Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 26, 2003


Catfish Returns 12

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

Donovan was trying to pump me for more information on Wilton's scam. It was clear to me he was trying to find out how bad the exposure of conservative Republicans was to the potential scandal. He winced when I mentioned several names. It wasn't a good day for ultra conservative moralists.

"I don't believe I didn't have a fucking clue!" he exclaimed. "I make my living knowing things like this." Before I had a chance to ask him how exactly he made his living, my phone rang. It was C.W.

"Get to the pool, pronto!" he said. "Big trouble!" I raced to the pool, which was next to the exercise club with Donovan right behind me. There was a body floating face down in the water. I arrived as C.W. came from his office overlooking the pool and Raleigh and Joe emerged from the bushes.

"Oh my God!" Raleigh cried. "Is it the Governor? He escaped!"

It was dark, C.W. went to turn on the pool lights, but I didn't think it was the Governor. The body didn't look large enough. As soon as the lights came on it was obvious the body wasn't him; it was a much younger man. In my gut I knew it was Jason. I could hear a siren in the distance.

"Are we sure he's dead?" Donovan asked.

"Shit!" I said, realizing we had been just standing around. I jumped in the water and swam to the body. I touched it. "He's dead." I yelled. "He's been dead a while!" I swam under the body and confirmed it was Jason. I went back to the edge of the pool and got out.

Raleigh and Joe were calling for Governor Johnson. Jefferson and several of the staff joined in the search. The pool was on the backside of the club, since many of the members didn't like the noise the pool generated. The Rescue Squad and a County Policeman arrived. I told them the man was dead. The squad wanted to fish him out but the cop, Deputy Willis, thought something was amiss and called in for more backup.

Like a ghost, the bloated figure of the Governor emerged from bushes on the side of the pool. He was soaked, cut and bruised. He staggered towards to edge of the pool, saw the body and cried out "Bobby!" in a horrified scream. He collapsed. The Rescue Squad rushed over to his aid.

For a while it seemed as if the Governor had a heart attack. The local rescue vehicles were equipped as emergency cardiac units. They got the elderly man into it and raced off to the UVA Hospital. Raleigh went with them. As he left, two police cruisers drove up. A Deputy got out of one car; a Deputy and plain -lothes detective came from the other. The detective was Butch McRoy, the former head guard at the prison I had worked at fifteen years earlier. He had retired a few years before and I'd lost touch with him.

His eyes met mine; I shook my head and he went on as if he didn't recognize me. He introduced himself as Detective Barton McRoy and started to question us. He knew a bad situation when he saw it. Jason was fully dressed in a suit and tie. As I got use to the bright light, I could see there was an obvious bruise on the side of his head. Butch wanted the Medical Examiner to be there when the body was removed from the water. He questioned C.W. and Joe in detail and went on to question Donovan. When he came to me, he didn't change his approach at all. There was no sign anything was different with me.

I told him it was a guest, Jason, who had died. I had confirmed he was dead, but had done nothing else to disturb the body.

He made a call on he cell phone and then came back to us. "I called Judge Wilson and he has authorized search warrants for the club and all rooms and cottages associated with it." he reported to us. " If there is no objection, I'd like to start the search now." He got Joe to go with a Deputy to search the Governor's cottage and C.W. to take another to search Jason's room. He told Donovan and the other on lookers to return to the club and keep any suspicions about the events here quiet.

"You mean there's been an accident in the pool?" Donovan said in an innocent voice. Donovan took a long look at Butch and liked what he saw. The look was not so innocent. "I'll say the local yokels are being officious about an ordinary accident."

"That story sounds good to me." Butch said. He had checked out Donovan as he spoke. Butch liked masculine men; Donovan was his type. Strangely, I suspected he and Donovan had recognized the mutual interest. Maybe there is such as thing as gaydar. Everyone left, leaving Butch and me alone.

"What's up here?" Butch asked. "I've got a nose for crime and this whole set-up stinks to high heavens."

"How does homosexual prostitution, embezzlement, blackmail and maybe murder sound?" I asked. "All of that, by the way, is wrapped in conservative, born-again, America the Beautiful politics."

"Is this the only murder?" Butch asked.

"Probably it's the second; possibly there's a third. One automobile accident and a suicide." I said.

"That philanthropist in Richmond?" Butch asked.

"You've heard about it?"

"My friends in Richmond say there is something wrong with his death. High ranking politicos badly wanted it to be an accident." Butch said. "The City Police wouldn't let it go. There is no satisfactory resolution yet, but the case is still open."

"Magnus was a good man. He deserved better. Did they tell you anything?" I said.

"You're working on the case?" he asked. "They told me to keep my eyes open; one of their suspects was headed my way."

"Yes, I can tell you anything you want, but it's mostly guesswork." I said, "You're looking good. I had no idea you were so near. Where have you been?"

