Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 16, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

The next day was uneventful until the late shift. I got a note that I was to take the graveyard shift to cover for a sick employee. I wished I had been able to sleep more the night before, but that's life. There was supposed to be a night supervisor, but he went home at midnight. I vacuumed my way toward the file area and found them locked. The file clerk's computers were on, and I decided to take a quick look.

As I said, the girls in the record area weren't the brightest bulbs in the world. They had left the files open on their computers. After checking out Greenfield, I went to the open company menu and found Heartland. It took while, but I found Buster. His real name was Samuel Evans. I located Wolf too. I copied r that information and closed the file.

The files were a listing of names and addresses and didn't have other relevant information, but it was a good start. I also found Heartland's address and the CEO's name. A name like Heartland is only one step short of being generic, like ACME or AAAA Escort service.

After cleaning up the office I went to the locker room. It was empty, so I stripped down and began disinfecting the shower and steam rooms. I was hard at work in the steam room when I heard someone in the showers. They were loud and boisterous and after a few minutes they came into the steam room.

"I'm done," I said. "If you want the stream, I can turn it on for you?" I recognized Buster's voice. He was with a good looking younger guy.

"Sure," one of the men said. "It's been a long night." I got the stream unit going.

"I didn't know they let the animals from the zoo out at nights," Buster said as he looked me over.

"Damn if you don't sound just like my Daddy," I said with a smile.

"He thought a chimp fucked your Momma?" Buster asked with a snarl.

"Hell no," I said. "He thought Momma'd been screwed by a donkey." Buster looked at me, saw my cock and then burst out laughing.

"Maybe it was a donkey," he agreed. It was getting steamy in the room. Buster and his friend sat on the bench.

"He's ugly, but has a sense of humor," the other guy said.

"Toby, they must be hiring anyone for broom pusher engineering," Buster observed, "Stay with the Heartland guys. At least they are sanitary." Toby chuckled at Buster's witticisms. The two men chatted and left. I stayed a little longer in the steam room. When I got out, I went to the locker room. I saw Buster leave.

Toby glanced at me. I went to the showers. A minute or two later, Toby came though the shower room. He had undressed and was wearing a towel. "Is the steam still going," he asked? "I'm still stiff as a board."

"It's on low," I said, "I can turn it up if you want it."

"It will be okay," he said. Toby was a little more friendly and a lot more curious than he had been when Buster was nearby. Toby was good looking, muscular, completely shaved except his thick bush. At first, he pretended he wasn't looking at my cock, but before he went in the steam room, he was staring at my meat.

I considered not returning to the steam room, but I decided to see how far Toby would go. "Do you mind some company?" I asked as I entered the room. "It's really quiet here in the early morning."

"It's a free country," he responded. I sat across from him. "Do you do any work, or do you just sit around the steam room all day?" Toby had a snide tone, but I pretended not to notice.

"I'm doing double shifts today. Technically I'm off duty until six, so it's easier to stay here than to go home," I said.

"Double shifts are a bitch," Toby said, mellowing a little. "I had to do that for a few years. It wears you down."

I pulled my legs up on the bench so Toby would have a good view. We talked and he gave up on his tough guy attitude. He was a young, insecure young man, who talked big to hide his insecurity. I had the feeling a lot of that insecurity had to do with his sexual interests. I closed my eyes and rested, giving him some uninterrupted time to study my cock.

When I opened my eyes, he was staring at my cock. He was half hard. "You aren't real shy, are you?" he asked.

"If you were hung like me, would you be shy?" I asked. "Shit, if I could walk down the street naked and erect, I'd have a date every night."

"The girls like you that way?" Toby asked.

"To tell you the truth, the ladies don't care for me," I said. "I do pretty well anyway."

"You like boys?" Toby asked.

"Shit no!" I exclaimed. "I like men. It takes a real man to take what I have to give." Toby just looked at my cock. He was thinking. He wanted to be cool and appear disinterested, but his cock betrayed him. It was nice and hard.

"I'm nervous," Toby said. He looked at my cock again. "It's big."

"Are you into size?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's embarrassing to admit it," he said. Toby smiled. "I could be really happy just looking at it. That's not enough, is it?"

"No, but I take my time," I said. I went over to him and licked his bloated knob. I think he was really close to shooting. "Are you ready to give my cock a try?" Toby nodded. I got back on the bench and sat. He came over and gingerly approached my cock.

