Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 7, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Peter was a good sport. I have to admit it was nice to be fuck with man who was my height. I think Peter had been use to preppy types as his playmates. He told me I was the first older man he had been with. I was also the roughest looking. I took him a little while to realize I was serious about not hurting him.

Once he relaxed I realized he was a bottom pig. He was curious and driven. The boy had the sex drive of a bull surrounded by cows in heat. He loved ass play.

I was also the first guy he had been with who was more hairy than he was. His well groomed hairy chest made him look like a movie star. I am hairy like a chimpanzee. Peter told me men tended to fall in love with him. "They meet me, fall in love, then become pest!" he complained.

"Is that what happened with Martin?" I asked.

"Exactly," Peter replied. "Martin got over it. Some guys drive me crazy."

"You don't worry about me," I said. "I just want to fuck you, get my rocks off and then send you home. I like sex. I don't want to marry you." he told me that was his objective too. We chatted while Peter was in the bed on his back. I had two fingers in his ass and watched his cock twitch when I said fuck. He was nicely hung and his cock was a sexual thermometer. Naked men can't hide much and Peter could hide nothing.

He turned rock hard as soon as my finger touched his ass. His hole was tight when I got the first finger in, but after ten of fifteen minutes of fingering he relaxed.

"Is Martin's meat is the biggest you've taken?"

"He's the longest. I had a friend in high school, Billy Jones, who fucked me," Peter said. "He was 6 inches, but quite a bit thicker. It was good too."

"Was he careful?"

"He was a football player, a tackle," Peter explained. "He was rough and tumble. That was okay too."

"Are they the only ones?"

"There were a few others, but none were memorable," Peter said. "I have a feeling I like them big. Only Martin and Bill seem to have got me going."

I pushed my finger deeper into his ass and rammed his prostate. He shivered. "If your prostate is as deep as it seems to be, you may need big meat to reach it. I bet Billy had a big cock head?"

"It was huge, a big mushroom," Peter said. "How did you know?"

"Just a guess, but I will bet it felt good when it rubbed against your nut." I said. I pressed the little gland again. Peter's eyes rolled back into his head. "I'm going to be careful, but there's no guarantee my cock will fit. You know that don't you?"

"I knew it the minute Martin described it too me," he said. "It may sound superficial, but I had to see it and was pretty sure I wanted to try it out. To tell you the truth, you sounded sort of gross. It's your cock I want."

"I'll take what I can get," I said. "You're really turned on, aren't you?" He nodded.

"You need to tell me if it hurts. Do me a favor. Tell me when it begins to hurt, not when it's too much?" I asked. "I try to be a nice guy, but it's hard to turn on a dime sometimes. I have a natural urge to go deep."

Peter nodded. "Do you have poppers?" he asked.

I smiled and got them out of the bedside table. "These are pure amyl from Europe. New bottle too, unopened," I said. "Save the first snort for when you really need it." Peter knew exactly what I was talking about.

Peter was almost double jointed, so I pushed his legs back so they all but touched his shoulders. His ass was wide open, the hole looked diminutive. My lubricated cock poked at it. I played pushing a little harder each time. He didn't open up, but with every few pushes I was closer to popping into his ass.

"Can you slow down a little?" he asked.

"I sure can," I said. I pulled away, turned him on his side and got behind him. My cock was at his hole again. "You just snuggle back and we'll see what happens. When you're ready, open up and let me in."

"I don't know if I can do that," he said, "I'm afraid I can't take it. I want it, but I just don't know." We just talked for a while. I maintained pressure on his ass, but wasn't pushing. I think of myself as a good judge of men and I was sure he wanted it. Sure enough he began to push back, into me.

"I think we need some fresh lube," I said. I pulled away, squirted some in his ass, and resumed my former position. He scooted closer. "It's hard for many guys to open up. It takes a while."

"Is it better to go slow, or take it fast?" Peter asked.

"When you're use to it, slows the way to go," I said. "Start slow and build up. Some guys like a deep thrust right off the bat. If I do that, I just leave it in and do nothing until they adjust to it. When they start moving their hips to get into a better position, all is well."

"What do you think is best for me?"

