Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 29, 2003


Catfish Returns 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

The golf tournament ended with a Banquet and Awards Ceremony, so there was almost no one at the exercise area that night. I had my first sex free night since I had started working at the club. It was nice to have a good night's sleep. I woke rested and ready to go. I called the office to get the latest news. I got Butch, one of the founders of Catfish & Company.

"All hell broke loose here." Butch reported. "Magnus is dead. It's all over the paper."

"What happened?"

"Automobile accident on River Road, you know the bad turn near the Nickel Bridge. He apparently went off the road." Butch explained. "I don't like it, something smells."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"No one seems to have any idea why he was there. His house is in the deepest West End. He had no reason to be on the other side of the river. John says, he was a careful driver."

"Is this in the paper?" I asked.

"Hell no. The paper is all "Tragic Accident claims Philanthropist"". Butch explained. "John called the servants to get the inside scoop. They were real unhappy and think something's afoot." John is my contractor friend who set me up in business. John was a steady and sensible man, not an alarmist at all. I decided to call John and get the details. I called him, but he was out, so I left a message and asked him to call me back.

I called Colin, the art collector whose friend had committed suicide. He was home. The Butler said, he wasn't receiving calls. I asked him to give Colin my number. The Butler reluctantly agreed to do so. A minute later my phone rang. It was Colin.

"Thank God you called!" he exclaimed. "It's awful! Poor Magnus. I'm sure they did him in! The police say it's an accident. I don't believe that for a second! He was a dear man! You could always count on him" Colin was talking a mile a minute. His voice was breaking with emotion when he spoke of Magnus. We talked for a while and he calmed down some. At first I though he was just hysterical, but as I talked it became clear he had some reason to be suspicious.

"Magnus was afraid his contact was getting suspicious. He had been stringing him along." Colin said.

"Who was his contact?" I asked.

"A boy named Temple. An Archangel School alumnus, Magnus didn't like him much. Temple was either servile, or demanding. It was a hard combination to deal with." Colin explained. "Magnus was wondering if there was something mentally wrong with the kid. I told him to break it off. Magnus, as you know, wasn't that kind of man. He was a bloodhound hot on the trail."

"The boy had a spit personality?"

"I'm not sure it was that serious, but Magnus was uncomfortable." Colin said. "The Police say, it was poorly maintained brakes. There's no chance in hell that's the case. Have you ever met Hans, the chauffeur? He treated those cars like children. They were in prefect condition."

"He drove a Mercedes, didn't he?"

"Yes, Hans is an Auto-Nazi. He didn't let dust settle on the car, let alone allow the brakes go bad." Colin said. "Embezzlement is bad enough. Murder is . . ." Colin couldn't finish the sentence.

"We're on the case." I said. "The Police are on the job, they may solve it."

"For some reason, State Troopers are on the job. It should be a City Police case." Colin said.

"This is puzzling." I said. We talked a bit longer and Colin hung up. None of my staff would go to the funeral; I didn't want anyone to know we were interested. He told me cost was no object. I told Colin we would stay on the job. I called Lonnie to see if he had any information. He wasn't home.

I went to work at the exercise room. It was a busy day. Many of the men had overdone it at the banquet the night before and guilt brought them to the exercise room. The Governor was there, as was Charley. Jason arrived with a friend. I was busy with the club members and I wasn't able to get near the new guy that afternoon.

There was a break for dinner, but a few guys showed up afterward. An older man, named Frederick, appeared and I spent a lot of time with him. He had been exhausted and winded after playing golf the day before and realized he was out of shape. Jason and his friend appeared and attached themselves to him like a leach.

I wondered if Jason had reeled in the Governor and was looking for a new conquest. The two young men were giving Frederick advice on exercise and I realized they knew shit about exercise. I overheard Jason saying, "no pain no gain". Not a good idea for an older man just starting. I kept close to see what else they were up too.

"Hey, Temple, can you get me a towel?" Jason asked. "Freddy here needs a dry one." Thank God I had my back to them when I overheard this. My mouth dropped open. Temple must have left Richmond as soon as Magnus was dead. I wanted to take a long hard look at the boy, but I held off. I went to check the shower, steam and sauna.

When I got back, Frederick was obviously pleased by the attention the two young men paid to him. Temple was handsome in a beach bunny like way. He was blond and bland, with pale blue eyes and a tanning salon complexion. His body was hairless and rather boyish. I assumed he shaved it. I knew Magnus' taste in men. He preferred more masculine men. Temple wasn't his type at all.

