Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 3, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 10

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

If I had an ounce of common sense, I would have rested until more reinforcements came. I'm afraid Bluto, Fluffy and I are all Alpha male types and we charged ahead. Fluffy was on the trail and had no desire to stop. It would be nice of we could catch Sid and do a little pre sentencing punishment before he went to court.

There were only two of us, but with the dog, I figured we were effectively four. Fluffy could smell and hear. We had gone another half mile into the woods when Fluffy stopped dead in his tracks.

"What is it big guy?" Bluto asked. Fluffy began moving slowly off to the side.

"He smells something," Bluto whispered.


"No, something else. He much more aggressive when he finds the perp," Bluto explained. Fluffy moved slowly through the underbrush. Bluto may have thought it wasn't Sid, but he had his gun out anyway. Fluffy stopped, the circled a tree. I looked up and saw a small foot dangling from a branch. I motioned to Bluto and got him to look up.

"It's all right. We're the Police," he said in a firm voice. A small face looked out from the branches. "You're safe with us," he said.

"Have they caught the guy yet?" the boy asked.

"Not yet, but half the county is after him," I said. The boy came down. His clothes were torn, but he looked all right.

"Where's Dad?" he asked.

"We don't know yet," he said. "He was with you?"

"We were camping," the boy said. "This crazy man came at us. Dad told us to run. He'd decoy the guy away from us." Bluto pulled out his radio and called in the information.

"What does your Dad look like?" Bluto asked. The boy gave a brief description.


"Richard Williamson," the boy replied.

"Are you from Mt. Holly?"

"Yes sir," the boy answered.

"I went to high school with your dad," Bluto said. "Did he ever mention Bobby Delance to you?"

"Crazy Bobby?"

"That's me," Bluto replied.

The boy laughed. "Charlie, you can come out now. It's okay," he yelled. Another boy dropped out of the tree. He was younger than his brother. He was almost crying.

"Is Daddy okay?"

"I'm sure he is," Bluto said reassuringly. "He knows how to take care of himself." Fluffy was at attention again. A few seconds later we heard something moving toward us. Bluto pulled out his gun again.

"Boys, you come with me," I whispered. "We'll hide." We went to the rear of the big tree and disappeared into a thicket. The sounds got closer. Fluffy was very alert but not showing signs of aggression. I hoped it wasn't Sid. I wanted to get the man, but not under manned and with two children to protect.

"Halt. This is the police!" Bluto said in his most assertive voice.

"Thank God," another voice replied.

"Daddy!" Charlie cried. They raced out to greet their father. There were two reunions, one with the kids and their dad and the other between Crazy and Dickie. Dickie looked bad, he was beaten up and really dirty, but he was happy. I took a look at Dickie. He was scratched and bruised, but not hurt badly. He told me he had fallen a few times.

Bluto called in the information on the kids. We began to return to the camp site where we could turn over Dickie and his sons to the State Police. You don't want to save a family then lose them again if Sid came back. It took most of the afternoon to get back.

The camp site was swarming with Police, Deputies and Troopers. Sid was still at large. There was no sign of him. He was lying low or in hiding. He had shot two other persons, but only one was badly hurt. I was hot to trot and wanted to get back on the trail, but Fluffy sat down and fell asleep. I had been up for 24 hours and I figured I probably needed some rest.

The boys' mother arrived with her parents. She and Dickie were separated or divorced. They took the kids away. Dickie offered to take us home and let us crash there. Bluto took him to an old logging trail where Dickie had parked his truck. Then Dickie led us to his house. He lived in an old hunting cabin about ten miles away. He had an old Lab named Sally who hit it off with Fluffy right away.

Dickie grilled steaks and cooked fries. It was a good straightforward meal. I sat on the sofa as they talked and woke up at a bout five the next morning. I had slept nine hours without moving. I hate to think of myself as getting old, but I have never been so stiff in my life. I could barely move.

I went to the bathroom, took a leak and then got in the shower. I figured a long, hot shower might loosen me up some. I was in the shower for a few minutes when I heard someone pissing. The cabin had only one bath.

Bluto's face peeked in. "Don't use up all the hot water," he said.

