Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 5, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 5

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

I slept well that night and woke, ready to do some real investigating. Unfortunately there was Aunt Edith. Her body had returned and there was to be something at the funeral home that evening and the funeral was to be the next day. I must have looked unhappy about that. Mom told me to get into town and see how the investigation was going.

"Nothing could make me feel better than to have Edith's killer under arrest," she said. I went into town in the jalopy and had breakfast at the diner. Andy was cooking and Festus was washing dishes. I talked with the men at the counter. The men were mostly talking about the murder.

"She was a bitch, but I never thought anything like his might happen," one man said. He was called Slim. It was a joke name since he was anything but Slim.

"The Chief seems to think it was Mexicans," another man, named Hal, said.

"I don't like the Mexicans, but I don't think it was them. She never got within miles of a Mexican," Slim said. "She liked the Holy Rollers. My Old Lady use to go to the same church."

"The True Believers?" Hal asked. Slim nodded. "She must have liked it when the Preacher took off with Bessy Grant."

Slim chuckled. "She thought the Preacher was pure and chaste. It turned out he was only pure when it came to dried-up old hags," Slim said. "The old ladies were good for the collection plate and nothing else. I think Edith paid for the fucker's trip to Reno."

"The last time I saw Edith was at the True Value. She was with a young guy, a surveyor type, buying some tools," Hal said.

"She snagged herself a young one?" Slim suggested.

"Looked all business to me. They went off in his truck, Capitol Exploration, it said," Hal continued. "I have no idea what she was into." The two men left making lewd comments about Edna and the young man. Festus saw me and came out to say hello. Andy was surprised and wanted to know how we met. I told him it was a long story.

I called my office on the cell phone and asked them to do some research on Capitol Exploration, then I went to Edna's house. Donnan saw me and asked me in. "The wills are interesting," he said. "The older will left every thing except for some heirlooms to some odd church, the True Bible Church, or something like that."

"The True Believers?" I suggested. Donnan looked at me for a minute.

"You do get around, don't you?" he remarked. "The other leaves it all to the local library and to your Mother and Aunts. There's a paragraph asking forgiveness for being so pompous. Was she that bad?"

"I'm afraid she was," I said. "She had a knack of draining the enjoyment from every holiday dinner I ever went to. What were the other papers?"

"There's a deed to the Old Blue Mining company property, the deed to the house and some stock certificates," he said. "It seems her husband owned the mineral rights to most of the local mines. Worthless, I'll bet, but we'll check into it."

I went into the house and saw Trooper Smith carefully going through each of the items in the breakfront. "Is this the stuff your Mom's worried about?" he asked.

"That's it," I said. "It belonged to her Mama. Have you found anything?"

"Just this," he said. He produced a safe deposit box key. It said Box 412, Central Southside Virginia Bank.

"Rollie says that bank was bought out years ago," Smith said. "The building is still on Main Street."

I walked around the house. There were several officers sifting through the ashes and debris. "Oh Jesus." a female officer cried out. "I found an ear." I felt sick again. I decided to leave.

I got in the car and my cell phone rang. It was Frank, my office manager. "The geek squad hit pay dirt. Capitol Exploration looks for oil and natural gas," he said. "On the surface they look like a small time outfit, but they have the big boys behind them. They're a front for Metropolis-Occidental."

"They are big boys," I said. "Keep on looking and let me know what shows up."

"Will do," Frank replied.

I went to the Police Station and asked about the Central Southside Bank. I told Thompson about the key. "Is there any chance anything is left in the building?" I asked.

"I doubt it, but it might be worth a visit. I was bought out by the CFB, which in turn was bought by the Fed Banc, than then by Wachovia. It closed really suddenly and they may have left something behind. I'll get a court order. I try and get it done today."

I saw my Mom drive by, so I got in my car and followed her. She stopped at St. John's Episcopal Church. She was glad to seem me, her sister's were at the funeral home and she was to arrange the service and had to find the burial plot. That should have been easy, but Edith had four deeds to cemetery plots. Her husband had died midwinter in a blizzard and no one had been abler to get to the funeral. No one knew where he was buried, so Mom and Rev. Pettigrew were going to look for it.

