Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 19, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 8

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Skeeter woke me up at seven the next morning. "Turn on the TV! It's Vince!" we ran to the living room and turned on the local station. It was a special report, live from a fire in a warehouse in the east end of Richmond. The building was in ruins, there was smoke everywhere. The reporter said, a portion of the building had collapsed and firemen were missing.

Skeeter had a redneck's nose for automobiles and he had seen Vince's red Jimmy under the rubble. I asked how he knew it was Vince's, all the firemen's trucks looked the same to me.

"It's a `97 with a special bumper package." he said, looking at me with pity in his eyes. We saw a few familiar faces in the TV coverage, but the cameramen were jumping from scene to scene and you couldn't focus on individual faces. Karl put a tape in the VCR to record the coverage.

Bubba called to see if Vince, Julio or Steve had returned. I said no. Ed called and said he would call his friends in City Hall to see if he could find out who was missing. I called some of my friends and connections. Nobody knew anything.

At ten, we got a call from Julio. He and Steve were okay, Vince was missing and they were all searching for him. It was almost certainly arson. From the way he said it, I knew there wasn't much hope for Vince. I wished him good luck and he hung up. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach.

The local stations were doing continuous coverage and we all gathered in my living room. Most of the men from the Christmas party returned as well as my neighbors. The TV went back to regular programming at noon, and Bubba called up the station and cussed them out royally. At 12:30 there was a special bulletin and they returned to the fire scene. A fireman had been found in the debris. A few minutes later they announced he was alive. Karl put a new tape in the VCR and pressed record.

We watched as they pulled the man out. It was almost impossible to see. Butch saw Steve was part of the rescue team. It was a confused mass of firemen rushing the man to a waiting ambulance. It left and Karl stopped the tape and we played it in slow motion. We reduced the speed to frame by frame and finally were able to make out that the man had white hair. It was almost certainly Vince. I felt an incredible sense of relief.

Fifteen minutes later, Steve called and told us it was Vince. He was hurt, but alive. Julio and Steve returned in the later afternoon. Julio said Vince was in serious, but not critical condition. The floor collapsed and dumped him into the basement. He had been trapped under rubble, but the wind was in the other direction. The fire had burned away from him.

The two firemen had been up for well over 24 hours by then. They were still keyed up. They told us what had happened.

"The building was burning when we got there. It appeared to have started at multiple points." Julio said. "The individual fires seemed manageable at first, but Christmas night is a bad time to have a fire. Lots of men were out of town. We were supposed to be investigating it, but we were on the hoses."

"I thought we had it under control by two or so in the morning," Steve continued. "But there was an explosion. A big one. The whole thing burst into flame."

"It was a trap?" Butch asked.

"That was my read on it." Steve said. "The first fire was a decoy to get men in the building. The explosion was to kill them. That's when we lost track of Vince. Earlier we had lost contact with Chief Brown, and so Vince went to direct the fire fighting from the other side of the building."

"It was a madhouse. Every city fireman in town was there. The special county units arrived, as well as some volunteer units from the countryside." Julio said. "There were several other fires. They were typical Christmas trees burning and a poor electrical connection fires. The counties and volunteer units covered them."

"We found two bodies." Julio said. "Badly burned, but they weren't firemen. They weren't wearing any equipment. We finally got the thing under control and did a nose count. Three men were missing. One of them was Vince. We found one guy at the hospital recovering form smoke inhalation. Another had been hosing the building down the fire from an isolated roof and didn't know he was missing."

"We found Vince's truck under the rubble. He has a lot of equipment in it so, he moved it where it was convenient. We finally found him at noon. It is a miracle he lived."

"How badly injured is he?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure he has a broken leg and ribs, he was knocked against a wall, then fell into the basement." Julio said. "He was in about three feet of water, so he was cold and in shock. He wasn't burned." We must have talked for an hour. They then went to shower and clean up.

I decided to make dinner out of left overs, but Karl took over and converted the leftovers into something considerably better than I could have dreamed up. Skeeter suggested some ketchup would improve the turkey remains and we spent an hour ribbing Skeeter on his culinary preferences. Skeeter could give as good as he got and it was a good natured ribbing. It was clear that Karl and Skeeter had hit it off really well the night before.

