Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 30, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 6

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

Things were winding down at Edith's house. The State Police crew was finished and the Volunteer Firemen were cleaning the place up. Scooter wanted the place cleaned up before my Aunts saw it. Donnan saw me and waved me over to the RV.

"We got the official autopsy report. She was killed with a massive blow to the head from behind. It's a classic blunt instrument crime. She died instantly and literally didn't know what hit her," he said. "The Medical Examiner thinks she had been dead an hour or two before they cut her up. The fire followed that."

"It seems mighty odd," I said. "You would think that sort of thing would be done in the heat of rage or passion. Rage would seem to be the most probable cause, given Aunt Edith's personality."

"The Police chief came by here earlier," Donnan said. "He thinks the mutilation is a red herring. He knew some locals who like to cut up people, but it's before death."

"What was the blunt instrument?" I asked.

"We don't know, but we know it wasn't left in the house." Donnan said. "That is a problem. If it was a spontaneous act, it would have been left. Have you been looking into your Aunt's business affairs?"

"I have some info. She owned lots of property all over the place. I think most of it is considered worthless, but you can't be sure," I said. My cell phone rang. It was Mom. I was needed. Some relatives were coming and I had to be dressed. I went back to Scooter's farm, showered and dressed and then went to the main house.

There were several cars in the yard with window stickers from my hometown. Inside were several of my mother lady friends and one older man, Graham. Graham was about seventy and distinguished looking. My gaydar was totally silent. He was concerned about my Mother and Aunts. After ten minutes I realized Graham and my Mother were more than friends.

I was shocked. I had been so use to thinking of my Mom as a widow. I hadn't considered she might have a boyfriend, not to mention a lover. Graham was about six feet tall and well spoken. He was the former superintendent of schools one of the neighboring counties of my hometown. I was surprised when another man entered the room. He was Graham's son, Carl, who had served as a chauffeur.

We all chatted politely. Graham didn't know what to think of me, but when conversation got to the murder and I gave them a clear update, Graham warmed up. Carl made a few comments and my gaydar went into overdrive. Carl looked like a pale copy of his father.

On the dining room table, Mom had a pile of deeds they had found in the bank box and in the house. I noticed they had put a drop cloth over the table since the documents were dirty. Mom was always neat. "There's so much," Mom said, "We're having a problem getting a grip on it." Carl started looking at the documents, then sat down and began to sort.

We discussed Edith's financial situation and I mentioned my meeting with the County Clerk, Jonathan. "Carl, why don't you go to the courthouse and look things up," Graham said.

"Just a minute," Carl said. "I've just about finished sorting them." I looked at the table. The documents were in neat piles. "Do you have a pad?" he asked. Fifteen minutes later he rose from the table. The pad was covered in his notes.

"This pile is deeds for mines. Next to it are the purchases of mineral rights," he said as he pointed out the stacks of documents. "The third pile is for large farms or other big acreage parcels. The fourth pile is for properties in town. Let's go to the courthouse."

I volunteered to drive him. Carl was an accountant who worked with estates. It was clear he knew his stuff. When he met Jonathan, I realized the two men were sole mates. It was love at first sight. Deed books flew out of the safe and the computer churned out printed copies. Jonathan got his assistant, a pale, blond, young man name Elroy to get the assessed value of the properties.

I had to get back to my Mom. Jonathan said he'd be glad to drop Carl off at the funeral home later, if Carl wanted to get all the information. I knew I was the third wheel, so I returned home. There, we had a quick dinner of sandwiches and salads and went to the funeral home.

Aunt Becky mused that maybe she should take a last look at the body. Billy put the kibosh to that. "I'm really sorry ma'am, but the coffin is sealed," he said. "It would take a lot of work to open it." I didn't think this was true, but Becky accepted it. Rev. Pettigrew came, as did Tom, the organist.

Tom said he wanted to check the music with my Aunts. After he spoke with them, he came over to me. "I enjoyed this morning," he whispered. I said that I had enjoyed it too. "I have a friend who'd love to meet you," Tom continued whispering. "He's young, but a good boy."


Tom smiled, "He's 24 and just got out of the Army," he said. "Timmy will be here with his Mom tonight. He was a member of the Choir. He was a bass at 14!" Tom moved on.

