Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 24, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 9

By Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult story for adult men who are interested in man to man sex. If you aren't interested DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments, write

Halsey was still up tight. I massaged his shoulders. He relaxed a little. It took a while but he finally calmed down. We chatted and he told me about his life. He had been a geologist with a family and a career. "I fucked up bad," he said. "I almost had it back together again when I got this shit ass job."

"The job sounds okay to me," I said.

"That's all it is," he said. "It sounds okay, but it's just table scraps. The hope is they can gum up the works for one of the real exploration companies and get a settlement in a law suit."

"No profit sharing?"

Halsey laughed. "No chance," he said. "It's just a line to feed a redneck."

"I like you too."

He looked up at me. "Sorry about that," he said. "I didn't mean it that way. I can be an asshole."

"Shit, everyone can be an asshole," I said. I kept on massaging his shoulders and he continued to talk. "You were on the wagon for a while?"

"Five years," Halsey said.

"What knocked you off?"

"It was a month or so ago," he said. He was quiet. "I don't want to go there."

I didn't want to press it, so I continued rubbing his back. His cock was beginning to firm up. "Looking good," I said.

"Sorry about that," Halsey said.

"I've got no problem with hard cocks," I said.

"You've got a nice one," he said. "I have a problem getting up."

"Not tonight," I said. I reached over and stroked his cock. A bead of pre cum emerged. "Working up a head of steam?"

"I guess I am," he said.

"I can help out with it, if you want?" I asked. Halsey didn't say anything. I took that as a yes. I licked his cock head. He twitched and shot a single glob of cum into my mouth.

"You are ripe," I said.

"It's been a long while," Halsey said. "It felt good." Apparently it was a single shot, so I went back to his cock. He just sat there without reacting. His cock was drooling pre cum non stop, so I knew he enjoyed it.

Fifteen minutes later he let loose. I have no idea when he had last shot off, but there must have had a month's supply of cum saved up. I sucked and swallowed, then did it again. His cum was creamy and thick. He stopped shooting, but I continued to suck and coaxed more cum from his balls. More came then the drooling stopped. Halsey's cock stayed hard, so I continued.

Five or ten minutes later, Halsey had a second major orgasm. It wasn't as big as the first, but it was still good.

"I don't believe I did that," Halsey moaned.

"Believe it," I said. "You got more cream stored up?" Halsey didn't answer, so I kept on sucking. A half hour later he had a third orgasm.

"Do I need to suck you?" Halsey whispered.

"Do you like to suck cock?" I asked.

"Never done it," he said. "I owe you."

"You don't owe me nothing," I said. "Some of the boys here like to suck. To tell you the truth, you're the first triple header I've ever had. I enjoyed it. Have you been sucked before?"

"Once when I was in college," he replied. "It was okay, but nothing like you. I'm not too experienced, but I would guess you're good at it?"

"You'd guess right."

Halsey went off to his tent. I returned to mine. Reggie was still awake and I slipped into his ass again. This time we didn't have an audience. It was just Reggie's ass and my cock. This time his ass opened and took it effortlessly. His ass quivered in excitement as I pushed in. I must have fucked him for a half hour or so, then I shot off and fell asleep.

The next day I went with Halsey again. It was more productive. When we got back to camp, we found a note from Sid. He wrote he was going to do some research in D.C. He would be back in several days.

He left some supplies, but no booze. Halsey was looking shocked. He was depending getting a new supply. I was feeling sorry for Halsey. I saw Reggie knew what Halsey was going through. I decided to make dinner. There wasn't much to work with, but I made a good meal. That was appreciated by all the guys. I'm not a good cook but I was a hell of a lot better than the other men.

Halsey was getting the shakes, but the food helped. It was a hot day so we went to the stream to cool off. Halsey joined us this time. The water was cool and pleasant. We had a good time. Halsey was a bit standoffish, but when he got out of the water he was sporting a hard cock. That made a friend of Sean. Sean wasn't the shy type and soon he deep throated it. Halsey was well hung, but more long than thick. Sean had no problem with it.

I was with Juan and Reggie. Juan was sucking Reggie, so I decided to help my self to Juan's meat. His cock twitched when my lips touched it, but he didn't shoot. I knew he was cocked and ready to shoot, so I was careful. You didn't need to be too careful though. He had a recharge time of ten minutes. When I was his age, I could shoot off four or five times a day. I wondered if Juan had a limit. I was pretty sure Sean didn't have a limit. He was one horny cocksucker.

Everyone had a good time. After a few minutes everyone was relaxed and playing. Halsey had been uneasy about sucking me, but he had no problem sucking Sean. When I say he had no problem sucking, I mean no problem.

