Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 19, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 6

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. There is no effort to portray real safe sex or real people. It is a fantasy pure and simple.

We all gathered in the living room around the tree. Ed gave a very convincing imitation of our inept Governor lighting the state tree and we had an official lighting. The decorations were impressive and festive. I had suffered through my wife's taste for theme trees for years. We had an all white tree one year, a tree decorated with only birds another. They were pretty but it was nice to have a tree with everything and the kitchen sink used as decoration.

Bubba and Steve had a complete knowledge of the obscene versions of Christmas songs as well as an encyclopedic knowledge of the novelty songs of the season. Dinner was a great success. Julio knew what to do to a conventional dish that would make it special and distinctive, but still be acceptable to those who weren't adventurous eaters. Given the problems some of the men had with alcohol, I was uneasy about the wine.

This fear was unfounded. Everyone was good. With all the food, the conversation and the group trying to remember the third dirty stanza to "We three Kings of Orient are," there was a lot to do. The train occupied Bobby, Butch and Ed.

Outside the snow was coming down heavily now and there was four inches on the ground. We went out to look at it. The street was deserted and quiet. Tom tried to organize a snowball fight, but the snow wouldn't pack. Fire Plug, my dog, had obviously never seen snow before and was entranced. He couldn't decide if the snow was food, light weight dirt to dig in or a natural pillow to cushion his fall when he ran in it. If anyone had a video camera, we would have won the big prize on one of those funniest animal programs they have on TV.

A police car drove by and the policeman wished us a merry Christmas. He had chains on his cruiser and said, there was a layer of ice under the snow and no one should plan to drive home. I went in the house to get the policeman some cake and cookies for the night shift and the phone rang. It was Bob and Karl. They had been catering a dinner in the West end and were trapped. They said the roads were awful. They asked me to check their house and feed their cat.

The dog was still entertaining the men when I brought the snacks to the cop. I went over to Bob and Karl's house and checked it out. The cat allowed me to feed it, but clearly was unimpressed by my serving style. It was getting late and everyone returned to the house for a night cap and sleep. I opened my bottle of Drambuie and everyone had another piece of Julio's double chocolate cake.

Everyone was sleepy and relaxed after that. I had two beds and Skeeter had one plus two mattresses. This was about half of what we needed. Larry told me he could take part of the group to sleep at his house, but he wouldn't mind a little doubling up himself. The doorbell rang and Billy was there. He wished me merry Christmas and had a present for me. He said he had just dropped in, but I knew that wasn't possible. He lived on the other side of town. Billy was Jewish and I guessed he was alone for the holiday. He joined our group.

I didn't want to figure out who would sleep where and was at a loss to decide where to put everyone. Billy solved the problem.

"When I was on sleep overs as a kid, they just pulled the mattresses on the floor and everyone piled on." Billy said. "Everyone seemed to fit, no matter how many."

"And we can tell ghost stories!" Skeeter added. Everyone bust out laughing and soon we had manhandled the mattress from my guest room up the stairs to Skeeter's room and the four mattresses all but covered the entire floor. We had a lot of pillows and blankets but the attic apartment was very warm so the blankets weren't needed. Skeeter turned on his lava lamp collection, and the room was ready.

Skeeter and Larry undressed first. They got to their underwear and didn't stop. Everyone else followed suit and soon we were all naked. Skeeter turned off the lights and we all piled on the mattresses. We formed a mass of men, cocks and eager mouths. I grabbed Ed's beautiful milk dribbler. Tom swallowed me. Sex with three men was very different from 69ing when you coordinate your sucking with your partner. Tom was totally out of synch with Ed and me so I couldn't anticipate the next wave of pleasure.

Skeeter had located Julio and Julio was audibly appreciative. Steve was next to me and Ed was fondling him. I looked up and whispered that Steve liked to top. I returned to sucking Ed's cock and could taste Ed's reaction to the prospect of Steve's cock in his ass. We rearranged ourselves so Ed could take it doggy style while I continued to suck him.

Billy joined Tom sharing my cock as I scooted under Ed. Skeeter had several bottles of lubricant and these were passed around to guys who needed it. As I got used to the dim light, I could see that Butch and Otto sharing Bobby's ass. I half expect to see their long cocks pop out of Bobby's mouth. He was so small. He had no problem with either of the cocks.

