Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 17, 2003


Catfish Returns 14

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

I got a call from Butch that afternoon. He said, he would slip by in the evening and talk over the case with me. He wanted a briefing about the guests at the club. I told him I tended to have visitors in the evening after the exercise area closed.

Butch laughed. "You haven't lost your knack, have you?"

"It sure doesn't seem I've lost any on my allure." I said. "My cock isn't any smaller. I'm no dreamboat, but my cock still attracts attention."

"Your cock is bait. Guys take a nibble and then decide to deep throat it." Butch said. "Looking back, your fishing technique worked on me."

"It's my cock you liked?" I said, pretending to be surprised. "I thought it was my sparkling wit and rapier sharp intelligence."

Butch laughed again. "Your physical beauty did it!" he said. "That and your cock. I'll be by around 10:00. Leave the light on for me."

The afternoon was uneventful. Wilton and Temple were exercising, but seemed uneasy. They were trying to act normally, but Wilton seemed preoccupied. Temple was trying to put the make on an older man I hadn't seen before. Henry was also there and knew the man.

Henry said, the man was Alastair Normund, a retired oilman from Texas. He was the chief financial support for the America for Christ Foundation. It was a "traditional values" type organization specializing in being anti-women and anti-gay. I could see Temple was making headway quickly. Alastair wasn't exactly drooling on the floor, but he was close.

Henry saw the same thing I did. He looked shocked. Temple was "helping" the older man with the exercise equipment, making sure there was a lot of physical contact. Normund was fat, flabby and had poor skin color, pale and pasty. He didn't attract young men often and the boyish good looks of Temple were all he could hope for in a man.

"I've known him for years." Henry whispered to me about Normund, "He's one of the Senator's chief financial backers. He's never shown any sign of being interested in me."

"You're too old, Henry." I said. "He likes chicken. All white meat I will bet."

"That must be it." murmured Henry.

"Don't worry, I still like you." I said. Henry almost doubled over in laughter.

"Thanks, I needed that!" he said, when he could finally talk again. Jefferson entered the room. When Alastair saw the black man, he turned even paler than normal. He looked disturbed. Temple saw an opportunity. He ushered Alastair into the shower room. A few minutes later I looked in the shower and they were gone; the stream room was running. Temple had moved fast.

Wilton stayed for a while and left. There were no more likely prospects in the club. After all of the excitement of the previous day, quiet was good. Temple and Alastair emerged from the steam room and went on their way.

The room was empty when Jefferson finished his exercise routine and came over to me to talk.

"Things are falling apart for our friends." he said. "I heard a conversation at lunch. They are planning to leave the country."

"Too much attention?"

"To many dead men." Jefferson said. "Wilton is worried about it; Temple doesn't give a shit. If I were Wilton, I'd make sure Temple wasn't walking behind me."

"You think it's that bad?"

"Yes I do." Jefferson said. "I was brought up in what they call an "underprivileged" part of Richmond. I knew some guys who didn't give a shit for a human life. They saw nothing wrong with killing a guy for his sneakers, if they were good sneakers, of course. Upper class white folk think paranoid madmen only live in the ghetto. It happens in good neighborhoods too."

"You think Temple is crazy?"

"He thinks he should have been the Prince of Wales and married Princess Di. The world owes him. He's never gotten what he deserves, but that's only because he deserves it all." Jefferson said. "The housekeeping staff says he breaks things in his room, smashes them to pieces. He screams at the maid."

"Thanks for the heads up." I said. "Any other gossip in the dining room? Does anyone know who I am?"

"You are the life saver in the exercise room." Jefferson said. "A few of the guys know you're hung, but none of the young men."

"Donovan is the guy who knows me?"

"That's him. He use to be a gay basher, but he's reformed." Jefferson said. "I put one and one together and figured he had a genital conversion."

"Genital connection, not conversion." I said. "The boy just found someone he liked." Jefferson went off to the showers. I went to the phone and called Butch. He needed to know about the plan to leave the country. Fifteen minutes later there were 60-75 police at the club with roadblocks on every possible way to leave and men with dogs patrolling the edge of the property.

The crime lab was parked in the side yard and the Club was locked down. Wilton was arrested with Temple and two other men. I found out there were simultaneous raids on offices in Richmond and Washington DC, as well as a beach house in Cape May and a house in Florida.

Once arrested, Wilton confessed to the investment fraud scheme and to killing Jason. Temple somehow escaped from the Club, but was found dead the next day. He fell off an embankment and broke his neck. In the papers, there was no mention of the blackmail scheme and no one officially connected Magnus' death with the scheme. There was nothing to indicate what had actually happened.