Halsey was like a starving man who found himself at a banquet. Maybe he liked younger men, or perhaps a middle-aged fur ball wasn't his vision of the sexual partner of his dreams. He hit it off with Sean. Later he got it on with Juan too.

We sucked our way into the night. Eventually Halsey worked his way to me. He looked at me sheepishly. "This cock sucking can kind of grow on you," he said as he leaned over to suck me.

"I see you got the hang of it," I said. He had a little trouble taking my cock, but he was working at it. I appreciated the effort.

The next day Halsey was feeling better. I have always been of the opinion lots of sex can dent the edge of alcoholic withdrawal. Halsey was surprised that he was sporting first rate woodies for the first time in years. All of his equipment was in working order, even if a bit rusty. Sean may have inspired a rebirth of sexual interest in him. I went with Reggie and Halsey took the two younger men.

Reggie and I had a long time to talk as we were in no rush to find more property lines. "Halsey had a good time last night." I said.

"He seemed to get into the swing, didn't he?" Reggie replied, "I feel sorry for him. I've been there. I know what he's going through."

"He told me he had been clean for a couple of years," I said. "What pushed him out of the wagon?"

"Something bad." Reggie said. "I don't know exactly, but I think someone died. A woman maybe. We tied one on one night and that's what I could make out."

"You weren't as drunk as he was?"

"Shit, no one could have been as drunk as he was," Reggie replied chuckling. "That boy was a hollow leg when it comes to rot-gut vodka. He's a nice guy I think. I really need the money. There's no way I'm qualified for the job. He knew that."

"Does Sid show up often? He's the boss."

"Sid's active some times, and sometimes he's really laid back," Reggie said. "When they interviewed me, I had to take a piss. There was a packet of white powder in a shaving kit in the bathroom. Halsey doesn't shave."

"That would explain mood swings," I said. "Was it coke, or heroin?"

"I'm not into that stuff myself. I favor the old vices, booze and fornication," Reggie said. "From the way Halsey talked it might have been more high powered. Crack maybe? Crystal Meth?"

"Damn, I hate new fangled drugs. I haven't even tried the old ones," I said. "It makes me feel old."

"If you're worried about looking old, don't look in the mirror," Reggie said. We laughed.

"Thank God you can still fuck like a rabbit when you're over the hill," I said. "I've got the cock of a fifteen-year-old."

"I've got the ass," Reggie said. "I don't want you to get a big head, but your cock sends me to the moon. I'd forgotten I could feel that much."

"I have a warm spot for size queens," I said.

"I hate to tell you, but I wasn't a size queen until I met you," Reggie said. "You converted me." He looked at me. "You aren't one of us, are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You ain't a fuck up," Reggie said, "You're after something."

"Does that bother you?"

"I hope you're after Sid," Bernie said. "I'd hate for anything bad to happen to Halsey."

"I hope he's all right," I said. "I think he's a nice guy." Things were falling into place. Sid was a likely suspect and his drug problem might explain the brutality. Knowing and proving aren't the same thing. I might be able to get Halsey to turn Sid in, but I know a bad witness when I meet one. A good defense attorney could turn Halsey into jell-O in ten minutes.

Sid returned that evening. He brought booze and Halsey couldn't resist. Sid and Halsey stayed to themselves. Sid gave us more detailed maps and we went over them and went to bed. Gunshots woke me an hour later. Sid was all hopped up and he was shooting into the air and screaming like a banshee. It took a few seconds for us to realize he was having hallucinations.

Armed men with delusions are bad. We were hiding in our tent. I could hear Sid screaming, but there was no sound from Halsey.

"You can't get away. I'll get you!" Sid screamed then he ran off into the woods. I got up and raced over to their tent. Halsey was under his cot not moving. I felt his pulse. He was alive. I grabbed him and dragged him to our tent.

"It's time to get out of Dodge," Sean said. My car was about a quarter of a mile away. It seemed Sid was off in the other direction. Halsey had a bump on his head, but it was clearly better to get away than to figure out exactly how badly he had been hurt.

Sean and Juan carried Halsey as we ran for the car. It was a dark night, but we made it. I was afraid Sid might have disabled the rust bomb, but it was fine. As I turned it on, we heard a gunshot, but it wasn't that close. We got away.

I didn't know exactly where we were, but we came to a major road in fifteen minutes. Five minutes later we found a milage sign. Wythetown was 22 miles away. Sean took the wheel and I checked out Halsey. He was still out cold, but he had a pulse. When we got to Wythetown we went directly to the police station.