Pettigrew and another man were waiting for us. The man was the organist, Tom Robinson, and wanted to know some of Edith's favorite hymns. Mom knew them all, so she gave the man the information and left with Pettigrew. Tom offered to show me the church. I wasn't interested, but said yes to be polite.

The church was pretty and very fancy. The mine owners' went to this church, so they had Tiffany windows and all the fittings of a wealthy Episcopalian Church. Tom explained this to me as we looked around. "Fortunately, they also endowed the church, which is why they have a full time organist," he said. Tom was my height, but weighed 40 or 50 pounds more than me. It was odd to be with a man I could look in the eye.

"Rollie's an old friend of mine," Tom said. "I was sorry not to be able to make it to the party last night. Father John said a good time was had by all. Rollie was a member of the choir here."

"Rollie seems to have gotten around," I remarked. I was ready for Tom to make a pass at me when a man entered the church.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I got a call from Father John about a funeral. The message was garbled. What day is it and what time?" he asked.

"Tomorrow at 11:00," Tom said. "Jonathan, this is Mr. Noland. He's the nephew of the deceased. Mr. Noland, this is Jonathan Elliot, the County Clerk." We shook hands. Jonathan didn't strike me as a leader of men.

"Sorry for your loss," Jonathan said. "I assist at funerals. Rev. Mr. Pettigrew is good about that sort of event. He gives a very comforting service. Your Aunt was a well-known woman. Her husband left her well provided for."

"I never thought of her as wealthy," I said. "She didn't spend anything as far as I knew."

"She was frugal. Her husband bought many of the properties when the mines went belly up." Jonathan said. "He acquired the mineral rights to the ones he didn't buy outright. They were considered worthless at the time, but he felt you could never know the future."

"Has there been any interest in the properties recently?"

"As a matter of fact there has been some recently, "Jonathan replied. "Several parties have been doing research in the last six months."

"Who were they?"

"They were very private persons," Jonathan replied. "In my experience, persons doing early research in real estate tend to be closed mouthed. Discretion is important. You might mention ths conversation to the heirs. I would be careful of a quick sale."

"We've met Mr. Wampler," I said. Jonathan smiled.

"Catfish went to the little party for Rollie last night," Tom mentioned casually. "John said he acquitted himself well, very well."

"A Board of Supervisors' meeting last night occupied my time," Jonathan said. "Not exactly my type, but a good boy."

"What is your type?" I asked.

"Jonathan likes them young and pretty," Tom said. "But he seems to put up with others well."

"Just because I like caviar, doesn't mean I don't like fish!" Jonathan remarked.

I laughed. "I can be pretty fishy!" I said. "Maybe more of a shrimp than a fish." The two men smiled.

"I have to get back to work," Jonathan said, "We may meet at the funeral." We shook hands, then Jonathan left.

"Jonathan is very orderly, almost prissy," Tom said. "Father John told me you were a bit crude, but friendly."

"I guess I could be described that way," I said. I looked at Tom who looked confused. He was a little bit afraid too. Tom's hand was shaking some.

"The idea of crude sex turns you on, doesn't it?" I asked. Tom nodded.

"I'm not rough," I said. "I just look it."

"Father John said you were really big?"

"That part of me is rough," I said. "I take my time, but it's filling, if that's want you mean. No training wheels for my cock."

"You've seen John's cock? It's the biggest I've taken," Tom said. "I loved it."

"Well, I'm a little longer and a lot thicker," I said. "To tell you the truth, I watched him fuck Rollie and I rough compared to that."

Tom leaned close to me. "Have you ever fuck a guy to an orgasm?" he whispered. "That's never happened to me."

"I'm not sure I've ever fucked a guy who didn't shoot off," I answered. "I like to fuck a guy until I see the cream."

"Jonathan doesn't like a mess," Tom whispered. "I've never shot off with him. I love getting fucked by Father John, but it's never been intense enough to get me off. I have the feeling sex can be more exciting. John was surprised Rollie could take yours."