"I don't know. You're in charge now," I said. "I can take charge any time you want. You're heavily lubricated now and I'm stronger than you are. Any time you want me to pop in, I can do it."

"Can I try the poppers now?" he asked. I twisted the top to open it and gave him the bottle. He took the top off and took a deep snort in each nostril. He put to top back on.

"Oh boy!" he cried. As the amyl hit his nervous system, I felt his ass open. I grabbed his shoulders and forced his body onto my cock. A split second later his ass was kissing my bush. Peter was fucked.

I have good instincts about man sex, but they have never been as good as they were with Peter. My cock rammed his prostate and sank deeper into his ass before the pain of his stretched sphincter reached his brain.

I didn't stay still as I had told him I would. I pumped a little, keeping his prostate stimulated. He was moaning and gasping for breath. I moved my hand from his shoulder to his cock. He was hard as a rock. All was well.

We stayed in that position for a while, then I pulled him back and got him on his knees. At one time during this maneuver, only my knob was in his ass, but as soon as he was up I slid it in again. Peter moaned and whimpered. I made three or four slow thrusts and he shot off. His entire body shivered and shook. It was hard for me to hold him down as he ejaculated over and over again. When he was finished I pulled out and eased him back to the bed. He was asleep.

I hadn't climax myself, but it was very satisfactory anyway. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then I got beside him on the bed and dozed off.

It was an hour later when I woke with Peter sucking my cock. Being a bit like the Energizer Bunny, I got hard. Peter coated my cock in lube and then impaled himself. He did some fancy pole dancing for about a half hour and had a second, prize winning orgasm. He fell asleep again.

The next time I woke him up. He was on his back and I fucked him with his legs wide open. I shot the load this time. After we recovered he went back to his apartment. I finally got in touch with my office. They were having trouble tracing the ownership of Greenfield. I had encountered that before and it was a bad sign. I'm uneasy about corporations that don't want you to know who owns them.

Sunday was my day off and I rested. Peter dropped in after breakfast for a refill. His ass was a little puffy after the previous day's workout, but he was just as enthusiastic. This time I didn't need to be careful. He was willing to take anything I gave him. He could take it and still want more.

Martin got back to town around four. Peter was out, so he dropped in for a quick fuck. His wedding had been fun, but there was no sex for him. He had two days of jiz stored in his balls. I guessed he's pop right off the bat, but he had some real staying power. I was getting to like college towns. I was back at the hospital working on Monday.

Part of my duty as a janitor was to clean the locker room, showers and exercise room for the security personnel. I had some experience as a locker room attendant. I have to admit the Greenfield men were messy and downright sloppy. There was no regular attendant, so towels, dirty clothes, half eaten snacks and half read magazines were everywhere.

The shower was a mess. It was an old gang shower that had been subdivided with mildew covered curtains. The curtains were closer to being all mildew, with a fiber back up. I threw them out and did a complete top to bottom clean up of the rooms the second day I was there. I became a hero.

The head of day to day operations for Greenfield was Captain Gonzo McDaniel. He was a old army guy, much into physical fitness. I told him it was a lot of work to keep the rooms clean. "It should be sanitized once a day," I said. "If you don't, you'll get a case of Athletes Foot you could send into Ripely's Believe it or not." The previous janitor had been a believer of the once a week cleaning schedule.

Captain McDaniel told me to do it. "I've already discovered the Athletes Foot problem," he explained. "If I had to dump our own waste paper baskets, I'll do it."

I like locker rooms and showers. It isn't just the naked men. You find guys off guard when they're nude. They also talk more when they are off duty, so it was a good place to hear things.

The men were supposed to get three exercise sessions a week. Some were good about it, but most would just hang around the locker room, take long showers and then go home. There was an old, non functioning steam room next to the showers. I had found steam rooms are a good place to get information. I cleaned it up and looked at the machinery. It turned out the room had a minor problem. Apparently it had overheated several years earlier and no one had pressed the reset button.

The revitalized steam room was god's gift to the slugs in the organization. They could now be out of sight when they were goofing off. The slackers liked me. I looked like a fellow fuck up and they thought I was one of them.

I got to know many of them men shortly. There was one major problem. Greenfield tended to use nick names, or handles for the men. I think this was to suggest a "Top Gun" like ambience for the organization. I also think it was the obscure the real names of some of their officers.