Rollie was on duty. He called the rescue squad for Halsey as I gave him information about Sid. I had just begun telling my story when a call came in about shots being fired at a farm. A few minutes later a motorist reported gun shots. Immediately Rollie had the entire police force on the way as well as the state police.

By the time the Police Chief Thomson got to the station, Rollie was tracking the calls with push pins on a large county map. Sid was heading toward Wythetown. It not every day that a small town police department has a drugged up, homicidal maniac on its hands. For people use to writing parking tickets and drunk and disorderly arrests, this was a dream come true. They could show their metal. Thomson was impressive and decisive. I had ben wrong about him.

The calls stopped for about a half an hour, then there was a call from a secluded cabin. Some one had been shot there. It was one in the morning, but every light in Wythetown was on. Policemen and Sheriff's Deputies were everywhere. State Trooper's cruisers began to arrive. I went out of the station to get some fresh air. There were flashing lights and sirens everywhere. By the sirens had stopped. Several State Police copters were waiting for morning, as were K-9 teams from all over the state. At dawn they would be ready.

I would guess 70% of the town's residents were hunters, so there was no shortage of arms. I was more worried about people shooting their neighbors, than getting Sid. The local radios stations set up a remote broadcast from the Police station. Chief Thomson and the Town Manager, woman named Elisabeth Rollins, were calm and helpful.

Three EMTs worked on Halsey, but they couldn't get him to wake up. There was a huge gash in his head and one of his fingers almost had been cut off. There was a med-evac copter on the way. The local doctor thought Halsey's non responsiveness might be due to blood loss, rather than a cranial fracture. It had been dark and hadn't realized how much he was bleeding. The four of us looked liked something out of a grade B horror movie. We were covered in blood.

I was going to take the police to the camp site, but Thomson wouldn't allow that until day light. "Too much opportunity for an ambush," he said.

Sean went with Halsey on the copter to the University Hospital. I saw the diner had opened. I went with Juan and Reggie to see Andy. Some coffee would be good, but a shower would be better. We were lucky Andy was there. The Troopers, deputies and cops at the diner didn't think well of three, blood-covered red-necks. Andy vouched for us. Once that was straight, all was well. I got to shower. It was hard to get the dried blood off. Andy had a herbal body wash that worked well. Andy gave one of his tee shirts to replace my blood soaked one. It was one of those spaghetti strapped things. Since Andy was twice my size, I was all but shirtless.

When I was cleaned up, I returned to the diner for some food. Most of the men and women at the diner were K-9 tracking units. I gave them detailed descriptions of Sid. They appreciated that. Trooper Fluffy loved me. Fluffy was big tan dog with brown eyes.

Fluffy's partner, a big trooper who looked like Bluto was impressed. "Fluffy must think you're a relative," he joked. "Damn, you're a hair ball." I looked at my chest. The body wash had fluffed up my chest and shoulder hair. It looked as if I had a halo of two or three inches of hair surrounding my body.

"Damn, it looks as if I've had it teased," I said.

"I'd sure love to see what Queer Eye for the Straight guy could do with you," another trooper said. He was a blond, crew cut type.

"I'm not sure your taste for fishnet tank tops is just right for you," the man who looked like Bluto said, imitating one of the queer guys. Our eyes met. He looked away quickly. I noticed something about him that I guessed he didn't know himself.

The sun was coming up. I went back to the police station. They had cancelled school and the town had begun to look like an armed camp. There had been no shots since 2:30 that morning. I went with Bluto, Fluffy and the crew cut blond to our camp. Bluto's name was Robert Delance and his partner was Frank. I had called Robert Bluto and he liked it. A second K-9 crew came with us. The other ones went to the places where shots were fired.

Frank gave Fluffy a sniff of Sid's clothes and Fluffy went crazy. "Is she a drug sniffer too?" I asked.

"You got it," Bluto said. "Fetch!" he commanded. Fluffy went right to Sid's backpack. "Good dog!" Bluto said it was crack cocaine. Sid's car hadn't been moved, so he was on foot. Another team of troopers would watch it in case he circled back to make his get away.

"I guess he doesn't take it well," I said.

"That's the way it looks to me," Bluto said. "Are you ready to do some tracking, Fluffy?" Of course the dog said yes. "How about you, Catfish?"

"Sure, it's nice day for a walk in the woods," I said. I went to my tent and got some bug repellant. I sprayed the troopers and me, then we set off. After a half hour we came by a camp sight. It had been trashed and the tent cut up, but there was no blood. Who ever have been there either was with Sid, or had escaped. Bluto called for more back up. We found a clearing nearby and had them send in copters. Ten minutes later a search and rescue team arrived. They would look for the campers as we continued looking for Sid.

Next: Chapter 76: Catfish Rides Again 10

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