Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 9, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 7

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. You might look up, Young Catfish for more background on this story. If you have want to know more about the characters look them up. If you have comments write me at or

The next day began when Daryl, Aunt Becky's son, and Liz, Ellen's daughter, arrived. I had been afraid Edith's nasty disposition had driven the close relatives away. Liz was with her son, Herb. Cousin Buddy also came with his kids, John and Cecilia, who were teenagers now. My Mom had been helping them since their Mom was murdered. There was bad blood between Daryl, Liz and Aunt Edith, so it was good they came to give their mothers some support.

The funeral was as good as it could have been. Rev Pettigrew put a lot of emphasis on the "all knowing, all understanding and all forgiving God." Mom and my Aunts liked that. The music was good. Tom was a spectacular organist and the old, war-horse type hymns sounded new again. There was a good crowd, mostly of older people. The Police Chief was there in uniform. The state troopers were in plain clothes. Some murderers like to go to the funeral of their victims. The Troopers were on the watch.

Rollie had lined up some younger men to be the pall bearers. I sat with my Aunts since Graham had my mother under his wing. Jonathan assisted in the service. I saw Carl looking at him and recognized something much closer to love than I would have guessed.

The cemetery was two miles away. It was old and pretty. Edith had erected a tall obelisk by Uncle Edgar's grave. Everything was quiet, peaceful and dignified. It was a cool and pleasant day. We went to a local restaurant for lunch with Edith's friends and our relatives. Most of them were getting well up in years, only a few of my generation were there. In the afternoon we talked. My Aunts were overwhelmed by the amount of work that needed to be done to settle the estate and to go though the house. They were tired and emotionally drained.

Daryl, Liz and Buddy had planned to go home after the funeral, but that was before Cecilia began to plan. "Since we're here, we might as well get as much done as we can and get it out of the way. We're free for the next couple of days. Why don't we see what we can do?"

"Everyone's tired," I said.

"It's just going to be hanging over everyone's head," Becky said. "It might be better to get it out of the way." Cecilia seemed to be a born leader of men and women. Soon everyone fell into line. That included Graham and Carl. Carl did estate work and he had no desire to go home as long as he had a chance to spend time with Jonathan. Graham said he'd do the legal work with the probate Judge while Carl went after the financial and real estate assets. Mom stayed close to Graham.

Daryl was a stock broker in DC and joined Graham in dealing with the financial aspects of Edith's estate. I asked him if he knew anything about Capitol Exploration. He said no, but if there was a computer available he would find out. I asked him to do that. Scooter had a computer in the double-wide. Liz and Herb joined the cleanup crew, with some bad grace. Liz hated Edith.

While cousin Buddy was a deliberate and slow-moving farmer, his children were fireballs. After dinner, Cecilia drove me and her brother to a Wal Mart to get cleaning and packing stuff. She had just got her licence and wanted to show her new found skills.

All the men stayed in Scooter's place and the women stayed with Elizabeth. It was crowded, but okay. I shared a bed with John and I would have to give the boy the first prize in a snoring contest. I don't know how the roof stayed on the double wide, given the snoring. Fortunately, I was so tired, it didn't make any difference.

We were up at the crack of dawn the next day and went off to the house with my Aunts before breakfast. Cecilia pulled some tubs onto the lawn and we started washing. She cleaned the china and small stuff. John went for the furniture.

John was built like his father and was strong as an ox. He was into body building, and nothing was too heavy for him to move. At 17 he was about as masculine as a kid his age could be. He also was a flaming heterosexual. I soon found out girls loved him and he loved them. John wasn't conventionally good looking, but he had an air.

I was going to get some breakfast from the diner, but that wasn't necessary. Bob and Sally Smith appeared and came over to see what was going on. When Sally found out we hadn't had breakfast, she went off to solve the problem. She was a good cook. Bob joined us cleaning. He also put up a small tent, so there would be shade. Eventually several neighbors joined us as did their teen age children. Scooter and two other volunteer firemen joined us later. They knew a lot about smoke and water damage.

Cecilia was petite and pretty, energetic and outgoing. She was so energetic I was afraid she might have a problem. Her mother had spectacular mood swings. I talked to Buddy about it and he said he had taken her to a doctor. The doctor said he was just energetic, not manic-depressive.

Once we started working Liz got in better humor. She had married a Catholic and that was the sin of sins to Edith. Herb was 23 or 24 and shy, but a hard worker. I was amazed at how much we got done.