Everyone seemed to have a problem of some sort. Some were heavy drinkers who were trying to stop. I was sure Captain McDaniels was in that category. He told me he had been a Trooper, but had burned out. I had the feeling this was his hope for salvation. If he could do well here, he might get his self respect back. Wolfman Jones and Walrus Devers were older men who have been through a lot.

Some of the guys were Texas Good ol' boys. They were clueless and were just working where ever they could make good money and not do too much. Big Boy Thomas and Hot Stuff Malloy were in this category. I don't think they were bad, just lazy. These were the kind of guys who would fall asleep while guarding the entrance to the nurse's dormitory.

There were several men who gave me the chills. Since I got to see them naked, I saw the prison tattoos. One of the guys in my office had studied tattoos and might be able to identify the prison they had been to. There apparently were stylistic characteristics of the different institutions. Killer Robinson was a candidate to become a mass murderer.

There were three shifts for the security men. I had what they called a split shift. I had four hours from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM, then a second shift from 4:00 M to 8:00. This gave me access to the graveyard, day shift and the evening shift. The shifts changed at 7:30 and 5:30. The locker room was almost empty before 7:00 AM and after 6:30 in the afternoon.

One morning I was cleaning the office and discovered some one had changed the toner in the copier and had left the old toner on a bookshelf. It fell off the shelf. The office and I were covered in the stuff. After cleaning it up and went to the shower to clean off the toner. Luckily, I had a change of clothes in my locker.

Captain McDonnell came in and saw me in the shower. He usually came in early to exercise, then he showered and got dressed in the locker room. I have good gaydar and thought he was straight. When he saw me naked I realized he was a member of the fraternity, and a size queen to boot.

It was a six-man gang shower and he got next to me and began to talk. He told me he had a shitty apartment, and the showers at the hospital were better than the one at home. I said I had the same sort of apartment. The Captain said I could shower there too. You could tell the Captain had been a muscleman at one time, but had gone to pot. He was trying to get back in shape, but he hadn't got there yet.

He had some nice equipment hanging below his pot belly. He cock was half hard. I looked at it. There was potential. He saw me looking and a worried expression crossed his face.

I looked him in the eye , winked and said, "I might just do that." He looked relieved. "I need to go to the steam room and make sure it's working," I said.

I went in the room and turned on the steam. It spurted a few times, then, thick steam began to pour out. I stroked my cock a few times to get it up some. I wanted to make the Captain to feel appreciated if he joined me.

The captain came in. "You seem to have it working," he remarked. He was nervous and excited.

"It's seems to be fine. It's hard to believe it sat here for years just waiting for someone to press the rest button," I said. The steam was getting thicker, but the Captain had no problem seeing my cock. I was fully erect now. "I'll wait until it get's hot, then turn it back." I got on the upper tier of the tile steps that served as benches and sat down. My legs were spread, so he could see all of my cock and balls.

"You've got some impressive equipment here," he said. "I didn't expect it in such a small guy."

"Fully loaded too," I said. "If you're interested, I give free samples." He was interested. I wasn't his first, McDaniel was a master cock sucker. I told him I was close to shooting. That didn't seem to bother him either. He took my load.

"I haven't had breakfast," I said.

"I shot off while I was sucking," he said. "Rain check?"

I said sure. The captain went to work and I finished the cleaning. I was done with the lockers by 6:15 and would take a shower to look presentable for the rest of the morning.

That evening I decided to disinfect the place before I left. I stripped so my clothes wouldn't get soaked. Walrus and Hot Stuff were in the locker room. There were two guys I didn't know in the shower. I had a bucket of disinfectant and a mop along with a hose to wash the stuff off.

I had thought Walrus and Hot Stuff had already showered, but they happened to decide to shower again. One of the guys in the shower left, but the other, a scrawny kid with a long cock decided to stay. I was bent over mopping , so I got a good view of the guys' meat. They got to see mostly my ass hole and low hangers. It took about five minutes to do the shower, then I went to the steam room. I wondered if any of them would follow. Walrus, Hot Stuff and the Scrawny kid all joined me.

Next: Chapter 79: Catfish Sees a Doctor 3

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