"Damn it's big," he muttered. He began to lick my cock head. Toby wasn't at all experienced, but he was willing to learn. By now Toby had lost all of his attitude. He was a freshman in Catfish's School of Pleasure. I guess Toby was a 30-32 year old. I would bet he didn't have any understanding of his sexual anatomy. He knew he had a cock and balls. Beyond that, he was clueless.

We sucked each other until Toby shot off. I guessed he'd hesitate to suck me if he knew I might shoot in his mouth. I decided to take my time. I wanted to know more about Buster and I noticed Buster had taken a shine to Toby.

Toby went home. I took a nap on a bench for a few hours. The Captain came in and then Wolf appeared. I went in the steam room and found the Captain with his cock buried deep in Wolf's ass. Wolf jumped when I came in.

"Don't worry," the Captain said. "He's okay. If you're good, I'll get him to fuck you next."

"That shrimp?" Wolf said.

"Shut up," the Captain said. "You aren't very observant, are you?" Wolf grunted a "Hunh?"

Wolf enjoyed the Captain's tool. The Captain motioned to me to come over. He was smiling and wanted to give Wolf a lesson in humility. Wolf didn't expect my cock to replace the Captain's. Wolf was completely open when I rammed him. I knocked the wind out of him. Usually I let a guy recover, but I kept Wolf off balance for the entire ten minutes I was in his ass. When he could breathe, he called me a fucking faggot and cock sucker.

I decided to teach him a lesson. Wolf no longer was feeling pain. I could tell he was enjoying it gig time. I pulled out and said I was done. Wolf begged and pleaded with me to fuck him again and finish him off. I eased my cock head into his hole and just barely had popped through his sphincter, then pulled out again. "Fuck me, please!" he begged and then he started to cry. I'm not much prone to pity, but I felt sorry for him. I deep dicked him for another five minutes. The Captain went into the shower room and kept watch, leaving me worry free as I screwed Wolf.

Wolf turned into a whimpering puppy by the time I was done. I'm not into bondage, or slave master shit, but Wolf was different. I told him I loved to fuck, but I'd never fuck him again if he didn't do what I wanted. "Does Buster fuck you?" I asked. He nodded. "That's fine with me, just don't let him know I own your ass. If he finds out you're mine, I never screw you again. You do what I want and we can have some fun."

Some guys like my cock and some love it. Wolf's attraction was three or four tiers above love. He was my cock slave now. By the time I got back to my apartment I was bushed. It had been a long day. I called into my office the information I had found and got in bed. I slept like a log. When I got to work the next morning, the locker room was filled with six men. Someone from Greenfield's headquarters was coming on an inspection trip. Everyone was trying to look their best. There were three men from Greenfield. One was an accountant, another was a MBA executive type and a third man who looked like a professional wrestler. I only saw them from a distance, but they struck me as an ill matched group. The local Greenfield men were busy as bees, very unlike their normal lackluster approach to work.

They flew in that morning and flew back at five. There was no way they could do anything less than a cursory overview of the operation. The wrestler type stayed behind. It turned out he was the Captain's friend.

I got home early that night. I checked in with my office. They had been busy. Greenfield was a legitimate looking corporation. It was one of those security specialists that popped up after 9/11. They charged top dollar and never quiet met expectations. Slightly suspect I thought, but not criminal. Heartland was intended to look like a professional security organization, but it had a checkered staff.

They made a point of saying they employed ex cons to give "real world" advice. Originally there were two or three reformed criminals on the staff. My computer nerd thought perhaps half the staff were ex cons now. Most of my nerds were retired cops and this raised red flags. I asked them to check out Heartland's track record.

Buster wasn't an ex con, but he had several arrests, mostly for assault and battery. He had gotten off. He had a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. I thought he was a bully and his record confirmed that.

I got a call from Rita. One of her operatives had been approached by a man who offered her some protection. "Which one was it?" I asked.

"Sally," Rita replied. "She turned him down. He told her she'd be sorry."

"What was his name?"

"Rocky was the name he gave. Sally said he was a real piece of work," Rita said. "Sally likes her men rough and ready. Rocky wasn't her type."

"Did he scare her?" I asked. "We can take her out. I don't want her to get hurt."

"Sally's hard as nails and doesn't like to be pushed around," Rita said. "She's aggressive, but not foolish. She'll take care of herself."

