Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 25, 2003


Catfish Returns 8

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

I think, deep in his heart, Donovan was straight. Henry just turned him on. It was one of those situations when you are physically attracted to someone of the same sex. Henry was both handsome and a nice guy. I know some gay men who are attracted to a particular woman. That may have been Donovan's case. It's sort of an odd situation, but Donovan was a sexual man and he also was horny as hell. Once he started, he wasn't shy and he didn't seem to have any problem dealing with Henry's cock.

I broke away from Henry. He was a gifted amateur and he was revving me up. I didn't want to shoot off too early. As I got down, I looked a Donovan. He glanced up and his eyes met mine. He looked embarrassed for a second, then gave me a "what the hell" look and went back to nursing Henry's cock. Hal and Charley were going at it like dogs in heat on the other side of the steam room.

"If you guys would like a cooler place to play, my room's next door. Sex is a lot better without heat prostration." I suggested.

"That sounds good to me." Hal said.

"I'm not sure. . ." Henry said. I realized he was uncomfortable admitting he was having sex with men.

"We're all big boys here and you are among friends." I said. "You've gone this far, you might as well relax and enjoy it."

"I'm afraid I've gone too far." He said a bit uncertainly. Hal laughed.

"I know what's too far and believe me, you're not even close. I'll tell you if you've gone too far!" Hal replied. We all went to my room. Henry did get into the swing of things. We all ganged up on him. I was on my bed holding him in my arms. Donovan was at his cock, sucking and licking. Hal and Charley flanked us and caressed Henry and his tits. When Donovan got tired, Hal replaced him at Henry's cock. Hal sucked first the cock, then the balls and finally spread Henry's legs and rimmed him.

The second Hal's tongue licked Henry's ass, his cock doubled in size. Henry was nicely hung, but he turned downright impressive as Hal's tongue worked it way into his ass. Donovan noticed this immediately and launched himself at Henry's cock again. He deep throated it just in time for Henry to erupt. It was a beautiful climax. Henry shook and quivered with each ejaculation.

Donovan was a good sport about the cum, eating it all. When the ejaculations stopped Donovan stood up and displayed a spectacular erection. His cock was respectable and attractive. I took one glance at it and I knew it was as hard as it ever would be. I was still holding Henry and wanted to give him a soft landing. Hal was now licking Henry's cock, doing cleanup service.

Charley went to Donovan and sucked him. It only took three licks and Donovan came. Donovan gave a good imitation of Mount Rushmore having an eruption. He was frozen, with all of his energy concentrated in his cock. I had never seen so much cum shoot from a cock. People joke about buckets of cum. Donovan came as close as any man to making that phrase literally true.

Charley was fairly new to man sex and I wasn't sure how he would react to being given a cum bath. He took it well. He didn't eat it, but he seemed to like being covered with Donovan's cum.

The party broke up. Henry and Donovan were drained. Henry and Charley must have cum in the excitement of the other men's orgasms. I hadn't noticed, but they were more relaxed than they could have been without an orgasm. They all went to their rooms. I went to bed.

It was five in the morning when someone knocked on my door. It was Henry. I asked him in.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a spectacle of myself." he said. "I've never done that before."

"You didn't make a spectacle of yourself. I enjoyed helping out and enjoyed getting you off." I said, "Shit, we're all men. We all know what it's like to shoot a load. Frankly, it was a turn on. Was it as good as it looked?"

"Yes. You're wrong when you said, guys know what it's like when you shoot a load. Nothing I've ever done has come within a hundred miles of what happened last night." Henry added. "It was just that . . ."

"Henry, can you tell me what you really thought?" I asked. "Don't tell what you think you should have felt." Henry looked me in the eye with a sheepish expression on his face.

"I never enjoyed anything as much in my life. I didn't know you could feel that much." he whispered. I smiled. "I should be feeling guilty. That's what they say at church. Maybe I'll feel that later, but now it was just too good" he continued.

"I've been waiting for the guilt to hit, but it's been a good twenty-five or thirty years since I discovered man sex. If I'm going to feel guilty about enjoying myself, it's sure been a long time coming." I said. He laughed.

"You think it's okay?" he asked.

"Damn, I know it's great!" I replied. He said thank you and went back to his room. I went back to bed. A half hour later there was another knocking at my door. This time it was Donovan.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked. I let him in. I was becoming the Dear Abby of the resort.

"I owe you an apology." he said "You're a cock sucker, aren't you?"

"I sure as hell am." I said. "And ass fucker and man lover."

"I've been treating guys like you like dirt for years. I try it once and damn if I didn't like it." he confessed. "I thought you guys were all effeminate. You seem like regular guys."

"I am a regular guy. But, frankly, if I was the Queen of heaven hairdresser or florist, it wouldn't be any different." I said. "You really fell strongly for Henry, didn't you?

"I guess I did," he said.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that." I said, then I told him my theory about guys sometimes being attracted to a particular man. He looked at me a long time. He looked at my face, then his gaze dropped to my crotch. I was wearing a robe, which had fallen open. Donovan got on his knees and took my cock into his mouth. About five minutes later his mouth was filled with my man seed. I hadn't shot off the night before, so I did myself proud. He was impressed.

"You think maybe it's not only Henry you're attracted too?" I asked after he swallowed for the third time and I finally stopped ejaculating. He laughed.

"I don't know about you, but I'm sure I like your cock." he said.

"Well, that's a start." I said, taking it as a compliment. "Have you reloaded?"

