Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 1, 2003


Catfish Returns 13

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

All good things must come to an end and while I was reflecting on Donovan's erection, my cock decided it had enough and it let loose. Stealth orgasms are pretty rare, but they're pretty impressive when they happen. I usually know when I'm on the edge, but I was completely off guard and I hooted and howled some as my seed flooded Donnie's ass.

Donnie popped too, so while I neatly filled his ass with man seed, he sprayed the entire steam room, coating Donovan and Butch in the process. His entire ass convulsed as he shot. I had to admit the contractions may have added five or six ejaculations to my orgasm. Orgasms are so short; I usually like the working up to the orgasm more than the event itself. For me the orgasm means the sex is over for a while and I feel a bit disappointed.

That wasn't the case with Donnie's orgasm; it was as enjoyable as it gets, entirely satisfactory for him and me. When I pulled out, my cock was still dribbling cum from my piss slit and my cock was coated with Donovan's load. He had dumped a big one in Donnie's hole.

"What a mess." Donovan said, as he looked at my dripping cock.

"Don't complain." I said, "Most of it's your cum!" He reached over and stroked my cock. I spurt some, so I caught my cock drool in my hand and spread it on Donovan's hard cock. Butch was watching and stroking his cock. Butch began shooting. He aimed directly at Donovan's meat, coating the cock with his cum. A volley of sperm hit my face. Donovan was having another orgasm. The next volley hit my chest and the third my navel.

"Fucking hot!" Butch said. "I like a guy who can shoot his scum three feet after he shot off a few minutes before. We need to do this again."

"Now?" Donnie asked. Donnie was both half hoping to keep it going, but was exhausted and wasted too. He needed a rest.

"Tonight maybe, we've got work to do today." Butch said. Our little play session ended and I cleaned up the steam room, while the other men dressed.

Butch and the rest of the policemen left the club around 10:30-11:00 and the morning man reopened the exercise room at noon. I went off to the Governor's cottage to see if there was any more information to be had there. Joe was there with CW. CW was sent to the cottage to handle the P.R. aspects of the story. The club wanted a staff member to handle newspaper and televison reporters' questions.

CW was slick and convincing as he gave out false information about the situation. Old Governors in ill health were common enough and the extent of the problem at the club was swept under the rug.

I asked Joe how the Governor had gotten out of the house and had time to sign a false will.

"I don't really know, I was watching the tube and before I knew it, it was three hours later and the Governor was gone." Joe said. "It's odd, because I don't normally take naps."

"What did you have for dinner?" I asked.

"Damn! That's it!" Joe exclaimed. "Dinner came from the main dining room, sent here by a friend, a guy named Donovan, one of the Governor's golfing partners. There must have been something in it."

"But the Governor didn't fall asleep?" CW said.

"There were separate meals, normal ones for Raleigh and me and a special one of easy to digest food for the Governor." Joe explained.

"CW, could you check with the dining room and see who ordered the dinner?" I asked. C.W. got Jefferson to check on it. He called, had a brief conversation and reported to us, there had been no dinner sent from the kitchen. The only odd thing was a $100.00 bill left to pay for some broken plates.

"That's odd." I said.

"It sure is. There's no cash here, everything is signed for and charged to the room or cottage." CW said. "No one would leave a $100.00 bill. Do you know this Donovan?"

"I do and my guess is it's a red herring, placed to confuse the investigation." I said. "Where are the plates from the dinner?"

"They were cleared away by the serving staff." Joe said. "I didn't recognize them; Raleigh didn't either. He commented on it."

"What did he say?"

"Just that they were new men." Joe said. "Barely men, in my estimation. Young and a bit officious. Like acting students trying to play servants. They weren't my type. " Joe was a big man, he was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt, unbuttoned to show his hairy, barrel chest. The outline of his cock was clearly indicted in the wear marks on his jeans. CW and Joe seemed to have hit it off. CW was casting quick glances at Joe's bulge; Joe could see CW's trousers were slightly tented. I was pretty sure they had guessed the other's sexual preferences, but they weren't quite sure.

The phone rang. It was Raleigh. The Governor's daughter was going to let the Doctors at UVA give a progress report on the governor at 4:00. We were to put that message on the answering machine and give no further information out to the press. CW gave that information to the club's receptionist and to the guards at the gate. The guard called us back about ten minutes later and told us the television trucks immediate set off for Charlottesville. There was no more to do at the cottage.