Butch ran a good organization and the Club's name did not appear in the papers either. My clients were happy with the outcome, but I wasn't sure exactly what had happened. I don't like loose ends and was vaguely dissatisfied. Two months later, I got a call from Donovan inviting me to a meeting at a hunting lodge. I was invited, as were Lonnie and Johnny, the kid who had explained how the scam worked.

The purpose of the get together was to tie up the loose ends. Since there had been no trial, there was no explanation of what had happened. Donovan told me the party had another purpose, best described as being a farewell orgy. The arrests had put an end to the embezzlement scheme, but it had also ended a lot of good sex. He wanted to tie up some loose ends and at least say good-bye.

"The sex was a lot better than you had thought, wasn't it?" I said, when he told me this.

"It sure as shit was!" he replied. "To tell you the truth, the sex was good and a month later as I looked back, it seemed even better."

The lodge was on the backside of the club's property. It was the ultra secret retreat for those who needed to disappear for a week or two. The Lodge was a big, low, stone building built in the 1920s. It had its own kitchen, and was entirely secluded from the club. Donovan, Hal and Charley were the hosts. Butch was there with Donnie, his deputy, Raleigh, Jefferson, CW and my group. Henry was there too.

Fall had been damp and cool, but on the weekend of the meeting Indian Summer broke out. The sky was a deep blue; the trees were brilliantly colored in red, orange and yellow. After a cool night the temperature rose to 80 degrees. It was nearly perfect. Hal greeted us at the lodge door in an improbably small Speedo swimsuit and told us to join them at the pool.

I hadn't brought trunks, but he said that wasn't a problem at all. The pool was on the side of the lodge and was covered in a glass green house. Everyone was there and either naked or nearly so. When we arrived, Butch began to tell the story of the arrest. Butch was good about giving credit where credit was due.

"Wilton told everything. Wilton confirmed all of Catfish's investigation. It started as a nice way to combine things Wilton liked, sex and money. At first it was the potential for sex and a real investment company. The problem for Wilton was the profit to him was only a few percentage points of the investment. He wanted a lot more money a lot faster."

"He also had a hot and heavy affair with one of his clients and discovered that sex with older millionaires can be very rewarding." Butch continued. "The whole plan turned into a scheme at this point. He quit his job when he realized, if the sex was good enough, his clients didn't give a shit about the investments."

"One or two guys figured it out, but all were socially prominent and conservative politically. There was no way they could go to the police. Wilton was afraid his ass couldn't take the pounding it was getting from all of his clients, so he recruited several other men to join him, Jason and Temple being the first to join."

"I was the third." Johnny said. "At first, it seemed like a real opportunity, at least to me."

"The whole thing was plausible if you didn't look too deep." Donovan said. He looked at Johnnie like a starving cat at a bowl of tuna. Johnny was his type, thin, muscular and masculine. I glanced over at Henry and saw the same look.

"Anyway, there was a suicide that disturbed Wilton." Butch continued.

"Edward Jannet?" I asked.

"That's him. He was one of his earlier clients and Wilton pushed too far."

"I think he was Temple's client." Johnny added. "I knew Wilton was pissed at Temple about an "incident". They never said exactly what it was, but I knew it involved an unexpected death. I had sort of thought it was a heart attack during sex."

"That would make sense." Butch said. "Wilton was in over his head. He loved the money and the sex, but he hadn't seen the whole scheme to the logical conclusion. The scheme continued along until there was a second death. That would be Catfish's friend, Magnus, I think."

"That was covered as an accident, but smelled to high heaven." I said.

"Wilton decided to move out of Richmond and ease his way into Washington. There's a lot more money and more conservative politicians in DC. This club was the way station."

"And the Governor was the main catch here at the club?" Raleigh asked.

"Yes. Jason hit the jackpot here when the Governor confused him with his son." Butch continued. "Jason was working the Governor on the side, hoping to get big bucks out of the man. Wilton didn't know the side plot. Wilton was worried by now. He had Temple here to keep a close eye on him. Johnny had vanished and Jason was being a bit strange."

"Jason made a big mistake; he told Temple his plans to get himself into the Governor's will. Temple told Wilton, hoping to get a percentage of the take. Wilton went ballistic. He knew a false will signed by a Alzheimer's patient didn't have a snowflakes chance in hell of being credible. The whole scheme would be exposed."

"Jason was implementing his plan by the time Wilton discovered it. He had drugged Raleigh and Joe already. Jason had the Governor at the pool and planned to drown him. The Governor didn't even resist, there were no bruises on his hands and arms. Wilton found them, hit Jason on the head and knocked him into the pool, then pulled the Governor out of the water. By the time he had the Governor safe Jason was dead. He drowned, it wasn't the blow that did it."

