Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 13, 2003


Chesapeake Construction 8

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better. For more on Andy Andrews, see Mr. Andrews.

Max, the architect arrived at New Samoa for an inspection with several men. These included his old friends, Catfish and Vince, a guy named Mark and a new man, Andy, an artist from New York. Andy Andrews was a painter who was going to do some murals for the club.

My knowledge of artists was limited and I guess I expected a guy with a beret and a French accent. I also would have guessed the artist would be stuck up, but he turned out to be down to earth and pleasant. Vince was going to be the Manager of the resort. Vince was a retired Fireman and had the nickname "Fire hose". I hadn't met him before, but had heard about him. They were all nice guys and got along well with my crew. Catfish was a private investigator in Richmond, and Mark was apparently his friend. They were here on a pleasure trip, just taking the weekend off.

Captain Burt's boat arrived at 2:00 with Jonathan, the developer and two potential investors. Tommy was a well known screen actor, Anders had been a star tennis player. Anders was a classical otter, thin, sleek and muscular. He shaved is head and had shaved his body. His thick body hair was growing back and all but covered him with an even inch of hair.

Tommy had broad shoulders and a gym enhanced physique. He had recently played Prince Albert in a made for TV movie and had the mutton-chop beard of the Prince. The Victorian beard contrasted oddly with his floral Hawaiian shirt and jeans.

You would think with the two stars, all the attention would be focused on them. My men were all sweaty, covered in dirt and grime and bushed. Tommy and Anders were all but drooling. They liked what they saw. Captain Burt and Luke decided to spend the night on the island.

As was normal in the summer, we quit work at 3:30. Most of the construction workers on the island went home for the weekend. Jack and I stayed. Wayne, Washington, Gramps, Stravos and Buck also decided to stay. We typically spent the remaining part of the late afternoon swimming. It was too hot to get any real work done.

We all went to the pool, stripped and jumped in. The two investors followed suit. I could see from the expressions on their faces, they wanted to get closer to the naked construction workers.

Max and his friends arrived after their tour of the project and joined us in the pool.

Tommy and Anders were playing in the water with my construction workers when Max's men stripped. They were a mis- matched group. Catfish was short; Andy was tall and handsome; Vince was quite old, but distinguished looking and Mark was tall, but somehow misshapen.

Only one characteristic unified the group. They were all hung like King Kong. I had never seen so much grade A, prime man-meat in one place before.

"Fucking beautiful !" Anders exclaimed. "I've died and gone to Size-queen heaven." On the side of the pool, Mark played with his cock and pulled back his foreskin partially exposing his cock head. Mark knew he was big and liked showing off his equipment.

"This fucker of mine tastes a lot better than it looks," Mark said, "and quite frankly, if any of you guys happens to be a bottom, you've got a real treat ahead for you."

"This is your lucky day." Tommy said. "I'm a 100 per cent bottom."

"Virgin? All this big meat here isn't for amateurs." Andy asked. Andy was smiling and I think he knew the answer.

"Shit no!" Tommy answered. "I'm a lot closer to being a pig slut, than a virgin. To tell you the truth, I've never taken a cock without wanting to take another five minutes later. One or two big cocks have taken a trip up my shit tunnel over the years and I've never reached my limit."

"This may be your lucky day." Catfish said. "I know at least one or two of us are tops. I've got a full load in my balls and could use a good draining. Who here is a bottom?"

"Count me in." Anders said.

Jonathan raised his hand. "Me too." he said.

"I'm not much of a bottom, but I wouldn't mind learning." Jack said. That comment surprised me. Jack was usually a top, but the display of horse cocks must have inspired him. Captain Burt and Luke joined us. Burt was naked with his gold Prince Albert glistening in the afternoon sun. Luke was right behind him, with his donkey dong all but dragging on the ground. Our group was complete.

It's safe to say everyone got to be friends in record time. There was a lot of groping, followed by fondling, licking and sucking. An hour later everyone was acquainted and at ease. Some men are uneasy getting naked with other men, especially if they are smaller. The cocks we were looking at were so big; they were more like side show marvels than penises. I don't think of myself as a size queen, but the big cocks were almost mesmerizing, especially once they grew to full erection.

My crew was into cock play and we had our share of big men. Something odd happened when the visitors arrived. Suddenly big meat was everywhere. Luke or Wally could only fuck one man at a time. No one said it, but we all knew that everyone could get fucked by a horse cock tonight. We all had some experience with taking big cocks.