As Billy the funeral director had said, there was a good crowd. A few pretended to like Edith, but all were polite and sympathetic to my Mom and Aunts. We had several delegations from churches. She had run through churches at a good pace. Most didn't meet her standards for very long. As she got older, Edith got purer than pure. I heard a, "She was a sad and complex woman," from one group, and a "I hope she's found peace," from another. One group actually asked if Edith had remembered them in her will.

After an hour a diminutive woman and her huge son came up to us. "Hello, I'm Edna Baker and this is my son, Timothy," she said in introduction. "I use to teach Sunday School with Edith. She wanted to save the world, you know. I told her she should be happy if she could help just one person, but that wasn't enough for her." Needless to say, Edna and my Aunts got on like gang busters. I think that, while Edna knew Edith's faults, she also had genuinely liked her.

Timmy was at least 6'-4" and massive. He had a curly, black beard and was already well on the way to being bald, but he was oddly baby faced. He had clear, intensely blue eyes and a pink complexion. We talked. He had left the army a year earlier and worked for a surveyor.

"Have you by any chance run into a group called Capitol Exploration?" I asked, taking a shot in the dark.

"As a mater of fact, I have," Timmy said. "I've been doing quite a bit of work. It's not the usual. Most of our work is boundary surveys and deed work. Capitol's stuff is different. We're locating old mines."

"What do you mean?"

"Most of the mines closed 50 or 60 years ago," Timmy explained. "You can still find some of the bigger ones, but the smaller ones are lost. Monty is looking for them."

"Monty's Capitol's man?"

"Yep, he a nice guy too," Timmy said. "I've spent a lot of time tramping around the mountains for him. My boss says he pays top dollar." Timmy was young and was wearing boxers, so I could tell he had a nice package. He glanced at my crotch. Obviously, Tom had told him about my cock. Tim was getting excited.

"Any chance I could talk to you about this later?" I asked under my voice.

He smiled. "I live at home. Maybe we could meet at the diner later. It closes at 11:00 on Friday nights," he said. Then under his breath he said "Mr. Robinson said you were a good guy."

"Tonight's a possibility?" I asked, "Around ten after I take the ladies home?" Timmy nodded.

I was there at ten on the dot. Timmy was waiting at counter. The diner was otherwise empty. Andy was talking with Tim. Festus was washing dishes. Tim told me about his work with Capitol. I remembered that some if the names he talked about were names of properties Edith owned.

Festus peaked out of the kitchen, saw Tim and smiled. Tim blushed. Wythetown was a small place, and the gay community was even smaller. Festus and Tim knew each other, but I didn't sense Andy knew we were all brothers.

Festus was finished with the dishes and Andy said he'd close up. We left with Festus. Tim treated Festus like a favorite younger brother. They were pals. "I'll drive Festus home," Tim said.

"Come home with me and we can have some desert." Festus said, "Ice cream! I made it myself."

"Festus is an ice cream fanatic," Tim explained. Festus lived in an apartment above the pharmacy. We went up a long, narrow stair. The stair was dingy, but the apartment was nice. It was a loft type open with a bath and kitchen separating the sleeping area from the living. It was hot and Festus stripped off his shirt and turned on several ceiling fans. He went off to the bath to shower.

Festus joined us three or four minutes later. He was nude and drying off. "No air conditioning," he said. "I like being bare. You can't see in the widows. We're too high above the street." Tim stripped too and I joined them.

When I was naked, Fetus came over to me and fondled my cock. "Tim, Catfish has Godzilla's cock!" he said in explanation.

"Tom told me about it," Tim said. "It may sound odd, but I wanted to see it." He paused, "You must think I'm a jerk."

I smiled. "You aren't the first," I said. "There's nothing wrong with a little curiosity."

"It's not little," Festus remarked. We all laughed. By then, Tim was hard and I went down on him. I didn't know if Tim was a looker or a player, but I figured you can't go wrong sucking a cock.

It turned out Tim wasn't sure what he wanted. His sexual experiences were limited to Tom and Festus. He liked what he had done, but was uneasy about going further. Tim wasn't a size queen. He thought my cock was interesting and was more than willing to suck it, but didn't feel an urge to feel it in his ass.

Festus was another matter. He had seen me in action at Rollie's birthday party and wanted to get to know my cock more intimately. "Will you fuck me?" he asked me. "I like getting fucked."

"He's awfully big," Tim remarked. "It might not fit."

"You fuck me first, then Catfish." Festus said. He had a plan. Tim was covered in a pelt of curly black hair and at first his cock was all but concealed in his bush. When he got hard, it was a massive member. Tim was hung thick, rather than long. He had a small cock head, and a bulbous shaft. The shaft tapered as it vanished in Tim's pubic bush, butt plug style.