Joe went to the kitchen and made us some sandwiches. He was a roast beef, cheddar and horseradish man. The sandwiches were a success. I had to be at the exercise area by 3:00 so I mentioned I had some time to kill. I had some thoughts about how to use the time. The sex that morning had been good, but like Chinese food, it left me wanting more. We were talking and the conversation turned to Joe's career as a High School coach.

"It must have been difficult when you were a black teacher in the high school." I said. "Lot's of anxiety in the locker room I bet?"

Joe laughed. "When you look back at it, it's hard to believe it was as hard as it was." Joe said. "Just stupid little things were problems. People were afraid I would see their little darlings naked and even worse, they were afraid their boys would see me and discover the truth about black cocks."

"It was rough on the red neck kids. Athletics were real important to them, but some of them had a lot of baggage." Joe continued. "Most came around. Actually, most of their parents did too. Time and a winning season do wonders."

"You do have a real man's cock!" CW said. "Not that I noticed, of course!" We all laughed.

"I know, Raleigh told me you boys were all choirboys, innocent of the ways of the world." Joe said."You remind me of the boys I had on my teams in High School." Joe said to CW.

"You think I look like a football player?" CW asked incredulously.

"No, the tented pants!" Joe said, as he patted CW's rising cock. "Some of the white boys on the team were uneasy, but excited to have a black coach. I made it a point to never notice."

"Did they ever see you naked?" CW asked.

"A few times." Joe said. "Never went out of my way, but when it was natural, they had a chance to see me." He stood up and took his shirt off, then he undid his belt and dropped his pants. He looked CW straight in the eye. "You aren't just a looker, are you?"

"Shit no!" CW exclaimed. He took all ten inches of Joe's cock into his mouth in a single swallow. He was like a snake eating his prey live. The black tube of flesh vanished into CW's throat.

"Damn, I didn't know he was a sword swallower." I said. I took my shirt off and dropped my pants. Joe watched me with interest.

"Raleigh said, you were a horse hung chimp and he sure got that right." Joe said. The way he said it was a compliment. "I haven't sucked up any red neck cum in years. Are you loaded?"

"I shot off earlier today, but it's been four hours, I should be recharged." I said.

Let's go in the bedroom and try a daisy chain." Joe said. CW didn't want to give up on Joe's cock for a second, but we got him int the bedroom and naked. Joe really wanted my cock and once he got it he was happy. CW returned to Joe's cock and I got to suck CW's drooling member. CW was revved up. When we switched positions, I found out, Joe was just as excited.

Joe's cock was a good inch and a half longer than mine, but mine was a good inch and a half thicker. I have a club; Joe had a probe. I felt a twitch in my ass. I worked a finger in the direction of Joe's ass and he didn't seem to mind at all.

When my finger reached Joe's hole he increased the flow of precum. His hole was already lubricated. Joe stopped sucking CW.

"Are you guys interested in kicking it up a notch?" Joe asked, "I'm just about as hot as you can get."

"Count me in!" CW said. "Versatile here."

"What about you?" Joe asked me.

"Top here, but to tell you the truth, there's an itching up my ass. I wouldn't mind having it scratched." I said.

Joe laughed. "I'm a top too, but have been thinking about some stretching exercises." he said. He looked at CW. "Open up, spread wide and sat ahhhhh!" He lifted CW's legs onto his shoulders, then Joe's shoved his cock deep into CW's ass in a single movement. CW was caught off guard, but had no objection to the black cock in his ass. When he could talk again, he said, "Damn, that cock feels better than it tastes."

"I'm glad you like it." Joe said. "I usually don't ram a guy first thing, but there was nothing putting up any resistance." Joe was thrusting now, pulling almost all the way out and then going deep on each stroke.

It looks like you have some practice at that." I said.

"Not as much as I'd like." Joe said. "I haven't fucked anyone new in a year or so." He was watching CW reactions to the thrusts carefully. "You're okay?" he asked CW " It's a lot of meat." CW was whimpering. I think the deep strokes winded him a bit. Joe pulled out. "Let's rest a minute." he said.

"It would be a shame to waste that erection." I said. "I'd be willing to give it a try."

"To tell you the truth, I was kind of thinking about trying your cock, Catfish. I donlt want to sound odd, but I'm curious. I've never taken a cock as thick as yours." Joe said. "Your cock turns me on."

