Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 24, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

To say Rob's ass was receptive and he was enthusiastic understates the case. He loved it. In some ways his approach to sex was the opposite of Wolf's. Wolf wanted to be dominated and controlled. He saw himself as the pleasure giving toy for a dominant man. For Rob, sex was great fun, a way to enjoy and please his friends.

The Captain easily fell in line with Rob's approach. The Captain was 69ing with Rob as I pounded Rob's ass. The Captain was tasting Rob's cock ooze precum and feeling his response to my thrusts. At first Rob was totally absorbed by experiencing my cock as stretched his hole and probed deeply into his ass. After a short while, he returned to sucking the Captain's cock.

Rob was a big man and there was room to both give and take pleasure at the same time. I thought I had reached the perfect long-haul sexual state. Rob's ass was warm and inviting. My cock was hard and my rhythmic pounding was at just the right rate. It was intensely pleasurable, but not so good I would shoot. After ten minutes of heavy duty sex, I felt Rob's ass tighten. His entire body began to shiver and shake. It was like the earthquakes that proceed a volcanic eruption. His ass squeezed tight as Rob's entire body focused on forcing his seed from his balls.

The Captain began to moan. He knew what was coming and the prospect pushed him over the edge. I like to be cool in this sort of situation. It's fun to watch a guy shoot off and see him react. My cock had no intention to be cool at all. It may be good to keep your head while all around you are losing their heads, but my cock head had other plans. If my cock hadn't been in Rob's ass, the hotel room would have been splattered with my cum on the floor, walls and ceiling.

The three of us shot almost simultaneously. It was spectacular. We cooled off and talked. Rob had a store of funny wrestling stories. He then told about being recruited by Greenfield. His over the top image worked well as the public face of the company. He also did well in interviews. He was smarter than you expected.

"You're in management now?" I said.

"I sure am, it goes over well with the public," Rob said. "I'm just getting into it now. I was hoping to upgrade the staff. We weren't too picky at the beginning."

"That would be good for me," the Captain said. "I've got some good men, but most of them aren't what you would call self starters. Can you get it past the bean counters?"

"Not yet, but I will some day," Rob said confidently. "It may take some time. I have to get rid of Heartland. There's the snake in the woodshed. Upper management uses them as an excuse to skimp in our own staffing. I think that's wrong and will get us in trouble some day."

"What is Heartland's hold on Greenfield?" I asked.

"They're cheep as hell," Rob said. "They have a good spiel. You hire ordinary night watchman types and if there's a problem, well come in with knights on white horses to save the day. It makes sense to the MBA types." I wanted to know more, but I didn't want to seem overly interested. The conversation moved on. It was getting late. I needed to get some rest. I went back to my apartment.

So far my time at the hospital had uncovered some nasty people and some poor business practices, but this was minor stuff. There may have been some extortion, but there didn't seem to be much else. While the Heartland men were very suspect, the Greenfield staff seemed fine. Granted they had some poor resumes and sloppy work habits, but beyond that there was little. I'm a good judge of character. It was hard for me to believe the Captain and Rob were crooked.

When I got home, I got a call form one of my computer nerds. He said he recognized some names of Heartland Security. My head nerd, Rolly, was an ageing hippy. Now 60, he still thought tie dyed tee shirts were hot stuff. "Back in my mis spent youth, I ran into several hackers," Rolly said. "I found a few of them working for Heartland. Their screen names were Hell Hacker and Byte One. They liked breaking into personal records."

"To what end?"

"At the time I thought it was an ego trip and a little blackmail," Rolly said. "They liked showing they were smarter than anyone else. By now I would bet they are into identity theft, maybe some fraud. They were seduced to the dark side."

"Is that a problem for the hospital?"

"Well, there is a requirement that Greenfield be given full access to the Hospital's records. Doctors, staff and even patients," Rolly explained, "The hospital computer system is also tied into the state's mainframe. It could be a gold mine for hacker."

"Why would an organization attempting a massive cyber crime, be involved in a petty protection scheme," I asked? "It doesn't make any sense."

"Byte One operated a S & M web site," Rolly said. "Maybe he gets his rocks off scaring women."

"Maybe, but if there is that much money involved, I can't imagine letting a sexual obsession get in the way," I said. "Who has a connection to the state computer guys?"

"Donnie," Rolly said instantly. "His son is in charge of computer services for the Health Department."

"Ask him if there are any problems," I asked. "I wonder if there are any anomalies." Rolly said he'd check it out.

Donnie was a retired policeman. He was a bull dog and I wondered if his son had the same characteristics. Two days later I heard from Donnie. There was something going on. The entire state computer establishment was on the hunt.

