Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 6, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 8

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. You might look up, Young Catfish for more background on this story. If you have want to know more about the characters look them up. If you have comments write me at or

The next three weeks were busy and I couldn't think of my Aunt's murder. I had to fill in for Roosevelt. Roosevelt turned the corner a day after I got back, but it was going to be a while before he got up to full speed. He wanted to come back in a week, but I knew that was stupid. Our work was dangerous and when someone was hurt, we took care of them.

Adding to the confusion one of our night watchmen, Old Barney was killed. Barney was a nice old man who looked sweet, but was hard as nails. He went to places that had problems. He looked like an easy mark, but had a direct connection to our office. He was at a gated condo project that was having a problem with buglers.

He saw them getting away and they shot him. Barney got the licence number down before he died. He was professional to the end. We paid for the funeral, his family was on the west coast. Some cousins came. I was getting to be good about funerals.

The City police treated the funeral as if Barney was one of there men. We had an honor guard and police men from all over the state. That was important for our men. They didn't get much respect, and they appreciated it. Barney was also listed as the arresting officer. It was a good collar. The buglers at the condo were just the tip of an iceberg. The entire gang was rolled up and burglaries dropped by 20% in one day. Barney's murder upped the profile, so the Judges showed no leniency to the gang members.

I got a call a few days after the funeral from my cousin, Daryl. He had been doing research on Capitol Exploration and Resource Management. Capitol was a real company, but low profile. They were the advanced guard of oil and gas exploration. They did the nosing around in advance of the big boys.

"If it looks like a good prospect, they may take options on good properties before the word gets out," he explained.

"You think they were looking at Aunt Edith's property?"

"I talked with one of my friends who's an energy analyst," Daryl said. "There is interest in old mining properties, especially if they have been abandoned for a long while. They figure the properties haven't been explored by any modern investigating methods. That would seem to fit Edith's properties perfectly."

"What about the other operation?"

"A different kettle of fish all together," my cousin said. "They are bottom feeders. Essentially they spy on Capitol and try to sneak their way in. They are associated with a bunch of wildcatters in Texas. Resourse doesn't do any exploratory work on their own. They steal other companies work."

"Nice work if you can get it," I said.

"Some of Capitol's men have been assaulted and one or two shot at," Daryl said. "Given the state of the energy markets now, there's a lot of money involved if you get the right properties."

"Edith owned most of the mining properties in the area, didn't she?"

"It sure looks that way to me."

I took this information and went to my geek squad. They had been involved in Roosevelt's shooting and in Barney's death, but they were eager to show their computer search skills. With my cousin's information, they searched out employees and the executive staff of the two companies.

Jonathan Snelling, the chief geek came back to me two days later. Capitol's board was made up of lesser functionaries of big oil and gas companies. "As far as I can tell, these are men and women who have been marked as on the way up, but are still little known," he said. "The other one is made up of front men only. The Chairman is Rosa Martin. She's legal secretary for a law firm in Dallas. The treasurer is a new employee of a law firm in Fort Worth."

"Protected by rules of legal confidentiality?" I asked.

"That's the hope," Jonathan said, "I'm not sure it would hold up in court, but it might be enough to hold things up for a year or two in a trial situation. The real executives will be in Brazil or some island in the Caribbean by then."

"Can you find out more?"

"I rather think we can," Jonathan. "It may take some time, but eventually the cash needs to be in the hands of the real owners of the company. By the way, Charley found an add for the company on a soldier of fortune web site. Wanted real men for work is South west Virginia."

"Can I see that?"

Jonathan printed it out. Sometimes you're good, and sometimes you're just lucky. This was my day to be lucky. Reading between the lines, you could tell they were after a none too bright redneck. That was my strong suit.

I called the number listed in the add. I did it from a phone in the lobby a flop house. I have quite an accent, so they thought I was the genuine article. I was a bit cagy about having a Social Security number and they seemed to like that.