"I'll be careful," I said. I was in the water for another minute, then turned it off and opened the curtain. Bluto was still there. I dried off slowly. "It's all yours."

"Take your time, I'm in no rush," he said. He was looking me over.

"I'd hate to blow my own horn, but for some reason, guys seem to find me more interesting with my clothes off than on," I said.

Bluto laughed a little. "Why is that?" He was staring at my cock.

The door opened and Dickie came in. "What's this a convention?" he asked. He saw me naked and then he saw my cock. "Shit, is that fucker real?" We all laughed. I'm pretty sure he was thinking out loud.

"It's real," I said. "It seems to be an attention grabber." I was drying my cock, so I peeled back the skin and exposed my cock head.

"So that's why they call you Catfish?" Bluto said.

I nodded. "The kids in school called me that. They thought it was an insult," I explained, "The Coach thought it was a compliment, so it stuck." Bluto was naked, and Dickie was only wearing a robe. Bluto was huge and muscular. His cock looked small in comparison to his body. It was firming up some, but Dickie's cock was poking out from his robe. It was hard as a rock.

"That's a lot of cock," Bluto said. "Enough for two men."

"I've been known to share," I said. "I'm a New Testament kind of guy. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. Do you get my drift?" It was a small bath, so I reached out and fondled both their balls. Bluto immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking me.

"Are you guys old friends?" I asked, "Playmates?"

"We messed around some when we were kids," Dickie said. "We kind of had a good time last night after you fell asleep. Do you mess around?"

"Only when I get the opportunity," I said. "Somehow, when I get naked, the opportunity arises." Dickie smiled.

We went to the bedroom, but it was hard to get Bluto off my cock. It had worked its magic again. It's a gay man magnet. We got in a three-man daisy chain. I sucked Dickie, as he sucked Bluto and Bluto did me. Dickie was average sized, but he possessed a genuine joy stick. Everything you licked, sucked, or touched on his cock caused a reaction. I worked a finger toward his ass and he didn't object. I guessed Dickie could be full service if he was inspired.

"It's my turn to try that monster," Dickie said. Reluctantly Bluto gave up his Hoover like connection to my cock and we traded partners. Fully erect, Bluto had a seven-inch probe with a big knob. It curved and almost formed a "C". Bluto was a massive man, but his cock seemed delicate in comparison to his body. I had expected a fire plug style member.

While Dickie was a moaner and very responsive, Bluto was less demonstrative. He was cock crazed, sucking on Dickie's cock like a starved newborn on his mother's breast, but nothing I did to his cock seemed to cause any reaction. He had a big ball sack that seemed barely able to hold his monster balls. Dickie possessed low hanging eggs. Bluto had high and tight apples.

I hate to sound as if I had made a detailed study of men's genitals, but I got the impression Bluto's equipment had been assembled by a committee and was made of leftover parts. I was licking his balls and as my tongue got closer to his hole, he got excited.

Licking a finger, I touched his ass hole. It was as if I had said, "Abracadabra, open sesame." I had found the magic button that opened him up.

"Can we take a breather," Dickie asked, "I need to take a piss." We broke apart as he went to the bathroom.

"Do you think you can take it?" I asked. "You muscle men have trouble opening up sometimes." I pushed my finger deeper into his ass to inspire him.

"I'd love to try," Bluto said. He looked around the room. "Do you think we could do it without Dickie?" I must have looked puzzled. "He doesn't know I bottom," Bluto explained. Reading between the lines, I knew Bluto topped and had topped Dickie.

"I'm not the shy type," I said. "You need to decide if you want to remain a top or get fucked to the moon."

"Who's going to get fucked?" Dickie said as he re entered the room.

"I was trying to talk your friend here into taking a chance," I said. "I hadn't got to the point of explaining it would be best if you were to open him up. I would go in for sloppy seconds."

"Would it fit?" Dickie asked. "It's huge."

"I've given anal CPR several times," I said. "You either love it, or it just doesn't fit."

"Do you want to try it?" Dickie asked of Bluto. Bluto looked uncertain, but then he nodded.