There was a chance Greenfield was the honest front man for a cyber scam. It would be a clever scheme. The crime wouldn't actually take place at the hospital, but would be down at a remote computer connected to the Hospital. There would be no direct association.

I didn't have much time to think about the cyber crime. The next morning I heard a nurse had been mugged. She was in a coma in the intensive care unit. I called Rita and told her the news. She was shocked and pissed. "I'll get some additional operatives there this afternoon," she said. Rita was into revenge. Her father had beat up her mother and Rita was not prone to take violence against women sitting down. I liked that about her.

I went on with my work. Most of the Greenfield men were talking about the attack. Buster was silent as were two of his friends. Wolf looked worried. I guessed he knew, or suspected something. I would get together with him later.

The attack was kept out of the papers, but word spread quickly in the Hospital. The city police were evident in the area, but Greenfield didn't step up its efforts. I didn't see any increase in patrolling, but I thought they might have been doing some undercover work. When I ran into the Captain, I found out this wasn't the case. When there was a big problem, Heartland was supposed to step in. That hadn't happened. The company hadn't authorized overtime, or an increase in staffing. It was business as ususal.

Rob had returned to Oklahoma that morning and the Captain was on the phone to him, trying to get help. Late in the afternoon I saw Rita in the halls of the hospital wearing the housekeeping uniform. She was taking personal control.

When I got back to my apartment Peter and Martin were at my door seconds after I got in. They had heard rumors of the attack and wanted to get the low down. I told them what I knew. They thought it was odd for two attacks to occur in days. While the University and Hospital were large, they formed a tight community. When something happened, everyone knew.

"What do the jungle drums say?" I asked.

"Well, there's been an increase of petty crime," Peter said. "Purse snatching and the like. The two attacks brought it all into focus. I think something's up."

I had to agree with them. "Is all the violence aimed at women?" I asked.

"I think so," Martin replied. "At least, that's the way it seems to me." They told me mid-semester projects were due in a few days at the Architecture School. They were big into all-nighters and the girls who lived away from town tended to use Cindy's apartment as a crash pad. We talked for a while, then they went back to their apartment. I got to bed early. I needed some rest and wanted to at the hospital early the next day. I hoped I would run into Wolf.

As I walked to work, I noticed City Police cruisers hidden in alleyways. The City Police were taking it seriously. One followed me for a while. I do look like a suspicious character. Fortunately one of the patrol men recognized me from the attack in my apartment house and they slid into another alley.

I got in at five and the Captain was there with Walrus and Bobby. They had put in an extra shift without pay. The Captain took the assault on the nurse as a personal affront. Buster and Wolf didn't show up. It was a quiet day, but tense. I saw Guido and he mentioned there were several new employees from Richmond. "They aren't the shrinking violet types," he remarked. "They also wanted the graveyard shift."

"Did they get it?"

"Oh yes," he said. "After that attack on the nurse, there's been a real problem staffing."

I went back to my apartment between my two shifts and found a man in the hall. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was going to ask you the same question," he said in an unpleasant way.

"I live here. It's your turn to answer," I answered. He was an older, big, bluff man.

"Are you the shrimp that lives down stairs?" he asked, mellowing a bit. "I'm Cindy's uncle. I'm here to keep my sister for going crazy."

"I don't know about the shrimp part, but I'm the guy downstairs," I said.

"I'm Jerry Watson. Cindy describes me as her Uncle who puts his foot in his mouth," he said. "I guess you can figure out why? We appreciate what you did for Cindy. I've got a big mouth. I'm sorry."

I extended my hand and we shook hands. "Are you here as a watch dog?" I asked.

"That's a good way to put it. I just retired from the marines," he explained, "Cindy's dad is bad shape, he has problems with his ticker. It's Col. Jerry into the breach." He looked me over. "Cindy said you beat the shit out of the rapist," he said. "Is there more to you than meets the eye?"

"I doubt that, I'm just an ordinary guy." I said.

"Like to go to lunch?" he asked. "Cindy has no food in the apartment." I said sure and we went to a nearby restaurant. He turned out to be a nice guy. He was genuinely worried about Cindy and her mother, his sister. Later, back at my apartment I told him who to talk within the city Police. After an hour and a half of conversation, I was sure he was a member of the brotherhood. Jerry had never married and his jeans showed all his equipment to advantage.

I was a little horny and decided to try the "I need to take a shower before I get back to work" ploy. It worked like a charm. When I got out of the shower, Jerry was in the bathroom watching. I opened the curtain and dried off slowly. He was appropriately complimentary about my sexual equipment. "There sure is more to you than meets the eye," he commented.