Otto and Butch formed a tag team. One would fuck as hard as he wanted until he was ready to pop. He would pull out and be replaced by the other. I was watching them when Steve's monster cockhead poked into Ed's pucker and Ed's precum dripped on my face.

Someone was lubricating my ass. I guessed it was Tom. He lifted my legs and pressed his cock against my hole. I couldn't see who it was but I could hear Bill telling Tom to go easy. Steve was slowly penetrating Ed and Ed's cock responded by oozing more precum. Steve's cock suddenly vanished. Ed gasped in pleasure and Tom deep dicked me.

I was enveloped in sex. I was sucking, being screwed, watching a fucking and someone was sucking me. I didn't know if it was Billy or Ed. The experiences merged to form a sexual haze. Tom and Steve were thrusting in unison, and Ed's response to Steve merged with my own to Tom. Ed shot first. There must have been a pint of cum in my mouth. Tom picked up his pace until he shot and pushed me over the edge. It lost track of who was doing what then.

I must have zoned out for a few minutes. When I focused, Skeeter was sucking the final drops of cum from my cock. The room seemed quiet with only a few moans from Otto and Bubba in a corner.

A cell phone began to beep.

"Shit!" Julio said. He got up and fumbled around until he found his phone. You could hear someone talking excitedly on the other end of the phone.

"OK. We'll be there in a minute." he said. He switched off the phone. "Work time Steve! There's another fire." This woke everyone up and everyone scurried to get them off and give them directions to the site of the fire. This time it was in an old college building on the north side of the city. Steve and Julio were gone in five minutes. Several wanted to go along, but Julio was decisively anti-gawkers and we all stayed put.

We were all awake, but most of us had cum. I had expected to fall asleep in the relaxing time that follows a great orgasm, but the firemen's departure left me wide awake. The orgasm was so good I knew it would take a while to get ready again. Oddly, I was still sexually excited, but had a limp dick. It wasn't going to do anything until I gave it a rest. I was drained.

"Hey guys! If anyone wants to be sucked, I'm willing!" Skeeter announced. "My little friend here, Bobby, would really like another cock or two in his ass to make this night perfect!"

"Is there any time in your life since you were 15 that you didn't want to suck cock?" Bubba asked. Everyone laughed.

"No. And it was 13, not fifteen!" Skeeter retorted.

"I got fucked for the first time when I was 14." Bobby added. "I've been open for business ever since."

"Were you as good at it then as you are now?" Otto asked. There was more laughter.

"I don't rightly know." Bobby continued. "I do know I like it as much now as I did then. The coach popped me the first time, then he introduced me to the football team."

"You're lucky he wasn't an Admiral and he didn't introduce you to the fleet!" Otto said.

"Did they hurt you?" Billy asked. His counseling background came to the fore and he wanted to help Bobby.

"Shit no!" Bobby exclaimed. "Hell, it was the best day of my life. I was cleaning up the gym as punishment for being a smart ass and the coach said he would teach me a lesson. I never felt anything so good in my life. The coach was happy too. He was sort of crying after the third time he popped in my love hole. He just loved it."

"So much he introduced you to the team?" Butch asked.

"They weren't as good as the coach was." Billy added. "But a cock in the ass can be only so bad."

"Did the coach watch?" Billy asked. You could almost sense that Billy was working on an article about Bobby's sexual obsession.

"He sure did! The coach liked all the boys. He liked them to load me up. They all shot off in my ass and filled me full." Bobby said. "It felt great. After the guys left the coach and his best boy, Burt, would fuck me again. They called it dip sticking. Burt would shove his cock in then the coach would suck the team's cum from Burt's meat. They'd talk about which kid's cum it was. I'd love to do that again. How many loads have you taken in a night, Skeeter?"

"I don't keep score." Skeeter said.

"Like shit you don't keep score!" Bubba said. "I know you too well!"

"Fifteen and a half." Skeeter replied. The room burst out in laughter, then there was silence.

"Is there going to be any explaining about the one half?" Bubba asked. He sounded irritated.

"I don't know if I want to kiss and tell." There was another round of laughter. At lunch time Skeeter tended to give a complete account of his sexual encounters. This usually included a description of the cock and the number of ejaculations.

"Well it was years ago when I was at a Y in the days when they had rooms. Somehow eventurally everyone knew I liked cock and cum." Skeeter explained. "I don't know how that happened, but on my last day there several of the guys decided to do something special for me."