He nodded. I returned the favor. It took a good long while for Donovan to pop a second time, but it was a good time for both of us. It was after dawn and Donovan returned to his cottage and I got a little sleep.

The conference started that day in Washington and most of the guests vanished. I had the next two days off, so I drove to Richmond to see what was going on in the investigation. I got back to the office and had a message from John. At lunch I wandered over to his house. He was home and asked me in. He had company.

"Catfish, I'd like you to meet Jim Bullock; he's a Professor at the University." John said in introduction. Bullock was a tall, distinguished looking man, middle aged with a bushy, but well groomed, grey beard.

"You are the famous Catfish?" he said in a deep voice. "I've heard a great deal about you."

"Don't believe all of it!" I said. He laughed.

"If only half is true, you've done a great deal for the city." he replied. I was in the Art Building when the bomb blew. Catching those bastards who did it made me sleep better." We talked for a while and it became clear to me Jim was more than John's casual friend. The conversation turned to Magnus' death. Jim knew him and had worked with Magnus on the fund raising for the reconstruction after the bombing. Jim was in the drama department and had arranged a series of galas and theatrical events as fundraisers.

"It was funny, I saw Magus with one of my former students just before he died. Magnus was a good man and I had thought he was a good judge of character. When I saw him with Temple Carrier, I almost called him up to warn him off. Temple was a user if there ever was one.

"He was an actor?" John asked.

"He is a bullshit artist and master manipulator." Jim said. "Very experienced, he fooled me for a while and I've spent a life dealing with actors. He was willing to do anything to get a good grade, except do the required work."

"Do you know Wilton Manley?" I asked.

"You've been doing some bottom feeding! I sure do know that snake." Jim said. "He's a classic con artist, but a lot more suave than Temple. He's from a "good family". Only child I think. He's one of those guys who think he has to wake up to give the Sun permission to rise. He was in the undergraduate program and I am in charge of the Graduate students, so I wasn't directly associated with him. He had a knack for leading the weak willed astray."

"Are Wilton and Temple friends?" I asked.

"No, but they are naturals. Both had an aversion to doing work. Why are you interested?" Jim asked. "Do you think they are involved in Magnus' death?"

"There is something rotten in Denmark. Do you think they are capable of being involved in something like that?" I asked.

"Not murder, at least I don't think Wilton would go that far. We had a student kill himself and the word among the other students was Wilton was involved. He left the department, because there were some who directly blamed him for Tony's death." Jim said. "I wasn't personally involved, but several students I trust were convinced."

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

"As I understand it, Tony DeMelo was a good looking kid from westernmost Virginia, Grundy or Bristol, I think. He had been the Star in High School productions and came here with dreams of stardom. He was pretty, whether he was pretty enough, I'm not sure. He had some talent. I saw him in a few productions and he did well."

"Tony also discovered he was gay and he fell under Wilton's spell. Wilton was handsome, worldly and sophisticated to a kid from rural Virginia. Wilton was a few years older and Tony fell for him hook, line and sinker. Unfortunately, Tony wasn't a fool and after a few months of true love, he discovered the true Wilton and cooled it. Well, Wilton had been through a series of boyfriends, but he had always been the dumper, not the dumpee. He took it badly. He took every opportunity to humiliate and embarrass Tony. Wilton always had a group of followers and they piled on the kid."

"Nasty business." John said.

"The big problem came later. Someone sent an anonymous letter to Tony's parents, exposing him as a fag and going into great detail about the boy's sexual tastes." Jim continued. "They showed up at school and there was a nasty scene. Tony jumped off the roof of the Theater Building that night."

"Wilton did it, you think?" I asked.

"I don't think at all, but one of my students was Tony's good friend and roommate. The Parents had left the letter at their apartment when they stormed out. Bruce, that was the roommate, said the detail about Tony's sex life were detailed and accurate. Bruce said, he was sure Tony had only been with Wilton or him and he sure hadn't sent the letter." Jim said. "What bothered Bruce the most, wasn't just the letter, but Wilton's attitude. He seemed excited about the suicide, not remorseful at all."

"Into power and pain?" John asked.

"That's my read. I've never understood sadism, but I strongly suspect that is part of Wilton's sexual make up." Jim concluded. "I'm gay, but I've never thought of myself as deviant, but Wilton is a certified nut case and dangerous."

"What about Temple" I asked.

"A spear carrier and little else." Jim replied. "But, come to think of it, the only time he put in a decent performance was as an executioner in the "Duchess of Malfi". He only had one line, but he hammed it up royally. That was acceptable for a revenge tragedy, those Elizabethans loved blood and gore, but he was animated for the only time in his college career." John went off to get some lunch, leaving me with Jim in the living room talking.

"How long have you known John?" I asked.

"Actually we met five or six years ago, but we were at a party a month ago and seemed to hit it off." he said.

"Something about the way you said that suggests to me you did a lot more that hit it off." I said.

"I know you and John have been friends for a long while." Jim observed cautiously. He looked worried.

"Oh, don't worry about that." I said, realizing what he was worried about. "We are good friends, but no ownership is involved. "You're thinking you and John may be more than friends?"

"That's the feeling I have."

"I hope you're right. John's a great guy. I only want the best for him." I said as John entered the room with a plate of sandwiches.

"What have you guys been talking about?" he asked. I think he may have overheard part of the conversation.

"Jim was afraid you were posted with no trespassing signs. I told him that's not the relationship we have." I said.

Next: Chapter 52: Chesapeake Construction Company 8

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