Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 25, 2003


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

Catfish Returns 9

By Bald Hairy Man

I went back to the office and called Lonnie to see how he was doing. He asked me to come over and meet his friend. Pretend you are just stopping by, he asked. Lonnie lived near my office, so I wandered over. Lonnie was in a third floor apartment on Monument Avenue. It was well furnished and I guessed Lonnie had dated an interior decorator at some time in the past. It was also hot as hell there, so both men were shirtless.

Johnny, his friend, was a handsome kid who looked like shit. His eyes were sunken in and he looked exhausted. Johnny was pretty in an oddly masculine way. He was thin, toned and elegant, with beautiful clear blue eyes. He was like one of those Art Deco figurines, sort of Rudolph Valentino. Contrasting with his elegant almost effeminate body, he had a pitch-black beard and thick, dark chest hair. A treasure trail disappeared into his jeans. He also had a deep voice.

"No dress code today, Catfish. The air conditioning is broken; we'd be naked if we didn't have company." Lonnie said.

"Don't let me get in the way of your comfort." I replied, as I stripped off my shirt. Johnny all but gasped when he saw my hairy body. If I was bigger, they'd call me a " Gorilla ", as it was, "Chimpanzee" was the word that jumps to mind. I do recognize the signs of a guy who is really into body hair and Johnny was one of those. Lonnie noticed too. He winked at me.

Johnnie sat next to me while Lonnie and I talked. He couldn't get his eyes off my body. The kid was all but drooling. We talked about the summer in Richmond and I was afraid Johnnie might have a hands-free orgasms as we talked. Lonnie was a merciful guy and he finally put the boy out of his misery.

"Catfish, I was just about ready to jump this boy's ass and have some fun when you dropped in. I can't hold back, so if you don't mind we need some space, unless you want to join us." Lonnie said. "If that's okay with Johnny, of course." He looked at Johnny. Johnny had the look of a guy whose fantasy wet dream was coming true.

" Id like it, Lonnie." he said. "It's fine with me." We went to the bedroom and I dropped my pants and stripped off my jockeys. I caught a brief glimpse of Johnny's cock in his pitch-black bush, but before I could focus, Johnny had my cock in his mouth. My donkey dong had worked it's magic again. He took the whole thing while I was still soft. His efforts to swallow felt great, but as soon as I began to get hard, Johnny had to give it up. He had my cock head alone in his mouth by the time I was fully hard.

Johnny was nursing my cock head and fluffing my chest hair, when Lonnie rear-ended him. Lonnie's not my type, but he has nice meat and Johnny liked it.

"Your friend here is nice and friendly, Lonnie." I said. "He's a bit young for me, but he sure took your cock like a pro."

"Johnny's a real nice boy." Lonnie replied. "He's got a nice ass, tight and juicy. He was born to be fucked. You like to fuck, don't you?"

"I sure do, but not with young guys. I like men who have some experience and know how to take a big one." I said. "The last time I fucked a kid, he was more interested in keeping his hair straight than getting down and dirty." I figured, if I pretended to be reluctant, it would make Johnny want my cock more. I figured right.

Johnny had already fallen in love with my cock head; I was ready to introduce my head to his prostate. I looked at Lonnie and he could read my mind.

"I bet he can take it." Lonnie said. "I've been giving him lessons in man sex and he has passed every test with flying colors. He opens up wide, then clamps down when you're in." Lonnie alternated between long deep strokes that probed the deep recesses of Johnny's ass and short pumping movements. The deep strokes almost winded the boy, but he never lost his interest in my cock. He was like a hungry baby who had rediscovered his mother's breast.

"Were you the first to crack his nut?" I asked.

"No, but I was the first to show him what real man sex is like." Lonnie said. "He took my cock like a man and I fucked him every way I could figure. Catfish, you know I'm not exactly a virgin; I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve. The boy's a real pig, Couldn't get enough of my cock. I think I dropped four loads in his ass. It was oozing out the last time I popped him. I scooped some up with my finger and fed it to him. He licked it up."