They told me to be at a motel in Roanoke in a week. I said that was fine with me. I went to my barber and told them the give me the red neck special. I had a beard that made me look like the Czar. Twenty minutes later I had a Fu Manchu and a pony tail. When I left the barber and young couple crossed to the other side of the street to avoid me. I couldn't ask for better.

I had a set of poorly forges documents that made me Willard Dolan. It was close enough to my real name that I could respond to it automatically. I sent off to Roanoke in a 23 year old Mustang with serious problems with rust.

I got to the motel room and knocked. There were two guys inside. One was a businessman named Mark, the other was a "Field Representative" named Sid. Mark was slimy, Sid looked deranged. The room smelled of air freshener, but the was an under smell of weed.

Mark interviewed me. I think Sid had smoked a few to many and he seemed to be daydreaming. Mark said they were a energy research firm looking for men who wanted to be in on the ground floor of new discoveries in oil and gas.

I volunteered I had heard there was money in oil. That established I didn't spend much time reading the Wall Street Journal. I thought I might have a hard time convincing them I was a real red neck. They had no question about that. My job would be to watch and see what their competitor was doing. "That's all?" I said.

"That's it. The salary is modest, but if you get some good info, we have a profit sharing program," Mark said. I figured the modest salary explained the $35.00 a night bedroom. They discuses benefits.

I looked uneasy. "Too tell you the truth, I'm not too interested in benefits," I said. "My ex has a court order for back child support payments. Cash and no questions asked is what I like."

"How much are you in the hole for?" Mark asked.

"The last time she caught me it was $150,000.00. Every time I fucked the bitch she dropped another one. I skedaddled," I explained.

"Damn, I'm only behind $50,000.00 Mark said. "How'd you do that?"

"I vamoosed when she was in the hospital with my fifth," I said, chuckling. "I've never paid one yet."

"Well, I can understand your situation," Mark said. "When can you get working?"

"Is tomorrow too soon?"

"That's the attitude I like," Mark said. He took out his wallet and gave me a $100.00 bill. "Think of this as a retainer." I took it and thanked him. I left.

The $100.00 surprised me. I wondered how many men took the cash and left, or came in the next day so wasted, they couldn't function. When you were recruiting scum, it might be a good way to get rid of the worst of them.

I showed up the next morning. Sid was there with three other men. We would be the team, Sid said. There was a kid named Sean, a Mexican named Juan, and the head of our team was a guy named Halsey. Halsey was tall and might have been good looking if he didn't drink so much. Sean looked stupid, and Juan was just out of it. I don't think he could speak English well.

Some one knocked at the door. Sid opened it and another man entered. "Men, this is Karl," Sid said. He's another member of your group. Reggie looked a little like Gabby Hayes. His eyes were bloodshot and I guessed getting up that morning had been an iffy thing.

We were going to go to the Wyethtown area, but would be camping. "We don't want anyone to know you are there," Sid explained. If we found something we were to report it to him. I was the only one to have a car other than Halsey. I took Reggie, Sean, and Juan. Apparently, the executive staff didn't want to associate with the peasants.

We drove way into the forest. Reggie and Sean were talkative. "Damn, I came close to missing out on this," Reggie said. "I keep on thinking I've put demon rum behind me, then he makes a sneak attack!"

"The god damned cashier carded me," Sean complained.

"I don't have that problem," Reggie said. "I should be retired now, but I'm still living hand to mouth."

"Is that demon rum striking again?" I asked.

Reggie looked at me, annoyed. Then he smiled. "That's part of it, bad luck's another part, and being just plain stupid a few times explains the rest," he said. "What's your story?"

"50% bad luck, 50% stupid," I said.

Sean laughed. "100% stupid here," he said. "I wasn't much into book learning, and it caught up with me,' he said. "I got fired from a fucking 7-11. Do you believe that, a 7-11!"

"Maybe our luck has changed," I said. `It's sure about time for me."

The camp site was deep in the woods. The site was selected more for it's seclusion than for any other reason. There were two tents, one for Halsey and Sid when he visited. The other tent was for us. It was a nice tent, new and clean. It could be left mostly open to the air or sealed up in bad weather. There was a porto-potty type thing, but I thought the bushes were better.

