Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 13, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

We had a nice get together in the steam room. We didn't do anything, but we all knew that we shared a common interest. Walrus got up to half staff. He had some potential. The young, scrawny kid was real shy. I saw him glancing at me and my cock, but he was afraid to stare.

I finished and went home. I was almost home when I realized someone was following me. I made a few quick turns and got up behind him. It was the scrawny kid. "You live near here?" I asked.

He almost jumped out of his skin. "No, I'm just taking a walk," he said.

"Well, I just live up the street here," I said. "How about a beer?" He followed me home.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Bobby," he said. "You're supposed to get a neat nick name, but I couldn't think of one," he replied. He had a strong Texas accent. "I'd be Mouse Man. I'm afraid."

Close up, Bobby was older then I thought, maybe 30-35. He looked as if he'd had a hard life. He looked beaten.

"How did you end up here," I asked? "You don't sound like a native."

"I'm from El Paso. I wanted to get away and this job came along," he said. "It's better than nothing."

"Ex wife problem?" I asked.

"A family problem. I've never been married," Bobby said. "My folks didn't like that."

"Never married here either," I said. "I'm not inclined that way. How did you get a job with Greenfield? Texas is a long way from here."

"You don't work for Greenfield?"

"Nope, I work for the Hospital," I said. "Not the job of my dreams, but I'm getting up thee in years. I need a job with benefits."

"That was part of Greenfield's appeal," Bobby said. "I have what you might call a checkered employment history. They didn't seem to care. I get medical insurance and a retirement plan. The work's not too hard. I've never done this before, but they had training programs."

"Were they hard?" I asked.

"Not really," Bobby replied. "I kind of wish we had more. It was a week of classes. Mostly it was on filling in forms and applying for sick leave."

"How do you like Virginia?"

"It's okay," he said. "It's really expensive here. Not like home. It's hard to make friends."

"Do you hang out with other Greenfield guys? I heard there were a lot of you from Texas," I said.

He said. "Some of the guys here are nice, but . . ."

"A few of the men seem a bit rough," I volunteered. Bobby nodded, but didn't say anything. He looked like a beaten dog.

"Did your folks find out you like men?" I asked. Bobby looked shocked. "Don't worry Bobby. I like cock too."

"You've got a lot of cock to like," Bobby muttered.

"You noticed?" I asked.

"It looks big," Bobby said. His was timid and didn't make a move.

"Are you a sucker or a fucker?" I asked.

He was silent, then he said, "I like it all, but I'm not sure what I could do with your meat." He was silent again for a moment. "I wouldn't mind trying it, but I can't guarantee the results."

"I'm willing to give it a try," I said. I stripped off my shirt and dropped my pants. I was standing cock to eye with Bobby.

"Damn. It's pretty," Bobby exclaimed. He cupped by balls in his hand, then gingerly leaned forward until his tongue touched my cock. His tongue sought out the puckered end of my foreskin. He licked the tip then began to work his tongue into the skin.

Normally my cock would respond and my engorging cock would force his tongue out. There wasn't room for my erect cock and Bobby's tongue. I was relaxed. Bobby didn't turn me on, so my organ remained relaxed. Bobby's tongue got into the tube of foreskin. He wrapped his lips on the skin then tongue fucked my cock.

His tongue was rough compared to the tender and sensitive skin of my cock head. It was enjoyable for me, but Bobby loved it. His tongue found a sensitive spot where my cock head connected to the skin. My member began to respond. Bobby had only seen my soft cock. As I got harder, he got more excited.

"Let's go to the bedroom and do this right," I said. We 69ed for a while. Bobby's cock wasn't impressive when he was soft, but was six or so inches long, but very thin when hard. He had a nice mushroom and was fun to deep throat. I swallowed the whole thing and had no problem breathing and no potential to choke.

It turned out Bobby must have possessed a detachable lower jaw. Like a snake, he opened his mouth and took my entire cock. His nose was buried in my balls and he massaged my cock by swallowing. It was like a snake swallowing its prey. It felt great. Suddenly I was over the edge. I tried to warn Bobby, but there wasn't time. I had never shot off while being deep throated, but I can now recommend it.

I was afraid Bobby would be annoyed at having me shoot off, but his cock erupted. I don't know where Bobby had stored all that cum in his thin body, but I had a mouthful, swallowed, then got another mouthful. Bobby was shivering and twitching with each ejaculation.

We broke apart and rested. Bobby had another beer and went home. It was hard to believe Bobby was involved in anything illegal. He could be ticked easily enough, but he wasn't a crook.

The next day I ran into the other face of Greenfield Security. I had cleaned the office area and went to the exercise room. There were four men there. Walrus and one of his friends, Scooter, were on the treadmills. The other two were new to me. One was a big bruiser named Buster, and the other was lean and sleek. He was called Wolf.

Buster and Wolf were weight lifting and making nasty comments about Walrus and his friend. Sometimes there's a fine line between joking and insulting, but there was clearly intended to be an insult. Buster was built and much stronger than Walrus. When Walrus made a comment in response, Buster went over to him and socked him in the gut. Walrus was completely unprepared and bent over in pain as Buster left for the showers. Wolf laughed and followed his pal.

It was an unprovoked attack. Buster was a bully who liked inflicting pain on weaker men. I wondered if this was just a control technique, or if it was a symptom of something worse. I didn't feel good about it. I went over to Walrus.

"Damn, I didn't see that coming," he gasped. Walrus was still winded.

"I thought he was just joking around," Scooter said. "You know, I thought he was one of those men who tries to joke, but it doesn't come out right. What an asshole."

"I'll get him," Walrus muttered.

"I'd take my time, if I were you," I said. "He'll try that on someone he has badly misjudged. You can visit him in the hospital."