"I went back to North Carolina and took care of mom for few years after retirement. Mom died and I came back to Virginia. Actually the local man here had a heart attack and they needed a substitute. I came and stayed." Butch said. "I've been here about four years. Where can I set up a headquarters here?"

"You're welcome to use the exercise area. It's right next door." I said showing him the side entrance to the club. "Showers, steam room and exercise equipment, with my bedroom next door."

Butch smiled at me. "It's like old times! Do you get lucky often?"

"Every fucking night!" I said. "How's your love life? Have you become a monk yet?"

He smiled. "Not a monk yet. Let's say I been able to recruit some real nice guys for the force."

I gave him a quick summary of Wilton's scheme and listed the main characters, including Temple, the prime suspect in Magnus' death. Butch took notes. I told him about the Governor and his relationship with Jason. I finished just in time for the Medical Examiners to arrive with the State Police Mobile Crime Lab. I was able to watch.

I told them the approximate location of the Governor's appearance and showed them where he collapsed. I didn't know how he got away from Raleigh and Joe, but he had gotten out some how. They moved the body at 1:00 a.m. and I got to bed at 2:00 in the morning. I woke at six, went out to the pool area and found Butch had returned with a new crew of men to search the site.

I went over to the Governor's Cottage. Raleigh drove up as I got there. `He's under sedation. It isn't a heart attack. He thinks his son died a second time." Raleigh said. "His daughter is with him now."

"A long night?" I asked. "You need to get to bed."

"What's up here?" he asked. I gave him a rundown. Joe saw us talking in the driveway and came out, filling us in on details. I told them I knew Butch and he was a good man to have on the job.

"He's not going to railroad the Governor?" Joe asked.

"Don't worry about that. He's reasonable." I said. I went back to my room. Butch, Willis and another guy were discussing the case at a table. They all looked bushed. The Deputy I didn't know was covered in mud. One of the EMTs had joined them.

"Catfish, you know Willis, the other Deputy is Donnie, and the EMT is Josh. Men, this is Catfish. "He's an old friend of mine and I'd just as soon not have that known around here." Butch said. He's undercover."

"Are you the one who caught the bomber?" Josh asked. I nodded. It always surprised me when people knew who I was.

"What happened to the Governor?" Butch asked.

"As far a we could tell, he fell after being beaten up or assaulted." Butch said. The top of his body had been in the pool, the bottom was dry. His hands were untouched, no marks, no bruises. He didn't put up a fight against whoever did it to him."

"The wrong guy is dead. It was supposed to be the Governor, but something happened." Donnie said. "I found this in the Governor's cottage." Donnie produced a legal looking document. Opening it, I saw the words `Last Will & Testament'.

Who is the beneficiary?" Butch asked.

"Jason Bland."

"Bingo!" I said. "Did the Governor sign it?"

"Yes and no." Donnie said. "Look!" He opened the will to the last page. It was signed, `Stonewall Jackson Johnson'. "Joe said it was his signature, but not his name. He's William E. Johnson. He's a bit confused."

"It's been a good nigh'ts work. Why don't you guys go home and get some rest. Meet me back here at 6:00." Butch instructed the men. They got up to leave.

"I have a brand new cruiser and it will be a mud pie by the time I'm done with it." Donnie muttered.

"How did you get so dirty?" I asked.

"I slipped down an embankment, coming back from the Governor's house. I kept the evidence dry, at least.

"Donnie, I have a full service laundry here. Go take a shower and steam and I can get you cleaned up, pronto." I said. All the men were gone except for Butch and Donnie.

"I have to stay here for the day, but I might take you up on the shower." Butch said, taking a quick glance at Donnie. I knew what that glance meant.

Donnie was a member of the fraternity. He looked me over slowly. "Is Catfish that old friend of your's you told me about?" he asked.

"He sure as hell is." Butch answered.

"Give me your clothes and we can talk about old times later." I said. I gave them each a locker and took Donnie's mud caked uniform to the washer and dryer I had for towels. I was good at doing uniforms and knew just how to get the grungy mud out of them.

When I got back to the shower, both men were naked and looked good. Butch always had a Sean Connery look to him. As Sean had aged, so had Butch. His face had more character, his body had filled out, but regular exercise kept him firm. His body hair was downright shaggy and it contrasted attractively with his muscular body.

Donnie had a baby face and had been pudgy when he was younger. He was getting muscular. I bet Butch had something to do with than. He had a barrel chest, covered in long, silky, black hair. His cock was already half hard. I stripped and joined them. Donnie's eyes didn't exactly bug completely out of his head when he saw my cock, but they came close.

"Is this the guy you described as horse hung chimp?"Donnie asked.

"You got it. Catfish is the one." Butch said.

"It's bigger in real life than you described. What's it like hard."

"You'll know soon enough." I said. "Don't start anything you can't finish."

"Don't worry about Donnie. I've been training him. He's not finished with his training, but he's into it." Butch said. "He likes size."