"Going away party and cock suckers' reunion?" I suggested.

"Sort of like that." Skeeter said. "It was after hours when the staff had left and there was only one man at the front desk on duty. I knew most of the guys, but several brought friends they thought I would like. I was in my bedroom when the first ones showed up. When I realized how many there were I was afraid it would wear out. That didn't turn out to be a problem. Well, an hour later there was no one left to suck and they all went home.

"I was on the bed thinking about sleep when there was a quiet rapping at my door. I got up and there was a guy waiting. He was this banker type I had seen downstairs in the showers several times. There was some beef on him, but he always seemed stand offish. The guy was nervous as hell. He said hello and we talked for a minute or two. I said I need to get a drink and he rubbed his crotch so I figured what the hell."

"I was still a kid then and was cruising for younger cock, so I had never really looked at this guy. He was 60ish and covered in white hair. He had been muscular at some time and was more solid than I had guessed. He had a short cock, with just the cock head sitting on the bush. I took a lick and the fucker blew up like a balloon. It must have been two or three inches across with the widest piss slit I had ever seen."

"Or tasted?" Butch asked. The men roared with laughter.

"Now, you guys may not have noticed," Skeeter continued, "but I have a warm spot for man juice. This guy was a gusher. He just spurted. I worked my tongue into the slit and I will swear if my tongue was longer I could have tickled his prostate from the inside. The piss tunnel was a four-lane highway with pre cum gushing into my mouth."

"I know I'm a good cock sucker, but this guy was appreciative. He just loved it, and I mean loved it. He shot a quick spurt of cum, pulled away and apologized. He though I would be annoyed he had cum in my mouth." There were more hoots of laughter. "Well, I set him straight on that and not to worry. He got in bed with me and we talked."

"He told me he had never done this before, but he had dreamed about it. He couldn't believe the real thing felt as good as it did. I told him of my interests while I played with his balls. Those baby makers were the size of potatoes. Anyway, after a while he sheepishly told me he still might have some juice in his dick. He wanted to know if I was still interested."

"I was, so I went back to work. He was really relaxed now and he just let the pre cum flow. It must have been a half hour later when he finally let the mother load go. I thought I was going to drown there was so much of it. He apologized again and I reminded him of my interests. He told me it was the most exciting thing he had ever felt. Then he sucked me. I could tell it was his first. He wasn't very good at it, but I appreciated the gesture. If you're a sixty year old guy sucking a dick for the first time, it takes some guts."

"I figured that his first shot of cum only counted as a half, so that's how I ended up taking 15 1/2 loads. Let me tell you, tonight I'm ready to try to break my record!" With that comment, Skeeter concluded his story.

"I'd love to help you boys out, but I'm finished for the night." I said. "There are physical limits!"

"There used to be." Billy interjected. "Your Christmas present is a box of little blue pills."

"Hot damn!" Skeeter said. "Is there enough for me too?" It took me a second to realize what Billy was talking about. I opened the box and realized it was Viagra. There was enough for anyone who wanted it. That seemed to be all the older guys. Larry, Ed, Tom and I took one. Billy had taken one before he arrived. I thought Viagra was a hoax, like Indian Medicine man stuff, but about fifteen minutes later I realized that wasn't true. I was already in the mood, now my cock was with the program. I wasn't alone.

Ed and Bubba were adding their cum to Bobby's ass. Skeeter was giving "dip sticking" a try by licking the cum off their cocks when they pulled out. Larry was humping Tom. I was getting hotter and hotter so I took a turn with Bobby.

I had never considered the ass as a sex organ, but Bobby taught me differently. He was just as enthusiastic after being fucked by four guys as at the beginning of the evening. Otto, Ed, Butch and Bubba had all fucked him earlier, but they had just warmed him up. He was small and his chute was real tight, hot and lubricated with man cum. He was like one of those snakes that can swallow animals much larger than seems possible. His ass parted to envelop my big cock and then he clamped down on it, trapping my cock in his ass.

Bobby liked being fucked and wanted to keep me as hard as possible for as long as possible. Once my cock was in his ass we were a single fucking body. He responded to my every move and I became acutely aware of what worked for him. My cock was rock hard and I had no sense it would relax and no real worry I was going to shoot soon.

Otto was fucking Ed and they were watching us. To my surprised I felt no self consciousness. We were all in heat, and our excitement built on itself.

Next: Chapter 7

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