Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 26, 2006


Catfish Rides Again 4

By Bald Hairy Man

If you are offended by gay sex or are underage, DON'T read this story. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex is made in this story. This story is part of an extended group of stories listed under Millennium Construction Company. If you have want to know more about the characters look it up. If you have comments write me at or

I had a long talk with Chief Thompson while I was there. He seemed to have mellowed. I hadn't thought he was the kind of man who would apologize and rethink his approach. I was wrong. He saw the writing on the wall and realized his Mexican theory wasn't going to fly. He bragged to me about how good his department was and I realized if the State Police were involved, he needed to so some signs of efficiency. He had genuine pride in his department.

He had made calls and found out about Catfish & Company and now knew my reputation. "If we can be of help to you, just let me know," he said. "I'd appreciate it if you can help me when you can. I don't like what's going on here. It's not the usual."

"You're as well connected as anyone in these parts," I said. "What do the jungle drums say?"

"That's what is worrying me," the Chief said. "There is not a peep. It's like a lightening bolt out of the blue. That why I was pushing the Mexicans. They have their own community."

"Any strangers in the area?"

"No one I've noticed, but I'm checking on that," he said. "The only motel here isn't really fit for humans, but I'm checking in Martinsville and Bristol."

"Is it possible you just don't want a local involved?"

"Of course I don't want a local involved, but there's some logic behind my thinking," he explained. "We're a small town and I know just about everybody here. Knew their parents and grandparents too. There is nothing to suggest this sort of thing would happen. I have a good idea who thinking about screwing his daughter and who dreams about fucking a minor. I know who's interested in fires and who gets violent when they get shit-faced drunk."

"Your Aunt was an irritating woman. She rubbed me the wrong way most of the time, but it was irritation, not rage she inspired. Beating an elderly woman to death and chopping up her body is not on the radar screen," he said. "If there was anyone who had any tendencies that way, they'd be in jail by now." I'm usually skeptical about locals who think it must be a stranger, but Thompson seemed to know his stuff.

I went to give my statement to the officer handling the diner robbery. Officer Sue Barton was young and a bit officious, but once we got into the statement she relaxed. She was new to the force and this was her biggest case to date. I thought she would become a good police office when she had more experience.

When I finished the statement Rollie saw me and gave me a tour of the offices. It was after six and the day crew had left and the evening watch was already on patrol. The Police Department was fueled by strong coffee. Since I was stuck there for most of the afternoon, I had drunk at least three and maybe four cups of coffee. I have a bladder the size of a small New England state, but when we hit the basement locker room I took a leak. Someone was taking a shower in the next room.

I was pissing when a naked man left the shower room and stood at the urinal next to me. It was the chief. Thomson was one of the rare older men who look better naked than dressed. He wasn't Charles Atlas, but he obviously worked out and spent a lot of time out doors. He had a good tan.

With a dusting of blond mixed with white hair on his chest, I suspected he had shaved it recently. His hairy ball sack held two apricot-sized balls. As far as I could tell, his cock consisted only of a cut, flared, cock head the size of a silver dollar. He certainly didn't mind being naked in front of a stranger.

"I like your high test coffee, but it has a side effect," I said.

"I figure either the caffeine, or the need to take a leak will keep you awake, one way, or the other," he said.

"It seems to me it's a 50/50 proposition," I commented. "This is fancy locker area. I've not seen many like it."

"You are in the emergency command center for the county, paid for by the Feds and the Commonwealth," he explained. "We got it after hurricane Camille. We have back up power for three weeks." He leaned close to me, "How long does it take for the piss to get from your bladder to the end of your dick? You got a long one."

"In no time at all," I replied. "It's an expressway."

The Chief laughed. "I've got a shack a few miles form here. Why don't you come over for some burgers? I wouldn't mind and off the record chat with you."

"I guess I could do that," I said. "Where is it?"

"Rollie's coming. He'll give you a ride," Thompson said. "He's going to get Scooter to come. I've got some fences to mend with Scooter."

