his sphincter. It had a vice like grip on my cock. I had to get to work shortly, but we had a good workout before I had to leave. I sort my load into his ass. He shot off as I did. When he got his breath back he asked if we could do it again that night. I said sure.

I walked to work. It was 5:15 in the morning, but the Charlottesville Police as well as a slew of State Troopers were everywhere. At the hospital I discovered a body had been found, beaten to a pulp. They identified the body two hours later. It was Walrus. He was the man Butch had cold cocked a few days earlier.

Walrus wanted revenge, and I told him to wait. I guessed he hadn't. The hospital looked like an armed camp by now. I told the investigating officer, Joe Miller, about this. After calling Buster's apartment and getting no answer, he sent a squad car to investigate. They called back in a half hour and said the apartment was vacant and showed signs of a hasty exit. Detective Miller immediately sent out an all points bulletin for Buster.

The Greenfield offices were the headquarters for the investigation, so the police and troopers were using the facilities. It was a 24 hour a day operation, with most of the Greenfield men doing double shifts. Several troopers knew me, but they kept it quiet. I was more useful under cover. There were no Hartland Security men except for Wolf, Toby and two others. Buster had vanished.

There was a media frenzy. The Richmond papers were calling for the University to be closed. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed. The University and the Hospital supporters went into overdrive. Letters to the editor and phone calls of support fanned out throughout the state. I was surprised at the media reaction. Even in an age when media hype was common, this seemed excessive to me.

With the heavy police presence, the Captain went over the newspaper accounts. He called me into his office. "Have you seen the newspapers?" he asked. "There's something strange in them."


"There's some information we didn't make public," he said. "They refer to the attacker getting away in a black Escalade. No one said that. No one saw that."

"Could there be another witness?" I asked.

"Dr. Wilson is a very popular man," the Captain said. "The phones are ringing off the hook with people trying to help. No one has mentioned an Escalade. I checked."

"What paper was it in?" I asked.

"The Richmond News & Report," he said. It was a small newspaper that did mostly news service reports. I didn't think they had reporters. It was curious. The next time I got to call my office, I'd asked them to check it out.

That night I had a full house at my apartment. Karl Maybury and Carter Smith were old friends from when I was a prison guard came by. They had been prison guards when I first met them. Now they were state troopers assigned to the case. Karl was a massive, bear like man covered in ginger hair for head to toe. The ginger was well mixed with white now. Carter was blond, tall and still thin. They brought a friend with them, Trooper Kevin Donovan. He was in his mid 30s and seemed pleasant, if up tight.

Jerry showed up between his duties escorting coeds to their homes and apartments. By now most students were moving in groups, but Jerry was a big and formidable man. They felt safer with him. When Jerry saw the three men in my apartment, he liked what he saw.

Karl went with me to the kitchen to get drinks. "Catfish, I hate to sound like an old cock hound, but I'd love to have some fun like we did in the old days," Karl whispered. I looked at Kevin. "Don't worry about Kevin," he said, "He's pledging the fraternity. I've told him about you and he's like to see you in action. What about the other guy?" he asked, glancing at Jerry. "Can you get rid of him, or is he with the program?"

"He's with the program," I replied. Karl slipped his hand into my pants and cupped my equipment in his meaty hand. We went back to the living room.

"Guys, I'd love to have a nice, slow get-to-know-you session followed by some hot sex tonight," I said, "but I'm tired and it's late. If you don't mind, I'd like to cut to the chase and get it on. Is that okay?"

"It sure as shit is," Karl said. "Let's get naked and get hard!" It was as if someone had shot a starting gun. We were all naked and sucking in a minute or so. Kevin was the only newcomer in the group, but he had a good seven-inch cock and had no problem showing it off. He was smooth, buffed and almost statue like except for his genitals. He had a thick bush and veiny, uncut meat. It looked like a Neanderthal's cock had been grafted on a Greek sculpture.

Jerry went right after Kevin's cock. I re acquainted myself with Karl and Carter. We all enjoyed it. Karl had always been into man play. Carter was more reserved. Karl was still into it, but Carter was downright enthusiastic.

It didn't take long for Kevin to discover Jerry liked it in the ass. Jerry also was willing to accommodate everyone. I was surprised to find that Kevin was open minded too. His ass wasn't virgin. He wasn't as well hung as me, but he was impressive.

"Karl told me you were big," Keith said. "You never know what's a guy's like until you see it close up and personal."

"Is it okay?" I asked. He took a long look and then he stroked my cock. I felt him out. Kevin smiled.

"Do you take it in the ass?" Kevin whispered.

I nodded. "You?" I asked.

Kevin nodded. "I normally top," he said, "but I don't mind trying new experiences. I've never had one as big as yours. Do you take your time?"

"I never go where I'm not wanted and I never go deeper than you want either, if you get my drift," I said. I looked at the other men. Karl was in Jerry's ass and Carter was next in line. The night turned into an anal version of musical chairs. A tube of lubricant floated around the room. I coated Carter's cock and he slipped into Karl's ass. Karl was already embedded in Jerry's hole.

Kevin worked some lube into Carter's ass and forced his way in. Carter liked things a bit rough and he was happy. I worked some of the slippery gel into Kevin's hole and then slowly worked my way in. Kevin was tight, but willing. It took some time.

The men broke apart when they realized what I was doing and encouraged Kevin. They knew how intense taking a big cock could be. Kevin was sweating like a pig and shivering from time to time. I rested a few times to let Kevin get his bearings. When he began to relax, he signaled me, I would push deeper.

"I'm in," I said when my pubic hair was touching his hole. I was still for a while, then began to pulse my cock. Soon I was thrusting. The other men switched playmates. Karl was now fucking Carter and Jerry got behind me and nudged his cock into my behind. Kevin was tight, and the new pressure on my prostate intensified the sensations.

I was really close to shooting, so I pulled out. Kevin launched himself at Karl's ass. I cooled off, then returned to Jerry. His ass had been opened up by the other men and was more than welcoming. It was as if his sphincter was caressing my cock as it slipped into his lube filled ass. When I got close to shooting, I pulled out and let Carter take my place.

I got on the bed next to Jerry, pulled my legs up and opened my ass. Kevin switched from fucking Karl to me. Kevin was a fucker, not a lover. He rammed his cock into my ass. "Cool down cowboy," I said. Kevin had twitched a few times. He shot a volley or two into my ass, but stopped the orgasm. He was still.

"Hold it!" I said, "You're good and ripe. See if you can pump and keep just short of shooting." at first it was nip an tuck, but Kevin discovered he had good control over his ejaculations. He could fuck for a while, give my prostate a short cum bath, then cool down. His cock was big, but his cock head was bigger.

I may sound odd, but I think my prostate fell in love with his cock head. The edge of his mushroom rubbed me just the right way. Since he was so close to an orgasm all the time, his organ was fully engorged. I had to tell Kevin to slow up a few times, when I got too close to shooting. Both of us were on the edge of a full blown orgasm. We were trying to see how long we could go before climaxing. We teetered on the edge, but I couldn't mainintain the state. I began to ejaculate Roman candle style.

Next: Chapter 83: Catfish Rides Again 11

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