Luke liked fucking with an audience. Over the course of several months he fucked almost every man on the island. I remembered him slowly working his way into Eduardo's ass. We were grouped around Eduardo, giving him encouragement and helping him out with a snort of poppers and sucking his oozing cock. I was 69ing Eduardo as Luke fucked him. I discovered the view of Luke's monster cock with the Eduardo's cock in my throat was second to none.

Luke had fucked me months earlier. As I watched his monster slowly disappear in Eduardo's ass, I relived my experience. Eduardo twitched and spasmed as the cock hit sensitive spots. When it was good, Eduardo's balls let loose a flood of precum. I was tasting and smelling Eduardo's response to the invader in his ass. The sweet taste of precum merged with the smell of lubricant and the musky smell of ass. I was sharing the experience with both of the men.

Eduardo was a small man physically, but he had no problem taking the monster. Luke's meat seemed to hit the spot. Adding to my participation, Captain Burt came up behind me and made a surprise attack. He slipped his cock in my ass just as Luke and Eduardo approached a climax. I couldn't see who was fucking me, but Captain Burt's heavy gauge, gold Prince Albert gave him away. The gold balls rubbed my prostate and I almost choked Eduardo with my cum. I shot off without warning.

A few seconds later, Eduardo returned the compliment, flooding my mouth with his creamy, Mexican spunk. His whole body began to convulse, squeezing Luke's cock. It was good for all of us.

As I thought back on that scene, I wondered if tonight's sex would be as exciting. Certainly, all the raw materials were there. There must be something basic to humans that respond to huge genitals. I guess the biggest bull with the biggest balls gets the cow. Big cocks aren't attractive as much as they are magnetic. At first I thought I wanted just to look at them, but I eventually realized I wanted to experience them. I like sex as much as anyone, but never thought of myself as a sexually driven man. As I looked around me at the huge cocks, I felt my juices rising.

There was no embarrassment. The men knew they had monster meat and didn't mind showing off. They must have been use to getting admiration in the shower or locker rooms.

After the play period at the pool, Jack and Luke made dinner and when they were ready, the called us to eat. The play was over, but no one dressed. We ate naked. As was usual when we had company the food was simple but distinctive. Luke had a knack for making things stand out, without being too different. My men liked it, as did the guests, who were use to much better fare than the construction workers.

I sat with Luke between Andy and Wally. Wally was a good-looking black stonemason. Luke and Wally's club cocks had been the biggest on the island until the visitors arrived.

"Damn it's nice to have some new meat on the island." Luke said.

"It looks like a Donkey Dong convention to me." Wally added. "It kind of takes the pressure off for us regulars." Luke nodded in agreement. I laughed.

"I don't seem to recall you guys complaining that much. There sure was no sign of you buckling under the pressure." I observed. "I think I was a lot closer to being split in half than you were to being stressed out when you fucked me." Everyone laughed. Mark wandered over and joined us. He had been listening to our conversation.

"It's not that easy being hung like Godzilla." Mark said. "You never know if it's your cock or personality men are after."

"Shit, I've got no problem with them going after my cock." Andy interjected. "Although, sometimes it's nice to know which is which. If they're willing to take my cock and I get to drop a load that seems fair to me. I don't like the guys who pretend to like you when they're only after your meat."

"It's the guys whose eyes are bigger than their assholes bother me. I like to fuck, but I hate to hurt a guy." Andy continued. "I get hard and start oozing cock juice like the Mississippi in flood and the guy chickens out. It's worse when a guy takes a few inches and can't take any more."

"All dressed up, with nowhere to go?" I asked.

"Exactly." Andy said. "I feel bad about shooting off when a guy's in pain. I like no stress; all lust fucking. I can't mix pain and passion."

"Well, you're at the right place!" Luke exclaimed. "Wally here and I have broken the soil and pretty well ploughed the field here. Everyone knows his limits and I can vouch for that personally. You just relax and enjoy yourself. I don't know if Tommy and Anders are fully with the program, but I think there are enough willing men to take care of your needs."

"It sounds too good to be true." Andy said. Mark and Luke stroked their cocks to full erection.

"My dick isn't the biggest on the island anymore, but it sure is a contender." Luke said, as he stroked. "It's tickled most of the prostates on the island. My cock ain't easy meat. But I've shot my load deep into every guy's ass and they've come back for more." Luke glanced at Andy and leaned close. "I rammed them and they popped, while I was still pumping. Drained balls are a sure sign of a true bottom. Wayne shot off like a Roman candle. I'd never seen that much cum."

"Which one is Wayne?" Andy asked. Everyone laughed.

