Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 25, 2004


Catfish Takes a Vacation

Part 6

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Abdul and Bukar were both playing with me, Bukar was stoking my cock and Abdul was cupping my balls. Both seemed to like what he felt. No one else in the room seemed bothered by it. I noticed there was an older man being sucked by a young man off to one side, but they were the only other persons engaged in sexual activity.

My own experience with sex in groups in Virginia was that, once someone started, everyone followed suit in short order. Here it seemed sex was just one of the possible activities. Several men were dozing off, others were chatting. I wondered if it would change later as the evening wore on. A young man came by and offered us a drink. It was fruity and had a slight alcoholic taste to it. I assumed it was a wine of some sort.

"You men seem pretty open about sex here, is this typical?" I asked.

"Not at all." Abdul answered. "It was much more hidden at home. We are so far from the women here. It is much more free and easy." He translated what he said to Bukar. Bukar talked excitedly.

"This has been great for our people. Our land is poor, but the money we send home makes them rich. There are fewer children, so we get richer and richer." Abdul said, translating Bukar's comments. Abdul winked at me. "And it's a lot more fun for us!" Bukar stroked my cock and peeled the skin back from the head. They were all Muslim, so they were cut. He was interested in the skin.

"You are nice and clean." Abdul translated for Bukar. "Many of the Russians are dirty."

"Poor plumbing systems." I said. "Have you visited the US or Western Europe? Good bathrooms everywhere."

"No, but I would like to visit there some day." he said. We continued to talk while they played with my cock and I fondled them some. Young men brought more refreshments as well as more drinks. There was a platter of fruit and pastries, most of which looked like Greek Baklava. The drinks were good and seemed to be growing on me.

Several younger men in their thirties came over and joined our group. All were bearded and had hairy bodies, but didn't have the darker complexions of Arabs. I realized my knowledge of the ethnic groups of the Caucasus was poor. They were working on their English and looking at my cock. I was getting pretty hard by then and they seemed to like that.

Abdul suggested we go back to the steam room. When I got up, I felt a bit woozy. The alcohol content of the drinks must have been greater than I had suspected. The stream room was warm, but not too hot. We joined two still younger men there.

We talked more, but by now all the men were fully erect. Abdul introduced them. One of the two youngest was his son, also named Abdul and the other was a nephew, Ali. The other men were a cousin, Omar and a nephew, Alexander. I must have looked askance at Alexander.

"My sister married a Russian, but he left her. She died, so he was raised by me." Abdul explained. He had his arm around me and I was getting turned on. In itself that was hardly strange, but I was feeling warm and tingly and wanted to touch and caress them. I felt both horny and romantic. I wanted to taste their cocks; I wanted to fuck; I wanted to feel their cocks in my ass too. Horny is my normal state, but romantic is pretty rare.

I took another sip of a drink and wondered if there was something extra in it.

"What's in this stuff? It's great," I asked.

"Just the tribal brew," one of the young men replied.

"And?" I asked. He smiled.

"One of our chemist friends whipped up something. He calls it Turbo-Viagra," the younger Abdul said. "Is it working?"

"It sure as hell is!" I replied. I was sitting on a marble bench on the side of the room. It was a wide seat and I had my feet on the edge. This gave him a good view of my cock, but an even better view of my ass. My hole was wide open and on display.

I knew some sex pigs back home who did that, but I sure wasn't one of them. At least not until tonight. If I hadn't been so horny, I would have been embarrassed. It wasn't until later I realized everyone was feeling the same way. In the big pool room everyone had been cool and collected. Here in the smaller stream room, everyone let go.

Young Abdul got on his hands and knees and wiggled his ass in the air at me. I took the invitation. I went after him and worked a finger into his ass. He was already well lubricated, so I slowly forced my cock up his love chute. I had more meat than he had ever taken before, but Abdul wanted it bad.

His Dad got behind me and eased his cock into my hole. His cock was long but thin except for his cockhead. Once the head got in, it was smooth sailing and he really hit the spot. He took long, but fast strokes and didn't last long. He drained his balls in my ass and Bukar replaced him. Bukar took his time. He was rock hard and thicker than the other men. I had been pumping along in Abdul's ass the whole time. Abdul needed a breather so I let him go and I went after Alexander. Alexander had been looking at Abdul and me with obvious interest.

