Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 12, 2003


Catfish Returns 11

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

Edwin wasn't really my type and I'm not sure Edwin knew enough about man-sex to have a type, but we had a good time anyway. I had the strange feeling I was introducing him to his cock and all of its potential for the first time. He was virgin and innocent.

Edwin was one of those rare guys who believed all the old wives tales about masturbation. The Priest had told him not to do it and he didn't. More correctly, he didn't do it often. He had been guilt ridden about his failures in that area. Every time he shot off, he was consumed with guilt. I was the first man, or woman for that matter, to touch his cock. Guilt isn't my thing and I told him it was stupid. I gave a brief explanation about the subject and pointed out a mere 99% of men did it. He believed me and thirty years of pent-up sexual desires and needs came to the surface.

I am no Mother Theresa, but I did my best to straighten him out. I may not have saved him, but he sure was a lot more relaxed when he left than when he came into the exercise room. He didn't know what to do, what was okay and what was off limits. I broadened Edwin's view of what was acceptable by a goodly amount. There was one odd aspect to Edwin's view of sex. He had a sheltered life, living with his mother until a year earlier when she died. He knew fucking a woman was sinful unless you were married, but he had no real conception of sex with a man.

Edwin also knew what felt good. The single ejaculation caused when I stroked his cock was the closest to real sex he had ever been. He also liked the feel of my cock. He had never done that either.

"Stroke until it's hard!" I told him.

"It feels so good." he murmured. "I don't believe it feels so good."

"If you think this is good, Boy, are you in for a good night." I said, as I leaned over and took his cock head into my mouth. He moaned when my tongue touched it, but he didn't shoot off right away. I had been afraid of that. Edwin was oozing precum and enjoying every moment. After a minute or two, I came up for breath.

"Thank you, that was great." Edwin whispered. "Do I have to do that to you?" he added, with uncertainty in his voice. I felt sorry for him. He didn't know the rules and was afraid he would do something wrong. I smiled at him.

"Nope, it's not required." I said. "Not if you don't want to."

"How do you know if you want to?"

"I'm afraid you're the only one who can answer that." I said. Edwin looked me in the eyes.

"You wouldn't mind if it tried it, would you?" I didn't need to answer that question. Edwin approached my cock very gingerly, but once his tongue touched it he was hooked. You could say he was a slow started, but a fast learner. Once he started, he didn't want to stop. I finally pulled him off.

"You know what's going to happen if you don't slow down?" I asked. Edwin looked puzzled. "You're going to end up with a mouth full of my cum!" I explained.

"Is that bad?" he asked.

"Not for me, but I was worried you'd be shocked when I shot my load down your throat."

"Would you take mine?" he asked.

"Sure, but I've got a lot more experience. I don't want to you to go too far and be uncomfortable."

"I think I want to try it." Edwin said, slowly. "Am I being dumb about this? I've never done anything like this before. And I do mean anything!"

"Let's get out of this steam room and go to my bedroom." I suggested. "It's more comfortable and private there." We left the room, showered and went to my bedroom, which is next to the locker area.

"What do we do now?" Edwin asked.

"Why don't we get naked and see what happens?"

"I was hoping you would say something like at." Edwin said, smiling. He started to strip. "For years I told myself real pleasure was spiritual, not physical. Do you think that's true, or just a crock?"

"I don't think there is anything wrong with either. I think sexual pleasure's pretty good alone or with a good dose of spiritual pleasure." I said. "I admit it doesn't always happen, but it's real good when it does. Sometimes you really connect."

"Like when you get married?" he asked.

"I've never been married, so I don't know. But there's nothing wrong with two guys enjoying themselves." I said. "You're adult, I'm adult, I'm not tricking you into sex, am I?" Edwin laughed.

"I'm ruined!" he cried in mock horror. "I've lost my virginity! I was saving myself for the wedding night!" He paused. "You know, I told myself that many times, but I never actually dated a woman."

"You use to watch Tarzan and Hercules movies?" I asked. Edwin looked shocked, then he laughed.

"You've been there?"

"Sure." I said, stroking his cock. "We all have. Too much talk and not enough play, let's get at it again."

On the bed in my room I discovered several interesting things about Edwin. He had a throat like one of those snakes that can swallow animals three time their size. We tried 69ing and from that angle, Edwin could take my entire cock. Not only could he take it, he was comfortable taking it. My cock got more quality time down his throat that night than I normally get in a year.

Since he had so little idea what man sex was like, I also introduced him to his anal Adventure Land. He knew little about the possibilities of his cock; I'm not sure he knew his prostate existed.

I discovered his magic nut was the length of my index finger up his ass. I reached it quickly and pressed it hard. It is possible he would have complained about me shoving a finger up his ass, but he was moaning in ecstasy before he had a chance. Like his cock and balls, Edwin's prostate was oversized and overripe.

I got him to sit up against the headboard, with his legs spread and raised. I worked two fingers in to his ass while I sucked his cock. He was all but crying as I squeezed the juice out of his prostate and sucked it from his cock. He was a happy guy. I was a happy guy too. I had done a good deed and had a good time to boot.