"Do you think you could take mine?"

"Father John said your penis was so big it was almost gross," Tom said. "I live next door."

"Would you like to look at it before you try it on for size?"

Tom nodded. "Would you do that? You must think I'm . . ." I interrupted him.

"Curiosity doesn't bother me at all, as long as you're up front about it," I said. Tom looked relieved. We left the church and went to the Rectory next door. It was a big house. Tom explained Father John lived in an old farm three miles out of town. The church owned the Rectory, so he lived there for free. We went up to his bedroom. Tom pulled the shades. I started to undress. Tom just stood there. I stopped and began to undress him, he was shaking.

"Relax," I told him. "Calm down and let nature take its course." I hugged him and he stopped shaking.

"You must think I'm a fool," Tom said. "I'm a grown man. I shouldn't get this excited." He was too nervous to do anything, so I stripped him. I was getting hard, and when Tom saw my cock for the first time, all was well. Lust triumphed over fear. He saw, he sucked and then he tried to swallow it.

Tom was such an enthusiastic sucker, I wondered if he had lost interest in getting fucked. This wasn't a problem. I licked his cock head and tasted pre cum. We were the same height, so when we 69ed it was a perfect fit. As he sucked my cock, I pulled up his legs so I could inspect his ass. He was clean, but I could smell lubricant. I ran my tongue around his anus. It was pink and puffy. I forced my tongue into the middle of the pucker. It tasted of lube and pre cum.

Using my detective's skills, I guessed Father John had been in his ass earlier. Father John had cocked the pistol, but hadn't pulled the trigger. No wonder Tom was so desperate. I worked my tongue into his hole again. This time Tom tried to open up. He wanted it bad. I licked my finger and pushed it in deep enough to press his prostate. Tom moaned.

He was excited. "How do you want to fuck me?" Tom asked.

"What do you want?" I replied. He whispered to me, "Can you fuck me like a dog?" I smiled. That position gave me most control. I realized he wanted me to run things.

"You think you can take my cock?" I asked in a whisper.

He looked at my cock. "It's huge. I want it,"

"Wanting it and taking it isn't the same thing," I reminded him. "Once I'm in half way, it's really hard for me to stop. You may get it all whether you want it all or not."

Tom said. "Fuck me until I cum. Fuck the cum from me!" He was true to his word. It wasn't easy for him. Tom tended to whimper and cry, but when I tried to pull out or even slowed up, he would beg me to keep on pushing.

Somewhere between seven inches and total penetration, Tom had a religious experience. Tom found god. Which god, I don't exactly know, but he found someone. He had his hands free orgasm and much more. Tom turned into a fuck-toy bottom pig, a quivering mass of sexually charged flesh.

I'm good about staying hard, but Tom's excitement was contagious. Over the next hour and a half I must have penetrated him ten to fifteen times. I think I shot off five times, but it was hard to count. I fucked him every way possible, and then invented some new ways. His ass bonded to my cock.

After an hour of fucking, Tom and I relaxed. The drive to have an orgasm disappeared and it turned into pure pleasure. He was limp as a dishrag. He could still quiver and moan, but otherwise he had become a part of my sexual apparatus. The sensation turned fr0m being a raging storm to a flowing brook of pleasure.

We calmed down and I almost fell asleep. Once and a while Tom would shiver. I pulled out.

"Did I tell you I wanted to get fucked?" Tom asked. I laughed.

"I think you mentioned it," I said. "You forgot to tell me when you had enough. I'm afraid you might get a callus on your sphincter." I went to the bathroom and got a wet towel. I squirted some lube on my finger and massaged his bloated anus. It was a puffy and abused. My cum was drooling from his hole, so I wiped it up as I gently massaged the opening.

"I feel so empty," Tom whispered. My cock wasn't soft yet, so I nuzzled my cock head in the opening and played with it. I didn't fuck. I just played. He was so open now my cock head popped the sphincter a few times. We broke apart, showered and I went back to town.

I went to Aunt Edith's house to see what was up.

Next: Chapter 72: Catfish Rides Again 6

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