As if to prove that, Donnie leaned over and licked my cock. As I'd guessed, a lick wasn't enough. I wasn't hard yet so he got a lot of my meat down his throat. He couldn't keep it in long. As I got harder, he had to give it up, but he sure was interested. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Donovan looking into the shower from the exercise area. He saw us and smiled.

"Butch, let's adjourn this party to the steam room where it's a bit more private." I said. We went into the steam room and I cranked up the heat. I was hard to do with Donnie attached to my cock, but I managed. I sat on the marble bench next to Butch and poor Donnie had the hard choice to make between the two cocks. He was a size queen, so mine had an allure, but Butch was well hung and handsome. Donnie was torn. He tried to suck both.

The problem was resolved when Donovan entered. It was pretty steamy by then and he couldn't see us clearly.

"Are you in here Catfish?" he asked, as if he didn't know. Donnie jumped, but I held his head to my cock.

"I sure am; just relaxing with my buddies." I answered. "Getting ready to have my balls drained, so don't come over unless you're thirsty and feel like helping our law enforcement officers relax." Donovan came up to us; he was already at half staff. Butch's cock was rock hard and standing straight up. Donovan was staring at it.

Butch stroked his cock, making a bead of precum emerge from his slit. "It tastes a lot better than it looks." Butch observed. Donovan hesitated. "Don't be shy, get to it!" Butch ordered. Donovan obeyed.

Butch was just as interested in Donovan as Donovan was in him. They were 69ing within a minute. Donovan was much more relaxed than he had been with Henry a few days earlier. Butch wasn't shy at all about sex and his enthusiasm spread to Donovan. There was nothing tentative about his enjoyment of man sex now.

You would think that two, very masculine men might have a hard time working out their roles in a sexual situation. They both went at it with no inhibitions or hang-ups. It was turbo charged sex. They were muscular, toned and well coordinated. They were also working each other into a pretty impressive state.

Donnie was doing a good job on me. I tried to reciprocate, but he would have none of that. He was a sucker. "Now Donnie, you've got to stop that or you're going to have a mouthful of cum." I told him. "That is, unless there's some other place you'd like for me to deposit my load." Donnie looked up to me and he almost cried. That boy wanted it bad.

"Butch, is this boy ready for the big leagues?" I asked. " I'm feeling like a trip down the tunnel of love." Butch looked up from nursing Donovan's cock.

"Don't worry, he knows the recreational potential of the ass." Butch said. He went back to Donovan's cock. "Oh baby!" he exclaimed as he encountered something tasty on Donovan's cock head. Donovan's dick must have reacted to the prospect of fucking.

"Open me up little, Daddy." Donnie whispered.

"Do you mind if we help this kid out?" Butch asked Donovan. They got up and walked over to Donnie's ass. Butch got Donnie off the floor then had him bend over. With a quick movement, he shoved his cock deep into Donnie's ass. Donnie jumped, then sighed in pleasure. Butch fucked him vigorously for a few minutes. "Come over here." Butch said, motioning to Donovan the get closer. "Why don't you slip in and sample Donnie's love hole."

Donovan hung back. "I've never done this before." he murmured.

"There's a first time for everything!" Butch replied. Butch pulled out and guided Donovan over to Donnie. Butch got on his knees and sucked Donovan's cock to lubricate it, then guided it into Donnie's ass. He held Donovan's cock steady and made sure it hit the bull's eye.

Donovan couldn't have pumped more than six or seven times before he shot off, filling Donnie's ass with his spunk.

"He's ready for you Catfish." Butch said. "Get on the bench here, on your back Donnie. I want to see how you're doing." Butch got on the bench and cradled Donnie's head in his lap. "Do you take cock up the ass?" He asked Donovan.

Donovan said, "No, never done it. What about you?"

"Never use to, but now I take a trip on the wild side once and a while. Only for special occasions." Butch said. "Donnie, he loves it. It really rings his chimes. Catfish here is the acid test for a bottom. We'll see how Donnie does."

I was ready so I hoisted his legs on my shoulders and got my cock at Donnie's ass. I poked my cock head at the hole. It resisted some. I spit on my hand and lubricated my cock with the spit.

"I don't believe that fucker will fit!" Donovan said. He had gone soft after his orgasm and was still dripping. I pushed again and my cock head popped through the sphincter. Donnie moaned.

"I'm going to take it nice and slow, but I'm not going to stop until I'm all the way up your ass." I said. Donnie nodded. I pulled out again, then poked it again. I was four or five inches in and decided, what the hell and I went deep.

"Holy shit!" Donnie cried.

"Damn!" Donovan muttered. He was hard again. He was close to me, so I reached out and stroked his cock.

"That's the fastest recovery I've ever seen." I said, stroking his cock a second time. "Your getting into this, aren't you?"

"Not really." Donovan said. He looked down saw his rock hard cock. It was oozing precum again. I must have looked a bit skeptical. He smiled and said, "Well, maybe you're right. I tell myself I'm not really into it, but I'm so fucking turned on."

Next: Chapter 57: Catfish Returns 13

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