"You mean he didn't murder Jason?" Raleigh asked.

"No, it was manslaughter at worse, self defence otherwise. That's why we've been lenient on Wilton." Butch said. "He also confessed to every thing and pleaded guilty. None of his clients' reputations would have survived a trial. Given that he was a cheat, scoundrel, whore and embezzler, he was a gentleman at the end."

"Who paid him off?" Donovan asked.

"I don't know and I'm not sure I want to know." Butch said.

"I think that's best." Raleigh added. "This is a pathetic affair with no one looking good."

"What got into Temple to escape? He could have easily gotten off with a good lawyer." I asked.

"I know the answer to that, I think" Johnny said. "Temple was a bit of a Southern Belle. He was beautiful in a boyish way, rather delicate and pretty. He was terrified of going to jail. He was convinced he would be gang raped by black guys and mutilated. He was a pure top, he said his ass was virgin, had never been touched and never would be. I bet it was a night in the county lock up that scared him."

"He certainly got out of my way whenever I entered the room." Jefferson said. "He changed tables, so I wouldn't have to serve him."

"Shit, he should have talked to me. I know you're a bottom with a taste for white cock." CW said.

"Damn, CW, I was hoping to have some secrets from this group." Jefferson said.

"Just think of it as free advertising." CW said, obviously not concerned. Most of the men laughed. The conversation continued as the details of the scheme were discussed. Hal served drinks and the party became more convivial.

Donovan ended up next to Henry and Johnny. Lonnie and Hal seemed to like Jefferson. Donnie liked that group too. Butch and Charley stayed near me and Raleigh. Everyone wanted sex, but no one wanted to shoot the starter's gun.

I took the bull by the horns. "Hey guys! We've just finished a long and difficult case and it ended about as well as it could have. It's time for celebration. I don't want you guys to think I'm a slut or something, but I'm the only one here who has seen you all naked and erect." There was a titter of laughter. "I know what you all like. I know that most of you can actually admit to yourself that you like it. How about celebrating with a no holes barred sex party. Let's let ourselves go and do what comes naturally." There was more laughter and some applause.

"Now, I hate to get technical, but when I say no holes barred you all know what hole I am talking about. You all know what I like to shove in that hole too. I may have more experience with this than the rest of you and this kind of party works if everyone is with the program. Does anyone have a problem with that?"

"Not me!" Donovan said. Everyone else murmured approval. Donovan made a dive for Johnny's cock. Henry looked disappointed, but the three of them worked things out pretty well it seemed to me.

Jefferson had tried to play down his attraction to white men, but he sure liked Donnie. He was looking at Butch from the corner of his eye too. I figured a southern, red neck policeman's dick in his ass would be just about perfect for Jefferson. The next time I looked, Donnie was slow fucking Jefferson. By then Raleigh was in Hal's ass and poor Hal was having the time of his life.

It's funny. I knew Hal well enough to know he didn't have any racial-hangups, in the same way Jefferson had no problems with white people. There is a lot of racial baggage in the air though and sometimes sex can be enhanced by the suggestion of forbidden fruit. The middle-aged, Republican, businessman squirming on a black servant's cock and the Deputy's cock slipping deep into a black man's ass sure did the trick for all four men.

Johnny and Henry were 69ing. Donovan seemed to have a hard time figuring out where to fit into the sexual jigsaw. I wandered over and lubricated my cock. Henry and Johnny were in a tight ball and Johnny's ass was open, so I took advantage of the opportunity. Henry was shocked when he saw my cock gliding into Johnny's ass, just inches from his eyes, but he stayed put and enjoyed the show. Donovan saw the same thing. He lubricated his cock and eased it into Henry's rear end.

Henry jumped at the surprise attack, but when he saw it was Donovan, he smiled and adjusted his position so Donovan would have better access. For some reason, I thought Henry was being fucked for the first time and Henry wanted Donovan to be the one.

It wasn't a very neat afternoon. Cocks were dripping precum, asses were leaking cum, and there was sperm everywhere after the first hour of play. As the day turned into evening, everyone loosened up. Henry and Johnny both fucked Donovan. Much to my surprise, so did Jefferson. Donnie took Raleigh's cock twice. I was fucked by Charley and Hal. I fucked Butch for old times sake.

All in all, it was a good party.

This is the end of the Catfish Returns story. I am thinking about having Catfish take charge of the security of an archaeological expedition to Central America next. Does anyone have other stores ideas they would like to see developed?

Bob, or

Next: Chapter 59: Catfish Takes a Vacation 1

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