Julio also admired Karl's culinary skills. We had dinner and everyone went home, since we were all tired. Steve and Julio were all but zombies. They were so tired, they couldn't go to sleep. Karl mentioned we had taped the television coverage and Julio wanted to watch it, so we put the tape on.

Skeeter, Karl, the two firemen and I watched. Steve explained what was going on to us. There were multiple reruns of the fire earlier in the night, along with live coverage of the search for the missing firemen.

Skeeter was manning the remote control. He stopped in a crowd scene and rewound it. "Do you remember seeing that guy at the first fire?" he asked. He pointed out a tall, thin man with a Harley sweat shirt. Karl and I had been among the first group to get to the explosion in the house in our block. I didn't recall the man, but Karl did.

"He does seem familiar. As I recall he was one of those who just watched." Karl said. "I remember being slightly irritated. We were trying to save the black families furniture. Do you remember the name of the student who was burned out? He might remember." I did and I also had Mike's phone number. I remembered he was local and might be in town for the holiday, so I called him and he came over.

Steve took charge. He wanted to make sure no one gave a hint about the man, so Mike wouldn't be influenced by our suspicions. Mike appeared and Fire Plug greeted him with wild enthusiasm. Steve asked him to look closely at the crowd scenes in the tapes.

Mike had the remote control and looked carefully. He stopped several places, but went on saying they were people he saw in the street all the time. He stopped again when the tape came to the tall man with the Harley sweat shirt.

"This guy looks familiar. He isn't a neighbor, but some how I think he was there." Mike said.

"Could you identify him in court?" Julio asked.

"I don't think so. It was so confused at the fire. He may have been there, but it might have been someone else. I'm six-two. It's unusually to see someone taller than me." Mike explained. "I think he was just staring at the fire. He wasn't doing anything. You guys were trying to help. He just stood there."This information was enough for Steve and Julio. They took the tape and went to the Fire Department Headquarters to get the information in the pipeline.

Skeeter and I were talking in the living room when Julio and Steve came back around ten. They were happy.

"Those tapes were just the information we were looking for. The department tries to tape suspicious fires, but it is always hit or miss." Steve said. "It may not pan out, but it is a start." They were happy, but looked exhausted. "Can you go to Headquarters and look over mug shots tomorrow?"

"I sure can!" Skeeter said. "I'll do anything to help. You boys need some sleep."

"I'm too keyed up." Julio said. He looked at Skeeter. Clearly the same relaxation technique occurred to them at the same time. Actually the idea struck us all at the same time. We were all on my king sized bed in five minutes.

I had never though of sex as being therapeutic, but I discovered it could be. I spent a good half hour with my tongue enveloped in Julio's remarkable foreskin. I remembered how uncomfortable he had been a few days earlier. He wasn't uncomfortable now. He just laid back and let me lick. Skeeter was doing the same to Steve.

Julio wanted to do more, but I told him just to relax. My tongue found the tender place, where the skin joined the head and it caressed that spot until Julio began to dribble cum. He had a gentle, quiet orgasm. The cum drooled from the piss slit rather than shot from it. I licked it up and when he was finished I pulled away. He was asleep.

After the tension of the day and all the anxiety, it was relaxing and sensual. I hadn't shot, but I didn't feel the need either. Steve was asleep by then too. Skeeter and I relocated on the bed and fell asleep ourselves.

Steve's beeper rang at eight the next morning. The Director of Public Safety had called a meeting at ten to address public concerns about the fire. He wanted the investigators to be there. They dressed and left. It was good to be alone in the house for the first time in several days. It was a leisurely day with no events planned.

I took a long walk with Fire Plug. All the snow had melted and it was almost 60. It felt like spring. It was a clear, blue sky with bright sunshine and we walked over to Monument Avenue and meandered our way through the neighborhood. I wandered to a small shopping area and had coffee in the outdoor eating area. It was that warm. Fire Plug was scrounging cookies and pieces of cake from the other customers.

An older man tripped in front of my table and slipped. He caught himself before he fell, but lost a chocolate eclair. Fire Plug intercepted the eclair mid air.