Edwin went back to his room at about midnight. He was short two or three loads of cum. Before he left, I shot a full load of my spunk down his gullet while he was deep throating me. I'm not sure he even tasted it, my cock was so deep. He did know I was climaxing. I had a five-alarm orgasm. It was hard to believe I didn't shoot a major internal organ down his throat. The ejaculations were that strong.

The next day was quiet in the morning and became progressively less quiet and even productive as the day progressed. Governor Johnson was out of the hospital and Raleigh brought him back to the cottage. Raleigh enforced a strict, "No Visitors" policy and kept the old man away from the sharks. Donovan returned with Charley, Hal and Henry in tow. They were golfing all day.

I called the office in Richmond and Lance reported all was well. Apparently the action had shifted from Richmond, toward the Club and Washington. Wilton had set his sights on bigger fish. That made sense to me. Richmond is a comparatively small city and Washington presented more appealing and far wealthier targets.

I called John and he had some more information. The rumour mill was in overdrive and the word was out that all was not right with Magnus' accident. Johnny and Jim Bullock were hitting it off well and Jim's campaign to reform the boy was well under way.

"Jim says, the boy is a first class size queen and Jim was using his natural assets to make the boy see the light." John reported. "According to Jim, ten inches of cock up his ass makes Johnny very receptive to reason!"

"Shit, ten inches makes even me reasonable!" I said. John laughed.

"Come to think of it, it has the same effect on me!" John added.

The golfers were out on the course, so the exercise room was all but empty until Wilton arrived with all of his minions. Jason and Temple were there as well as two other guys I didn't recognize. I sure did know the type. I wanted to get near them to listen in on the conversation, but they hushed up when I came in range. C.W. and Jefferson came in to exercise. C.W. was management and Jefferson was his guest, so they got in. I mentioned to C.W. and Jefferson I wanted to get near Wilton.

"No problem," C.W. said. "we have a connection with those guys." He leaned near me and whispered, "Cocks are the universal language. Wilton likes to look at dark meat. He's never sampled it yet, but he sure is interested."

"Watch your step." I said.

"Sure," Jefferson said, "I do need to watch for drool. I might slip on it!" They went off. Jefferson exercised shirtless and wore lightweight polyester shorts with no jock underneath. Nothing was left to the imagination. He was muscular and shaved his body, so he looked like a sculpture. He went over next to Wilton and started exercising.

I glanced over at them and it was clear Wilton liked what he saw. Nothing is more desirable than forbidden fruit and Jefferson was forbidden fruit. C.W. was babbling to Temple. C.W. could play the idiot convincingly. He defined brainless. Wilton and his boys were talking to themselves and taking quick glances at Jefferson. They wandered off to the shower and steam room.

Wilton emerged a half hour later and he with his friends dressed and left. Jefferson had to leave to wait tables, but C.W came over to me and told what they had learned. Wilton apparently had the instincts of a wild animal. He knew something was amiss and no longer felt comfortable in Richmond. Wilton was planning to move his base north to Washington. He was also thinking about an island retreat. That confirmed Lance's report.

Jason mentioned an inheritance. C.W. didn't know who it was from, but I did. I would tell Raleigh to keep the Governor firmly buttoned up. Temple was seeing a man named Rudy. I didn't know who he was, but C.W. said he was a retired banker from Chicago who was at the Club for a month or two. C.W, noticed a sharp exchange between Temple and Wilton.

"Apparently Temple went too far with something in Richmond. He got "carried away" and Wilton didn't like it at all." C.W. said. "Temple didn't admit anything, but he said, it wouldn't happen again. Then he switched the conversation to Rudy. Rudy is a fat cat with money to spare."

"What is Rudy like?"

"Not exactly a stud muffin, if you get my drift. His wife is on a two month trip to Europe with his grandchildren. He's not in very good health and doesn't seem well equipped to live alone. They have servants, but he apparently is pretty much helpless without his wife, or at least she doesn't want the house routine disrupted while she is gone. He's here until they get back." C.W, explained.

"I haven't seen him here." I said.

"Fat and ugly. Moving isn't his thing. He's been a problem for the housekeeping staff. He can't bend over to pick up things from the floor. The room is always a mess." C.W. continued. "His only exercise is to get from his room to the dining room twice a day. He can play cards too, but that's about it. Jefferson was nearer and got the whole conversation. He'll get in touch with you after work."

"Thanks for the report. You've been a help." I said. As C.W. left, Henry came in.

"Donovan told what was up here." he said. "this is an awful mess."

"Shit, I don't want everyone and his brother getting in on this!" I said.

"Catfish, there aren't any guys more interested in keeping this quiet than us. If this gets out there are scores of men whose careers and families will be ruined." Henry said. "Mine included."

"I don't kiss and tell, your secret is safe with me."

"I know that, but I'm not the problem, my boss has been "investing" with Wilton." Henry said.

"You're shitting me! That pompous, moralizing ass is taking a roll in the hay with Wilton? Senator Baldridge has a taste for twink cock?"