"I have to get back to work shortly," I said. He knew exactly what I meant. I started taking off his shirt. A few moments later we were on my bed 69ing like dogs in heat. Jerry was not a novice at man sex. His cock was massive rather than long, but his cock head was sensitive and responsive. I felt appreciated. He shot off quickly and we broke it off. I wanted to get to work, but Jerry asked if we could try it again. I casually mentioned I was usually a top. Jerry said that was fine with him. I went back to work for the afternoon shift.

Wolf was in the locker room. He seemed uneasy. Walking by me, he slipped me a slip of paper. It had his address on it and a time, 10:30. That was good news. I was done at 10:00 and drove to Wolf's place. It was a trailer in a hollow at the foot of the Blue Ridge. Wolf was waiting for me. He had been drinking. We went into the trailer and I had a beer with him.

"I fucked up," he said.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"I was supposed to be on patrol last night," he whispered. "Where that woman was attacked, I was supposed to be there."

"Why weren't you?"

"Buster gave me the night off. He said someone was taking my place," Wolf continued. "When I reminded Buster about it, he denied he had even talked to me. I'm screwed. He's setting me up."

"Why would he do that?"

"I was accused of hitting a woman ten years ago. She dropped the charges, but there is a record back in Texas," he said. "I told Buster about it when I signed on. He said it wasn't a problem. This morning, he told me I'd better play ball with him, or else."

"Or else what?"

"I don't know. There's something going on at Heartland. I don't know what it is, but Buster said they might need some muscle," Wolf said. "You know, I don't mind being a little rough, but that's kind of a game with me. It isn't with Buster." He pulled back the sleeve of his shirt and showed me his arm. It was burned.

"What happened" I asked?

"He has a cigarette lighter. He's turned it into a flame thrower," Wolf said. "Not a big one, but it hurts like hell." There was a chance Wolf was feeding me a line of shit, but I didn't think so. The burn was real, and I didn't think Wolf was that brave.

"You need to put something on that," I said.

"I don't have anything," he said. Wolves sounded defeated. He was frightened and lost.

"I've got a first aid kit in the car," I said. "I'll fix you up."

I got my kit and took him in his bathroom. I ran his arm under the cold water for a while, patted it dry and applied an ointment. The ointment had a painkiller in it and it helped. "Does it feel better?"

"Yah, it does," Wolf answered.

"My momma was a nurse," I said. "She was big on first aid. I was in the rescue squad back home." That was a lie. I had learned first aid as a policeman. Wolf didn't need to know that.

"What in hell can I do?" Wolf asked.

"I'd play along for a while and see what he's up to," I said. "Don't do anything illegal. It would be really interesting to find out what he's planning. Do you think he knows who attacked the nurse?"

"I don't really know," he replied. "It was sort of like playing cops and Robbers. The captain was the good cop, and Buster was the bad cop. Buster isn't playing. It's real."

"Does the Captain know what's going on?" I asked.

"I don't think so," Wolf replied. "Several months ago Buster told me the Greenfield me were just pawns. "They don't know shit," he said." I thought he was puffing himself up. He was always feeding me a line."

"What in hell did you see in him?" I asked.

"I thought he'd take care of me," Wolf whispered. "I've made some bad choices in my life. Buster seemed to be a leader of men. The sex was good too." He looked at me, "not anywhere as good as you," he added quickly.

"Do you have an itch in that ass of yours?" I asked. While I'm not a mind reader, Wolf was easy to understand. I reached over and felt his basket. He was getting hard.

"I'd like that," he replied.

"Let's get naked and see what we can do," I said. It turned out we could do quite a bit. I didn't fuck him in a lovie-dovie, kissie-wissy style, but I took my time. I was more like an explorer looking for the Holy Grail. I didn't fine my grail, but I found his. Actually I found his three or four times.

I was nice to him. I fucked him doggie style and then on his back. Each time we got into another position, I pushed deeper into his ass. I was bad in one way. When the pleasure was so intense he couldn't stand it anymore, I didn't let him off the hook. It may have felt so good it almost hurt, but it only almost hurt. Once my cock forced his sphincter, Wolf surrendered. His ass was mine and my cock ruled him. Wolf could take it and still want more.

I had expected ten minutes of wild and crazy, but when I finally shot off, it was almost an hour later. Wolf was exhausted, but every time I pulled out and then went in again, his ass welcomed me. His sphincter had lost most of its strength, but could still caress my cock as it slipped deeper into his quivering ass.

When I shot off, Wolf moaned. My ejaculations were so strong he could feel them shooting into his ass. I let my cock in for a few moments. It shrank and slipped out of his ass. I told him to be careful with Buster and went home/

Next: Chapter 82: Catfish Sees a Doctor 6

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