"Are you all right?"" I asked. "Did the dog trip you?"

"No, No. I'm fine." the man said in a bass- baritone voice. "It's my ankle. I sprained it a few days ago and it just gave out on me." I asked him to sit at my table and ordered a replacement pastry.

"No need to do that." he said. "It was my fault." I laughed.

"I think the dog was a bit premature in his capture of the eclair." I responded. "I didn't realize he could jump that high."

"It was an impressive catch for a beast so low slung." the man said. He introduced himself as Magnus Anderson. I recognized him as a well known business leader. I introduced myself.

"You're the contractor with the murals and the theater project." he said. "I've been reading about you in the papers." I was flattered he recognized my name. "I was pleased you saved the theater. I spent many hours in that theater as a boy. These fires are terrible. Did you hear about the fire Christmas night? A friend of mine was hurt there."

"I did. Two of the firemen were bunking at my house for the holiday." I said. "Vince is a friend of yours?"

"You know him too?" Magnus asked. "I've known him for years. He's an impressive man." Our eyes met and I realized we both were talking about his cock. Magnus must have been in his early to mid 70's. He was over six feet and had a heavily tanned and weather-beaten face with a bushy mustache. He had clear and bright eyes. "We were members of a heath club." He added.

"Was that the Alcazar?" I asked. "Vince mentioned it to me. He said I would have enjoyed it." Magnus smiled.

"He was the manager after he retired from the Fire Department. When it closed, he rejoined the department. I told him he was getting too old for high stress work." Magnus explained. "Have you heard how he's doing?"

"He was fine this morning, but I expect to get an update shortly when I get back home."

"I would greatly appreciate it if you could call me." Magnus asked. "We are friends, but it's difficult to call. I don't like to be a nuisance to his family." The sun was getting low and it was getting cold. Magnus and I exchanged phone numbers and I walked him to his car, and then took Fire Plug home.

Julio was waiting for me. He said Vince was doing well, but would be moving real slow for the next few weeks. He would be in the hospital for a few days, then home. Skeeter and Mike had been through a slew of mug books and found several possibilities. The head arson investigator was pleased with Skeeter and Mike. They were good witnesses, neither wanted to embellish. The Fire Marshall thought this could be a major lead. The Steve and Skeeter returned at four.

Magnus called and I gave him an update on Vince's condition. He asked if we would like to come over for a cocktail and give several of Vince's friends a first hand report. Julio and Steve said they weren't dressed to go out, but Magnus told us to come as we were. They were off duty and agreed to go.

I knew Magnus was an important businessman, but when I saw his house it became clear just how successful. It was in the back of an expensive neighborhood, overlooking the James River. Magnus greeted us at the door and took us to the living room. The house wasn't huge, it was just very nice. Beautifully built and crafted, the house was filled with paintings and antique furniture. It didn't look decorated, it was furnished with style and character. You knew an interesting man lived there.

We joined several of Magnus' friends in the living room. Magnus introduced us to the men and said they were good friends of Vince. Wally Jones was the organist of a downtown church, Dr. Ram Singh was a psychiatrist and there was a guy named Templeton, who was a banker. Julio and Steve gave an account of the fire, and Vince's rescue. The whisky was very good, and after a few minutes everyone was comfortable. They all knew about the Millennium Construction Company as well as the fires afflicting Richmond. Ram worked in a state prison and his theories about arsonists interested Julio and Steve.

The organist, Wally, was interested in the theater and its former organ. He thought the original organ had been sold and was somewhere in south west Virginia. After a half hour of conversation it seemed as if we had all been friends for years. Magnus asked if we would like to share his dinner of leftovers from Christmas. We said yes and a few minutes later he called us into he dining room, where an impressive array of food was spread on the table.

"When you are my age and have everything people give you food!" Magnus said. "Having you all here is a God send for me. I'd weigh 1000 pounds by the end of the season otherwise." We ate and admired the room . It was decorated with scenic wall paper of views of 18th century Paris. One side was badly damaged by a water stain. Skeeter stared at it.