Tim looked uncertain. He was shy.

"Hey, we're all boys here," I said, "I've seen it all before."

"I shoot easily," Tim said. "It's kind of messy."

"Tim shoots hard," Festus added, "It tickles my ass when he shoots." Tim may have wanted to hold back but he was a horny young man. He coated his cock with lubricant and Festus got on his hands and knees. Tim positioned his cock at Festus' hole and pushed.

Tim was gentle. It was clear he didn't want to hurt Festus. Tim's thick cock was no easy piece of meat, and he was trying to cushion the impact by going slow.

"I hope you don't mind some advice from an old fucker, but he'll enjoy it more if you shove it in fast," I said. "Don't be shy, just pop it through the hole." Tim looked uncertain, but he was the kind of kid who did what he was told. The thrust hard, and his cock vanished in Festus' love tunnel. Festus moaned in pleasure.

`Now, just stay still for a while and let him get use to it," I said.

"How long?" Tim asked.

"He'll let you know," I explained. "You're fully loaded, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid I am," he said sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about," I said. "We're here to drain our balls. The only question is, how much fun we can have working up to the climax." Festus had begun rotating his ass. Tim began to thrust in response to the movement. Tim was a pile driver and I got him to slow down a little.

It didn't take long for Tim to realize the advantages of the slow and easy approach to anal sex. Festus was an aggressive and generous bottom. He obviously loved it and wanted Tim to like as much as he did. When Tim slowed down, Festus began to rotate his ass and I could see him tensing his butt. He was trying to milk Tim's cock.

Tim had a hair trigger, but I got Festus to slow when I sensed Tim was ready to pop. Festus was a quick learner, and soon they had it down to a science. Tim would work up to an orgasm, and Festus would slow him down. They went on for fifteen or so minutes before Tim finally blew. Tim had a full body orgasm. He shook, he shivered, he twitched and moaned until his balls were drained. When he pulled out, I nosed my meat into Festus's cum filled chute.

I had watched the Police Chief fuck him at the party, so I knew Festus didn't mind the "slam, bang, thank you ma'am" school of fucking. Thompson was meaty, but not as a big as me. I figured Festus could take it if I took my time.

Festus was still on his hands and knees. I got four or five inches in and rested. He needed a breather. I leaned over him and got one hand on his cock and the other around his chest. He had a slightly furry chest and his cock was still hard. I lifted him up, so he was essentially sitting back on my cock. From this position I figured his own weight would force my cock further up his ass.

Usually I need to add lube several times to get my cock in an ass, but Tim had filled Festus with his jiz and it was downright juicy. I like the cool feeling of lube, but Tim's man seed was hot and slippery. My legs were between Festus's, and I widened my stance, forcing his legs wider and opening his ass even more. Festus whimpered a little, but eventually he was fully impaled.

"You're in," I said.

"It's all in?" Festus whispered.

"Every inch."

"Damn!" he replied. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

"You need to rest?"

"Just a little," he said. "I just need to catch my breath." When Festus said a little, he meant it. In less than a minute he was squirming to get my cock into a better position. Tim was on the floor recovering from his orgasm. He rolled over and licked Festus's cock.

After a few minutes of this, I got on my back and Festus straddled me, then he sat on it. This turned out to be the perfect position for him. He had complete control in this position. Festus did what could only be described as a hula dance on my cock. I wasn't fucking him. His hole was massaging my cock.

Festus leaned over a few times to kiss me. Tim was watching and he took the opportunity to lick my balls. Half of my cock was in Festus's ass and the second time this happened, Tim's tongue licked my shaft and it felt as if he was trying to get it into the ass with my cock. This made Festus shoot off.

I knew Tim wanted to try my cock, but I somehow felt he wasn't ready. Tim was hard again, so I coated his cock with lube and sat on it, doing my imitation of Festus's fancy danse. As I had guessed, Tim's cock was a living butt plug and I had a good time. This time he popped quickly. Festus had said you could feel cum squirting from Tim's cock. I had thought this was an exaggeration, but it was true. I felt long squirts and an almost tickling sensation in my ass. I had a pretty spectacular hands-free orgasm because of this. A good time was had by all. I had to get back to the farm so we broke up. The next day was the funeral.

Next: Chapter 73: Catfish Rides Again 7

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