"Do you have some lube?" I asked. Dickie went to the bath and returned with a tube of K-Y and a bottle of lotion. He coated his cock with it and I did Bluto's ass. I straddled Bluto's face and held his legs wide and high. He was a muscular man and I wanted him open. I was a little worried he'd object to having my balls and ass hole in his face, but when he started to tongue my ass, I knew it wasn't a problem.

Dickie was in position, but holding back. "Just pop it in," I said. Dickie was a bit timid. He stepped up to the plate and pushed. Nothing happened. "Don't be shy, push harder. He can take it." Dickie pushed and his entire cock vanished into Bluto's ass.

Bluto tensed, then relaxed. I leaned forward and sucked Bluto's cock as Dickie took long strokes. I had Bluto's legs held back, so I had both a front line seat watching the fucking, while I tasted him react. When I sucked Bluto before there was no precum, now it was flowing in a steady stream.

Dickie had a nice cock, but when he pulled all the way out to give Bluto a deep poke, I noticed it was larger and more bloated than it had been earlier when I sucked him. Bluto had a hairy ass. The hairs stuck to Dickie's cock as he pulled out forming a collar of hair. When Dickie pushed, the hair and the cock vanished into the quivering ass.

"I can't last much longer," Dickie said.

"Shoot it as deep as you can," I said. "He's going to need it really deep when I poke him." Dickie's entire body began to twitch as he rear loaded Bluto. He pulled out. I'm a fast mover when there's an empty ass quivering in anticipation. I coated my cock and pushed it into the recently vacated hole.

Dickie was on the bed still shivering from his climax. His cock was still spurting. I pushed.

"Jesus!" Bluto exclaimed. "Can you take it slow?"

"No problem," I said. "You can change your mind anytime if it's too much. I'm trying to fuck your ass, not tear you a new one." I was sure he could take it, but giving him an out would make him more comfortable. I'm not a believer in the no pain, no gain school of sex. I like sex without collateral damage.

I took my time. Dickie rallied and helped out. I didn't know how much Dickie was into man sex. Some guys just take what they can get. He was divorced and he might be on the rebound. Poor Bluto had taken as much as he could, when Dickie produced an unopened bottle of Jungle Juice. Dickie was a dues paying member of the Fraternity. He had Bluto take a snort and he opened up wide. My cock went into the hilt.

Once I was in, we rested. "Damn," Bluto said.

"If I had another inch or two I'd shove it in you, but you've taken all I have," I said. "Are you okay?"

"I guess so," he said. I pulled out an inch or inch and a half and then shoved it in again. His eyes rolled back in his head and he pulled his legs closer to his chest. That was a good sign. His cock had been at half staff. I gave his ass a few more short thrusts and it re inflated.

Dickie gave Bluto another snort of the Jungle Juice, then I took one. I pulled out further then pushed in deeper. Bluto had no problem with that, so we went with it. It was good, but not prefect. I sensed I was missing something. I pulled out, flipped him over and screwed him doggy style. Poor Bluto didn't know what hit him.

I don't think anyone had used his prostate as a cock punching bag before. I shoved deep. Bluto would growl, then I'd do it again. After a while he'd beg me to stop because he couldn't take it any more. I'd pull out and a few seconds he'd beg me to fuck him again.

Normally a guy will loosen up after he's been screwed for a while, but Bluto had buns of steel. I'd pull out and his ass would close up just as tight as it had been for my first penetration. I'd force my cock through his sphincter. Once my head was in, the shaft followed easily. His sphincter would tighten again, grabbing my shaft.

I don't know how long we did it, but he finally collapsed on the bed. I rolled him over. He was still rock hard, so I straddled him and sat on his cock. His cock was curved and when as it slipped in my ass it made a direct hit on my prostate. I had been hoping for a leisurely ride on his joy stick, but my cock exploded like a Roman Candle. Dickie had the odd habit of counting the individual cum spurts. He counted to 23 before they merged into a general sperm drool.

"Damn!" Dickie said. I felt the earth shake. It was Bluto, ejaculating into my ass. He was one of those men who has whole body ejaculations. Dickie counted to ten. Bluto was asleep by eleven. The morning was off to a good start.

Next: Chapter 77: Catfish Sees a Doctor 1

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