I found out Alexander and Omar were friends; if you got one, you got the other. Alexander was much bigger and heavier than Abdul's son. He had an incredibly tight ass. It took some work to force my cock through his muscular ass cheeks and skewer him good. Omar was at his friend's cock sucking, while I plowed Alexander from the rear. Alexander liked this; I liked it too.

I shot off, filled Alexander and we all sat down. It was a more than satisfactory orgasm. I felt satisfied for about five minutes, then the cock urges returned full force, if not stronger than before. I was feeling downright amorous. The drink was having the same effect on all of us. I ended up in the clutches of the Abduls, father and son, and cousin Ali. Somehow Abdul the elder and I were 69ing while Ali fucked the elder Abdul and Ali fucked me. It was hard to keep track of what was happening, but at some point the two fuckers traded places. I wouldn't have noticed it, if Abdul's dad's cock hadn't reacted with a flood of precum.

I later found out, this was the first time the father and son had fucked each other. This was pretty much a no no, but the two men obviously enjoyed it. Both shot off. Abdul and I broke it off and the two Abduls rested. I looked at Ali. He turned away from me.

I though he had lost interest, but he got on his hands and knees, then dropped to his elbows, so his ass was wide open and at the perfect height for fucking. I didn't need any more invitation. Ali was much more timid than his cousin. It didn't take me long to realize he was being polite and he was afraid my cock would hurt him.

I love to fuck, but I can't enjoy it unless the fuckee likes it as much as I do. I nudged his hole a few times and knew it wasn't going to be easy. I poked a finger in and searched for his prostate. It must have been really deep. Ali reacted well to my finger.

I figured, if that works, go with it. I got Ali going; he had a rock hard cock and was drooling precum. "Are you ready?" I asked. He nodded. I pulled my fingers from his ass and quickly substituted my cock. Ali was ready and opened up some, enough for me to get my cock head into the warm side of his ass. I could tell it hurt, so I stopped.

We stayed still and eventually Ali relaxed. I pushed deeper. It was easier for him, but I rested again before deep dicking him. Fortunately my cock found his prostate on the final thrust. All was well. A minute or so later everything was more than well.

Once I pushed the magic button, Ali was fine. I think he discovered the reason for anal sex. He liked it. We talked after I shot off and he had my legs on his shoulders. Ali was plowing me for the second time that night. He told me in broken English he hadn't liked being fucked until I did it. It was expected, but just wasn't his thing.

I began to feel more normal after my session with Ali and we returned to the main pool for a dip and then the ride back to my hotel. When I got back to my room, Ivan was waiting for me.

"I heard you made a buy," he said. "Can you tell me about them?"

"This is sure a small town," I said, "I didn't think news would travel so fast." I described the obsidian knife and the vase.

"National Museum in Mexico City!" he exclaimed as he heard about the knife. "It vanished three years ago."

"The crash course in Meso-American antiquities sure paid off. I thought it was good. Who is Joseph Schmidt?"

"I thought he was a small time dealer. This makes me reconsider," Ivan replied. "I see you had another get together with our Turkomen friends."

"Is that what they are?" I asked. "The geography classes in the Virginia school system eat shit. They seem to be nice guys, but they strike me as small time."

"They are nice guys if you're on their side. Not much into double dealing. Not too prone to forgive." Ivan said. "They don't steal, but if they find it unattended it's theirs. Given the confusion throughout the old Soviet Union and the Mideast, there's a lot of stuff just floating around, true `provenance unknown'."

"The sex is sure good." I said.

"They let you into the baths?" he asked. I nodded.

"They don't let outsiders in. They must have really liked you."

"They have some sort of a special brew that really revved me up. Viagra and something they said it was."

"Drug dealing seems to be a tradition in that area. The antiquities' dealers are upscale compared to the drug lords. They started with the natural stuff, mostly from Afghanistan, but they have branched into some chemical, like Ecstasy." Ivan said.

"That may have been it. It sure did a job on me."

We had to decide if we would arrest Schmidt and his crew now or wait until we had more of the crew. This was an easy decision. I knew I had barely scratched the surface. Schmidt wasn't a big time operator. I had found him much too easily for that. He was looking for a rube to sell a hot item which would have been hard to sell to a more sophisticated buyer.

I said I was going to get the objects the next day. Ivan thought I should go back to Virginia, then make another trip in a month or two. This would give me a chance to sell the objects and find out the market among my clientele. When I returned I could be a lot more enthusiastic about antiquities and art.