I thought we were hired to follow Capitol Explorations men. I was wrong. We had property maps and we were to find property stakes. Where Capitol was interested in the land, they added their own marker. We were to find these and mark the maps and remove Capitol's marker. It was a classic land swindler's game.

We had sophisticated GPS equipment that made it easy to find the corner points. It would have been easy if there wasn't topography, a dense forest and if the property maps were correct. It was rough work.

I went off with Sean and Juan. Sid and Halsey took Reggie. Juan was a from the jungles of southern Mexico and had no problem with underbrush. Sean thought he was a t summer camp. It was a hot day. By noon Juan and Sean were shirtless, I was in a tee shirt. Sean was thin and well built. He had long straggly hair and a half hearted effort at a beard. He had a patch of hair in the middle of his chest and a treasure tail that disappeared into his jeans.

Juan was smooth and had straight, black hair and a bushy mustache. He was short and very muscular. His jeans were tight and he seemed to have a nice package. We found six property stakes, none of which had Capitol's markers next to them. I was disappointed, but when we got back to camp, we found out the other group had found nothing.

Sid went off to town. He was going to do more research and told us to try again. He would return in a day or two with more information. He left. We were hot and very dirty. There was a stream near by as a small deep area behind a small waterfall. It was about three feet deep in middle. We stood looking at the water. No one wanted to make the first move.

I took off my tee shirt, dropped my pants, took off my boots and shoes and jumped in my birthday suit Juan and Sean were right behind me. Halsey and Reggie joined us later. "I haven't been bare in a river in years," Reggie said. "I hope you don't mind seeing a fat old man's body."

"A body's a body," I said, "I hope you don't mind a hairy redneck."

"What in hell is hanging between you legs, Catfish?" Sean asked. "Is that fucker real?"

"It's a prize winner," Regie said.

"We all get the cards we're dealt," I said. Juan just stared at my cock. Hal looked at it when ever he thought I was looking the other way. Sean had a long, thin, uncut appendage. His balls hng very low. Juan had compact and possibly meaty equipment. He too was uncut.

Reggie has a big, well filled ball sack, with his large mushroom sitting on it. There was no indication of a cock shaft at all. He was a bear like man and I expected that. Halsey was well endowed. But I suspected he had a hard time getting it up. He wasn't in good shape, and he always smelled of booze. He must have had a bottle in his backpack.

All of the men seemed interested in my cock. That would certainly help the nights to go by quickly. Dinnner was some sort of trail food. It was a hot night and we were wearing only shorts and bud spray. We went to our tent after eating. Halsey went off to his alone, I assume to drink.

I was horny so I dropped my shorts. "I hope you guys don't mind if I sleep naked?" I asked.

"Shit, if I was hung like you, I'd be naked all the time," Sean replied. Reggie was wearing boxer, but when he sat on his cot he stripped them off. "Damn I'm stiff," he moaned. "I haven't had so much exercise in years."

"Lie down and I'll give you a massage," I said. Reggie was more than willing. My cock was at Reggie's eye level and he made no effort to turn away. So far, so good I thought. I began rubbing him down.

"It feels good," Reggie said. Then he whispered, "The view is nice too." Sean was giving Juan an English lesson. Juan was smart I think and he picked up things easily.

I leaned over Reggie and whispered. "It tastes better than it looks."

"I guessed that," he replied.

After a while I decided to change my position. By now it was dim in the tent. "I need to get my back into this," I said as I climbed onto his ass. The view wasn't as good for Reggie from this position, but it was better for my cock. As I massaged Reggie my cock was rubbing on his ass. He seemed to like it.

I hoped to have a little cock action before the night was over. My bet was Reggie would slip out of bed and Sean and Juan were asleep and give me a blow job. Meanwhile I was getting into the massage. I could feel Reggie relaxing as I worked on his muscles.

The English lesson continued, but Sean and Juan kept an eye on me and Reggie. They couldn't see much, but they were suspicious. Eventually they got up and came over to watch. By then I was hard.