I finished the tour with Rollie and called Mom and told her I was going to dinner with the Chief. They were going to dinner with one of Elizabeth's friends. "It's going to be 100% old lady talk," she said. "You'd be board to tears."

"Keep your ears open," I said. "Old ladies hear things too."

Rollie had changed into civilian clothes and we drove into the country side. Wythetown is in the boonies, but the countryside outside of Wythetown was dismal. Coal mining doesn't enhance the landscape any way, but the land was dismal. We turned off the road and drove down a rutted trail and then into a heavily wooded area. There must not have been coal under this patch.

Chief Thomson's shack was just that. It was covered in asphalt shingles and looked like crap. Inside it was a little bit better, but not a lot. It was one room with a kitchen area to one said and a sleeping loft. There was a bath attached to the side. The windows on the back overlooked a really pretty pond.

"Welcome to the ugliest shack in the Blue Ridge," Thomson said as he greeted us. "My wife and daughters hate it, so it's just perfect for me. This is a man's place."

We walked out to the back porch and looked at the view. It was beautiful, with the blue sky reflected in the clear water of the pond. "How did this escape the coal company?" I asked.

"This is the General Manager's fishing place," Thomson explained. I sat on an old wicker chair next to a hammock. It was oddly supported and small.

"Is that waft I think it is?" I asked looking at the hammock.

Thomson smiled. "It's my own invention. Rollie's my nephew and I found out about his sexual tastes years ago. He loves the sling," the Police Chief said. "His birthday's coming up so we were going to have a little celebration here, just four or five men. Rollie said he thought you'd be interested. If you're not, you don't need to stay. I hope you're not offended by group sex?"

"You think I'm the kind of guy who will have sex with any Tom Dick and harry who comes along?" I said sternly. The chief looked taken aback. "Well if you think that, you'd be exactly right! What are the guys like?"

He smiled. "Damn, you had me going there for a minute," Thompson said. "Rollie usually quite good about that sort of thing. He's a good judge of character. Rollie had the best gaydar of any man I've ever met."

I was hoping to get a preview of coming attractions, but someone drove up. Two older men got out, one white, one black. It took me a second to realize one was Rev. Pettigrew. The Chief introduced the other as Coach Brown. A State Police cruiser arrived next. I hadn't expected to see Troopers Morris and Smith again.

There was a slightly uncomfortable period as we chatted on the porch. Everyone knew why we were here, but not how to get the ball rolling. Rollie solved the problem. He emerged from the front door naked and semi erect.

"Damn, Uncle Willard," he said. "Am I the only bottom here?"

"It's your birthday, I thought I give you a real workout," the Chief said. "Is that a problem?"

"Hell no. When do we get started?" Rollie asked. "Who's first?"

"There's one special thing I'd like for you guys to do," the Chief said. "Rollie told me he'd like to take a load from each. He wants the cream. It's his birthday and that seems fair enough. It might get a bit messy later on, so any of you who are worried about the mess, get first in line."

"I've got no problem with sloppy seconds," Rev. Pettigrew said, "I go to the end of the line, if you don't mind."

It turned out no one seemed to be squeamish. We went into the house, stripped naked and then went to the rear porch. Rollie was in the sling with his legs spread wide and his ass open.

"We need a fluffer," Trooper Miller said. "Trooper Smith, are you up for it?"

"Yes Sir!" he replied with a military salute. He pumped iron and had a crew-cut. Rev. Pettigrew was first in line. Smith dropped to his knees and swallowed the preacher's cock whole. When I looked over the assembled men, I marveled at the variety available in men's external genitalia. We all had balls, sack, shaft and head, but some balls were nuts, others are fruits; some sacks hang low and other are held tight against the body. There were beer can shafts and mosquito dicks. Thomson had a mushroom head. Smith had a bullet gland.

I admit to having my preferences, but in all my years messing around with men, I've discovered you can never tell which cock will do the trick.