"Are you ready for big meat, Johnny?" I asked. I held his head in my hands and forced him to stop sucking my cock. " If you want me to fuck you, you'll have to stop sucking." Johnny looked at me. He wanted my cock bad.

"I want it." Johnny croaked.

"Do you mind my cum in his love tunnel?" Lonnie asked.

"The best lube there is. Shoot away!" I said. Lonnie made three or four deep strokes and he shot off. Lonnie moaned as he rear loaded his friend. He slowly pulled his cock out. As his cock popped out of Johnny's hole, he ejaculated again and coated the hole with his cum.

"Get on your back." I told Johnny. "I want to see how you're doing." Johnny did as he was told. He was handsome. His skin was pale and contrasted with the silky, black hair on his chest and pubic bush. His tits were bright pink, as was his cock. He was uncut, but since he was rock hard, the skin was pulled back, exposing his purple-blue cock head.

His cock was slightly above average in size and his wide piss slit glistened with precum. He had apricot sized balls, low hangers enclosed in a hairy ball sack.

I hoisted his legs onto my shoulders and positioned my cock at his hole. "Are you ready?" I asked. He nodded. His eyes showed both excitement and fear. He didn't know if he could take it, but he sure wanted to try. I had lubricated my cock, but Lonnie's cum was the only lubricant on Johnny's hole. I pushed.

He resisted for a second or two, then surrendered. Suddenly my bush was tickling Johnny's balls. He gasped, then his cock twitched. A single shot of cum sprayed across Johnny's chest. I have to admit, that turned me on. It was nice to see he had an orgasm on my first stroke. I slowly pulled out and then went in deep again. His ass was tight, but after a few strokes, he was moaning in pleasure. Johnny looked out of it. It was pure, unthinking, sex. Every movement of my cock was matched by Johnny's moans, twitches or spasms.

After his first ejaculation, he was able to hold off for almost ten minutes before he released all of his ball juice. His ass contracted with each ejaculation; I felt as if his ass was milking my cock. This pushed me over the edge.

Johnny had one of those orgasms that are so massive he'd loose weight. I had never seen so much cum. I'm afraid whatever cum he lost, I replaced in the deepest recesses of his rectum. My climax was top of the line. Johnny had almost passed out. The glistening globs of cum that covered Johnny's chest and gut inspired Lonnie. He started licking it up. I just stood there with my cock still ejaculating in his ass.

I began pulling out. Lonnie had started licking his way from Johnny's chest toward the navel. He skipped the gut and extended his tongue and licked the cum drooling from Johnny's cock head. I had almost pulled out. Only my cock head was still held by the sphincter. It was too good for me to stop, so I shoved my cock back. I ejaculated a last time.

My final thrust had the same effect on Johnny. I would have sworn on a stack of Bibles there wasn't a drop of cum left in the boy's balls. I was wrong. A huge glob sprayed from his cock and landed on Lonnie's tongue. Lonnie loved this.

I pulled out and got on the bed beside Johnny. "You did well kid." I said.

"Shit, I don't believe that happened." Johnny said. Lonnie was more of a cum hound than I had suspected. Now, he was at the boy's ass, licking up the cum dribbling from Johnny's ass. "Is it like that every time you fuck a guy?" Johnny asked.

"No. It was more intense than usual. We really connected, at least genitally." I said.

"Lonnie said, you are a detective. I'm in big time trouble. He said, maybe you could help me." Johnny said.

"Tell me about it."

"I was an investment advisor for a company here in town. It was a good job, the best I ever had." he said.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, playing stupid.

"If that was it, it would have been fine." Johnny continued. `We specialized in serving rich, older men. Wilton, he's the President, selected prospects. I was to get close to them. I kind of like older men, older than even you, Catfish. Wilton told me, the guys were sex starved and if I helped them out, it would make it easier to sell. At first I thought that was sort of a joke."

"My first client was a real nice guy. I liked him a lot and he liked me. We ended up in bed and it was good for both of us. I made a lot on money on that sale. The second client was nice too. The third was a jerk and an ugly jerk at that. I didn't want to have sex with him, but Wilton told me I had too. I could be arrested for doing what I had done. Until that second, I hadn't put two and two together. "

"Upper class call boy?" I said.