"Who is with her?"

"Wanda and Lois." Rita replied. "They make you look like a pussy cat." Rita was a good woman and she knew her stuff.

The next day was quiet. The presence of the Heartland man kept everyone on their toes. I was finishing up that night, when the Captain came in and found me.

"How are things," he asked?

"Just about done," I said. "It's been a nice quiet day."

"I was wondering if you'd like to have a beer after work?"

"Sure," I said. "I thought you had company."

The Captain smiled. "I told Rob about you," he said. "He'd like to meet you."

"How is it that he asked about me?" I asked. "He caught a glimpse of you in the shower this morning."

"He liked what he saw?"

"Oh yes," the Captain replied. He leaned close to me. "I had no idea he was into, well you know. He didn't know about me either."

"You share a common interest?"

"That's a nice way to put it. Are you interested?" he asked again.

"Sounds good to me," I replied. Fifteen minutes he came by and took me to Rob's hotel room. He was in a fancy hotel in a country club. He had a suite. Rob was wearing shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. Every muscle was on view. He was a solid 6'-3" and 240 pounds of solid man. We had a beer and talked. Rob was a former professional wrestler. He hurt his back and had to retire.

Originally he was the spokesperson for Greenfield. He was so good at that he moved into training and then into operations. He seemed genuine. Rob was loud and hearty. He slipped into his wrestling persona, but I felt there was a real man underneath.

He was also one horny man. He wasn't shy about his interests. He was glancing at my basket at every opportunity. I rearranged my basket to keep him interested. There was no need for me to do anything. Rob was interested.

"I hope you aren't offended by size queens," Rob asked out of the blue.

"To tell you the truth, I usually like them," I said. "I don't mind showing my stuff, but I like showing it in action more."

"Hot damn!" Rob exclaimed.

"Damn Rob, you sure have a sophisticated pick up line," the Captain observed.

Rob was stripping off his shirt. "It works. Let's get nekid and have some fun." Rob was a leader of men and the Captain and I were soon in our birthday suits. Rob was nicely equipped, but his massive muscular body was the main attraction. He was spectacular. Rob was bald with a fringe of golden hair on his head and a Fu Manchu beard. The rest of his body was tanned and shaved except for his bush. He was a genuine size queen. He loved my cock and was willing to take the rest of me in the bargain. The Captain watched Rob go after my cock. He looked surprised Rob was so enthusiastic. I realized the Captain hadn't considered a muscleman, very macho man like Rob could be so into gay sex. I knew better.

Once he got into it, the Captain was a full participant. It was as if Rob's passion gave him the green light to fully enjoy himself. He was sucking Rob with obvious relish as Rob sucked me. It wasn't perfect at first. Rob had been a big mouth on the professional circuit, but his mouth wasn't physically large, he could only get my cock head in. He would lick my cock and balls, then stroke the shaft. Rob would then return to my head and suck up the cock drool. He liked drool a lot.

The former wrestler was so much taller than me, it was hard to 69. The Captain helped with that. Eventually the Captain was on the floor 69ing with Rob. Rob was on top sucking, but he had his legs pulled up on each side of the Captain's head. This stretched his buns apart and exposed his hole. He was wide open.

His hole was a pink and pretty pillow of flesh surrounding the opening. It was puffy looking and I suspected he was a bottom. Leaning over, I sniffed it. There was no smell except the faint odor or lubricant. Sticking my tongue out, I licked the pillow. Rob moaned and moved his legs wider.

I'm not much on riming, but for Rob, I made an exception. As I pushed my tongue into his hole, Rob tried to open up for me. Truthfully I didn't know you could do that.

"What in hell are you doing," the Captain asked? "He's pumping out the pre cum."

"I'll tell you later," I said as I pushed my tongue deeper into Rob's ass. "Got some lubricant?" I asked Rob. He told me where to find it. I got it, coated my cock and aimed it at his ass.

"Captain, you've got a front row seat, but it might get messy," I said.

"I'll take my chances," he replied.

"Ram me good," Rob said. I eased it in. Rob was ready, but he began to moan at five inches and by the time all ten was it he was shivering in pleasure.

"Do you need me to slow down," I asked?

"Just for a little while," he said. A little is what he got.

Next: Chapter 81: Catfish Sees a Doctor 5

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