"I don't know about the roll in the hay, but his bank account is lighter by $30,000.00." Henry explained. "I'm afraid that converts into several rolls in the hay. The good Senator has a clueless wife and three nice kids. They'd be hamburger if it got out. "

"I've sometimes thought the biggest assholes get the sweetest wives. It must be some sort of a defence mechanism." I said. "How do you work for a guy like that?"

"I'm afraid it's an unattractive combination of ambition and self delusion. At one time, it seemed to that Baldridge was a right-minded man supporting the values I admire. The Senator was also my ticket out of small town America and into the big leagues." he said. "By the time I realized all his moral stands were part of solidifying his political base and just a front, Washington was too much for me to give up."

"When did you see the light?"

"That night in your bedroom. It was pure enjoyment. It wasn't what I thought it would be like at all. Damn your cock turned me on." Henry said. "And Donovan wasn't my idea of a flaming faggot either. When I got back to Washington, the Senator's bookkeeper asked me about Wilton. He had found three unexplained checks, each for $10,000.00. I ran into Donovan. He told me about the scam. I put two and two together and saw the light."

"You ran into Donovan?" I asked. Henry looked sheepish.

"I guess you could say we had a date." he admitted.

"And how was the sex?" Henry blushed.

"Good. I guess you know more about me, than I do."

"You're a man and I'm a man. I'm not completely clueless." I said. "It's okay, you know. Sex is a part of life and it's okay to like it. As a matter of fact, I like it a lot myself." Henry laughed.

"Much to my surprise, I like it a lot too." he admitted. "The sex wasn't as good as with you the other night. I found myself thinking about you."

"Me or my cock?" Henry thought a few seconds.

"I'd guess 40% you and 60% your cock."

"I'll bet it was more like 30% me and 70% my cock!" I said. "Don't worry, there's nothing you can do about it. I don't think there's much you can do about what turns you on. I don't think you have any way to control if you like males or females. Most gay guys seem to like smooth boys; I like hairy men and I like them big and brawny. I can't change that; you can't change your taste in me, or in cocks for that matter. Relax and don't worry. You're lucky."

"How's that?"

"Think about the guys so deep in the closet they never act on their desires. They never experience sexual release or satisfaction. They go though life never feeling intense pleasure or passion." I explained.

"They get mean, don't they?" Henry said. "Mean and bitter."

"That seems to be the way it goes. It sure looks that way from my vantage point. Your Senator Baldrige rants and raves at the people who enjoy life and gets a little fun on the sly." I said. "Baldridge is a jerk and an asshole, but he's pathetic too. A pathetic, mean spirited shell, who tried to grab some fun from a con man's prick. I guess there's some poetic justice to that. He attacked that gay Priest last year, who seemed kind and compassionate and ends up in bed with Wilton." A group of men entered the room and our conversation was over. Henry had a lot of thinking to do. I didn't know if he would make the right choice.

In the late afternoon, the exercise room filled to capacity and I was busy. Most were new me), but my reputation as a lifesaver had spread and most were pleasant. Most did what I asked them to do too. When I told them to stop, they obeyed me, so I had no problems. After work I went on a walk and passed by the Governor's cottage. I heard Raleigh emphatically stating, "The Governor's in bed! He was in an accident and he needs his sleep! You white boys have no sense at all!"

The two men, I think it was Jason and another guy, left. I knocked on the door. Raleigh appeared loaded for bear. When he saw me, he looked relieved.

"I can't tell you how tired I am of uppity white boys! Give me a horse-hung, redneck any day!" he exclaimed. "Come on in, you are welcome!"

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Pissed off, but good. I do have reinforcements. Meet my Uncle Joe. He's cooking some, sitting with the Governor and guarding the back door." Uncle Joe was a middle aged, tall man with a bushy white beard encasing a pitch black face. He smiled as we shook hands .

"You needed reinforcements?" I asked.

"I sure did. The accident seems to have discombobulated the Governor. He's completely lost. Got up in the middle of the night and made a cup of coffee. He almost burned the house down. Turned on every burner in the kitchen and forgot to put the water in the pot." Raleigh said.

"I'm sorry. Time for him to go to a home?"

"Shit, that man has needed to be in a home since his son died, not that he was ever much good of a man." Uncle Joe interjected. "I was the first black teacher in the local High School. Governor Johnson tried to make a special example of me."

"Joe was the Latin teacher. And winning football coach." Raleigh explained.

"The Latin didn't help at all, but the winning football coach was too much for even the Governor to fight!" Joe said. "Sometimes life isn't fair, but it isn't predictable either. Now, I take it you are the pint sized, cock master Raleigh told me about?"

"Raleigh, just exactly how many horse hung, pygmies do you know?" I asked. Both men burst out laughing.

"He said, you have a sense of humor, I was just checking." Joe said. There was a huge crash in the Governor's bedroom. He had gotten out of bed and had pulled over a dresser. After a quick check it seemed he was fine. He was muttering something about a ladder falling over. Apparently he had been trying to climb the dresser. I helped get him back in bed and went back to the club.

Donovan was waiting for me.

Next: Chapter 56: Catfish Returns 12

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