Temple was playing the eager to please servant-in-waiting. Colin had used the word "servile" and that fit him perfectly. The trio went off to the showers and I assumed to the steam room. Donavan entered the exercise area. He looked mad and undertook an extremely vigorous series of exercises.

Ten minutes later Jason left the steam room, leaving Frederick alone with Temple. I was trying to figure out how to get in the steam room and listen in on Temple's spiel when I heard a crash in the exercise area. I ran over and found Donovan lying on the floor, under the weights. Donavan must have slipped. His arms were pinned and he was trapped and frightened. He was having a problem breathing.

I was able to lift one end of the weight just enough for him to get out. Donovan had always been an asshole, but he was shaken and almost human..

"Are you okay?" I asked. "We have a doctor on call." He was gasping for breath. "Can you calm down?" He took a big breath and began breathing normally.

"I think I'm okay." he said after a few breaths. "It just scared me. I felt as if it was crushing my chest." He was silent for a minute or so. "Damn I was stupid. I should never have done that without a spotter. I should never have tried 300 pounds. How in hell did you lift it?"

"Shit, if I had known it was 300 pounds, I never wouldn't have tried." I said. He laughed.

"I'm sure glad you did." Donavan admitted. "There must be more to you than meets the eye."

"I love you too." I said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound that way. I'm not the most diplomatic guy in the world." he replied. "I was preoccupied. One of those kids that hang around here hit on me to invest is some scheme. He gave me a name of the reference. I called up the guy and found out he was dead. The guy who answered the phone seemed to think I might have had something to do with it. It's strange. He gave me the name last night after the banquet, I call this morning and the guy is dead."

"Quite a coincidence." I said.

"Have you noticed those kids hanging around the older men?" he asked.

"I guess I have. I must not be old enough, or rich enough for them to pay any attention to me." I answered. He looked me in the eye. He had noticed the same things.

"I like sex as much as any guy, but this business deal-blow job combination give me the willies." he said. "I'm no shrinking violet when it comes to business techniques, but I have limits."

"Do you know what the price is?" I asked.

"It seems the entrance fee is around $10,000.00." Donovan said.

"Pretty stiff price for a blow job." I commented, thinking out loud. "Shit, there are a lot of guys who would do that for free." Donovan burst out laughing.

"Hell, for ten thousand, I would do it." he said. He was joking, but I got odd vibes from the comment. "I'd hate to think I had to pay for it." I asked him again if he was feeling all right. He said he was, so I went off to the showers to clean up and see how Frederick and Temple were doing.

They were in the shower. I didn't like Frederick's color at all. He had been in the steam room too long. A drip of cum oozed from his cock. Temple was a fast mover. When Temple, saw me he left.

"Are you okay?" I asked Frederick. He wasn't reacting. I was beginning to feel like a nurse. I realized this was well beyond my expertise, so, I got him to sit down and called the Club nurse. She called the Club's Doctor. He was a member ad was in the dining room. They arrived in a minute or two. Frederick was diabetic and his sugar levels had dropped to a dangerous level. They got him to his room and gave him a shot.

The next morning I discovered the club members regarded me as a guardian angel. The manager actually came over to me, then thanked me for my attentiveness to the members' needs. I called my office, but Butch had nothing new to report. Everyone available was on the case, but had not reported back. I went over to the Governor's cottage and told Raleigh to be careful about the Governor's safety. He laughed.

"Do you really think those twinks would do something?" he asked.

"Yes." I said. "Some very odd things are going on. And keep an eye on his check book."

"How do you know this?" Raleigh asked.

"Let's just say I've got some connections." I answered. He looked at me closely.

"I've always got my eyes open." he said.

There was a big meeting in Washington coming up next week and the club had another golf tournament on the weekend. This would give congressmen and lobbyists an informal chance to get together casually in advance of the conference. The Club was all white, all male and all Republican, so you were sure to meet only sensible people here. That and have a fling with a 20 year old "investment advisor". The Club was so safe, none would have guessed what Wilton and his boys were up to.

New people were arriving all day long and I was busy playing towel boy. I saw a number of faces I recognized as congressmen, but most of the people were congressional aids and assistants to the Secretary people. These were the men who did the work behind the scenes.