One of the neighbors had a truck and he took several loads to the dump. There was no way to save most of the upholstered furniture. The acrid smell of the fire was over powering. There were several old pieces that could be stripped bare and redo. The rest was junk. Herb and I were tossing an arm chair onto the truck when a letter fell out. It had been stuck in the pillows. The envelope said it was from Resource Management Inc. The letter was still inside.

The letter said Resource Management would investigate the potential of mineral and oil rights for a modest fee. The fee was $10,000.00. I knew Aunt Edith well enough to know that wasn't modest in her opinion. There was no chance in hell she would jump at that. Edith had written a note on the back. "Lou will do it for $3,000 if I pay him in cash."

I know a clue when I find it, I called Donnan and told him about it, then I called Daryl. I asked him to look up Resource Management while he was investigating Capitol Exploration. They day turned out to be a good one. Mom and my Aunts found many heirlooms they thought had been lost. It was like a family reunion in many respects, and I also got to meet some of the neighbors.

By late afternoon we were bushed, but had done a lot. One of the neighbors was having a cook out for local teenagers at a nearby lake. Cecilia and John were invited. They were fast workers and had made friends with several locals. They would spend the night at a cabin there. This would reduce the overcrowding at Elizabeth's and simplify the sleeping arrangements at the double-wide.

We were all a bit ragged looking, so took everyone to the diner for dinner. The dress code there was informal. It was a hit. Andy was a good cook. His special for the day was souvlaki, and my Aunts loved that. It had been a slow day at the diner and we made his day.

My Mom and Aunts went back to Elizabeth's. The guys went to Scooter's double wide. It was hot inside. "Why don't we go to the swimming hole and cool off while this place cools?" Scooter suggested.

"No trunks," Daryl complained.

"Shit, boy! You're in the country here!" Scooter exclaimed, "We're all born with our trunks. Haven't you skinny dipped before?"

"Not since I was a kid," Daryl said. "I spent a summer with Uncle Jesse and I don't think he owned swimming trunks."

"As I recall, when he was at home, zipping your zipper was considered formal wear!" I said.

"He tended to wear his pants an inch or two below his pubic hair, as I recall," Buddy said.

"Mom said he was a character," Herb added. "I only met him once. She seemed to think he was a bad influence."

"He was a good guy," I said, "When my Dad died he was really helpful. He was a lot of fun too."

Daryl laughed. He glanced at me and I realized he had the same experience with Jake as I did. Jake had been my guide in the ways of man sex. "I wouldn't describe it as good clean fun, but it sure was fun," Daryl added, "It was one hell of a summer vacation." We trooped off to the swimming hole, stripped and jumped in. It was a spring fed pond and the water was cool and refreshing.

I was doing the dog paddle across the pond when Herb swam up to me."I kind of thought from the way Mom talked, Uncle Jake was a dirty old man," Herb said.

I treaded water. "If she thinks that about Uncle Jake, what in hell does she think about me?" I asked.

Poor Herb blushed. "When she married Dad, she got big into religion. In some ways I think it was to get back at Aunt Edith and prove she could be a good Christian as a Catholic," Herb said. "Even Dad thought she took it too far."

"They're divorced now," I said. "That must have set her back."

"He's a nice guy. Dad told me Mom gave up on sex," Herb explained. "He wasn't going to become a monk at age 40. Mom's still afraid I might have sex for non procreative purposes."

"Shit, that's the only kind of sex I have," I said.

"Mom guessed that," Herb said. He paused. "It's the only kind of sex I have too," he whispered. "You like guys?" he asked.

"That's my poison."

"I've been having some non procreative sex too," Herb admitted. "With guys."

"You liked it?"

"I guess I did," Herb replied.

"I you just guessed you did, you're doing it wrong," I said. "Maybe you need lessons?" Glancing over to the other side of the pond I saw Daryl, Buddy and Scooter in a close huddle. I knew there was action under the placid surface of the pond. I looked down into the clear water. Herb was hard. That seemed a good sign.

"It's time for beer!" Scooter yelled. We got out of the water. Looking around I could see no one was exactly soft. Buddy and Herb were fully erect. Herb looked relieved when he saw Buddy's erection. We grabbed our clothes and went back to the double wide, still naked.