"Fucking whore!" Johnny exclaimed. "But it gets worse. I thought it was an investment company. I met a stockbroker at a party. We got friendly and we talked afterward. I mentioned we had most of our investments with his company. He asked me for the name of the company. I told him and he said he had never heard of us. I must have mistaken the name for another broker. I had signed documents from his firm. I told him the names of the guys on the letters. He said the guys either didn't work there, or had been fired years ago. A week later I was at one of Wilton's parties and I discovered the brokerage firms stationary in a closet. Wilton was making it all up."

"I realize then, the whole company was a fraud. The crooked part wasn't the sex for investment. There were no investments. I didn't know what to do, but that was when one of our clients died. He was Jason's client and Jason had been complaining what a pain he was. Jason was Wilton's right hand man. I think there was something wrong with the whole thing."

"Worse than prostitution, fraud and embezzlement?" I asked.

"Yes. I am pretty sure blackmail is involved, and maybe. . ."

"Murder?" I added.

"That's what I am afraid of." Johnny said. "I believe Wilton thinks I know something. He was acting really odd to me the last time we were together."

"Nasty? Rude?"

"No, really pleasant, almost fawning. Saying, "You're my best boy." sort of stuff."

"You're in a mess." I said. We were silent for a while. "I think this may be a good time for you to disappear. Richmond might not be a good place for you to be right now."

"You know you can stay here." Lonnie said.

"Too close." I said. "Do any of them know you are seeing Lonnie?"

"No." Johnny said. There was another silence. "Oh shit, one guy knows. Jason."

"Bad choice!" I said. "Why don't you come to my house tonight, I will find a place for him." He didn't have any clothes with him. Lonnie said, he would get him some stuff, but it would be better to have no trail.

Johnny and I left and walked back to my office. On the way, I saw John outside his house saying " good bye") to Jim Bullock. We stopped and talked. Johnny had told me he liked older men and I took a good two or three seconds to realize John and Jim were just what he liked.

Jim was talking about his farm in the country. He was restoring it as a retirement home. He said, he was looking for a caretaker to live there to keep an eye on it. Johnny jumped at the opportunity. Jim liked what he saw in Johnny and they hit it off. Jim said, they were going to visit the place that evening and Johnny was free to come along and see the place. Everyone was happy about the arrangement, so I returned to the office alone.

I spent the night in my apartment over the office. John called and said, they were spending the night at the farm. That was just fine with me. John didn't say it but I had the impressions the three were hitting it off big time. I got a call from John the next morning.

"We got the whole story from Johnny." he said. "I thought it was not believable, but Jim said it's true. He teaches and says it's typical. Most of his students were an odd combination of sophistication and cluelessness. "Many hope there is a cushy and easy way to big bucks, with no work and no effort. It's typical; stupid, but typical. And by the way, do you know the kid is the Energizer Bunny of gay sex?" I laughed.

"To tell you the truth, I did have some suspicions." I answered. "He does seem to be open to all the possibilities."

"He's good. Jim has a cock deserving mention in Ripley's Believe It or Not. Johnny took it like a pro. He seemed to get really talkative after sex." John observed.

"I noticed that." I said. It was John's turn to laugh.

"I don't believe I know you so well." John said. "I'm coming home, but Jim's staying here to straighten him out."

"He likes to help young men?"

"He does. Genuinely, he does." John said seriously. "He is a real teacher."

"You like him a lot, don't you?" I asked.

"I do. We share the same interests and like the same things. He's nice to have around the house." John replied. "I was afraid he wanted something different. I've been married and that wasn't so good. I want a friend to grow old with. Someone to depend on, if things turn bad. I didn't want to give up the friends I have and the good times we have. He's great in bed, but having a third in the bed wasn't a problem at all. I was relieved. I wasn't jealous seeing his cock deep into that boy's ass; it turned me on."

"He liked it too?"

"If an orgasm is any indication, he did. He dropped a second load when I shot off in Johnny's ass." John said. "The kid's in danger, isn't he?"

"Yes, I think so." I replied. " Just keep him hidden."

Next: Chapter 54: Catfish Returns 10

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