While Smith sucked the Preacher, Coach Brown was to first to pop Rollie's cherry. You could tell Brown had been muscular, but he must have been in his upper sixties now and had somewhat gone to pot. He cock was a thick, uncut, seven inch specimen. He coated it with lubricant and rammed it in deep on the first thrust. It wasn't an elegant fuck, but Rollie took it well. He was winded at first, but then began to whimper.

Rollie was hairy, but his skin was pale white. Coach Brown's cock was coal black except for his cock head. It was a purplish lavender color. Watching the black cock plunge into Rollie's pink ass was a sight. The audience got turned on.

"How long have you been fucking this pup?" Miller asked Coach Brown.

"Rollie and I go way back," Brown said. "Willard found out about Rollie's interests and ask if I would be the first to pop his cherry. He knew about my fucking technique and figured I might cure the boy of his interests. Damn if Rollie didn't love it!"

"The best made plans . . ."

"Damn, I'm shooting!" Brown exclaimed. He rammed Rollie with great vigor six or seven times, the pulled out suddenly, his cock was still ejaculating. Several volleys coated Rollie's hole and the rest splattered against Rollie's balls. Rev. Pettigrew was next in line. He was hard now. His cock was thin and long. He didn't fuck. He caressed the insides of Rollie's ass with his organ. Rollie's ass was glistening with cum and lubricant. Pettigrew played with Rollie's tits and Rollie reached up and tweaked the Preacher's nipples. Pettigrew shot off immediately.

I was watching the sling when Miller came up to me and started sucking. Somehow I though he was more to the aggressive top type, but from the way he sucked my member, it was clear he was a cock man. Thompson was in his nephew's ass now, but it was hard to watch, since I was preoccupied by Miller's expert cock sucking. I was getting close, so when the Chief pulled out, I stepped up to the sling.

Rollie looked a bit worn and frazzled by now. I was the fourth guy in his ass so he was tired. His cock was a bit limp now, but when my cock head cleared his sphincter, he revived. His cock perked up too. His sphincter had either lost its muscle tone, or was just plain worn out. He couldn't fight me, but it was a nice, snug fit. I took my time.

It was a nice, laid back group of men. Scooter and Willy Graves had appeared as well as a man I didn't know. Most guys were stoking or sucking, but when I started to fuck, they clustered around the sling to watch.

"Damn, I don't believe that fuck tool fits!" Smith said. "It would split me in half." I'm not an exhibitionist, but I don't mind being admired. I looked over to Smith and our eyes met. I wasn't too sure I'd split him in half and had a strong premonition my cock head would get intimate with his prostate before the night was over. My cock pushed the hair around Rollie's ass onto his hole. When I pulled out the hair and some of Rollie's insides came out, coated in sperm.

It was getting messy. Most gay porn features well-groomed men who never break into a sweat and never need to comb their hair. A cock wedged between shaved balls and neatly trimmed pubes slides into a shaved asshole. Once and a while the fucker gets excited. Most of the time the fuckee could be getting a manicure for all the excitement he shows.

I'd bet porn stars like sex as much as I do, but they can't show it. Rollie and I were into it and everyone knew. I didn't last as long as I'd have liked too, but the excitement got to me and I shot off. I'm not a verbal person when it comes to sex. But damn if I didn't growl, then roar when I rear loaded Rollie. Everybody knew what I was doing. They applauded. I should have been embarrassed, but you can't be embarrassed during an orgasm.

I pulled out. Scooter took my place. His cock must have been refreshing after my ass stretcher. I sat down on a chair and cooled off. The remains of my orgasm drooled from my cock. I was talking with Coach Brown when Miller crawled over and began to lick of my cock drool. He apparently liked the sperm concoction coating my cock.

When Trooper Miller was finished, Brown and I went to the pond and took a swim. It was a warm day and the water was crystal clear. After fifteen minutes, the rest of the men joined us, including Rollie. He had taken the last load from the last man. Rollie was tired looking, but he had a blissful look to him. I think the evening was a success.