We agreed and Ivan left. After the previous days of wall to wall sex, the remaining days of my stay were uneventful. Schmidt was business like and I got the objects as soon as his bankers told him my money was in their hands. I left St. Petersburg the next day for London. There I turned over the objects to Julio. He was impressed. I had guessed right and only one of the things I had bought was an out and out forgery. He conceded it was difficult to date metal objects. My naked goddess was a fake.

I hadn't been particularly pleased at my progress, but Julio saw it as a great step forward. I gave him a rundown of all my contacts. He would turn them over to the police. The next day I was back in Virginia. I had to admit, Richmond looked pretty low key after St. Petersburg, but all that grandeur can wear on you.

My office was doing just fine without me. I met up with Langston Carter Carlisle III from the museum and gave him a full report of my trip while he was squirming on my cock. The fucking was great, but I had to go over the whole story again afterward, since he hadn't been able to concentrate.

Julio sent me some e mails on the progress of the investigation. The connection to the Swiss bank had been helpful. They had turned one of the bank employees and were making real progress on the financing. He also asked if I could go to Mexico and try to get in on the other end of the operation.

I was going to be the gringo treasure hunter. A week later, I flew to Mexico City and was met by Alfonso Cordella, an archaeologist who was spearheading the effort in Mexico. Alfonso was a high-ranking man and he couldn't have any contact with the looters. He explained the situation and I was turned over to two men, Juan and Esteban, who looked 100% Aztec to me.

Esteban was a Federal Police officer. Juan was a college-educated archaeologist. I wasn't good about Turkomen ethnic groups, but I was really bad about Hispanics. I thought of them as a mixture of Pancho Villa and migrant workers. Juan spoke better English than I did, and it turned out Esteban was more of a Zorro type. When I first saw them I wasn't so sure.

They weren't sure about me either. I had trimmed my beard. It changed from looking like the Czar into a droopy handlebar and a goatee. I looked like a red neck, and they knew the type. We went to Juan's house for two days of orientation. I took a day for us to work things out. My recovery of the obsidian knife helped. They also found out I was a quick learner.

The house was a small hacienda type, about 70 kilometers from Mexico. It was beautifully furnished with antiques and antiquities. Juan was young, perhaps 40, and I wondered how he had done so well on an archaeologist's salary. That's when Juan's partner came home. Raoul was a 60-year-old industrialist. It took me two seconds to know Juan was his boy.

There was a period of uncomfortableness. I got Juan aside. "Juan, I'm cool with you and Raoul. I swing the same way."

"But you're a hillbilly?" he said.

"I'm a cock-sucking man-fucking cowboy." I said. He looked relieved. The atmosphere warmed considerably. We all had dinner and adjourned to a hot tub after dinner. Raoul was the descendant of an Italian who had emigrated to Mexico in the early 20th century and was all European in ancestry and looked 100% Italian. He was tall, a bit beefy and hairy. Juan had the straight black hair and the coco colored skin of an Indian. Raoul had been away on a business trip to Argentina and was horny as hell, if my instincts served me well.

Juan told me their story. He was the son of a servant woman in Raoul's house. She had died and Raoul had taken care of him. He had sent the boy to the University and they had been lovers for 25 years.

"Actually it was my wife who cared for Juan." Raoul interjected. "When Maria died, Juan moved into my bed. To tell you the truth, I never would have considered sleeping with a boy, until Juan suggested it."

"I'm afraid I raped Raoul." Juan said, with a smile on his face. "He wasn't too willing, but I got him hard and sat on his cock. I was afraid I would be turned out after Donna Maria died. I thought I might be able to replace her. Now I know that was silly, but I was afraid at the time."

"I had never had sex with a man before." Raoul said. "I think both of us wee surprised at how good it was." He had one arm around Raoul. The other arm was under the water and I had a good guess where it was.

"Well, I'd better leave you guys alone." I said. "Three's a crowd." I stood up. I hadn't realized I was a bit beyond half staff. Both Raoul and Juan noticed.

"If you would mind staying, we have no objection," Raoul said. "We have to hide our relationship. It's good to be open about it."

"I seem to be a lot more open about my interests than I intended." I said.

"That's not a problem either!" Juan said. We all laughed.

Next: Chapter 65: Catfish Takes a Vacation 7

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