Buddy was a middle-aged, hairy, ginger bear with an uncut, beer can style cock. Daryl was tall and thin, with a long, thin cock. It was sticking out at 45 degrees to his body. Herb was going to be hairy, like me when he got older. He had a runner's body and was toned rather than muscular. He had a tree trunk type cock, with a small head and shaft that grew thicker as I got nearer his body. Herb had to have the hairiest crotch I had ever seen. He was uncut and much of his skin was covered in hair. He must have had some balls somewhere in the thicket.

"I'm tired as hell," Scooter said, "but I wouldn't mind a little fun before I get to bed. Anyone who feels like playing can join me in my bedroom."

Buddy jumped up. "I'm game," he said. "Damn, I'm horny as hell."

"Is there anyone here who liked to get fucked?" Daryl asked. "The last time I did it was with Uncle Jake when I was 18. He told me I was good at it."

"I like it all. I'm a great top, if you like them big, but I'll bottom for a cousin." I said.

"Would you do it for me?" Herb asked. "I've never done it."

"Top or bottom?" Daryl asked.

"As a mater of fact, neither," Herb replied. "I'd like to try it. Catfish can guys really take your cock?"

"Some can," I said. "Scooter likes it. Buddy will take it if he's horny enough. We need to stop talking and get down to business." We all went to Scooter's bedroom. It turned out Scooter had his eye on Daryl and the two were 69ing as soon as the found the bed. Buddy was interested in Herb, so they went at it.

I was unoccupied, so I decided to play utility. I got out a tube of lubricant. I did Scooter's ass first. I knew he liked to bottom and I had some experience with his ass before. I squirted some on my finger then worked it into his hole. From the 69 position, he watched my finger massage Scooters hole, then go in. I got two fingers on the dark side, then found his prostate. Scooter loved it, but Daryl was turned on. I could tell he was excited. When I massaged Scooter's prostate, Daryl could taste the cock react.

I moved on to Daryl. He said he wanted to top, but I recalled Jake always wanted you to be able to reciprocate. Daryl jumped a little when I touched his buns for the first time. Then he moved his leg so I could get to his ass. He was really tight, but I took my time. It took maybe five minutes to get a finger in deep enough to press his magic nut.

Once I did that, Daryl sighed and opened wide. I could have gotten my entire hand in his ass if I was into that. I figured Uncle Jake had blazed the trail and Daryl was filled with fond memories. Buddy was next.

Buddy led to bottom, but he was hard to open up. His ass was tight and it resisted penetration. Once you were in it was a great experience for the top. His ass was vice like tight. It grabbed your cock and held it until you came. For a long time I was worried he didn't enjoy it as much as his tops did. I thought he didn't have a climax. It turned out Buddy usually had a hands free event early in a fuck session, but he didn't lose his erection until you pulled out. Buddy loved it. I took a while, but I got him lubed up.

Herb was an unknown quantity. He had watched me lubricate the other man and he knew what was coming. He was kissing Buddy and when it was his turn he pulled up his legs and spread the wide so his hole was open. He was more than receptive. I swirled the lube around his hole and slipped a finger into his ass without much resistance. Herb's prostate was deep, but in full operating order. I was playing with it as I sucked Herb's cock when Daryl made a sneak attack from the rear on me.

Being a bottom isn't my best suit, but I try to be accommodating. A friend told me he thought of me as a social bottom, willing to take a cock at a party just to be part of the action. I wasn't lubricated, but Daryl was. He had seven inches, but his knob was the only part of his cock with any heft.

Daryl's head popped in effortlessly, then the shaft slid deep into my ass. I felt an incredible rush of sensation. The cock must have hit every hot spot in my ass. Herb's ass was on the edge of the bed, with his legs drawn up and spread. I had two fingers in his ass, one on each side of his prostate. Bent over, I was sucking Herb's cock as I squeezed his prostate. Each time I squeezed, Herb would ooze some precum.

It must have been coincidence, but every time Herb oozed, Daryl thrust deep. It was a perfect coordination of oral and anal sensations. I was in heaven.

"Damn, I'd forgotten how good this is!" Daryl moaned. "Shit, I need to pull out, or I'll shoot." He pulled out.

"Too close?" Scooter asked.

"I'm out of practice," Daryl said. "Would you believe the last ass I was in was Jake's? That was 30 years ago."

"It's a bit like riding a bike, ain't it?" Buddy remarked. Buddy slipped his cock into my hole. Buddy usually bottomed, so I guessed he was inspired by the moment.

Next: Chapter 74: Catfish Rides Again 8

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