Walrus smiled. "Do you think so?" he looked me in the eye. "Do you know something?"

"Let's just say, I know his type," I said.

The next day Buster and Wolf were back in the exercise room, but the Captain was there and they were well behaved. Later in the shower room Wolf snapped a towel at Scooter and got him good. The nick names were a problem. I needed to get into the personnel files. That might take some doing. The secretaries were young girls, not too bright and not subject to my charms.

The files were locked at night. I had keys to the office, but not to the files. I went to see Guido Benedetti. I asked if I could take a couple of night shifts. This would give me some time to investigate the office area.

"Someone's always sick," Guido said. "I can switch the night crew to cover for the sick one, if you don't mind short notice."

"Hell, I don't exactly have a social life," I said. "By the way, does anyone in the hospital have access to Greenfield's personnel files? It seems to me some of their staff is a little problematic."

"I've noticed that," Guido said. "Technically the hospital has access to the records, but there is a quirk."

"A quirk?"

"We have access to Greenfield's records, but not to their consultants," Guido explained.


"Part of their staff works directly for Greenfield, and some for another firm called Hartland Security."

"Can you tell who works for whom?" I asked.

Guido looked at me. "You know the anser to that already, don't you?"

"How do they get away with this?"

"The Greenfield staff deals with the administrators and doctors. It's the lower tiers of the hospitals staff, nurses and housekeeping that have been having problems," he said. "Nothing you can exactly put your finger on, but something's up."

"Petty stuff?"

"That's it. Petty thievery, purse snatching, that sort of thing," Guido said.

"I hate purse snatchers," I said. "It scares the shit out of women. That's a good chunk of the staff, housekeeping, nurses aids, nurses?"

"You got it. I'm having trouble staffing late shifts," Guido said.

"You might have some girls from Richmond looking for a job," I said. "I think they would like the graveyard shift."

"We always need night staff," Guido said.

I went to my apartment and called my office. I asked for Rita. She was a former Marine officer who ran the female part of my office. She didn't like men much, but thought I was okay. "You're more a monkey than a man, and I like animals," she said. The next day she had three operatives looking for a job at the hospital. If we were lucky, a few purse snatchers would be surprised in the next few weeks. I also got my geek squad working on Heartland Security.

The next morning I met with the Captain in the steam room. This time I took his load. He was a grateful man. In the locker room after I told him, "You know, I live a few blocks away. If you'd like to drop by, maybe we could do this right."

"I don't know about that," he said. I gave him a slip with my address. I wasn't sure if he was ready. A blow job in the steam room was acceptable for him, but he was unsure about sex in a bed. The Captain didn't want to admit he was gay.

He knocked on my door at ten that night. When I opened the door, he looked like a teenager on his first date. In a sense he was. For the first time in his life he was going to jump in bed with a man. I smelled beer on his breath and offered him another when he came in. He relaxed when he got the beer can in his hand.

Once we were naked and linked cock to mouth, the Captain relaxed. He was well equipped, with big balls and a thick six incher. We were doing fine until I sat on his cock. I did some fancy hip work and the Captain went to heaven and back. He turned into a pussy cat.

"Doing okay?" I asked as I shifted my hips and massaged his cock. Sometimes a guy loses his erection after you've been sitting on him for a while. The Captain got harder. I was rubbing his knob against my nut and felt the difference. Either I had relaxed, or he had gotten harder.

"Shit yes," he said. "No one's ever done this to me."

"Sat on your cock?"

"This is the first," he said. "I've fucked a few guys, but it's not like this."

I smiled and played with his tits as I continued rotating my hips on his love pole. "It's nice to have the bottom on top and doing all the work, isn't it," I asked? "The only thing you have to do it feel good and shoot off."

"I can shoot off in you?"

"Only if you have to," I said. "If you like shooting in my mouth, that's fine with me. I liked sampling your cock caviar this morning."

"You're the first guy I've ever sucked to completion," the Captain said. "I liked it a lot more than I thought I would."

"The first time I took a load, it was by accident. My partner missed the warning signs and gave me a mouthful. I wasn't too happy, but I did like sucking while his cock twitched and squirted. That was exciting."

"Do you like cum now?" the Captain asked.

"I like man seed now," I replied. "If your not going to turn all those little polliwogs into babies, you might as well have some fun. They don't do much when you grow them in your balls, but it certainly is fun when you shoot them out." As we talked, I continued undulating my hips on his cock.

The Captain began to moan and his eyes rolled back into his head. I knew he was shooting off. His body was twitching and bouncing me. That forced his cock deeper into my ass.

"Oh Jesus," I cried as he hit the right spot and I began to ejaculate with him. He was shooting in my ass, so it was neat. I shot like a Roman Candle and coated his chest and gut with my cream. We pulled apart and showered together.

We dried off. "Would you mind if I stayed a while?" the Captain asked. We got back in bed and he held me close. He just wanted to hold me and didn't want to be alone. I don't mind cuddling some, but physical contact with a man turns me on. I was rubbing my cock against his leg and got hard again.

We talked. "You've got some nice guys in your operation," I said. "One or two seem a bit nasty."


"That's him," I said.

"He's not one of my men," the captain said. "He's part of the other group."

"I didn't know there was another group," I said.

"They're supposed to be professional back up," the Captain said. "I complained to Greenfield that some of my guys aren't well qualified or trained. They told me there was a back up group that would provide support if I needed it. As far as I can tell that's a crock. Buster and his pals don't support shit."

"It's hard to think of him being helpful," I said. The Captain reached over and felt for my ass hole.

"If you'd like to you could sit on my cock again," he whispered. The Captain spent the night.

Next: Chapter 80: Catfish Sees a Doctor 4

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