"Follow me, I'll introduce you" Luke said. Andy went off and was soon talking with Wayne. It was clear Wayne liked what he was seeing. Wayne was always a good sport and always willing.

Mark seemed interested in Captain Burt and Luke went off in Anders direction. Jonathan called Wally over to him; I was by myself. I looked around and saw Vince, standing by himself. Our eyes connected and Vince came over to me.

"I've heard about the island, but have to admit it's not what I expected." Vince said.

"More cock?" Wally asked. Vince broke out into a hardy laugh.

"That isn't what I was going to say, but it sure is what I was thinking!" the retired fireman exclaimed. His cock was rising. I looked down at mine and saw a thin strand of precum dribbling from my slit. Vince noticed that too and he was on his knees licking it up before I had a chance to wipe it up myself. He was a first rate cocksucker and he had me hard in record time. I wanted to get at his meat, so we got on the ground and 69ed. That was good too.

I hadn't focused on Vince when he arrived. He had struck me as being elderly from a distance and he must have been nearing 70. Naked, he was tanned and covered with thick white hair on his chest. He must have worked out since he was solid and muscular. I am average in height, weight and endowment. He was big and strong and his cock didn't stop growing. I was enveloped in Vince and I liked it.

Somehow we both knew his cock would end up in my ass by the end of the night. We were doing some cock examination with our tongues when Captain Burt came by and gave me a tube of lubricant. "I think you may need this." he said.

"Is it that obvious?" Vince asked.

Laughing, Burt said, "It's pretty obvious, everyone here wants it! I think we're all waiting for the starting gun." Mark joined us with Anders.

"My tennis playing friend here has a hankering for my meat, but needs an hor d'oeuvre before the main course." Mark said to Burt. "Do you think you could help us out? It would be real nice if you could get some lube deep in his love tunnel." Anders was next to the Captain, playing with the gold ring inserted through Burt's piss slit.

"Do you leave the ring in when you fuck?" Anders asked. He bent over and licked the ring and Burt's pierced cock head. Burt was a bit shy and undemonstrative, but his cock came to life.

"I tend to do what my partner likes." he said. Anders looked up and smiled.

"I hate to sound unromantic, but lets stop making goo-goo eyes and get it on." Mark said. He squired some lubricant on his hand and coated Burt's cock.

"Shit, that's hot!" Tommy exclaimed. He was 12 feet away and was watching Gramps fucking Buck. Buck was the palest red neck I had ever seen and Gramps was a dark black man. They were old playmates and by now, Gramps' thick 8" cock slid into Buck's ass without effort. Tommy liked the view.

Seconds later, Anders was on his back and Burt's gold cock ring was on the inside of his sphincter, entering like a warm knife cutting through butter. Burt had a good sized cock, but Anders had no trouble at all taking it. Burt pulled out a few times for a deep stroke and Mark re oated the cock with lube. He wanted Anders' ass filled with lots of lube for his own trip into the love tunnel.

I was waiting for Mark to take Burt's place, when Vince's cock touched my back. He had been watching the show from behind me and now his hard meat was rubbing my back.

"Do you need a trial cock to open you up?" he asked. "Do you think you can take it?"

"I think I can." I said. "I'm never sure, but I sure want it."

"That's half the battle." he replied. "What's the best position for you?"

"Can I sit on it first?" I asked.

"Do I get to pick the second position?" he whispered. "I have to warn you, when I get close I kind of loose it. It may be a bit rough." He had his arms around me and I was enveloped in him again. I felt warm and safe. I knew he would be careful.

"Sure." I said, "I'll risk it." He got on the ground and I lubed his cock and my asshole. I straddled him and sat back. His cock didn't hit my hole right, so I raised up and added more lube to his head and used a finger to get some into my ass. I sat back again and it was better.

I expected a replay of my first experience with Luke. Getting Vince's cock head in my hole was rough, but what followed by was true sexual excitement and pleasure. God must have designed Vince's cock as an instrument to give me pleasure. His huge cock head hurt for a split second as it popped through my sphincter. It hit my prostate next and I draped myself on the huge cock, taking it all. Vince first looked shocked, then please when he realized I was fully impaled on his donkey dong.

A minute or two later, he realized there was nothing he could do with his cock I didn't love. He could thrust, ram or jiggle, fuck me doggy style, spread eagle or from the rear. Everything was great. I lost it and was moaning in pleasure. I wasn't alone, Mark was deep in Anders' ass and Anders loved it. I heard a deep, guttural bass, moaning. I realized Andy had found Wayne's ass and it was good for them too.

Next: Chapter 53: Catfish Returns 9

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