The exercise room was busy after dinner. The portion of the group into fitness needed to recover after a big dinner and lots of drinking. Apparently the room was thought to be a good place to sober up. Donovan came by with a friend, who he introduced as Henry. Henry was the assistant to a Senator, very handsome and a body builder. They had just met and seemed to hit it off. Charley and Hal came by. They wanted to exercise and then play. At least, that's what Charley said to me as he entered. All had been drinking and were much more laid back than usual.

Donovan was all but drooling over Henry. Henry seemed like a nice guy, who appreciated the attention given him by the handsome older man. As they talked and pressed weights, they both seemed to like what they saw in the other. Hal was watching them and smiling. He had been attracted to Donovan and hadn't gotten to first base. Hal came over to me.

"I must not be his type." he whispered. "But at least he has good taste in beef. A number 1, Choice, unless my eyes deceive me."

"Looks damn good to me." I said. "Who is he?"

"Henry Towbridge, aid to Senator Baldridge."

"That Conservative asshole? The Pope of the Senate?" I asked. Baldridge was a 19th century, Victorian, blue stocking, a hundred years out of date. He didn't like working men, women's rights and least of all gays. He liked, Guns, God and oil. That was about it. Which God it was, wasn't clear.

"That's him. He surrounds himself with handsome young, unmarried men. Insists they stay virgin until they find the right woman." Hal said with a smile.

"It looks to me like it may be a while before Henry finds the right woman." I said. Henry and Donovan were obviously much taken with each other.

"I think you're right. Henry's a good man. Reason and intelligent discussion does play a role in his thought processes. You can't say that about his boss." Hal said. "I have a feeling Henry's problem is lack of experience, not I.Q.". He paused. "If Donovan gets his way, Henry will get more experienced."

I cleaned up the exercise area and the locker area. I glanced into the shower area from the lockers. I realized Donovan and Henry hadn't seen each other naked before. Both were fully equipped and looked satisfied. I also caught Henry glancing at Hal's horse cock. I know a size queen when I see one.

I locked the doors and turned out the lights in the exercise room when I finished up the cleaning. Then I got back to the showers and saw the four men had adjourned to the steam room. I had to hose down the shower area with a mild disinfectant. I striped down to my shorts and gave the room a good cleaning. My experience with shower rooms was closely associated with athletes' foot. So far, the showers were free of the fungus and I was going to keep it that way.

Hal peeked out of the steam room. "Are we the only ones here?" he asked.

"Yes, I've locked up the rest of the place." I said.

"Come in and join us." Hal said. "There's room for another."

"As soon as I finish this." I replied. "Is everyone with the program in there?" Hal came into the shower room and walked over to me.

"They will be. Everyone is waiting for the starting gun!" he whispered. "Henry's not experienced, but he sure knows what he likes. Another eight or nine inches of cock will push him over the edge." Hal returned to the steam room. I finished up, put the hose away and went into the steam room.

The sexual tension and excitement level in the room was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

"Do you mind if I join you men?" I asked.

"Not at all." Donovan said. I was surprised he was the one to invite me; I had expected Hal or Charley. "But you're a bit over dressed." I was wearing shots only. They were in towels.

"That's a problem easy enough to solve." I said, as I stripped off my shorts. I was soft, but just enough excited to make my cock look huge.

"Damn!" Henry said. Donovan removed his towel revealing his cock. It was slightly beyond half-staff. The other men followed Donovan's lead. Henry was hard; the other men were getting close.

"Shit, it looks like I've got some catching up to do." I said. Hal bent over and began to suck Charley's cock. Donovan went after Henry.

Henry was on the marble bench, with Donovan on knees on the floor. I got up on the bench and straddled Henry with my cock dangling in his face.

"I've never sucked a cock before." Henry said, a bit uncertainly. "You're uncut."

"Well, you're starting at the top." I said. I had guessed Henry was a size queen and my donkey dong was too much for him to resist. He nibbled on the skin, then sucked it into his mouth. His tongue worked its' way into the pucker and he licked my cock head. My slit was just inside and I had been oozing some. The second Henry tasted my cock jelly, he lost all inhibitions. Henry became a confirmed cocksucker.

Donovan moaned at the same time. I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling Henry's cock juices had begun to flow too.

Next: Chapter 51: Catfish Returns 8

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