"That sounds good to me." I said.

"I hate to ask this after I just screwed CW like a fucking pile driver, but can you take your time?" Joe asked. "I'm not that experienced as a bottom. I'm not sure I can take it. CW is a lot better at it than me."

"That's only because I like it so much." CW interjected. "You can pile drive me anytime you want, I'm willing! It was great."

"I'm a 65 year old man and I never liked the bottom much until a few years ago. Raleigh fucked me and he hit something special. " Joe continued. "Something about your cock tells me it's special too."

"Are you ready?" I asked. Joe nodded.

"Do you have any poppers here?" CW asked. "They open you up some."

"There are some in Raleigh's room." Joe said. He got up and went to get them. When he returned, he got on his back on the edge of the bed.

"CW, do you feel like lubricating our friend's ass?" I asked. CW was more than enthusiastic. I lubricated my cock. Joe was watching, almost transfixed. I was excited anyway, but the cool slippery liquid felt wonderful and my cock responded accordingly.

"Damn, I don't believe that cock will fit into my ass." Joe said. "Is that precum oozing from your slit?"

"It sure is." I said. "100% pure red-neck cock jam. If you don't want to go ahead with this, just tell me, I'm okay with it anyway."

"My mind says no, but my cock says yes." Joe said. "I'm going with my cock. At least I'll give it the college try." I had my cock at his hole by now. I pushed. I didn't get far, but he wasn't clamped shut either. I stroked my cock and coaxed a big glob of precum from it. I wiped this over his hole and pushed again. CW was watching and opened the bottle of poppers and gave Joe a good snort. I watched Joe and when I saw the poppers take effect, I pushed again. This time my cock head popped into his ass. His ass ring was tight enough to peel back my fore skin, but I had lubricated the inside of the skin and my cock head too.

When I was three inches in I stopped. "Are you okay? I asked.

"Yes, but give me some time to adjust." Joe said. "Pop it through a few times and see if I loosen up." I pulled out and tried to push in again. He had tightened up. CW gave him another snort of poppers and he opened up. I made four of five quick thrusts through his sphincter and he was open.

"I'm going to give Catfish a sniff of the poppers." CW said. "Are you ready?" Joe nodded.

CW gave Joe an additional sniff, then I took a deep snort. The amyl went straight to my brain and cock. My cock glided deep into Joe's ass. His eyes glazed over while his ass clamped tightly, holding my cock. I tried to pull out, but Joe was holding my dick in place. It was as if a powerful vacuum had control of my cock.

I pulled out part way, but his ass sucked me back in. Joe had lost some of his erection as I popped through the sphincter. Now, he was rock hard and his precum was flowing again.

"Fucking hot!" CW exclaimed. He got on the bed, straddled Joe and sat back, impaling his ass on Joe's cock. Joe moaned. He also relaxed some, so I could pull out further and start pounding. I rammed him hard eight or nine times then pulled out because I was too close to shooting. As I pulled out, I saw Joe's pink rose bud and ass lining. It looked so delicate and fragile I pushed it back into the ass with my cock head. My cock is crude, vein covered and bloated. I was turned on.

I planned to just poke the rose bud into the hole, but my cock went deep. This time there was no trace of tenseness. My cock and his rectum had become friends. It was as if we were old fuck buddies who had been screwing for years.

CW began to moan. He shot off, then got off of Joe's cock. CW had drained his balls and there was an array of big globs with ribbon-like tails of sperm covering his hairy chest. CW's man seed glistened white and shiny on Joe's dark skin. He must have had ten or twelve major ejaculations; it was an impressive display.

"Damn, I'm floating!" Joe said. "I'm high as a kite and it's your cock that's doing it."

"Cock intoxication?" I asked. He smiled and his eyes glazed over. His love tunnel was hot and steamy, moulding itself to every contour of my cock. Joe was out of it, enjoying the cock and its relentless exploration of his ass. He came to. "Damn I want to shoot!" He exclaimed. "Have you ever had a black guy give your prostate a sperm bath?" he asked.

I looked into his eyes, pulled out of his ass and straddled him. Then I sat back and positioned his cock head at my hole. He shot off. I sat back further. He continued shooting as I let his cock slip deep into my ass. He was jerking and twitching at each ejaculation. When he was fully lodged, my cock exploded.

Next: Chapter 58: Catfish Returns 14

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