"You enjoying yourself?" Sean asked.

"Moving in that direction," I said. "Are you interested?"

"I wouldn't mind watching." Sean said.

"This kind of fun ain't a spectator sport," I told him. "You can either join in, or go to bed."

"I don't know. . ."

"You may not know, but your cock sure does," I said. "You're sporting a nice one. So is Juan." Young guys are always ready. They can try to be cool, but cocks aren't into cool at all. Cocks are always in the get naked, get hard and get it on mode.

Sean looked down and his jockey were tented. "Are you gay?" he asked.

"I sure as shit am, bur I don;t want to marry you, or Reggie for that matter," I said. "I just want to get my rocks off. Do you guys want to join us?"

Sean didn't answer. He just stripped of his jockeys and a rock hard cock. He looked at me, but we he got closer Reggie got his cock. Reggie had no problem sucking, and Sean liked to be sucked. All was well.

Juan just looked on and stroked his cock. He gave Sean a look. Sean backed away from Reggie. Juan came forward and Reggie sucked him. Every one was with the program. Sean watched Reggie licking Juan's cock, then he bent over and licked my cock head.

"It's kind of sweet," he said.

"Pre cum," I said. "100% redneck cock jelly." He went back to my cock and this time he cock my entire cock head in his mouth. Sean had found something he liked. By the time the night was over, I realized there wasn't a whole lot Sean didn't like. He may not have been gay, but he sure liked sex with men. Juan liked it too, but he was more reserved.

Reggie liked it all. I think it had been a long time since Reggie had sucked on a young man's cock. He was in heaven. After sucking them and me, Reggie volunteered he wouldn't mind a cock in his ass. It only took a few seconds for Sean to get into Reggie's ass and a minute later, he had shot his load. I think his orgasm lasted longer than the fuck.

Juan stepped up to the plate. He wasn't as long as Sean's, but he was a lot thicker. Reggie moaned as Juan's meat stretched his ass. Once Juan was in Reggie's warm and tight chute, he lost his reserve. Fucking was Juan strong suit. He was good at it.

I thought Juan would shoot off as quickly as Sean, but he had stamina. He was a natural born fucker and he varied his pace. He would slow down when he was close to shooting, and when the urge passed he speeded up again. He fucked for a good half hour. Reggie loved it.

Finally Juan shot off and pulled out.

"Are you done, or can you take another one?" I asked. Reggie nodded.

"Can you really take that horse cock?"Sean asked. "He'll split you in half?"

"I'll take the chance," Reggie muttered.

I nosed my cock into his ass, and pushed slowly. I was surprised his ass was still tight. There was a pint or two of cum in Reggie's ass. Cum lubricated the chute, so it was both slippery and tight, no wonder Juan liked it so much. Reggie had no problem with my cock either.

I hadn't thought Reggie was exactly a virgin, but when he took my cock with such ease I realized he was experienced. It's nice to be appreciated, and as Reggie got into it, I got into it. I fucked him pile driver style for a good fifteen minutes. I struck gold and we shot off together. Sean watched us go at it with a lok of awe on his face.

The next day was a replay of the day before, except I was with Halsey. We had slightly better luck and found four corner post to a property. We got back to the camp and had another poor dinner. Sid had not reappeared and Halsey was getting really antsy. I knew the signs, the liquor cabinet was empty and Sid was to refill it.

I wanted to go swimming after dinner. Poor Halsey was in a state by then, but went with me. The other guys didn't want to be with Halsey and they stayed in the tent The cool water calmed him down some. "Tense?" I asked.

"I need a drink," he said.

"I kind of guessed that," I said. "I recognized the signs."

"I was doing good until . . ." Halsey said.

"Until what?"

"Never mind, just don't cross Sid," Halsey said. "He a bad man. A real bad man." Halsey was shivering. I don't know if it was withdrawal or Sid.

"Relax," I said.

"I can't relax," Halsey said.

"I bet I can get you relax," I said.

Next: Chapter 75: Catfish Rides Again 9

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