Chief Thompson had a dinner of fired chicken and slaw, all provided by KFC. It wasn't fancy, but it hit the spot. It began to get dark. I don't know why, but darkness seems to bring out the hornyness in most men. Everyone had shot off before dinner, but I still had one or two orgasms in me. I wasn't the only one.

Trooper Smith stayed close to me. Smith's real name was Oliver, but they called him Boomer. Boomer had a strong accent and only modest grip on English Grammar. As I talked to him, I realized he was smart enough, but poorly educated and had very little knowledge of the world. I felt sympathy for him, since I'd been in a similar situation when I was younger.

Boomer said his Daddy was dumb as shit and damn proud of it. He looked up to Trooper Miller as a god. No one had ever taken any interest in him before. "Miller is bossy, but if I do exactly what he says, it just turns out right," Boomer said.

Another guy stayed near me. This was the man who had arrived late with Scooter and Billy. He tended to stare at my cock. He was of middle height and had a full beard. While he had a muscular upper body, he had a deformed leg and walked with a bad limp. He didn't anything and I didn't know what to think about him when Scooter came to me and introduced the man.

"Catfish, this is Festus. He's a nice guy," I shook hands. Scooter whispered in my ear. "He's a good kid, but handicapped. He's almost deaf and it takes some time explaining what he needs to do. Once he gets it, all is well. Mom thinks if they had sent him to the right schools, he'd be fine. Festus is the dishwasher at the diner."

"You work for Andy?" I asked.

Festus' face broke into a smile. "Andy's my boss. He's a good man." I put my arm around him. He snuggled closer and started playing with the hair on my chest. "George of the Jungle," he muttered.

Scooter laughed. "He seems to think you're a monkey."

"Well, I guess that's better than being called that fucking Chimpanzee," I said. "That phrase pops up from time to time."

Scooter whispered to me again, "Festus likes sex. Don't worry about him. He's more than okay with it."

As his hands explored my body, they reached my cock. He played with it for a little, then looked up at me. "King Kong?" he said. We all burst out laughing. Festus was pleased. "Can I suck it?" he asked.

"Be my guest." I said. Boomer looked disappointed, so I pulled him close and began to fondle his cock. Festus was an equal opportunity sucker and when Boomer's cock came in range, he sucked it too. Festus had a wide mouth and he could get both in.

Eventually the three of us got on the grass and formed a small daisy chain. Boomer felt better when he got to suck my cock. I was sucking Festus, so Festus was sucking Boomer. Festus' cock was a solid, uncut, six-inch cock with a big mushroom head. He had huge balls that produced pre cum in generous amounts. It was tasty and exciting.

We traded places and I sucked Boomer. He had no pre cum until I worked my finger into his ass. When I pressed his prostate, I opened the pre cum floodgates. The light was dim now, but Festus saw me fingering Boomer's ass.

I guessed Boomer wanted to try my cock, but I wasn't sure how to bring the subject up. I went off to get a coke and when I came back, Boomer was on his hands and knees taking Festus' cock doggy style.

Festus looked at me, winked and a second or two later, he pulled is cock out and shoved mine in. Boomer almost passed out from the shock, but he recovered he loved it. I saw Miller looked at him twitching on my cock with satisfaction. Somehow he reminded me of a mother bird who was watching her chick fly for the first time. Boomer shot off and fell asleep on the grass.

Chief Thomson came over to us and fucked Festus for a while. It was odd, he just came up to Festus and made him get on his hands and knees. Thomson worked his cock into Festus' hole without a word being said. Festus were smiling, so this was apparently what they did.

I went wandering off and found Scooter taking Billy's cock. Billy has a wide stance so his ass was wide open. I poked my cock as the open hole and damn if he didn't open wide and let me in. Billy's chute was well lubricated and smooth as silk. After a while, Scooter wiggled out from under us and popped his thing probe into my ass. That was really satisfactory.

Later I fucked Scooter while Billy fucked me. I hadn't done a round robin like this in years. All of us were satisfied.

Next: Chapter 71: Catfish Rides Again 5

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