"My eight year old grandson stopped up a bath tub." he explained. "The paper dates from 1785. They still make it, but if we repair the one panel it will stick out like a sore thumb."' Skeeter looked at it with a professional eye. We had been working with wall paintings and elaborate decoration so much, Skeeter and I had a good idea of what would be needed to repair it. It was a job for Otto and Lance. Magnus appreciated our thinking on the paper and I told him I could send Otto over next week..

When we finished eating, Magnus signaled to me to come over to him. "We usually retire to the pool after dinner." Magnus whispered to me. "It's nude. Is that a problem for any of your friends?" I told him I didn't think it was. He smiled. "If you thought Vince was impressive, you may well enjoy my guests tonight. They are all impressive in their own way." I told him to lead on to the pool.

Magus then announced we were off to the pool and anyone who wanted to swim was welcome. He took us through a small door, down some stairs and then through a brick vaulted tunnel. As we walked, Magnus explained the unusual construction. "The family that owned this house before me was worried about Russian attack. They built a massive fallout shelter, complete with a cistern for storing enough water to hold out for a year."

"When I bought the house, I wanted to demolish the thing, but it was too expensive. It's all cast- in-place concrete and would have required blasting. I closed it off, but a few years ago I turned it into a pool and recreation room." he continued. We finally reached another door. Magnus opened it and we saw the reflection of water against glazed ceramic tile.

The space was vaulted with a six foot area on all sides of a shimmering blue pool. A circular area at one end segregated a hot tub area from the rest. The room was very light with white and yellow tiles set in a decorative pattern. There were four planters with palms at the corners.

A bare breasted female sphinx was at the half-way point on each side. Magnus pressed a button and their breasts sprouted water. At the end of the pool was a statue of Neptune, the god of the sea. He had a conch shell as a cock and it too was shooting water. Facing him on the other side of the pool a Hercules refilled the pool through a conventional penis. Magnus stripped and dove into the water. We all followed suit.

I immediately realized what Magnus meant by saying his friends were impressive. There was big meat everywhere. Ram was a big man and his cock was even bigger. Templeton was small in comparison, but his cock was disproportionally large. Wally had a thick cock that tapered to a comparative small head. Magus would have been a big man in any company other than this.

I swam a few laps. Skeeter was sucking Magnus at the end of my third lap. Magnus talked with Ram and Julio. I joined Templeton and Wally in the hot tub. Steve was missing. Then I saw him nursing Ram's huge member. Everyone was accounted for.

"Did Vince tell you much about the Alcazar?" Wally asked.

"He said it was a gay health club and was really enjoyable." I said. "Was it as good as this?"

"To tell the truth, it was much more intense than this." Templeton said. "It was all sex, all the time."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Enjoyment is too tame a word." the small man said. "You could really let yourself go and no one seemed to mind."

"We're all old friends here . I assume you all were well acquainted sexually?" Wally explained. "The Alcazar had a much bigger pool of men, some friends, some acquaintances, some strangers. They had a wide range of sexual interests. It was a sex club, so if someone was there, sex is what he was after." Templeton laughed. "If you bent over in the shower there was a good chance a cock would be poking in."

"There was a good chance it was your cock, if I recall correctly!" Wally added.

"Come on now! I only did that to you once!" Templeton whined. This was clearly a long standing joke between the two men. "I admit it. I do like sex."

"I seem to have a fondness for it too." I said as I got out of the hot tub and dove into the cooler water of the pool. When I emerged at the other end, Magnus was sucking Skeeter and Ram was sucking both Steve and Julio. Magnus got out of the water.

"I may have a job for your construction company." Magnus said. "I have a small project that might be just right for you."

"A resoration project?" I asked.

"No. I'm planning to build another club." Magnus said.

"The Alcazar II?" Wally asked.

"A club on New Samoa Island."Magus explained. "It's a small island in the Chesapeake Bay. There are the ruins of an old house there, but it's secluded and isolated. It would be an ideal place for the sort of club I am interested in. A gay construction company would meet my needs too."

"Professionally or sexually?" I asked.

"Professionally." Magnus said decisively. Then he smiled. "I wouldn't mind the sexual part either." I smiled.

Next: Chapter 9

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